#kidd:...you won't last an hour
sleepy-hyperfixations · 2 months
headcanon that if people aren't in love with/attracted to bucky, they're probably in love with/attracted to Harry or Ken
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jakes3resin · 2 months
PowerPoint Night with Bubbles
There are many things a man needs to know once assigned to the 100th Bomber group, and Bubbles Payne has created a presentation full of rules of survival. These are vital things to ensure the safety of the crews and keep the peace on base. Rules like don't touch Major Egan's curls unless you can outrun Buck as well as don't let Lieutenant Biddick talk you into flirting with Major Egan even if you think Buck isn't there. Or don't dare Major Egan to do anything unless Buck or Kidd have approved it. Learn these rules, and you too can enjoy a peaceful life here at Thorpe Abbotts! Link to AO3
"Major where are we going?"
"Don't ask questions, just get in the bunker before they see us."
"Private get in the fucking bunker right now."
"Yes, sir!"
Jack sighs from where he can hear Veal and one of the new guys. Really, he wished they could have this talk back in the briefing room where he'd welcomed them all or even in the mess, but secrecy is key according to Curt. Jack is hard pressed to disagree given the contraband they have, contraband that could get them all killed if Buck found out, but he still wishes they didn't have to sound so ominous shoving the new guys down here.
Bubbles stands to his right quietly collecting his note cards. Jack isn't sure why he has notecards considering this is a talk even he could give in his sleep, but Bubbles likes his note cards, says they make things seem less threatening.
Sure, Jack scoffs to himself, they're the threatening ones here.
Curt slides in right after Veal shuffles in the last of the new guys, who all look differing shades of terrified, confused, and lost. Curt waves his arms around, his signal for them to get the show on the road, and Jack sighs when he nearly hits Rosenthal in the face. The pilot, thankfully, doesn't seem upset by it, especially after Curt sends him a smile before darting off. Jack isn't going to think about the lovestruck look on the lieutenant's face. He has more pressing issues to deal with.
"Hi y'all," Bubbles starts with a smile as Friedkin and Claytor drag the projector forward. Bubbles is the best at these lectures with his sweet smile that'd make you think butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. It's a shame he's also secretly a gremlin like Bucky and Curt. "Now if anyone can't see the front of the room, please move so that you can. I've got visuals for this, and it's important everyone can see them."
A few boys shuffle around, and Bubbles nods gesturing for Friedkin to click on the projector. Without prompting, Veal turns to dim the lights. Curt hushes all of the new guys, and Hambone locks the doors. It's startingly well-coordinated, but Jack, despite himself, is thankful for it.
"I'm sure you boys are all wonderin' why we dragged you down here. Don't worry, you're not in trouble!" Bubbles turns to his next notecard. One of the new boys sneezes in the background.
"So, you've all sat through Harding's welcome and the regular onboarding talk, yes?" Bubbles nods as a few voices confirm it. "Great! Well, you can consider this an addendum to that talk! Just a few more very important things to learn before you settle in on base. This won't take more than an hour I promise, and then we'll show you all to the enlisted men's mess to get you some dinner!"
Bubbles turns to the screen that Curt somehow wrangled down here a week after they'd flown in. Jack didn't ask any questions just simply accepted it. Friedkin clicks the projector onto the first image, a picture of Jack, Veal, Buck, Bucky, Harding, and Turner. The boys all stare in confusion.
"I'm sure you fellas recognize Major Kidd, Major Veal, Colonel Harding, and Major Turner." Bubbles uses a laser pointer that he'd pulled from nowhere to point out each man as he names them. He jumps over Buck and Bucky. "They were all at your briefing earlier, you'll be seeing a lot of them depending which squad you're on. Now,"
Friedkin clicks to the next picture. Buck and Bucky stand smiling at each other. Jack knows neither of them know of this picture's existence given they'd been too deep in the other's eyes to notice the camera pointed right at them even after Curt yelled at them to smile. Idiots, the pair of them.
"These are Major Gale 'Buck' Cleven," Bubbles points his laser pointer at Buck's smiling face before shifting it to Bucky's. "And Major John Clarence 'Bucky' Egan. They're the topic of this briefing."
Jack leans back watching the new guys shuffle around glancing at one and other. Rosenthal quickly raises his hand. Jack sighs.
"We'll take questions at the end, sorry lieutenant, but there's a lot of ground to cover with not a lot of time." Bubbles at least seems apologetic when he says it.
"They, sadly, had to miss the briefing earlier due to Major Egan hitting his head during a rec soccer game this morning. They'll introduce themselves in the next few days."
Jack does not want to think about that headache. A simple soccer game nearly turned into a bloodbath. Friedkin had nearly been murdered, and Bucky was still in the infirmary at Buck’s insistence. God, he really didn't want to think about it.
Bubbles gestures towards the screen. A picture of Buck appears. Jack leans back against the wall as the new guys all stare slack jawed. For good reason too.
"This is Major Cleven demonstrating his hand-to-hand combat skills." Bubbles uses his laser pointer to circle the knife Buck's holding. "We don't know where he got this knife. Next!"
Friedkin clicks to the next picture. This one is Bucky's military headshot. Jack thinks its a good opener. They need to control the replacement's first Bucky Daze, and doing so with a soft opener like this works best. Curt had wanted to open with a shirtless smiling Bucky, but he'd been swiftly vetoed. Bubbles nods and turns to stare into the crowd.
"Now, I'm going to show you boys a few pictures, and then I'll get into a few Dos and Don’ts of life here at Thorpe Abbotts. We'll take it slow, but if any of you start feeling dazed or light headed, please take a seat on the ground. Someone will help you if you need."
The boys all turn to each other confused. A few whispers break out about what the hell is going on, but Bubbles doesn't let that deter him.
Friedkin clicks to the next photo.
"This," Bubbles says, not looking directly at the photo. "Is Major Egan after winning a baseball game."
Jack stares out into the crowd checking on the boys. A few seem dazed. Another few lean forward. He glances at the photo as Bubbles keeps talking in the background.
It's a good photo. Bucky is smiling nearly blinding in the darkness of the bunker. His curls are going everywhere as he stares down at the ground as he walks off the field. He's wearing a long-sleeved black shirt which does nothing to hide how broad his shoulders are, and you can just see the beginnings of his shorts if you glance down. Thankfully, the shot didn't show anything lower. Brady must have taken this one most likely, Jack notes. Few others would have stopped so high.
A click, and the photo changes.
"This is Major Egan after hearing Major Cleven tell a joke."
If Bucky's smile in the last picture was bright, this one was radiant. Jack would call it like staring right into the sun itself. Bucky's staring at Buck off camera, and with the sun just behind him, Bucky looks a lot like the sun made human.
"We call this the Bucky Sunshine Smile. On days where the weather consists of rain, rain, and more rain, it is dangerous to look at head on which is why we've prepared this for you boys just so you know. Early exposure helps keep you on your feet when you see it in person."
Bubbles uses his laser pointer to point out the ground crew in the background. A few boys sit down on the ground.
"Poor Winks fainted the first time he saw the Sunshine smile, and Lemmons now requires his boys to wear goggles if Bucky is going to hang around while they work."
Bubbles smiles at the men, but Jack can tell a few of them are already lost to Bucky's smile. Bubbles gives them another minute. Thankfully no one faints.
Friedkin clicks to the next photo. This one prompts a larger reaction from the men.
"This is Major Egan on the wing of Major Cleven's fort after a night of drinking."
Bucky stares up at the camera with flushed cheeks and a lazy grin on his face. With the top few buttons of his shirt undone, he's laid out on the wing like it's his bed back home, thighs open and arms draped above his head. This one was taken by Curt. Jack can tell because it looks closer to a pin-up poster than an innocent photo of his friend. Jack's just glad he's wearing more clothes this time. In the last iteration of this presentation, Bubbles had included one of Bucky in a tank top and shorts. Shorts, Jack might add, that went exactly five inches down his thighs before stopping. They're lucky the boys made it through the rest of the presentation.
Bubbles gives the boys a few minutes to take in the photo before gesturing to Friedkin to move along.
Bucky stares out at them, one arm curled pillowing his head. His curls are nearly as wild as the first photo, but they lay almost stylishly messy. Curt would describe Bucky's eyes here as 'fuck me' eyes, but Jack chooses to think they look sleepy, for his own sanity you see.
One of the new guys faints. A few others look like they might join him. Crosby runs over with some smelling salts. Well, Jack thinks to himself, at least it's only the one this time. They may have finally gotten the correct photo order this time. Daze the boys just enough that exposure to the real thing doesn’t kill them.
"Sorry bout that. He's fine, happens all the time," Bubbles gestures to Friedkin again. "Just one more then I'll give you gentlemen a moment."
The final picture gives Jack headaches just looking at it. It's Buck and Bucky, all over each other as usual. Bucky's got an arm thrown around Buck's waist with his other hand reaching up to squish Buck's cheeks. Buck has one arm tossed over Bucky's shoulders, and he's staring back at Bucky with a soft besotted look. In the background you can just see Veal doing shots at the bar of the officer's club. Jack doesn't blame him.
"Lights please!" Bubbles calls out. He leaves that last photo up even as the lights start to wash it out. It's probably for the best. Giving the boys a picture to focus on helps them remember the information, but washed out like this, they don't run the risk of anyone fainting again.
"Now, gentlemen," Bubbles moves to his next notecard. "These are the Buckies' Dos and Don'ts of Survival. Or as I like to call them 'Bucky-Proofing the 100th,' and if you follow them carefully, you may escape bodily harm and grievous injury to live a happy life here between missions."
Bubbles grins at them all. Jack suppresses a groan as Curt cackles. Rosenthal, Jack notes, turns his head in Curt's direction to watch him laugh. Jack turns his head away. He's not focusing on that right now, no sir. One problem at a time.
"Now, if my lovely assistant could bring up the poster boards he prepared." Bubbles looks over at Croz, who under the eyes of everyone there looks like he would rather die. Croz carefully drags over an easel with a bunch of poster boards under each arm. Dougie steps forward to help fix the easel when Croz trips over it and nearly smashes the thing to pieces. Jack sighs pinching the bridge of his nose.
Croz puts up the first poster board up before running back to hide at the wall. Dougie follows with a laugh.
"Thanks Harry!" Bubbles chirps before pointing his laser at the board. "The first Buckies' Do is: do keep space between you and Buck. Major Cleven likes his personal space, and he likes Major Egan’s personal space. So, unless Major Egan invites you into his and Buck's space, do keep a few feet away. Major Cleven may also decide to enter your personal space, but usually that isn't a good thing so avoid it if possible. Once he has his hands on you, we can't help you."
Bubbles moves on.
"Next! Do join Bucky's sports leagues! He has a few of them, so if baseball isn't your game, try soccer, volleyball, or any number of other sports. Bucky also likes learning about new games, so we encourage you to teach him. Buck doesn't care for sports, but he'll watch Bucky play." Bubbles points his laser to the next point.
"Do go out to the pub, especially if Bucky invites you! He's the best at getting everyone passes off base, so take the opportunity when it presents itself. There's always something fun to do, and usually there are games to bet on or locals to flirt with."
Jack can see Douglass nudging Harry. He hates this last point. He really does, not that Jack can blame him. Poor Croz had been subject to both Buck and Bucky due to the man's unfortunate tendency to walk in at the worst moment.
"Finally!" Bubbles says it like it's some grand reveal. "Our last Buckies' Do! Do place your trust in Majors Cleven and Egan on missions even if one of them just threatened you. Especially if they just threatened you! They're good men, and you'll soon see why we respect them so much up in the air!"
Bubbles gently lifts the board off of the easel to replace it with the next one. Curt starts laughing, probably at something Dickie or Veal said to him, and Jack wishes he'd sat this meeting out. Rosenthal is just blatantly watching Curt laugh now instead of Bubbles.
"Here are the Buckies' Don'ts. These are vitally important gentlemen, do not forget them! We'll do questions after, and Dickie and Hambone will have leaflets for when you leave listing them."
Dickie and Hambone wave when Bubbles points them out. They're both carrying a large stack of printed leaflets that Jack doesn't want to know where they came from.
"The first Don't is the most vital. Do not under any circumstances touch Major Egan's hair. Major Cleven doesn't like it, and he will react negatively to those who do. If you're interested in witness testimonies, those are also on the leaflets." Bubbles moves on.
"The second Don't is do not listen to Lieutenant Biddick when he says Bucky is okay with something. Bucky may be okay with it if you're nice and polite, but usually Buck isn't. Curt knows this, and he knows you don't. We've lost a few boys to this already."
Curt just smirks as the new guys all turn to stare at him. He winks at them, and Jack, for his sanity, does not want to think about why Rosenthal is blushing right now.
"The third Don't is do not flirt with either of them. Bucky is protective, and Buck is feral." Bubbles circles this Don't with his laser pointer. "Bucky won't hurt you, but Buck probably will. Your best bet at dealing with a feral Buck is to divert Bucky's attention to him. Usually this will calm him down within moments, but you will have to avoid the pair for at least three days. Buck never forgets, but time around Bucky lessens the punishment you’ll face we’ve found."
"The fourth Don't," Bubbles moves to his next note card. "Is do not stare too long into either of their eyes or look at Bucky's smile for longer than three seconds. It will cause confusion and befuddlement, and in some cases, it can be permanent. They are very, very blue. We know this. They are very, very captivating. We know this as well."
"The final Don't is a new one, added just for you boys," Bubbles lifts up another poster board. "Do not dare Major Egan to do anything if Buck, Kidd, or any other officer of or above the rank of Major are not there to stop him from doing something stupid. He likes dares, but there have been disruptions in base wide activities, which means any dare, bet, or proposition must be judged by the committee before they can be carried out. If anyone is found to have dared Bucky to do anything without approval, the guilty parties may be subjected to discipline under Buck or Kidd depending on the severity of the outcome."
Bubbles gestures for Friedkin to turn the projector off. Harry runs forward to dismantle the easel. Dougie, thankfully, helps him before he breaks it.
"Thank you for sitting through this presentation. We will be taking questions now." Bubbles gestures for the others to join him at the front of the bunker to answer the replacements' questions. Jack stands up to follow the guys up there. The replacements just stare at them. Jack almost thinks maybe they're still in shock when one tentatively raises their hand.
"Is Major Egan a model?" The question draws a few laughs, but a few nod along.
"Not in this century," Curt shakes his head.
That seems to open up the floodgates.
"How did you get those photos?"
"Very carefully, and no one is allowed to tell Buck about them. We’re still recovering from his rampage after the pin-up fiasco." Jack jumps to answer this one when he sees Curt start to open his mouth. Jack doesn’t need Curt giving them any ideas. Not yet at least.
“Are his curls soft?”
“Devastatingly so.”
"What do you mean you don't know where Major Cleven got that knife?"
"He just pulled it out during training one day after someone played with Bucky's curls." Bubbles shrugged.
"He's damn good with it too. Man can fight." Curt joins in. "Next question?"
Curt's eyes latched onto someone in the crowd. Jack did not like how they lit up.
"You," Curt points, "Rosie, right? What's your question handsome?"
Jack was going to neuter Curt.
"Well, I," Rosenthal's cheeks looked near ready to burst into flames. "I was wondering how long the pair of them had been going steady?"
Curt bursts out laughing. Jack rolls his eyes. Veal sighs next to him, and Jack understands his pain.
"Nah, those two ain't going steady. In their dreams, yeah, but reality is Buck can't get his head out of his ass to ask Bucky who thinks he's not good enough for Buck."
Curt clapped his hands together, the sound echoed in the large underground bunker.
“Which is why I have a master plan,” Curt’s grin is downright sinister. Jack reaches over to shut him up.
“Do not listen to a word he says. Second Don’t remember that boys.” Jack stares at the crowd in front of him, deadly serious. “Lieutenant Biddick is not to be listened to. He enjoys chaos and destroying Buck’s psyche. He gets away with it because he’s Bucky’s best friend, and Buck wouldn’t do anything to upset him.”
Curt licks his palm, but Jack’s used to it and holds firm. Sadly, this is his life now.
“Majors Cleven and Egan are, how can do I say this?” Bubbles jumps in. “Circling each other? We’re trying to force one of ‘em to make the first move, but they’re stubborn.”
“Any other questions?” Jack pulls his hand away when he feels Curt open his mouth, narrowly avoiding Curt sinking his teeth into his palm. “You are a feral child they never should have let into a cockpit.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re no fun.” Curt zeroes in on Rosenthal in the crowd again. “Rosie dear, why don’t you help me lead these boys to the mess?”
Rosie stutters, but Curt guides him along. Jack fears he’s lost Rosenthal to Curt’s clutches now. The man is hanging off of Curt’s every word, and Curt is beaming from the attention.
“Don’t forget to pick up a leaflet on your way out!” Bubbles calls after the boys. Veal helps guide the stragglers out, and Jack locks up once Bubbles secures the projector.
“I think that went rather well?” Harry joins them as they climb out.
“Sure did Croz!” Bubbles links their arms. “Only one guy fainted! I think that’s our new record!”
“C’mon Buck!” Jack can hear Bucky’s whining tone. “I just wanna say hi to the new crews! Curt said he saw a few cute ones.”
“Oh God,” Jack guesses the boys will be getting their first real viewing of Buck and Bucky sooner than he thought. He starts to push his way to the front of the crowd. Maybe he’ll be able to divert them a different way.
“I’m just making sure John.” Buck’s low voice grows louder, probably walking in their direction now. The new boys all stop, eyes wide. “That ball could have done real damage. I can’t believe Friedkin kicked it at your head.”
“It’s fine! See?” Bucky laughs. “Doc said it only bled so much because it reopened the cut from before! Two wounds mean double the blood!”
“That doesn’t make me feel better.” Buck and Bucky round the corner, too caught up in each other to notice the crowd watching them.
“Holy shit!”
“Oh my god!”
Jack hears a thump as someone faints. Fuck, they forgot to warn them about the blond hair.
Bucky’s still blond curls gleam in the late evening light. His roots have slightly grown out, but that just means they bounce as he moves around. He’s still in his gear from this morning’s soccer game, and while thankfully his shorts are slightly longer, there is little left to the imagination. Buck hovers at his shoulder, worry etched into the lines of his face. Jack hears Friedkin squeak and run away.
“Don’t be such a worrywart Buck!” Bucky drags Buck closer. Buck doesn’t even flinch at having Bucky’s face barely even an inch from his own. Jack thinks it probably calms him down, the fucking simp. “How about a kiss to make it feel better? Don’t know if you know this, but kisses heal all wounds.”
Buck stares at Bucky with furrowed brows. Bucky grins and leans closer. Jack can see that at least the infirmary had washed the blood off his face.
Quick as a whip, Buck pulls Bucky’s face down to press a soft kiss to the cut across his nose. He places a second on the tip of his nose before pulling away. Bucky stands frozen. His cheeks start to color, a bright pink coloring his pale cheeks. His blue eyes stare at Bucky dazed.
“And they’re not going steady?” Rosenthal’s voice whispers to his left. Curt’s answer whisper is closer to a laugh than anything else.
“Idiots, am I right Rosie?” Curt pauses. “See what they want right in front of them, but they just won’t take it.”
Rosie stares back at a loss for words. Jack sighs.
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ddonovanrp · 1 year
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Beep Beep. Beep Beep. Beep Beep. 'Ugh' I knew that awful sound anywhere. The bedside alarm to ruin my sleep. My whole 3 hours I'd gotten. Turning over I smacked the metal square until it finally quit. Sighing with relief I turned back over and smiled to myself. The guys would let me sleep a little longer, right?
Knock knock knock. Wrong. "Donovan! Come on, you up yet?" A voice from the other side yelled. "Noo." I groaned the reply and covered my head with the thick black comforter.
The door flew open and footsteps approached until they stopped by my bed. "Wake up sleeping beauty" the blankets were pulled from my head and I glared into the dark. "I WILL kill you, you know?" I threatened before sitting up. I'd slept in boxers like always. Living in a compound, you'd think everyone would be more conservative. Nope. "Rhys.." I started before he cut me off. "Nope. Prez. won't hear it. Coffee in the kitchen." My best friend said before flipping the light on and throwing the first white shirt he seen my way. "Church in 10" he said and walked out leaving me to get myself together before meeting with the guys to plan the week. It was times like this I hated the fact that I'd stepped down from my office, former VP of the Iron Angels Mother Chapter, to become a regular Joe in another town's Chapter.
8 and a half minutes and the quickest cold shower ever later I was done, dressed and sipping on my first cup of coffee of the morning. "Fuck off Cowboy" I sneered as I passed by him and his buddy Hush. The guy was the jokester of the group. And frankly, I knew I was rough looking. I'd had a rough night for christ's sake. I didn't need anyone poking fun this early. I slouched down in my chair at the table next to Rhys and Viking. Viking, just as his name suggested was a big ginger who lived by a code. Live the life you love. And he loved the ladies. But when things got real, he was one I wanted in my corner. Him and AK. AK was an ex-marine sniper. And he retired not because lack of skill. The gavel banged, the start of the meeting.
Once the meeting was over, I stepped out of the office room and headed to the kitchen. Coffee was gone and it was time to eat! "Donovan, what's your plan for later?" One of the guys from a visiting chapter asked as they sat at the kitchen island. "Eh. I guess I'll go down to the shop. Check it all out, see how business is." I replied as I finished my sandwich. "Aw, all work and no play." The boyish looking Kidd said. "I don't know man. Nothing important happening for the next day or so, so I'll either be at the shop helping the guys down there or I'll check out the bar in town. Have a drink or two." "Now that's a good plan!" The two said in unison and headed out the door just as Rhys passed them heading in himself. "Heading down to the shop. Bull called and he's got a couple bikes in back that need checked out and someone just brought in a car for service. You coming with?" Already knowing the answer he turned to head out as I shoved the last bite of sandwich into my mouth and followed. The shop, then drinks. Two of favorite places be to.
Sitting on a stool, I twisted on the last lug nut with my fingers before reaching between my feet for the torque wrench to finish off the job. "Are you done over there D?" Bull, one of the oldest members of the club called from the other side. "Just about." I answered before wiping the grease off the rim and standing. "Done." I replied and playfully slapped the top of the car. "Now i'm definitely ready for a drink." I said as I washed the majority of the grease off of my hands and arms in the back of the shop. "Ditto. I'll buy the first round. You know I appreciate your help." Drying my hands off I chuckled and followed Bull and Ash out of the shop, flipping the light off before pulling the door shut.
Backing our bikes slowly against the curb until the back tire hit, I flipped the key off and looked over, watching the other 3 guys do the same. Night riding. My favorite time of day to ride. The air was cool, traffic was minimal and you could really get lost in the ride. Pushing the back door open you usually had to be careful not to snack someone. And just like usual, the bar was packed. My cousin Camille ran the bar for one of the clubs partners. She was rough around the edges but overall a sweetheart. She met my gaze over the heads of the other patrons and pointed to the back corner. Nodding I followed her direction. The Prez was there with his wife and a few others. "Hey guys." I said before bending down and kissing the cheek of the President's wife; Mae. That woman had really brought the whole club together as a whole. Buffed out our rough edges all with the class of a royal. "I believe the first round was on Bull." I said grinning as I turned to him and motioned to the bar. You could definitely tell the crowd that were regulars versus the local college kids and the people who dont come here much. Those people were more dressed up whereas people like me weren't here to impress, just drink. Dirty Jeans, a black t shirt I'd stuffed in my saddle bags, wind wipped hair down to my scuffed up boots I radiated dirty biker. And that was acceptable here.
I leaned over onto the bar and chatted with a few random people as I waited for Cami to slide me a beer. I didn't even have to order, another perk of being regular. She leaned against the other side of the bar and shook her head at me. "You know...i get tired of watching you leave with woman after woman Damian. One day you're going to have to pick one." "Not as long as I have you to run interference." I winked and chuckled as she rolled her eyes at me. I have to admit, she'd been in more than one cat fight over me. Not that I'd do that to her on purpose.
As If being overheard, a tall blonde walked over to me and Bull and did her best sexy look in my direction. I lifted my beer to Cami, chuckling as I pushed from the bar and let the blonde lead me onto the dance floor. I wasn't much of a dancer but nothing a few beers wouldn't take care of. ______________________________________________ ->4.7.2020 -> #IronAngelsMC-RP #Clubhouse #Damian #TristanRhys
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allielu105 · 2 years
An Unexpected Family Reunion- CH 5 Code Amber
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Previous Masterlist
Sadie was sitting in history class, half listening to the lecture the teacher was giving as she looked out the window.
She heard sirens in the distance, which made sense considering she was walking distance from Firehouse 51. The sirens grew louder and the engine soon drove in front of the school, it was Truck 81.
But it didn't go any further. It parked in front of the building. Everyone else in class took notice, crowding at the window. They all had musings of why they might be here, but Sadie's stomach dropped when Stella ran towards the school and in the front door still in full bunker gear.
She automatically started packing her backpack knowing what was coming. A few minutes later Stella stood at the door with the Principal.
Wordlessly they made their way out to the truck. Mouch opened the back door and helped Sadie up, sitting her between him and Gallo.
"Mouch what happened to Kelly?"
She almost whispered, scared to know. His sad eyes looked down at hers
"He was injured in a fire...we're going to the hospital."
He watched tears form in her eyes and silently fall.
"Hey sweetie" he put his arm around her "It's going to be ok, alright?"
She just nodded, the rest of the ride was a blur.
Walking into the waiting room, it was full of firefighters. Stella put a reassuring hand on Sadie's shoulder, Herman gestured to two seats he was saving.
"Any news yet?"
Stella asked Chief
"No...not yet...hey there Sadie."
"What happened Chief?"
He looked down at the young woman
"He was injured in a fire"
"No Chief. What happened?" She was wanting him to be straight with her.
He sighed before taking a seat beside her
"The roof collapsed...he was trapped under a beam. His mask was damaged, so he inhaled a lot of smoke."
She looked away nodding in understanding, biting her lower lip.
"And the rest of Squad?"
"They had some minor injuries, but they're ok. Who do you think got Kelly out?"
She gave half a smile before letting it fall again.
After what felt like hours a Dr. Will Halstead finally came out and walked over to Chief Boden, Sadie and Stella. Boden spoke up
"How's he lookin Doc?"
"He inhaled a lot of smoke, which damaged his lungs and dropped his oxygen levels. We have him on a ventilator now. This will give his lungs a chance to rest and heal."
"Any other injuries?"
"Some cuts, bruises and a few cracked ribs. Whatever fell on him surprisingly didn't do any major damage. Physically he's out of the woods, but as far as any neurological deficits we won't know unless he wakes up."
"He's in a coma?"
"Can we see him?"
Sadie asked
"Yes, this way."
They followed him through the busy hall, arriving at the room. Sadie stopped at the door.
Last time she was in a hospital room her mom didnt come out of it alive.
"Sadie? Come on"
Stella beckoned her into the room
"I....I can't."
She ran from the door and down the hallway
By the time Stella made it out the door she was gone.
"Kidd you stay with him, I'll get her."
Boden left the room in the direction. Sadie ran.
Dr. Charles, needing a quiet moment to himself, stepped out onto one of the balconies of the hospital. The wind whipped his gray doctor's coat behind him.
A quiet sob distracted him from his thoughts, looking around he saw a young girl at the opposite end of the balcony leaning on the guardrail crying into her folded arms.
He made his way over
"Are you ok?"
She looked up, her wet eyes meeting his.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I'm Dr. Charles. And you are?"
"Well Sadie, it's very nice to meet you. What's going on?"
"Just...a lot."
"Oh? Describe a lot."
She wiped her sleeve across her face
"What are you a shrink or something?"
"Well actually"
He pointed to the lettering on his coat.
'Daniel Charles M.D.
Dept of Psychiatry'
Sadie scoffed, turning away from him.
"Sadie I have to ask...are you thinking about hurting yourself out here on this balcony?"
"What? No! I just needed to get away from everything...everyone."
"I understand about that one, that's why I'm out here. Do you have a family member in the hospital?"
"Yes, my brother...he's in a coma."
"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that"
"And I can't bring myself to go into that room. To see him like that."
"It's understandable, hospitals can be scary."
"They didn't used to be that way to me, until..."
Another sob escaped her lips
"Until my mom died."
"Oh sweetie I'm so sorry, come here."
He wrapped the small girl in a hug as more sobs racked her body.
His smart watch buzzed on his wrist, a hospital wide Code Amber (missing child) for Sadie Severide. Glancing at that he gently pulled away and looked down
"I think there are some people looking for you Sadie."
"Probably a whole firehouse worth"
"Sadie, what's going on right now is hard, I understand that. But each situation is unique, just because your mother passed away doesn't mean the hospital is a bad place where people go to die. We have the best doctors here, and they will do everything they can for your brother. So how about we go pay him a visit? And let everyone else know you're ok."
She nodded following Dr. Charles back into the hospital.
Coming up to Kelly's room, Sadie stopped in the doorway.
"Go on"
Dr Charles gave her a small nudge
"Its ok"
Stepping into the room, it was empty aside from Kelly in his bed and the medical equipment surrounding him.
He had a bandage across the left side of his forehead, the breathing tube was hooked up and made a quiet 'swish' sound. The lines on the monitors bounced up and down with each of his heartbeats.
She walked over and put her hand on his, a tear rolling down her nose.
"He's all I have left, Dr. Charles."
She whispered, as if she were going to wake Kelly.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading!
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roberttchase · 2 years
"I never ask for help because I'm not sure I know how." for Brettsey 🙂
This...got away from me. It's a little all over the place, and kind of abrupt at parts, I apologize. It took quite a while to get to the actual prompt lmao. Definitely not my best work, and in all honesty I don't like how it turned out, but I wrote too much to just delete.
This is set in s8, when Brettsey was just all pining and soft looks. Enjoy!
+ + +
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambulance 61. Building fire, 3331 West Halsted Rd".
Matt freezes as he stands up from the common room table as the tones go off. The words are spoken exactly the same, the address identical to the one almost eight years ago. His body won't move, it's like it's been filled with lead.
"Captain, you coming?" Kidd's staring at him with confusion on her face, and Matt forces himself to shove down all the emotions he's feeling. Nodding and moving forward, the firefighter gets himself to the truck, jumping in. He ignores the way his hands shake, making it difficult to put his gloves on. He ignores the others talking and joking, and ignores how they must sense his tension, because not soon after, it goes silent. He doesn't notice the look of realization on Mouch's face.
When they pull up, the fire is rolling. The building, though not the same exterior, had been rebuilt on the same foundation, and the layout is mostly the same. Matt's stomach twists again, and he takes a steadying breath as they all hop out, shoving his helmet on. A hand grasps his shoulder as Gallo and Kidd grab the SCBA's.
"Captain, you got a gameplan?"
It's Mouch, the only one on truck who knows, who understands. Matt swallows and nods. "Find the owner and figure out how many people are still inside." He turns to see squad and engine looking at him. "Gallo, you're with me, Herrmann, get the hose ready. Kidd, you and Mouch stay out here until we know how many possible victims."
Matt works on autopilot. In the back of his head, he knows he should let Kidd take the lead, but it's too late now, as he make his way inside. For the second time in half an hour, he freezes as he crouches low.
"Look for victims!"
His body moves on it's own accord. He doesn't plan to go to his right, or through the large door, but suddenly he's there, in front of a metal gate that's somehow still there. It can't be the same one, that one was too badly broken by his and Severide's haligans. Nausea builds but Matt pushes it away, continuing forward. It's when he gets to the door that his brain blacks out. All he can see is memories of that night, unaware of the fire blazing around him. He remembers seeing her laying on the floor, hair splayed out around her, her body burned. He remembers using his haligan to slam the door over and over, picking her body up and praying to a god he'd not talked to in a decade.
+ + +
Gallo brings the last of the victims outside when Chief stops him.
"Where's Casey?"
Frowning, the dark haired man thinks. "I...I thought he'd be out by now. He went right, I went forward."
"Go get him, now!"
Nodding, looking back at Kidd and Mouch apprehensively, knowing this is a big ask for a candidate, Gallo runs back in. The flames are getting worse, the smoke thick and hazy. Going right, he looks around. "Captain! Call out!" He doesn't hear any PASS alarm going off, so that's a good thing, he thinks optimistically. He gets a few more steps in when he stops in his tracks.
Captain Casey is on the ground, sitting, posture tense. Did he hurt himself? He can see him breathing, so obviously he could radio in. Moving quickly, Gallo kneels down, shaking his shoulder.
"Captain! Captain, hey! Casey!"
Matt blinks and Gallo is there looking worried beyond belief. He's kneeling down, and the Captain realizes he's on the ground. His whole body is buzzing, and when he goes to take a breath, it's choked even with his mask on. He gasps, trying to get air, and while his SCBA is working properly, Matt knows distantly that he's hyperventilating.
"I need help, Captain's...down, or..I don't know. Something's wrong."
Matt doesn't hear whatever Gallo says, instead his eyes stay glued to the floor near him, his chest aching. Maybe he's having a heart attack. It would be fitting, really. Dying here, where she took her last breaths. Again, he tries to inhale but it's as if he's being smothered. Without thinking, the firefighter fumbles to take his mask off, needing it off.
"Woah, hey, Captain, you need to put that back on!" Gallo's eyes grow wider, and he tries to help slip it back on, but it's as if Casey's a wild animal. He rears back the second the candidate touches him. Gallo bites his lip, looking back to see if anyone's there yet.
"Someone get in here now!" Gallo all but yells into the radio. He's not equipped to deal with this. "Kidd or Lieutenant Severide!" He knows Brett can't come in, not without justification, and as much as it looks like this is one of those times, Gallo isn't even sure what's going on. The man in front of him makes a choked off noise, and he tries once again to get the mask on his superior.
Both Kidd and Severide come busting in. The Lieutenant orders him to leave, and though he wars with himself, not wanting to leave his Captain, he also knows he has to worry about his own safety too, so he leaves begrudgingly.
+ + +
"I c-can't...I can't b-breathe..." Matt chokes out as Severide sets him on the ground outside of the building that's still in flames, far enough away that engine starts hosing the place.
"You inhaled a lot of smoke bud, just try to-"
"No! He couldn't breathe before that!" Gallo runs up and Matt's never been so thankful for the younger guy in his life. His body feels like it's been electrocuted. He's shaking like a leaf, sweating hard, and his chest feels like it's going to explode.
"I...h-heart attack..." Matt stutters out. Those words get everyone to look over. Boden's there before he can blink. Ambo 61 is gone with another patient in route to med. Instead, two newer paramedics and an EMT he's never seen before come toward him with the stretcher. The firefighter is feeling dizzy and the pain isn't letting up, the trembling is almost worse.
Jacket and shirt being cut open as they get to the back of the ambo, leads are stuck to his chest as someone else sticks his finger. "I c-can't breathe.."
A mask gets moved on his face and he instantly shoves it off, the smothering feeling worse.
"Okay captain, it's okay. Just breathe, this is going to help."
When Matt can't settle down, gasping and choking for breath, but his heart monitor only shows a high heart rate, he feels a stick in his arm and then everything goes black.
+ + +
A panic attack, they tell him a few hours later. Matt scoffs at the idea, never having had one before in his life. Halstead tells him it can be brought on by traumatic memories, a sort of PTSD. Matt just shrugs and pushes the memories away, acting as if there was no reason for it to happen.
He pushes people away too, not wanting to have to open up and relive anymore pain. Instead, the next night, the Captain finds himself at a bar a few blocks away from Molly's, shooting back whiskey after whiskey. On his fourth, when he's solidly drunk, the bartender asks who he can call to pick him up. He says the only name he can think of. Sylvie Brett.
Matt wakes up in a bed with floral sheets, the smell of something cooking making his stomach flip. He barely makes it out of bed, before he spots a trashcan next to it, and he gets sick, any alcohol left coming back up. By the time he finishes, a hand is rubbing his back comfortingly. He squints up, and Sylvie is staring down at him.
"How ya feeling?"
"....like shit."
Sylvie laughs, and Matt's not sure if it's the nicest thing he's heard, or if it makes his head want to explode. It takes pancakes and two hours before Matt ends up on Sylvie's couch, the paramedic next to him, looking at him with concern.
"What....what happened? Back at the fire. Kidd told me you had a panic attack, that's why they brought you to med. They thought you were having a heart attack. Why didn't you ask for help when you knew something was wrong?"
If there's anyone who can get Matt Casey to open up, it's the woman in front of him.
"I never ask for help because I'm not sure I know how." It comes out before he means for it too, before he can filter it and decide how he wants to actually answer.
Sylvie stays quiet for a moment, then reaches out and grabs his hand.
"Well, you can always ask me for help, Matt Casey. No request is too big or small."
Matt knows she doesn't ask for more detail or go into anything too personal for his sake, and maybe that's what really makes him realize she's different, not just a friend anymore. Something has changed between them, enough for her not to push him or make him upset in his already fragile state. When he doesn't reply, she keeps her hand in his, and uses her free one to turn the tv on and flip it to House Hunters.
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This had to be explained to me this morning...
Okay why I don't fucking know and they won't bother because it's fucking dumb and lazy I'm quite sure.
Apparently I won't be home for Christmas, Annabelle and I will be stuck out at the Uncle, Clone, Socrates Christmas Horror with probably my cousin Chris.. Maybe my brother...
And so I said "what are people supposed to think? They're supposed to be happy and experiencing new things, this is old shit and for me?! That's gonna make them feel even worse knowing I can't be with my Kidd over some stupid invalid shit that I don't even understand except it's just plain laziness, idiotic and definitely developed by a male!! A male that's lazy about his family!!"
William: let me defend myself
Me: shut up
So I was told by someone, someone i stole a gun from shortly before my faux 16th birthday in an attempt to help save the planet (Not William but an undercover CIA agent), that in his heart he was told that this Christmas when people look around think 'Sabrina is missing out on this kind of happiness with her family' that they should remember and realize that the sadness they feel for me was felt for millions of human trafficked victims world wide, every Christmas and every holiday.
Some of us didn't know about it. Or had forgotten. So let this be the last Christmas any one is sad. It will always be a serious issue in our hearts and minds and souls. But not forever should we carry the burden of sadness and fear.
This year is the eradication of the solitude of the sadness of each Holiday being sad. Now we all know why gramma would sit in the chair alone hugging herself quietly at,the end of the day or sit the camcorder in the corner and refuse to participate like a granddaughter thought she should and try to get her to interact more because she didn't seem happy enough.
This Christmas: the sadness shall be replaced with cheer. The fear with triumph and joy.
And yes you will remember I'll not be happy and my kids without their parents.
But they have my real mom and dad. My real twin brother. Their not real Uncle that loves them as much as a dad. And many more people, nearly 100 in their neat home giving them best wishes and having Christmas dinner.
No way in Hell nor God's green Earth would i allow them to miss Christmas.
So today they will open presents from Uncle Garth and tomorrow Trisha's stockings, the next day from the Dildo King who has been making new things with his family (faux Uncle Garth and real Uncle Matt) that i asked Uncle to purchase 3 years ago in preparation of taking care of my children. And on down. And hopefully I'll be able to get there while Christmas is still happening.
I'm there in spirit as i always have been and that is my Christmas Lesson to know I cared about Children i didn't know i had. And for Declan and Annabelle, too. To know they also assumed one day they would feel Christmas joy as they once had when they were little and alone, listening to little voices explain how things were different where they lived yet no matter how close they felt they knew things were too far to really feel the Christmas joy as they should. This year they will know why.
As Declan explains. Its beautiful because they never expressed unhappiness or even jealousy or loneliness, just an eagerness to understand what they were missing out on because their belief was one day they would experience it out of slavery and here with us.
And it's true. Since my divorce... The ability to do Christmas All big and strong has dwindled... Because i have too much pain, mostly physical and can't gather the strength to make it perfect in every way. And as getting older goes Declan couldn't also hide his worries from his soulmate. Although we worked together to make it best for Annabelle. For us it was more about "Thank God it's Done and everything went perfect"
So this year... Apparently William's laziness wants us to feel that before Christmas. -.- or at Christmas. -.- like i really care. We still have so much work to do! We have mental health and we have bunkers to redo so they're not bunkers and factories to move and figure out what to do with. And employ people at a rate that doesn't cause insane inflation. Like work is never over. So Idk whst the fuck hes thinking. Im All about letting those miserable souls we can't get the missle at think they can enjoy Christmas. Pay a lot of someone's an insane amount of money to miss Christmas and sit outside their house and shadow shot them when they attempt to leave. Drop down the fucking chimney at night... Now that it's raining because the world cries for us...maybe that's not the best idea but still you get the picture. See, my husband is lazy and has no defenses. But i still love him anyways although his life woild be easier if he just listened and didn't pretend he didn't ever hear whole discussions we had where he was all "oh that's so smart!!" And make new plans when he sure as Hell knew i wasn't listening and my face looked like this:
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And he tells me i should take a picture of myself because hes too afraid to tell me i look mad and wants to soften things up.
Uh Yeah when you abandon me in Hell when i fully expressed that i wanted him to come back full body in our old truck and drive me to Macy's in Oklahoma So we can get the kids Christmas presents in the form of bedding and some holiday clothing like nice dresses and suits. That they can wear while playing in mud puddles because that's what life is about as stains are like scars but stains remember less pain usually, and more laughter than tears and fears. Then he could leave me at Uncle Garths while he goes back to work. So we could spend the whole drive together and shopping time and then Declan could caravan with us.
But no. Hes all about abandonment because its easy. -.-
And now he's like way way beyond scared. Well that's what a mad face is about. Its the door to truth. And truth isn't always happy or pretty.
Its scary. And it's real. And it doesn't go away. Its Not just a point of view, it is total truth. Its at least 2 points of view and a validation.
When i told him what i wanted he promised he could do it and wss very happy.
So then later he's rambling about me stsying here while im busy making gingerbread houses and I'm quite sure he inhaled too much Stevia powder we used for snow.
William: hey now I don't wanna be in control anymore i want my wife to tell me what to do!
Uncle Donald: are you trying to hide behind Uncle Donald?
William: I'm heading that way!
Uncle Donald: well you get back to body life for yourself and we will make sure you get there safe. If not we will Chinook her express. How does that sound?
William: well uhhh how does that sound to you? Im asking Uncle Donald.
Uncle Donald: well you have a period of 2 hours to decide then we are taking her and the kids and Uncle Dan, as she calls him, with respect because hes always been kind to her.
Me: sounds good to me
William: what about those other guys that have been fighting for her?
Me: Christmas comes the same time every fucking year. Like you they ain't spent it with me so they obviously don't care.
William: well uh they care, now.
Me: because they have an opportunity to and they're all taking too long. What? We put the calender on pause because they didn't make their own opportunities? No they hurry the fuck up. Maybe they will make it but not fair to my children to wait on them to finish and any husband od kine will understand that.
William: not if they always lived in a bunker
Me: well that is why we already placed human trafficking victims with their families as best and as fast as we can So that they can learn to understand. Because it's not something that can be taught, its something that's felt only when together in happiness and love in a group. Its like having a whole meal and not just a bag of chips.
William: that's all you gotta say.
Uncle Donald: Sabrina...
Me: we already have a standing plan from August. It will be easy.
Uncle Donald: that's all
Me: thank you. And Merry Christmas.
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