#kihyun starter
pillowxtalk · 1 year
Short open starter for Kihyun!
“I forgot my wallet. Who will lend me some money, please?”
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sunminshine · 9 months
Tagged by @baekhyunnybyun to put my on repeat playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs 🎧 Thanks Bex 💖
Youth - Kihyun (god, what a good starter)
Proud of You - LXX
My Poor Heart - The Glorious Sons
Only You - The Revivalists
Phase Me - Woosung
Me & Me - The Beaches
Everything is Boring - The Beaches
How We Move - The Revivalists
Sorry's Never Enough - Corbyn
Playing God - Polyphia (god, what a good closer)
In sum, I love my taste in music 😌 I'm not tagging anyone specifically but if you want an excuse to post what you've been listening to, consider yourself tagged and let me know so I can seeeeeee 🥰
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refulgence · 2 years
a starter for @cherrykisscs​​ !
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hana isn’t difficult. not anymore, at least. he’s gotten used to the stubbornness and the way she will argue with you about almost anything, should the mood take her. it’s all part of her charm, he’ll tell people. even when she is being slightly over-dramatic about some of the details. she’s almost whacked him twice now with this particular story, but kihyun can’t help but tilt his head and look, like she’s the most entertaining person even in the world - even if it’s not a story for him. but some friend she hasn’t seen for at least as long as he started working with her. “are you done?” he asks, watching this friend of hers walk away. “i don’t think they’re coming back, love.”
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elysiantouch · 3 years
FIND ME HERE !!! i am,,, still in the middle of adding muse bios but i miss these muses n miss writing them so here they be !! promo will come when i dont overthink it ! no threads will transfer over, most likely !
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THE LOST CAUSE STARTER | KIHYUN & ASHLEY  ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. closed starter for @softdreems​
☆:**:. All he had wanted had been to travel. To simply roam around different places and live with no worries or care in the world except to anxiously think over what destination he can visit the next day. Maybe even have the knowledge that he can walk around and be noticed at any time by some fan who had heard his music. Instead, all he has is lint in his pocket and a couple of bills to his name, struggling daily to get by and reach what seems to only be a thoughtless dream crafted by a child who had too many expectations of a world that had shown to only constantly fail him. Gullible as hell is what he is. Now he’s simply walking around the familiar, cracked streets paired with bright lights from overhead - if he hadn’t been in such a foul mood, he’d appreciate the beauty Seoul usually offers him. Fuck, he’s hungry.
☆:**:. He finally raises head to look for some cheap place offering some delicious food when he spots the camera. God damn fucking tourists. Without thinking ( he’s hungry, can’t blame him ), he reaches out and grabs the back of the other’s shirt. “Yo, fucking people are walking here. Stop recording and have some decency.” He turns him around but stops. “You look familiar. Have we met before?”
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starwhispcrs · 4 years
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kyugy97 · 4 years
like for a starter from Kihyun
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sanhuns · 5 years
open to: anyone, m/f/nb, romantic/non
muse: ahn kihyun (fc: exo’s oh sehun), single dad and male model
teenage pregnancy mentions
“sori! get back here! no, don’t-” kihyun sighs, running over to where his daughter is sitting on the grass, petting the dog with a happy smile on her face. “i’m really so sorry.” he apologizes profusely, brushing his blond bangs out of his face. “there’s just something about dogs that makes her really excitable, and she doesn’t even think to ask to pet them.” he sighs again, shaking his head. “sori, baby, you’re supposed to ask people before you pet the dog, remember?” his daughter just makes an indignant noise and continues on cooing to the dog, singing softly under her breath. kihyun shoots a sympathetic look at the other person, smiling warmly. “again, i’m really sorry. eight year olds, they can be super stubborn.” he knows he doesn’t look like someone who should have an eight year old daughter, but that’s the drawbacks of accidentally getting your girlfriend pregnant your junior year of high school. 
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dreaming-boys-rp · 5 years
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Like for a starter of Kihyun 
(only roleplay-blogs)
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a starter is in orbit for @thervnaways !
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“what do you think will happen after graduation?” hyebin asks softly, her head leaning on top of kihyun’s. it’s something she thinks about from time to time, and with the semester coming to an end, it’s at the forefront yet again. “where do you think we’ll go?”
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sweetdancer · 6 years
/ like this for a starter and choose a deadly sin muse (sins in the tags)
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pillowxtalk · 1 year
Closed starter for Kihyun: Curiosity! @unfinishedjulyrain​
"What are you looking at? Can I see too?” Kihyun asked in a playful tone and without waiting for an answer the peeked over the shoulder of the person standing in front of him. He had watched their phone screen for a while now from behind, thinking he had seen the Instagram of his group pop up and the posts of the guessing game. And because he had become to curious he had just decided to go for it. Maybe he was wrong, but if not he would get to hear someone’s thoughts about his group.
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thervnaways · 6 years
SMS ➝ 😊 !
KIHYUN: are you busy?
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cheiianarchive · 6 years
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like for a starter from one of my mx muses! ( Elias, the Time Traveler, Yongsun,Jongyoon or Cheol! ) 
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tuwam · 6 years
@consilian for ahyeon! ‘so it was you.’ )
daniel thrives off the energy she brings with her, simmering, unbridled anger. like something pushing up against a threshold, not afraid, but conscious. her, always caught between reason and irrationality. ahyeon seems to do it so seamlessly, but her face show it all and it’s too amusing to pass up getting a glimpse of.
that’s why he continues to do things that will keep her fuming, clenched fist and lips pursed. because acting on any situation doesn’t seem like her. but he’s already seen it in one instance, and the little cracks are intriguing. amusing, even when it’s directed at him. he stays quiet when she approaches him, fingers still toying with the guitar that rarely leaves his hands and eyes not yet ready to meet the gaze of the girl that rarely acts out of her comfort.
he thinks he knows what she’s talking about. got a few ideas about what could bring her all the way here, again.
“whatever you’re referring to, it wasn’t me.” the campus gossip about how he’s hanging out with some girl from seoul national. the news about them being seen here and there that travels from school to school when really daniel hasn’t seen her since the day she demanded an apology. he’s not responsible for the stories and the tall tales, though his reputation might be. it’s all muted noise to him, maybe not to ahyeon because she isn’t used to it. “and I would’ve thought you weren’t the type to falsely accuse people of things, ahyeon.”
when he does decide to look at her, it’s all smiles. smug and hoping, to set off a reaction. “your name is ahyeon right?”
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gcn-taejoon · 3 years
៸៸ 🎮 ⌕ start キ @gcn-kihyun​  ���៸ 🩹 ، um taejoon todo remendado com band aids chegou para a surpresa de kihyun.
taejoon vivia momentos de amor e ódio com seu skate, talvez por sempre se achar o melhor naquilo, mas esquecer que até os melhores podiam cair e se machucar. esse foi seu caso, no dia anterior, tinha ficado até tarde andando por aí e como já estava tarde - e escuro -, acabou sofrendo um pequeno acidente. para não acertar um gatinho, desviou e foi direto em um buraco mediano, resultando em sua face toda arranhada, além da vermelhidão nos dedos.
"como o halloween está chegando, virei o frankenstein desde já", essa era sua desculpa quando perguntado, mas sabia que ninguém acreditaria já que os dedos estavam enfaixados e tinha curativos no nariz, embaixo do olho, em uma bochecha, no queixo e um pequeno corte no lábio... deplorável. sabia e não gostava, sua aparência era tudo, só que não podia fazer nada.
— bom dia, kihyun. — proferiu sorridente, mesmo que fosse uma ação dolorosa. era falta de educação não cumprimentar as pessoas, ainda mais se estavam em sua frente... então a dor era obrigatória.
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