#kingogher spoilers
mofffun · 5 months
ep43 Shugoddom revelations:
Gira's birth:
The Hustys played loyal for 2000 years waiting for the chance to overthrow Dugded.
Gira's mother was impregnated when Corsus asked for a "force of destruction" so he could continue serving Dugded in his quest to tidy up the universe.
Gira's mother died when she gave birth to him.
Corsus didn't know Gira's true power then and treated him as a miracle but secret from anyone outside of the castle.
"Gira is just my only brother"
Rainbow Jururira:
Gira named Rainbow Jururira because it tasted like rainbow ("seven colours") and the texture is a jelly.
Gira was fed Kuwagon's shugod soul to be the "tool" to Dugded's destruction.
The "Evil King" perosnaility and memory loss are effects from consuming the Kuwagon soul.
The person eating will behave closer and closer to an insectoid lifeform (more violent) and forget they are human
Boshimaru died defending Gira from Kamejim.
Racules made Rainbow Jurira himself per Corsus's instructions.
Corsus's plan:
Because he is dying, Corsus rushed to tell Racules "the truth" - what should only be made known through the coronation ceremony in the land of death, the one place Dugded isn't supposed to overhear.
Corsus planned to hide Gira away and feed him more shugod soul so that he is "easier to control" as a tool.
Corsus did love Gira and treated him as family, but he chose the people over his son as the king's duty.
Corsus: If you understand how hard it is to lose your family, imagine what is is like for the millions of people. To protect the people now, their families in the future, forget your heart.* That is what it means to be king. [*lit. "kill your (individual) self"]
Neither father or son wanted to say "the people are mere tools".
Racules promised Gira he will protect him once he is king. Gira should just stay Gira himself.
Kamejim and Glodi killed Corsus because the caught wind of his betrayal.
The official records said Corsus passd away due to sickness.
Wrath of Gods:
Having made up his mind to oppose Dugded, Racules hid Gira away in the orphange away from him after Wrath of Gods.
Wrath of Gods occurred as a warning to humanity.
Racules was instructed to turn a blind eye in Wrath of Gods.
Rita: You also wanted Gira to have a normal life?
Raclues: He is still forced to take up the fight. After all, I was merely satisfying myself.*
Rita: Gira himself chose to fight. You have nothing to do with it.
Raclues: That's right. Gira is Gira. He is not anyone's tool.
*戦う使命を押しつけた。 しょせん 独り善がりだ。
Racules requested the trial to be erased from records and his name remain "the worst king in Chikyuu's history" because he doesn't want to set an example for future kings to sacrifice the people in pursuit of some greater justice. He ackowledged he sacrificed a large number of peolple on his own accord and did not wish for sympathy.
Racules received a death penalty but "victims" reported that it is not enough. His sentence is suspended in a deal to give his life fighting.
Rita: In order to defeat Dugded, live as the tool of Ohsama Sentai.
Gira: If you do put the people above everything, you should already know the answer.
Racules: I… I will fight. I will give my life to save the people!
Gira: The king will protect all his people. The people will protect those within their reach. Now is the time to realize your ideal kingdom.
Gira: [I finally get my message across].
how/why Dugded revives: "I am the Creator. I can even create myself!"
Yanma copied ZERO'S god-killing power onto their swords.
That's Kaguragi at 10 years old because Toufu's children are "well-fed and well-rested"
the kings' psyche de-aged too so Yanma can't help but play a prank and Jeramie doesn't know what to do without his mother. Himeno hates it but she "can't leave those idiot boys alone"
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mofffun · 8 months
I'm starting to get worried what would happen to Chikyuu when the kings got isekai'd. We don't know for how long but Kingoh has a precedent of synchronized time passage so at worst, we could be looking at 1-2 weeks. One was all it took for international relations to fell apart last time. (Please let the team wear casual clothes and shenenigans please. I need them to do the Sentai Roll Call Explosion)
And I'm starting to doubt if "Resistance" really belongs to the Kyoryu crossover. We do have a charismatic leader down a certain cliff, perhaps this power vaccum is exactly what he needed. A King without his nation would have no need for his people to wear national costumes. It's looking more like ep34 content with the Takasaki warehouse. I'm only holding out my hand for his return because it's Katou D and not Yamaguchi D's turn next arc...
I still see some hang onto the earliest rumour that King Kyoryu Red is going to become a regular/recurring member, and while I subjectively don't want it to be true, hiring a new actor for the role made it more convincing despite the date.
Four, we still don't know what Minnogan's power is yet! Not even why he's the "secretive" one but he hasn't even showcase against the team as the muscle. I don't buy 27 & 30 was it. The other Jesters but Hilbil is missing in 31. What is Kamejim up to?
Technically all of these could be solved next Sunday so I'm trying to just take it easy this week (•ᴗ•,, ). Really.
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mofffun · 8 months
rita kaniska: this bracelet is the Gokkan King's emblem passed down from generations. I need to pick it up in person just in case.
Ohger Calibur when a moffun plush is flying through the air:
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