illumwriting · 9 years
when men will be no more
prompt from anon: i was thinking about maybe dave sees kd's mortal shell all busted up? :0 
Words: 768, no warnings. Hugely inspired by Prayer in C. Give it a listen! 
"Hello?" Dave gave a sharp rap on the door of Kirin's home for the fifth time. He glanced up at the midday sun and frowned. Kirin should have been home, especially since his note had said Dave could swing around for his supplies around lunch. A loud groan from inside and the shuffle of feet had Dave raising his eyebrow. The door creaked open and Kirin poked his head out, a slight grimace  of pain tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Dave-" Dave stared. Kirin's tan skin was split open along his temples, teal spilling from the fissures across his cheeks like blood. Aqua crystalline nubs were nestled in Kirin's unruly hair, and Dave felt static coming off of Kirin in waves. "I'm just here for my stuff-" Dave started. He had known Kirin was inhuman, but had only once before come face to face with anything but the other worldbuilder's intact human shell. In this state, Kirin could be volatile and prone to violence. "I'll get it." Kirin said quickly, wincing as something crackled and the whites of his eyes flashed black. "Thanks." Dave muttered to the closed door that had been slammed in his face.
The door cracked back open, and a faint glow was visible off off Kirin's face. "Here." Kirin thrusted the small bundle of Dave's tools tied off neatly in teal string at him, the package thudding against Dave's chest. "Bye." Kirin mumbled to the floor, and tried to close the door. Dave shoved his foot in the way and got a glare from Kirin. "Kirin-" Dave started and Kirin flinched, digging his nails into the wood of the door. "Leave." Kirin pressed the door against Dave's shoe, not looking up. "I'm busy." "Busy what, dying?" Dave shot back and Kirin snarled, then winced as the action split the human facade open at the corners of his mouth. "Busy." Kirin repeated as if that will make Dave leave. "Stuff." "You know I can help." Dave slotted half his body between the door and the frame, peering past the troubling glow of Kirin's skin into the dark interior of Kirin's home. Kirin's nails sank into the wood of the door as Kirin tensed up. "I didn't ask for your help." "You need it." Dave pointed out as he exchanged the bundle of tools in his inventory for a bottle of thick green liquid. The door gave a groan of protest as Kirin pulled his nails from the wood and ignored the splinters pricking him. "How much?" Dave stepped inside the rest of the way and locked the door behind him. The glow from Kirin was more than enough to see by. "Free, this time." "That's what you said last time." Kirin pointed out, but snatched the bottle from Dave's hand, careful not to let his claw-nails scratch Dave. "The world is dying." Dave told Kirin as he pryed the cork from the bottle and guzzled the contents down. "So?" Kirin muttered as he licked his lips clean of the last dregs of the syrupy potion. "Thought that was your job, not mine." "It's both of ours." Dave held  his hand out and Kirin obediently gave back the empty bottle. It disappeared into the void of Dave's inventory. "Me, the inhabiants, you, the land itself." Dave fixed Kirin with a dark stare, the flickerings of something acient and etheral making Kirin shudder. "Don't think they'd forgive you." Dave hissed, and Kirin swallowed hard with a small bob of his head. The glow faded as Kirin's shell was stitched back together, but the teal trails still marred his face in a scar-like way. "I know." Kirin muttered. "I'll tend to it tomorrow." Dave smiled, showing off his sharp canines. "See you then, Kirin." His tone was upbeat and jovial, but it didn't reflect in his eyes. "Don't waste any more time." He warned as he unlocked the door and vanished out into the blinding light of day. Kirin can't relax even when the darkness settles around him again, no longer a comforting blanket but a reminder that slithered around his shoulders. "Sorry." He muttered to the closed door, running his fingers over the deep gouges.
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fandomanon · 10 years
the prompt is from bamboo-on-bamboo, and was "kirinchaos, sealing up lying's well"
Dave monitored them carefully- Dave Chaos didn't like how much trouble Lying was causing- Dave heard from someone that they weren't just causing mischief for Kirin, but others, like Strife, as well. And that just wouldn't do.
Dave wouldn't stand for people mucking up the ideal he'd built Chaosville up to be. And hearing that Lying had started a 'prank war' with Kirin- well, that just wouldn't do. Kirin was- well, if not a friend, than an important ally, and Lying needed to remember it, and be punished for their crimes- including summoning the Lord of the Hunt to toy with Kirin. Well. Enough was enough.
So he'd been watching them, and learned their patterns well enough- their well closed itself during the day, so they were mostly nocturnal. So it only made sense for Dave to go over there during daylight, and seal their well up tight. He was very through, checking for gaps that Lying might be able to get out of, and even made it so they wouldn't be able to dig their way out of the well- he wanted to be sure Lying couldn't disrupt the peace any further.
When he finished he took a step back to inspect his work, tensing up slightly and relaxing when he sensed Kirin's presence. "Oh, hello- I do hope I didn't interrupt anything."
"No, you didn't- just getting rid of a problem Chaosville's been having."
Kirin steps up beside him, and studies the well, a slow smile spreading on his face. "Oh, for me? You shouldn't have Dave- I was taking care of it myself."
"Not fast enough- and think of it as a payment for teaching me blood magic."
Kirin tilts his head in acknowledgement, and goes back to looking at the well, "well, thank you then- I suppose you don't need my help then?"
"Mm, I got most of it done, although if you want to add your magic to make it more permanent it wouldn't be denied."
Kirin nods and steps forward, circling the well to add to the enchantments Dave had put on it, before looking up at him with a hint of a smile. "Well, now that that's finished, what do you say to me teaching you the best part of blood magic, hm?"
Dave steps towards him with a matching smile, and shakes his head slightly, "no, I think it's my time to teach you- let's go adventuring, shall we? There's a quaint little dungeon a way's away that hasn't been explored yet, and I was saving it for a rainy day, but if you aren't busy..."
"I'm not- show me to the dungeon, and you can have my share of the loot, seeing as it is your find." And they step away from the well together, leaving Lying to wake up just in time for when the well's supposed to open, and for them to discover just how thoroughly they've been doomed.
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bloodandchaos · 10 years
fandom: the yogscast ships: very, very unhealthy parvill, slight kirinchaos summary:  What if William Strife was the blood mage and Alex Parvis the CEO?
Or, two gods sit on the edge of eternity. Role reversal AU, as inspired by aaronvicton’s art.
warnings: blood, gore, violence, death, slight ableism? notes: The conception of DaveChaos here is based on From Grace by underyogs. Also, I’m a bit less sick now, so I celebrated by sitting down and writing this apparently?
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ceranovis · 10 years
What are your KirinChaos headcanons?
I don’t have a whole ton of them tbh.
DC goes by ‘Dave’. KD goes by Kirin.
They’ve been casual friends for a long time and when they have sex it’s slow and tender; the kind of orgasm that build and a builds until it spills over like a welcome sigh of relief
They never talk about it afterwards though. It’d ruin the comfort and relaxation they both take from it.
Sometimes they have sloppy drunk sex at Kirin’s base on the tatami mats and then pass out there. Waking up like that is always exceedingly awkward, especially because neither of them will stay the night at the other’s base otherwise.
They started blood magic together, but Kirin progressed into other magics while Dave ‘quit’. Dave actually continued on but he’s started growing increasingly less trusting of everyone around him, Kirin included, and decided to hide his source of power.
Kirin is a bit worried about him, but doesn’t say anything because he doesn’t feel like he’s really close enough to Dave to pry. If Dave wants to cut him out, it’s not his place to ask for more. And Dave hasn’t done anything that would disrupt the natural order and demand Kirin take action as a guardian of neutrality… yet.
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illumwriting · 10 years
DRABBLE: We, you and I
Kirin never thought that Dave might be holding back.
502 words, heavily implied KirinChaos. For nicedynamites and bamboo-on-bamboo.
He's the younger of the two, and so when he wins the playful spats between him and the older demon, it comes as no surprise. After all, Kirin has only managed one world thus far, and so he assumes his power is less strained than that of Dave, who has at least two worlds of wreckage in his wake.
He never considers that maybe Dave is letting him win.
So when Dave returns, dirty and tired after a disastrous day, Kirin grins and sets about indulging in his usual teasing remarks. He sits on the edge of the time stream, leaning back on his hands and making smart remarks.
"Shut it." Dave growls, the venom in his words being drawn from age-old magic with black roots as he removes his dusty coat, frowning at the muck and blood-covered state of it.
Kirin laughs and waves his right hand, knocking Dave's hat off with a pop of lighting.
It's the wrong thing to do because Kirin's skin is suddenly very hot as Dave sweeps close with absolutely no effort and Kirin can see the human shell almost cracking under the strain of keeping Dave's true form in. The redness of Dave's aura clashes against Kirin's calming teal, stifling and overpowering the other mage's senses as Dave hisses in the tongues of a thousand tormented ethereal beings.
"I have not had a good day," Dave starts, and watches the way Kirin swallows with absolute satisfaction. "Fuckin' mortals. Jesus."
Kirin almost ventures a "I'm not mortal-" but his comment dies in his throat when he realizes that his power is dampened to the point where he can't do anything useful and a bit of panic sets in.
It can't be, he thinks.
"It can be." Dave answers with a flash of too-sharp teeth, and Kirin realizes with a shock that he said that out loud. "You may be young and wise, but I have age and experience. And besides, why would I waste my energy in play fights?"
Kirin has no words, and suddenly the world his shifting around him and he finds himself in Dave's home, arms pinned uncomfortably behind his back and staring up at Dave from his spot on the floor where the hard floor makes his knees hurt.
"Remember when you taught me about blood magic?" Dave's sitting in a plush chair and Kirin can catch flashes of horns and wings as the human shell is pushed to the max.
He nods, not really paying attention until there's a foot at his crotch, pressing down lightly and he gasps.
"Aha, there we go. Have your attention now, do we?"
It's always disconcerting, the way Dave says we. As if someone else is watching, someone Kirin's never been able to even detect. He'd always thought it was some side affect of one too many worlds gone wrong, of dead voices lingering somewhere inside Dave's head. He's not too sure of that now.
He nods again, and Dave tuts as if Kirin was a small child. "Now, none of that. I know you're bloody fond of talking."
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