#kirsten hasnt suffered a day in her life
kurozu501 · 2 years
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thinking about how twice now saria has had this moment talking on a balcony with a woman who surprises her with a declaration that she intends to fix the worlds impossible problems. 
Kirsten treats it as no big deal. “Oh, oripathy might interfere with my dream of space travel? Well then, we’ll fix that too i guess. Maybe we can get some cool power out of it in the process, wouldn’t that be nice.” She’s casual about it. It’s not something she really cares about, its just one more thing on her checklist. And we see how later in life it becomes a shield for the evils she’s committed: i cant be bad because im the person who will cure oripathy/take us to space.
In contrast Silence is humble. She’s seen the cruel reality and knows that curing oripathy is still a distant dream. She’s had her own powerlessness ground into her face over and over again. But she’s all the more passionate about reaching it anyway. She’s determined to cure it because she wants to save the people suffering from it, because she cares so deeply. 
The contrast in that, between Kirsten arrogantly declaring she’ll solve it all like its nothing vs Silence’s “even if im weak i refuse to give up” is so good. 
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