#kita chats ☆ˎˊ˗
vampiricgf · 16 days
I have a gripe with those posts that are like "omg when you like and don't reblog I get super duper sad and it makes me think you HATE my thing" like... you guys do realize shaming people isn't an effect motivator for change in habits right? tbh the more you shame people for stuff the less likely it is they're gonna just turn around and do what you want instead
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if it had the exact opposite effect for a lot of people, rather than you seeing a boost to engagement it's probably just causing people to not engage at all. no likes no reblogs because hey you're irritated people use the likes as a bookmark feature or like kudos right? so even if they enjoy it they don't wanna piss you off so they're not gonna engage at all. or you piss them off by whaling on them about it so it's non engagement motivated by spite
and tbh I don't understand feeling miffed by likes, it's still a sign someone enjoyed your work. to me a like is similar to kudos, and kudos aren't regarded as insulting right? so why should using the like button for shit you like be framed as this extremely bad and annoying behavior? anyways I personally appreciate the likes I do get on work just as much as the reblogs, it means people enjoyed my shit enough to potentially come back to it which isn't a negative thing
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vampiricgf · 20 days
new nail charms came today so yes I started doing a new set at 9:30 pm and I will not finish until 3am
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vampiricgf · 29 days
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vampiricgf · 1 day
I cannot take acotar seriously as a work of literature because how are so many people going insane for a main character that shits herself in like every book?? stop recommending me princess poopypants and fairy prince number 10271929 as a romance of all time please and thank you
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vampiricgf · 17 days
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remember don't like don't read <3
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vampiricgf · 24 days
my writing method probably sounds insane to people actually now that I think about it but I hand write in a designated journal for about three hours in a day then I transfer all that to a document for later
its actually very calming and centering, like my regular journaling, plus it's low pressure because im not worried about mistakes or anything im just going with the flow of my ideas, they can be revised later
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vampiricgf · 3 days
the nails i cried over im accepting that they're not so bad lmao
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vampiricgf · 12 hours
I saw a post talking about how it's dystopian seeing a relatives obituary get paywalled by the newspaper that published it and I just wanted to also point out on my own post so as not to derail ops how crushingly expensive it actually is to die.
Dying is literally one of the most expensive things anyone can do. When my parents passed and I had permission to use their accounts for funeral expenses by the end of it that account had 12 cents left in it. That's literally all the money we had left. My parents didn't get headstones until almost a year after they died, because I couldn't afford it. I can't describe properly how weirdly upsetting it was visiting them and seeing them with only the generic temporary stand in headstones from the cemetery for nearly a year. I cried harder in the funeral home going over prices of caskets than I did even being initially told about their deaths. I cried paying to have their remains released to my custody from law enforcement. I was 17 and everyone was looking to me as someone in charge and the numbers for everything, for a simple service and funeral, were so astounding and so much more money than I'd ever even seen at that point in my life I'd cry all the time from both grief and stress.
The assets of theirs that I inherited I sold as soon as I turned 18 to pay for funeral expenses I still hadn't covered. I saw no money from the sale of their cars and our home because all of it had to pay for things like headstones, the delayed payments the funeral home had allowed for me because of my situation, delayed payments to florists and things like that. I'm grateful so many people were willing to stretch some rules for me because I was so young and they felt sympathetic for what I was going through but a lot of people don't get the same treatment when making funeral arrangements. Sometimes people have to bury their loved ones in ways that fall well below what they'd hoped to do simply because it's extremely expensive, or they end up cremating them simply because it's cheaper not because it's necessarily what they wanted to do. The only reason I didn't do that was because it was expressly against my parents wishes, and I didn't want to violate that.
It's even more dystopian if someone dies and their remains are in custody of the state. If you cannot pay the exorbitant fees to have your loved ones body released then it stays in state custody but they can't keep remains indefinitely so eventually your loved one will be cremated by the state and it doesn't matter if that's against yours or their wishes. Unclaimed remains are cremated and usually buried simply with a number plaque. Seven years is typically the cut off for how long they will keep remains on ice until cremation.
Dying is expensive and it is dystopian how much of the death industry functions beyond simply having to pay to view an obituary.
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vampiricgf · 9 days
I fear I may have to write porn of that space cowboy he's really infected my brain
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vampiricgf · 26 days
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vampiricgf · 1 month
also hi this is kita im mostly just hiding on this blog rn because of well, you know, and it's just close mutuals here so I feel much more comfortable ^⁠_⁠^
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vampiricgf · 16 days
im sorry but a show loses even the barest masquerade of "historical" drama when every actor clearly has a full beat, smoky eye, lip filler, brow lift, ect. im not watching that shit. im gonna put on pride and prejudice instead because I know they used fucking beets for makeup
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vampiricgf · 16 days
I can tell ethel cains primary social media was tumblr for a long time because no one on tiktok can fathom posting that we need to bring back assassinations then directly tagging the us president
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vampiricgf · 17 days
the version of astarion in my head that's my fave is pathetic yet mean
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vampiricgf · 2 days
it's weird that person decided to impersonate me and leak this username and like part of me is still like well whatever no biggie I was gonna get back to writing and let people find me again anyway but I guess my hang up is that it wasn't my choice? like my choice in that was completely robbed from me and I also still feel like I can't do or say what I want and be silly anymore without the fear of some cunt on either that impersonation blog or a new sock puppet account deciding to pipe up again. watch I'll get a msg within ten minutes of posting this because I know they still lurk on here to stalk me like damn really nothing better to do huh
n like I still try to have fun but im not dumb I can feel people keeping their distance from me and I don't blame them for that, this weirdo already showed they have no problem targeting people who are friends with me but it just makes the whole thing more isolating. it's me and this parasitic stage five clinger and that's really it
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vampiricgf · 3 days
was at dennys earlier and the couple in the booth behind us were arguing loud as fuck the entire time. he was like "I saw the screenshots why was he telling you he missed you and missed spending time with you what's all that about? why are you entertaining that?" n she was like "uh I don't remember" like girl come on. he said he has screenshots. you're cooked. blowing up your whole spot IN THE DENNYS
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