#klarion the witch boy x Sam
charlietheepicwriter7 · 8 months
Despite Danny's best efforts, no matter how much time past, Amity Park refused to see Phantom as a hero.
Sure, there were pockets of support, particularly among teens, but most of the town blames Phantom for the property damage, saying if he didn't fight the ghosts then it wouldn't be so bad, to that time he got mind controlled by Freakshow and "attacked" the mayor. It wears him down. It wears Tucker and Sam down. Jazz can only try to support them all.
Then one day, a member of the Justice League visits. Someone minor, and kinda a jerk... maybe a Wonder Twin? Zan? Whatever. They don't investigate; they don't look deeper. They listen to the town folks and declare the ghost hunters, Red Huntress and the Fentons, to be the official heroes of the town.
Worse? Danny Phantom is officially considered a villain to the Justice League. Tuck hacks into the Watchtower and confirms that they have a file (a heavily inaccurate file) about how to defeat Phantom.
Danny doesn't think he can do this anymore.
A few weeks later, a young villain escapes into Amity and demands (begs) that Danny help them escape from the hero after them. No idea who, I can't find a lot of info on teen villains in DC, so let's fudge some ages and make it Kyd Wyckyd from the Teen Titans cartoon. Danny agrees, because to hell with the Justice Losers, and they defeat the hero, becoming friends in the process. Kyd confesses that they became a villain after being ostracized bc of how they look, and they've been trying to avoid villain organizations because HIVE was abusive, but it's really hard to be a villain alone bc of all the heroes.
Sam gets an idea. Tucker agrees with the idea. Jazz is just happy they'll end up making friends.
The next day, the Teen Villain Alliance is formed, ready to assist with any teenage illegal shenanigans their allies might get into.
Some notes:
It's created to be a healthier option for teen "villains" to connect with others and support each other.
It's more important that this is for Teens rather than Villains. They're tired of adult villains taking advantage of them. The TVA would rather ally with a teen vigilante than with an adult villain.
Again, no idea who the teen villains are, but Klarion is definitely here. He leaves the Light for the chaos of the TVA. Maybe Ember is there too?
Timeline wise, this is around when Tim is still Robin, but Damien has arrived at Wayne Manor.
This is because, when it comes time to try to infiltrate the TVA, they'll have a convenient child-assassin who has none of the monitors of a teen hero that Phantom immediately picks up on.
Damien, who at this point has been abandoned by his mother, dismissed and scolded by his father, and has had no success at carving his own place in the family, jumps at the chance. He is then surrounded by peers who don't insult him or try to change his behavior (too much; jazz is trying to help him find healthier methods of expressing himself). He... might not want to continue being a spy.
Danny, Sam, Tuck, and Jazz are the founding members.
Danny reinvents himself as the High Prince of the Infinite, Prince Phantom Dark. He got kingship from fighting Pariah Dark, but since he's still alive, he's only a prince. He steals the last name Dark as an intimidation tatic against those in the know; only Danny would have the balls to claim family with Pariah.
Sam works as a powerless villain, but she might no be powerless? Either way, Danny gives her a bunch of repurposed Fenton tech, and she buys the rest with her parents credit card. She does NOT care if that's traced back to the Mansons. She would choose something goth, maybe something spider related or even bat?
I love Pharaoh Tucker, so I think he should get magic powers? Since pharaohs of old were considered the balance between the real and the divine. He's still a tech guy, now he's a tech and magic guy.
Jazz isn't really a villain, more of a team mom who's planning on using everyone's psyche's as her thesis paper. You know what, that's her callsign, she's Psyche. Sometimes she flirts with Nightwing.
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davidkeane17 · 2 years
100 Cartoon Villains Of All Time
The Evil Queen Skeletor Scar Shredder Joker Jafar Ursula Cruella De Vil Gaston Mr Burns Plankton Elmer Fudd Maleficent Shan Yu Lex Luthor Hades Queen Of Hearts Magneto Claude Frollo Captain Hook Lady Tremaine Riddler Venom Sideshow Bob Mojo JoJo Him Chernabog Marvin the Martian Zira Sid Doctor Facilier Zim Vector Jessie And James Yzma Shredder 2012 Lots-o'-Huggin Bear Hans Angelica Kingpin Prowder Madam Mim Gothel Drizella Doctor Doofenshmirtz Doctor Doom Feathers McGraw Vegeta Doctor Octopus El Macho Tai Lung Smee Lord Shen Kai Anastasia Bill Cypher Ice King Slade Wilson The Lich Bane Cound Dooku Yellow Diamond Vitani Screenslaver Queen Beryl Ratigan Shenzi, Banzai & Ed Ra's Al Ghul Riddler Taskmaster Cell Light Yagami Fire Lord Ozai Darth Vader Maul Cad Bane Yosemite Sam Loki Frieza Eric Cartman The Giant Chicken Lust Rize Kamlshlro Scott Tenorman Trigon Azula Terrence Syndrome Princess Morbucks Green Goblin Will E. Ckyote Lord Farquaad Mongol Penguin Harley Quinn Poison Ivy Catwoman Vandal Savage Skullmaster Joker 2010 Riddler 2004 Sabretooth Lady Deathstroke Omega Red Deadpool Black Manta Ultron Modok Man Ray Cthulhu Stewie Griffin Ren Dr Lorre Grand Inquisitor Deadshot Charles Muntz Fairy Godmother Randall Boggs Mr Freeze Electro Ernesto De La Cruz Emperor Zurg The Father Mandark Kang And Kodos Thanos Skrulls Red Skull Baron Zemo Galactus Kraven Krang Kang The Conqueror Enchantress Mystique Magneto Yost Universe Sinister Six Red X Injustice League Kuvira Woodland Critters Delightful Children Viper Snowball Boggis, Bunce & Bean Rasputin Mom Robot Devil Jenner Doomsday Red Hood Hexxus Soto Vexus Sakharine Apocalypse Blackfire The Brain Brother Blood Robot Santa Larr Fat Tony Springfield Mafia Professor Chaos Sedusa Evil Morty Galactic Empire Galactic Federation Clayton Darth Sidious Queen La Hive Five Brotherhood Of Evil Gideon Blendin Blandin Masters Of Evil Juggernaut Abomination Giffany Frank Grimes Mister Ruckus Sir Crocodile The Major Envy Nagato Uzumakl Yohan Liebert DIO Alzen Vicious Uncle Ruckus Colonel H. Stinkmeaner Tom Cruise Barbra Streisand Krombopulos Michael Tammy Guetermann Lucius Needful Council Of Ricks Diane Simmons James Woods Evil Stewie Snake Jailbird Hank Scorpio Black Cat Count Vertigo Asajj Ventress The Monarch Phantom Limb The Son Barriss Offee Embo Bossk Savage Opress Darth Bane Inquisitorius Thrawn Van Kleiss Tiger Claw Bebop & Rocksteady Cheshire Suicide Squad Killer Croc Victor Quartermaine Winter Soldier The Hunter Black Cat Stinky Pet Darla Sherman Mad Mod Control Freak Terra Mumbo Fabrication Machine Klarion The Witch Boy Granny Goodness Sportsmaster Queen Bee Lobo Ocean Master Icicle Atomic Skull Black Beatle Prison Berry Duchess Nemesis Bendy Amoeba Boys Lenny Baxter Gangreen Gang Rowdyruff Boys Inque Shriek Blight Talia al Ghul Yubaba Lady Eboshi Colonel Muska Kushana Lord Darkar Valtor Trix Sebastian Saga Terrence Lewis Helga Von Guggen Nelson Muntz Terwilliger Family Shredder 2003 Grand Admiral Tarkin Carter Pewterschmidt Bertram Stickybeard Mr Boss Knightbrace Rob Miss Simian Zach Watterson Beatrice Horseman Doodlebob Bubble Bass Dennis Flying Dutchman Flats The Flounder Dirty Bubble Tattletale Strangler Saddam Hussein The Devil Scott The Dick Crab People Manbearpig Bill Donohue Trent Beyett Super Skrull Hydra Amos Slade The Bear Kent Mansley Rothbart Darla Dimple Dave The Octopus Makunga Squilliam Fancyson Hobgoblin Gabby Gabby Sabor Olivia Octopus Black Mask Parasite Clayface Killer Frost Bizarro Shade Giganta Sinestro Anti Monitor Atrocitus Larfleeze Ultra Humanite The Leader Annihilus Mole Man Red Ghost Frightful Four Terrax Klaw Maximus Ronan The Accuser Captain Boomerang Professor Zoom The Rogues Captain Cold Livewire Silver Banchee Aurra Sing Nightsisters Mother Talzin Pre Vizsla Death Watch Gar Saxon Jabba The Hutt Roberto Nudar Zapp Brannigan Walt. Larry And Igner Richard Nixon Donbot Flexo
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samhelleborewrites · 2 years
Relax (Klarion x reader)
Female at birth but I don't use pronouns so IDK
as this is the first time I write anything 18+
Thank you for checking this out
sorry for any mistakes I wrote this pretty late at night.
Working on my homework as usual, my hair pushed back and out of my face, I sigh trying to focus. Rolling my shoulders, leaning back into my chair, slightly rolling away from my desk. School was pulling too much mentally and I was getting more and more tired by the day. And to go with that I also my hero life to throw into the mix and sleep was almost none existed. Maybe I should ask for a break from the hero stuff or I just need to push through it all, maybe college is suppose to be this hard... A knock on the door made me snap out of my own thoughts, standing from the chair and opening the door.
"Hello Kaldur."
The tall water-bearers handler was standing in front of me with a soft smile on his face. He is my best friend, the one I work with the most and he would always turn to me if he needs a quiet space. Feeling his hand come in contact with my shoulder, making me slightly jump. I had spaced out and my eyes drifted off to over his shoulder. Slightly shaking my head, I looked back up at him.
"Sorry, my head has been full with collage and some of the hero work we have been doing the last couple of weeks."
"It sounds like you need a break dear friend."
Smiling, the sound of a break does sound amazing. Sighing looking over to my laptop the work still on my screen. But I can't there is just too much to still be done and I have to finish it I can't just keep dancing around it. there is just too much I have to do, college is really fucking me over. Looking back over to Kaldur I shook my head, an apologetic smile on my face.
"I can't Kladur, I have too much I still need to have done by tomorrow. The teachers weren't as night as I thought as they have us so much homework. I'm really sorry, I wish I could join you to do something fun."
Kladur shook his head this time, seemingly disagreeing.
"Nope, you need that break, how about we go take a swim? It might not be perfect weather outside but it is your perfect swimming weather. Come on it could help you relax."
A defeated sigh left my lips, he was right, I do need a break. Waving at him, he grins, moving to sit on my bed as I moved over to my closet and pulling out my swimming clothing. Changing in my closet, I picked up a beach towel, walking back over to Kladur. Beach towel around my waist, we took off to the back door. Swimming was a thing me and Kladur would do from time to time, mostly a day after a big mission to help our minds relax. Leaving the towel inside by the door.
I playfully shoved Kladur a side rushing to the edge of the platform. Jumping I waved my hands as I gave myself a set of gills with my magic, the water enveloping me quickly. Letting me sink down, a grin on my face. Seeing Kladur quickly joining me, holding out his hand for me to take. Grabbing hold of it, we took off to the deeper parts of the ocean. We explored for some time, I always learned so much from these swims. Kladur always willing to explain anything I wanted to know, I could always see and hear the pride coming from him when he talked about underwater life. He had promised me a few months ago that he would show me Atlantic one day, of course I couldn't wait to see it but I told him that he should pick a day.
Seeing on the surface that the sun was setting and meaning for me to return to my work, we swam back. With the help of Kladurs powers, we were lifted back onto the platform. Unknow to me and Kladur, my best friend Klarion came looking for me, finding me outside drying my hair. Klarion was staring as water dripped down my neck, taking a deep breath before he disappeared. Feeling a shiver do down my spine I looked over where I thought I felt someone but seeing no one I shook my head and returned inside with Kladur, towel wrapped back around my waist.
"Had a nice swim?"
Seeing Megan standing there with a smile on her face, holding a plate with cookies in her hand.
"Always, may I?"
Smiling she held out the plate to us, the both of us reaching for one. Thanking her, Kladur stayed behind to talk to her as I went off to take a shower. Saltwater never felt nice drying on my skin and my hair. Opening the door to my room I was greeted by a big orange cat laying in my chair.
"Teekl? What are you doing here you big sleepy girl?"
"What do you mean, 'Klarion dropped you off'?"
"Ugh, fine, alright! I'm taking a shower. If he returns tell him I'm too busy to play around. I have homework that needs to be done by tomorrow."
Another meow was sent my way having grabbed my clothing, I entered my bathroom, turning on the shower. I wiggled out of my swimming wear threw them into the hamper, I jumped into my shower, a deep sigh leaving my mouth. Telling Alex put up my favorite playlist I took my time to shower, liking how the hot water relaxed my shoulders. As soon as I was done I pulled on my clothing, leaving my shirt off as I hate it getting wet because of my hair. Leaving the bathroom, rubbing my hair with a towel.
"I will not leave just because you have some dumb mortal stuff you have to do..."
Klarion trailed off seeing me standing there, towel in hand and no shirt. Rolling my eyes at his childish behavior, I moved over to my chair lifting Teekl from it, before placing her back onto my lap as I took my seat. Teekl rubbing his head against my stomach, petting her head, turning my back to Klairon, returning to my work. I could basically hear how frustrated he was with me as I keep ignoring him. Cold hand made contact with my sides, a squeak leaving my mouth. Turning around, glaring at the annoyingly tall guy.
"Klarion, I'm serious I have to finish this by tomorrow."
Grabbing his familiar he dropped her to the floor, leaning over me. Klarion and I had this secret friendship, we have known each other for a good 3 years now, over those years we became the best of friends. But over those years I had started to like him more than my best friend, I remembered when I had kissed him during Halloween. I was drunk as was he and we kissed, we didn't talk about it. Lucky for me we did turn back to being best friends but there was always something in the air with us. Trying to push him away from me, to return to my work, but he kept his grip on the chair, staring me down.
"Klarion i swe-"
A soft kiss was placed against my lips, my eyes wide, but before I could do anything he pulled back. He seems to look at me like he did something stupid. Before he could snap his finger to open a portal, I jumped out of my seat, taking hold of his hand, pulling him against me. Standing on my toes I kissed him, placing his hand over my heart. Pulling back slightly, starring into the other one's eyes, a small laugh leaving my lips.
"And here I thought you didn't like me like that."
"Then you are dead wrong, my dear."
Laughing I leaned myself against him. "Already with the nicknames?"
"Of course, short stack."
Shoving him back onto the bed, I rolled my eyes at how he always tries to play with my feelings. Taking a seat on the bed next to him, I turned to him, legs crossed. He just grins at me, falling back trying to pull me down with him. Catching myself before hitting his chest, I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Before I leaned down kissing him again, again and again. Our breathing becomes faster, his hands finding my waist to pull me to him. Throwing my leg over his waist, I kissed his cheek before moving to his neck, whispering how much I loved him and that I couldn't be happier. His hands began to wander, his nails leaving red lines. A moan leaving my lips as they rack down my back. A groan leaving his mouth in return as I bit his neck, pulling on the flesh. Undoing the buttons of his jacket, pulling off the tie, throwing onto the floor, his hands going under my pants grabbing hold on my ass. I giggled, I never took him for an ass man, but I learn something new every day.
"Something funny?" Sitting back up, looking down at him, seeing the mark I left.
"Nothing much, just never took you for an ass man, that's all."
He smirked, flipping us over, my damp hair brushing against my skin. putting my legs over his legs, pulling me close.
"I'm not but with you, I like about anything."
He leaned down kissing my neck, as I pushed his jack from his shoulders. He pulled back, fulling taking it off, I unbuttoned his shirt, kiss lips connecting with my neck once more. Hands pulling off my pants, I shifted my legs so it was easier. A pleasant feeling shot down to my stomach as he focused on a spot on my neck. Small noises left my mouth, he quickly pulled off his shirt, his hands settled on my hips. He looked down at me, his eyes looking at me like I was the most important being in the world. Smiling I lifted my hand, taking hold of his cheek. Leaning into it, we basked in the moment, just the two of us.
Laughing, Klarion could only glare at his familiar.
"Right, off you go then."
Snapping his fingers, a portal seems to take Teekl. Klarion turned back to me, as I was grinning, that was pretty funny.
"I found that way more funny than it should be."
He smirked, looking me over, I felt exposed. Throwing my arms over my face to hide my blush. Hands grip my wrist, pulling them away and pinning them next to my head. A growl leaving Klarion's throat as he crashed his lips against mine, taking over the kiss, as he shoved his tongue into my mouth. Rolling his hips against mine, moaning against his lips, he groans. Leaving my mouth alone, he began to leave marks on my neck. His teeth biting and pulling on my flesh, I grinned my hips against his, trying to feel any kind of friction there.
He let go of my hands, only to slide them under my sports bra, pulling them off and throwing them. Running his hand over them, a shiver going through my spine, I was trying so hard not to cover up. He grips onto one of them, leaning down to kiss down my neck to my breast. Squirming as he took one of my nipples into his mouth, slightly biting it, feeling my face light up. He let go of my breast to pin my hips down, nails digging into my skin. But I hooked my leg around his waist, pulling my hips up to grinned against his erection. A moan leaving his mouth, god that was hot. With another push he pinned me to the bed.
"You got to stop doing that, doll."
Fuck, alright, that was also very hot. With a nod, he let go of my hips, as his hands ghost over my pelvis, a strange feeling pulled at my stomach. Running a finger over my covered pussy, a soft sound coming from my mouth. Pressing down harder had me almost close my legs if they weren't over his legs. His fingers felt so good, gripping the sheets, he was smirking down at me.
"Good pet, let me hear your noises. Let me know how good I make you feel just by my fingers."
Moaning his name, he seems to stiffen up, before he quickly leaned down kissing me. His hand stopped before he began to remove my underwear. once off, being completely bare to him, he sits back looking me over. His fingers return to my pussy, rubbing circles. It felt so strange but good to have someones else fingers touch me there. Gripping onto his other hand, moaning, as he moved his hand to intertwine our fingers, lifting them to his lips. Slowly I felt two fingers enter, his thumb rubbing my button. Rolling my hips, I whined, how can this feel so good. After a while, I could feel my orgasm built up, gripping his hand tighter. Letting go of my hand he leaned over me, as my hands cling onto his back.
"Klarion I-" A harsh trusted of his fingers made me cut myself off.
"I got you, relax, let go from me, doll. I got you."
He whispered into my hair, Feeling myself come on done, I whined out his name. My nails pressing crescent moons into his back, as my legs quivered. His voice telling me how I was going so well, that he got me, helping me through my orgasm. Whining when I felt it beginning to hurt, he stopped. Looking up at him, his usually brown-reddish eyes were now glowing soft red, they look like a fine whine. Running my fingers through his hair, he leaned into it. But I let my other hand pull on his pants. He chuckled sliding off the bed, pulling off his pants and underwear. He pulled me to the end of the bed, hooking his arms under my legs.
"You good?"
"Yes, just take it slow. I..."
Kissing me he nods, rubbing his dick against my soaked pussy, making me whine and him groan.
"What about-"
"I got it no worries, I promise."
Slowly sliding in, I gripped the sheets, Rolling my hips against his dick. His hand held me down by my stomach, my own leg being folded so much that it hit my stomach. Whining out his name as was fully in, my head leaning back. He feels so good, rolling his hips, his dick hitting all the right places. Pushing myself up, gripping the back of his head pulling him down, crashing our lips together. Patting against his lips, whispering for him to go faster, oh please go faster. Pushing me down, gripping my neck, putting pressure onto it, he slammed his dick into my hole. My breath ragged, moaning his name, gripping his bicep, this felt so fucking good.
"K-Klarion, please. Fuck this feels so good, please, please, please don't stop!"
"How could I ever stop when you sound so good. Such a good pet, moan like that just because of my cock."
His grip on my neck tightened, my eyes rolling back, hands scratching at his arm. His other hand now holding me down by my stomach. Feeling it building up again, a whine leaving my mouth.
"F-fuck pet! Come with me. Be good and come for me!"
Feeling his fingers touch my clit again, rubbing tight circles, I felt myself cum once more. Almost shouting his name, he leaned over me, folding my legs to my sides, biting harshly into my neck. scratching his back, the pain adding to the pleasure. Pulling back, he looked down at me, before he kissed me like I could disappear at any moment. Slowly pulling out, I hissed against his lips. Slowly he lowered my legs, kissing the inside of my tights, telling me how good I was for him. He snapped his fingers, a damp towel landing in his hands, he began to clean me. Hissing as the warm towel rubbed against my oversensitive pussy, he flipped the towel around rubbing against the joint of my legs to help take away some of the pain. After it cleaning the bite mark on my shoulder.
"Thank you, Klarion." I slowly sit up, snapping my own fingers a damp towel landing in my hands.
"You don't have to, sweetheart."
"But I want to."
Cleaning him up, he leaned his head on my shoulder, his breath beginning to slow. Running my hand through his hair, cleaning his back from any of the scratches that bleed. Whispering how much I loved him and how good he was for me. Snapping my fingers the sheets were clean, and two big fluffy blankets draped over us. Laying down with him, he pulled me close, our legs intertwined as his arms were around me. Hearing a portal open, soon feeling our four-legged friend join us in bed, taking place just above our heads, bumping her head against ours.
"I love you."
Softly smiling, I leaned my head back so I could look at him, running my hand through his hair.
"And I love you, Klarion. More than you might realize."
Laughing I reached over to pet Teekl.
"I love you as well, you pretty girl."
Klarion leaned his head on top of mine, before the both of us fell asleep to a purring Teekl.
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