#knamil stasis comic
knamil · 1 year
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Stasis Comic! Start | Previous
Happy Star Wars Day!
Notes below the cut. Captions are still in script form, but I have added them to the image description instead as a test.
We have come to the end of the bits and pieces that belong to the cut companion quest content that was datamined a long time ago. In the cut content Lord Irjil offers the Jedi something in exchange for not destroying the Stasis Cell and the Jedi can make choices. This is obviously different and will only get more different from here on out, it's just that I will no longer be borrowing dialog or characters from cut content.
I have no idea what Lord Irjil was supposed to look like, but I hope you enjoy this little shit I concocted as much as I do.
Sorry for the cliff hanger, this thing is going to be a series of cliff hangers 4 pages at a time.
Thanks for reading. May the Fourth be with you!
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knamil · 1 year
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Spoilers for the Jedi Knight story.
Filter if you don't want to see this ever again: #knamil stasis comic
This story takes place not long after the main Jedi Knight story ends. This is an AU Comic because nothing that was released after initial story launch (Makeb onward and esp not KOTFE KOTET are considered "true" for this universe.)
Notes and captions below the cut.
I wrote the story for this in 2014 and I'm using it as a basis to follow along with an art class I'm auditing. It's inspired by companion content that was originally cut from the game, but was datamined and posted online. If you've never seen it, there was supposed to be a quest where you can help Lord Scourge get his feelings back.
I don't know how to write captions for a comic so I'm including the script as a caption.
If there is a standard way to caption comics for screen readers, msg me and I will do my best.
Conventions used
IM: stands for Internal Monologue. Scourge’s internal monologue appears in black boxes with red text and red outline.
Speech bubbles are rounded white bubbles with black text and black outline.
Setting descriptions/general captions are blue boxes with black outline and black text.
The script labels each image as a page. Each panel will have a short description of the picture then the dialog within the panel.
Begin script
Page 1 Scourge kneeling in a cell meditating. Red forcefields surround him. Title: Stasis Part I (by knamil)
Page 2 Caption: Coruscant Holding Cells - 86 Days After the Emperor’s Defeat (A.E.D.)
Panel 1 Scourge is kneeling in his cell meditating. The frame shows a partial profile of his face. One of his eyes are open. A figure is shown walking toward him. Behind the figure are closed doors.
SCOURGE IM: The Medic. Interesting.
Panel 2 A head portrait of Doc
Caption: Archiban “Doc” Kimble
DOC Hey Scourge. How’s it going?
Panel 3 Scourge is kneeling in his cell looking at the floor. He says nothing. Doc stands in front of the cell facing Scourge
DOC Just seein’ if you need anything. Maybe you want to chat? Have a little heart to heart. You know?
Panel 4 Scourge looks up.
Panel 5 Doc is looking down at Scourge. The back wall of the holding facility can be seen behind him.
Panel 6 Closer focus on Scourge.
SCOURGE Tell me, Doctor… has the Jedi stopped screaming yet?
Page 3 Panel 1 Doc looks angry
Panel 2 Doc looks sad
Panel 3 Doc looks resigned
DOC I don’t know.
Panel 4 The Jedi is on a surgery table. Machinery and tubes cover her abdomen. A breathing mask covers her mouth. Her eyes are squeezed shut in an expression of pain.
DOC They kicked me out two days ago. Her wounds won’t close. The bleeding won’t stop.
They’re rerouting half her organs with cybernetics just to keep her alive.
Panel 5 Doc leans over to sit on the floor.
DOC I heard they put you in here because you wouldn’t talk when you brought her in.
I don’t understand why you won’t tell us what’s happening to her.
Panel 6 Scourge still kneels in his cell.
SCOURGE Because there is nothing in your limited understanding of the Force and its potential that can help her.
Panel 7 Doc is sitting on the floor on the other side of the force field facing Scourge.
DOC Can you?
Panel 8 Close up view of Scourge. He looks down.
SCOURGE The ritual may not be undone.
IM: It would mean the end of everything.
End Script
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knamil · 1 year
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Stasis Comic Page Start | Previous
Captions in script form in the image description.
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knamil · 1 year
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More Stasis Comic!
Previous Pages
Notes and captions below the cut
Notes: A lot of the dialog here was taken from the cut companion content that was datamined. I've edited and rearranged it, but the explanation of the Stasis Cell (and thus the inspiration for the whole comic) is from the text.
Once again captions are in script form.
Begin Script
Page 4 (Image 1)
Setting: The Focus (Jedi Knight's Defender class ship) - 66 Days A.E.D. (After the Emperor's Defeat)
Panel 1 Doc, Kira, and Remi sit around a dejarik table watching Kira and Doc play. Jedi Knight Remi sits on the back of one of the couches casually.
SCOURGE Jedi, I would speak with you… Privately.
Panel 2 Caption: Jedi Master Remi Syeriy
Focused on Remi’s face.
REMI Sure.
Panel 3 They enter the cargo bay. Scourge locks the door. Remi appears surprised.(no dialog)
Panel 4 More of the cargo bay. Crates are stacked up against the walls. Scourge stands on the left and Remi on the right.
I have noticed your... openness to those who ask your aid. Normally, I would say not to waste your time on every slack-jawed beggar who needs a favor done. But this time, I find myself in need.
REMI I would no sooner turn you away than the next “slack-jawed beggar.”
Panel 5 Headshot of Scourge frowning. (no dialog)
Panel 6 Remi is boosting herself up onto some of the crates to sit down.
REMI Come on, Scourge. You know I’d do anything for my crew.
Panel 7 Headshot of Scourge.
SCOURGE A habit you may someday regret.
Page 5 (Image 2) Still in the cargo bay.
Panel 1 Scourge leaning against a stack of crates, profile view.
SCOURGE The process that keeps me alive is… horrific.
Panel 2 A picture of a large device. The device is located somewhere else. Scourge narrates over it.
SCOURGE It is an ancient Sith artifact known as the “Stasis Cell.” It freezes every atom in my body in a punctuated equilibrium, a painful process that ultimately gives me the energy to move, but not to feel. It is… hard. I am ready for a change.
Panel 3 Remi is sitting on some crates. She looks skeptical.
REMI Are you asking me to help you die?
Panel 4 Focus on Scourge’s face.
SCOURGE Death is well within my grasp. What I want is to live. The Sith taught me to embrace passions, to indulge the senses, to give in to lust as easily as anger. I will not live the passionless existence of a Jedi.
Panel 5 Remi’s face.
REMI I’d be offended, but I’ve had worse requests for help. Fine. What can I do?
Panel 6 Scourge leans against some crates talking to Remi who sits opposite him on more crates.
SCOURGE I have located the Stasis Cell, but I need your help to find and destroy it.
REMI I hope you’re not asking me to go back to Dromund Kaas. I hate making double trips.
SCOURGE No, but your Council may not approve of our destination or our objectives. The same might be said of your crew.
Hmm… The council doesn’t need me anywhere at the moment… so just give me a few days to hand out crew assignments.
Panel 7 Scourge rubs his chin appraising Remi’s response.
SCOURGE Interesting. You are willing to hide this from your council and closest allies?
REMI Do you want me to help you or not?
Panel 8 Scourge accepts her help.
SCOURGE I can be ready when you are, Jedi.
End Script
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knamil · 1 year
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Stasis Comic - Start | Previous
Notes and Captions below the cut
Note: Some dialog is still being taken from the cut content.
Begin Script
Page 6 (Image 1) Caption: Planet 20120624 Imperial Outpost - 82 Days AED
Panel 1 Scourge(right) and Remi(left) walk away from a neutral transport ship.
SCOURGE Remember we have a mission. We are not here to save anyone.
REMI Who exactly would I want to save?
SCOURGE IM: She would have wanted to save everyone. She always tried.
Panel 2 Scourge and Remi approach a small building at the base of a mountain.
SCOURGE If this is a typical Imperial outpost there will be slaves. Likely corrupted by the power contained in the artifact.
Panel 3 Scourge(left) and Remi(right) stand outside a door with a security panel. Remi is slicing into it.
SCOURGE You cannot save them. And if you must do something for them, a swift death is all they should be spared.
REMI You’re telling me this now?
SCOURGE Would you change your mind?
Panel 4 Scourge and Remi enter the building and the doors close.
Page 7 (Image 2) The room they have entered is an elevator. They stand facing the doors.
Panel 1 Viewed in profile facing right, Scourge (left), Remi (right)
REMI Do you know how to destroy it?
Panel 2 Viewed in profile Scourge still faces right Remi turns her head to look at him.
REMI Do you know for sure if this’ll work?
SCOURGE I do not.
IM: Perhaps I should have warned her sooner…
Panel 3 Remi stares at Scourge in shock as he stares straight ahead.
SCOURGE IM: But even my best spies could not uncover what we would face within.
Panel 4 Focus on Remi she looks down and away.
REMI (muttering quietly to herself) Great… What could go wrong?
SCOURGE IM: It mattered little.
Panel 5 Elevator opens showing two guards standing outside the doors.
SCOURGE IM: Nothing was going to stop me from finding the artifact…
Panel 6 Scourge and Remi, with drawn lightsabers kill the guards before they can turn around.
IM: And I knew she would not force me to seek it alone.
Page 8 (Image 3) Panel 1 Remi and Scourge fight on a bridge leading from the elevator across a chasm. The bridge is held up by large statues. Remi leaps across the bridge to take out a manned turret, while Scourge deflects fire from the defending guards.
SCOURGE IM: Though secrecy was obviously its chief defense…
Panel 2 A closed blast door with another security panel. Remi slices it while scourge guards.
SCOURGE IM: I was surprised at the facility’s lack of security.
Panel 3 The doors open revealing the stasis cell.
SCOURGE IM: I should have known better.
End Script
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