#koibaku prologue
archiveikemen · 1 year
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 1
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
— *thud*
Someone’s hand sent me flying into the dense vegetation.
The dull pain that spread through my body caused me to groan in agony.
(My vision… is getting darker…)
As I was slowly losing consciousness, I felt my memories fading away.
Memories that were dear to me and I wanted to cherish forever.
Memories that were too painful to remember.
Even when I reached my hand out towards them, it didn't make them stay.
(All of them are disappearing.)
Giving up, I lowered my outstretched hand and slowly shut my eyes.
What kind of memory was the last one that came to my mind?
(Was it about my family? Or my companions?)
(... Who am I?)
Rin: Wow…!
My eyes fixed onto the unfamiliar people and foreign-looking architecture.
Rin: This is Tokyo…!
Looking around, I felt both nervous and excited about the scenery I had never seen before in my life. It was completely different from the countryside I had previously lived in.
(Their clothes look very different from kimonos… these must be western-style clothing.)
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???: …
(Uwah! Could that person be a foreigner?)
I was fascinated by the deep-set features of the red-haired person who looked different from the other people in the country.
(There’s so many kinds of people here…)
As I looked around the place curiously, a child who happened to pass by pointed at me.
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???: Ahaha! That big sis over there is so strange, goggling around!
Rin: …!
(H-He’s laughing at me… . Right. I shouldn't be doing this right now.)
I gave myself a light slap in the face, reminding myself of the reason why I was there to begin with.
(I’m in Tokyo to search for what I lost.)
I lost something a long time ago.
And that was — the “memories” from my childhood until a few years ago.
I came to Tokyo in search of clues that could help me regain my memories, so that I could keep on living by myself.
I took a letter out of my bag and read the name and address written on it.
(This person is my one and only clue. It’d be great if I could meet them right away, but…)
(This is harder than I expected.)
On top of being in an unfamiliar land, Tokyo was going through a crucial period of change.
(My initial plan was to get around on my own, but this is harder to do than I had anticipated… should I ask that man over there for help?)
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???: …
Rin: Excuse m—
The moment I took a step forward,
Rin: !
A man who looked like a samurai bumped into me.
Samurai Descendant: Oi! What the hell are you doing!?
Rin: I- I’m sorry. But it was you who bumped into me…
Samurai Descendant: Shut up! Hang on, you’ve got a rather lovely face… . I’ll forgive you if you put me in a good mood!
Rin: Stop!
The man violently grabbed my arm, and I reflexively tried to shake him off, but that only worsened my situation.
Samurai Descendant: Damn it, getting too cocky, aren't you!?
Rin: …!
In a fury, the man drew the sword on his waist and I pulled out the sword I had hidden in my bag.
Samurai Descendant: … Ah? A woman with a sword?
(Keep calm…)
(I don't have any real fighting experience, if he charges at me, I can just deflect his attack…)
I pulled myself together and faced him head-on.
In the midst of the tension, the man stepped forward and—
???: — Hold it.
I heard a dignified voice coming from somewhere.
Rin: Huh…
Before I knew it, a man stood close by me.
(Ah, isn’t this the man I tried to talk to just now…?)
When he saw my fighting stance, his eyes blinked in surprise.
???: That stance…
???: Are you from Aizu? No wonder you have such a strong look in your eyes.
When I tilted my head in puzzlement upon hearing the name of an unfamiliar place, the man who looked like a samurai raised his voice.
Samurai Descendant: Who the heck are you!?
???: The Police.
Samurai Descendant: Wha…!?
The moment he heard that response, he immediately fled the scene.
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???: There should be another police officer stationed over there…
???: Anyway, back to you.
The man turned to face me. Despite the unfriendliness in his tone, his face looked more gentle than I expected.
(Erm… he helped me, didn’t he?)
Rin: Um, thank you so much for helping me.
???: Don't mention it…
He looked down at my sword.
???: Why do you have a sword?
Rin: Uh… it’s a family heirloom.
???: A heirloom?
Rin: Yes. Something very precious my family left behind…
The man gave a slight nod in response.
???: … Nevermind. Anyway, are you from Aizu?
Rin: Huh?
(Come to think of it, he did mention “Aizu” just now…)
Rin: No, I’m not from Aizu.
???: … But your fighting stance tells me otherwise.
(What is he talking about…?)
No one taught me how to wield a sword.
I just naturally knew those moves, so I kept on practising them on my own.
(I thought they were unique to me, but could it be that I have connections to Aizu…?)
That was what I thought, but the man denied it.
???: … Nevermind. There are people who pick up some moves from masterless samurai. Sorry, don’t mind what I said.
???: But still… it felt nostalgic.
Rin: …?
I couldn't catch the words that followed as they were too faint.
???: … Sorry for holding you back. I know you’re from the countryside, so be careful while in Tokyo.
???: Moreover, there are many lawless people here.
???: Even though this country has been opened up to the world, it’s a rare sight for a woman to be carrying a sword, so it catches a lot of attention.
When I saw him turn to leave, it suddenly hit me.
(He’s said he’s from the police, that means he’s familiar with the area…!)
Rin: Um! I don’t know the way to…
???: The way?
Rin: Could you help me, if it’s alright with you? I just arrived in Tokyo today from the countryside.
???: … Yeah, sure.
When he saw the address written on the letter I showed him, he rubbed his chin and had a troubled expression.
???: It’s easy to get lost on your way to this place. I’d be glad to show you the way, but I don’t exactly have the time…
???: … No, scratch that. It’s better than leaving you here and having you potentially get into trouble again.
The man turned to look at me, seemingly having made up his mind.
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Saito: My name is Saito Hajime. I’m the captain of the Drawn-Sword Regiment in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.
Saito: Come with me. — We’re headed for the Meiji Government.
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Koibaku Character Impressions
Aaand of course my translator starts glitching the second I get to Naosuke in the prologue >.>
Anyway, my first impressions of everyone so far (please forgive inaccuracies since I use a translator to play).
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Straight-laced former-Shinsengumi current-Tokyo-police-dude(?) with an understated gentleness to him. Of all the Ikeseries posterboys that I'm familiar with he reminds me of Napoleon and Ray the most. He's heccin easy on the eyes, but nothing else has really captured my interest so far.
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Kind, easy-going, progressive-thinking (feminist icon) and gentlemanly. He's basically the advisor to the Emperor(?). All the characters on the Meiji Government side seem to answer to him. He reminds me of Comte and Victor!
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Not a romanceable suitor (yet?) but he has a sprite and he's a quirky military doctor. He's very playful and inviting and hospitable (he literally invites Rin, the MC, to come stay with him while she stays in Tokyo and tries to get her memory back). He reminds me of Gilbert if Gilbert hadn't joined the dark side. Also I think he robbed Mousse in a dark alley and stole his outfit.
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I don't know how I feel about him. He's one of the characters who is the most openly distrustful of Rin. He's also the only one so far who's made a pass at her, joking or otherwise. So I'd say he reminds me of Nokto. He was against Kido hiring a female, but he might have a more nuanced reason for it besides it being the prevailing attitude in that era. And he did quickly accept the decision without a fuss, but it seemed more because Kido is such a high-ranking official. Katsu leads the navy.
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Charismatic general. He's really just so very charming and easy to talk to. And that reminds me of Jin and Leon and Masa. I don't really have a lot else to say about him. He's very good at keeping his guard-dog at bay XD
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Angry pomeranian general. He tiny, he bark, he probably bite. He literally has a little fangy sticking out of his mouth. He's SOOO overprotective about Saigo. He. Is. ADORABLE. Reminds me of Hideyoshi in terms of "my lord can do no wrong and I would die for him" vibes. Yves too! And though I don't know a whole lot about Kanetsugu, I think the guard dog bit might be similar to him?
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My dude is a prisoner!? Only because he was on the losing side of the Boshin War. But he has his own little research room at the prison and gets so caught up in his research that he forgets to eat for DAYS at a time. Without showing any exhaustion. He's got radiant vibes. I think I might love him. I don't know. Mitsunari? I don't know. Dazai minus his rainy vibes?? ;;
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Alluring. Somehow elusive. Leaves an almost ghostly impression in the brief encounter Rin has with him. AND HE'S GOT INHUMANLY COLD HANDS SO LET ME JUST PREPARE MY TEARS. I think he's definitely for the Leonardo-enjoyers. And Galileo-voice-enjoyers :)
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I don't know because my stupid translator decided to glitch just as I got to him :( But he's mysterious. Seems to huff a quiet, knowing, malicious laugh instead of giving a straight answer. Will update after I play the last bit of the prologue.
edit: finished the prologue. HECCIN Shakespeare vibes. He only says as much as he needs to and leaves the rest to his mysterious and unsettling aura. During Rin's encounter with him he helps her back to government HQ when she gets lost, but ofc it's weird that he even knew where she was going in the first place hehe :)
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WHO IS HE?? Foreigner dude that Rin only sees in passing. 0 interaction in the prologue. And he's not romanceable afaik
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 5
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
Kido: Well then, we will have many opportunities to work together in the future…
Kido: Shall we formally introduce ourselves?
(Now that I think of it, I only roughly know their names and occupations…)
I’m still not very familiar with everyone here.
I glanced at Saito, he took a small breath and spoke up.
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Saito: I’m Saito Hajime. I’m a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s Drawn-Sword Regiment.
Mori: “Saito Hajime”? You mean *that* Saito from the Shinsengumi?
Rin: Huh?
Saito: Correct. Before joining the police department... I was part of the Shinsengumi.
I didn't know a lot about them, but I’ve heard that name before.
(I think I’ve heard Saito’s name before, but… oh, that might be why.)
The Shinsengumi was a well-known organisation and since he was a former member, it wouldn't be surprising if I’ve heard his name before.
Rin: Huh? But the Shinsengumi fought against the Government during the Boshin War…
When I said that, vaguely recalling the historical event, Saito wore a complicated expression on his face.
Rin: Oh…
(I shouldn't have brought that up…)
Rin: S-Sorry…
Saito: … No, it’s fine. It’s expected that you’d have questions.
Saito stopped me when I panicked and wanted to apologise.
Saito: After the end of the Boshin War, I was placed under house arrest.
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Saito: However… Katsu took me under his wing and so I now lead the Drawn-Sword Regiment.
Rin: I… see.
Katsu: …
That was a peep at the relationship between Saito and Katsu.
(So, he’s no longer an opposition to the government, instead he’s working for them…)
Kido: … I’m next.
In an attempt to lift the tense atmosphere, Kido spoke up.
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Kido: I’m Kido Takayoshi. I work as a full-time advisor to the government office.
Rin: Um…
(What does it mean to be a “full-time advisor to the government’s office”...?)
Saito: … Basically, he’s the second most powerful man in the country after the Emperor.
When I tilted my head in puzzlement at the unfamiliar job title, Saito explained it to me.
Rin: After the Emperor… WHAT!?
(He’s THAT important!?)
I did get a feeling that he was someone with authority when he said he worked for the Meiji Government, and the way he talked about allowing women into the workforce, but…
Rin: My sincerest apologies! I have been very impolite to you…
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Kido: You don’t have to apologise. It’s only a title to me, no worries.
(It’s still bothering me even though he said that…)
Rin: I didn’t think you were such an important man…
Katsu: … Isn’t that even more impolite?
Rin: Ah!
Katsu’s words took me by surprise, and Kido smiled calmly at me.
Kido: Fufu, does my appearance make me look otherwise?
Rin: Yes… sorry.
When it came to important people, I imagined them to be older men with long beards or someone dressed in elaborate clothes.
(Kido is a young man dressed in simple clothing… that's why I didn't think he'd be someone of such great importance.)
Kido: … If I dress in clothes that are very obviously expensive, it'll make me an easy target. Moreover, the lighter my clothing, the more convenient it is for me to escape when necessary.
Kido seemed to notice me staring at him, and so he explained it to me.
Rin: I see…
(That makes sense. He would indeed become an easy target if he were to dress in expensive clothing.)
Kido: … Oh, right. Please still feel free to take your time to consider the job offer.
Kido: If I revealed my identity to you earlier, the offer would’ve sounded more like an official order…
Kido: I’d much prefer it if you'd decide for yourself.
Rin: Oh… alright.
(He’s being so considerate of me.)
His gentle and approachable demeanour made me gradually feel less tense.
After Kido was done speaking, Katsu looked at me.
Katsu: … Guess I’m the last one.
Rin: !
(He was against hiring me just a while ago.)
(I don’t think he has a very good impression of me… will I be okay?)
Although his opinion was a general one about women and not targeted towards me specifically, I couldn't help feeling anxious and wary of him.
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Katsu: I’m Katsu Kaishu. I’m an Admiral in the Navy.
Rin: Admiral?
Kido: He’s the highest ranking officer in the Navy.
Rin: WHAT!?
(This man is an important person too…!?)
Katsu: Now, no need to panic. I’m not the type of guy to go around boasting about my rank.
Rin: Alright…
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Mori: Okay, so that concludes the self introductions?
Mori clapped his hands together to show that the self introductions were done.
Mori: She must be exhausted, so we should head back soon.
Kido: … Yes, you’re right.
Mori: Come on, let’s go.
I was about to leave the room with Mori, but I suddenly stopped.
Rin: Um, thank you for all your help today!
Saito: … Yeah.
After I thanked them, Saito and the others saw us off until we reached the exit.
Mori: Let’s go to my residence!
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 4
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
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Kido: … Rin. If it's alright with you, how about you work as a service staff for the Meiji Government?
Rin: Huh…?
I blinked in surprise at the unexpected suggestion.
(Working as a service staff for the Meiji Government…?)
(This idea has never crossed my mind…)
I was unable to give an immediate response to his suggestion.
Katsu: What are you talking about, Kido?
Katsu reacted before I could.
Katsu: You can’t simply hire a woman like that.
Kido shook his head at Katsu’s disapproval.
Kido: Really? Women in Europe and other western countries have proper jobs.
Kido: So I was thinking that in the future, it will be the same in our country.
Kido: Japan needs to keep up with the other countries.
Katsu: Even so…
Kido: If we want our country to become stronger, women should be allowed to play active roles in society as well. You understand that, right?
Kido: We can also consider employing Ainu women to work in factories.
(I see…)
It wasn't that women were not in the workforce at all.
They mostly held live-in jobs or secretly took on odd jobs while hiding from men.
It was less common to see women working outside the house, as compared to men.
(Kido could so casually make that suggestion because… maybe his mindset is more open and flexible.)
In our society where people generally all had the same mindset as Katsu, Kido’s mindset was more advanced.
Kido: Moreover, we tend to neglect our health. Won’t it be better to have someone with us who has experience working in a restaurant?
Kido: I also want to observe what it’d be like if women were to work in the same environment as men, and whether they can work well in such an environment.
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Katsu: …
After a brief silence, Katsu sighed and raised his hands in surrender.
Katsu: … *sigh*. Fine, fine. Whatever you say.
Kido: Glad you understand.
Katsu: But all that stuff will be pointless if this girl doesn't want to work here.
Rin: Working for the government…
(I can’t make a decision yet, because I don't know what it's like to be working in the Ministry of Home Affairs…)
I glanced at Kido who was awaiting my response, and he smiled at me.
Kido: I apologise for making such a proposal so suddenly. However, you don’t have to give me a response immediately.
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Kido: It was just my suggestion, so please treat it as another one of your options.
Rin: A-Alright…
I heaved a sigh of relief.
(It was in my original plan to look for employment, so this is a valuable opportunity.)
Rin: I appreciate your kindness.
Standing next to me, Mori smiled gleefully.
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Mori: That’s great, you can be the first officially employed woman!
Mori: Also, working as a service staff for the government suits you.
Rin: Thank you…
(I’m not sure if I'm truly cut out for the job… I need to think this through.)
Rin: Please allow me to think about this and give you a response at a later date.
Kido: Yes, please do.
Kido smiled and nodded before speaking again.
Kido: Well then, we will have many opportunities to work together in the future…
Kido: Shall we formally introduce ourselves?
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 3
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
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???: — Oh, hey there.
???: I’m the person you’re looking for, right?
Rin: Huh…!?
(“The person I’m looking for”...)
I blinked in surprise at the man who suddenly appeared before me.
Kido: — Doctor Mori, why are you here?
Katsu: Mori? … Oh, he’s that military doctor, right?
The man named “Mori” nodded enthusiastically in response to Kido and Katsu.
Mori: Oh? Nice to meet you. My name is Mori Ogai. I’m a military doctor and professional writer.
(“Mori Ogai”?)
My heart skipped a beat.
(He has the same name as the doctor in the letter.)
Mori: A government official who admired my skills called me here. I just finished the treatments.
Saito: ! There should be members of the Drawn-Sword Regiment among them…
Mori: Ah, your comrades? I treated them well, so they should have no problems or prognostic symptoms…
Saito heaved a sigh of relief at Mori’s words.
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Mori: Anyway… I didn’t expect to meet you today, Rin.
Rin: My name…
(He knows my name. This is definitely the right person…)
Kido: … I see. Doctor Mori is the doctor Rin is searching for.
Mori: Exactly.
(He’s the person I’m searching for…!)
I was shocked to see that he looked younger than I had expected.
Moreover, I also didn’t expect to meet him here.
Saito: … That’s surprising. How did you know that she’s looking for you?
Mori: Hmm, because of my doctor instincts, maybe? And she's a former patient of mine?
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Katsu: What nonsense.
Kido: … You were eavesdropping.
Mori: Am I caught?
Saito: Nevertheless, it’s great that the two of you met.
Saito looked at me and smiled, I nodded.
Rin: Yes…! It’s all thanks to you and everyone else.
(Thank goodness Saito brought me here…)
If it weren't for him, I might never have this lucky opportunity to meet Doctor Mori.
Saito: I didn't do anything helpful.
Katsu: Whatever it is, this is a good thing. So we’ll leave the rest to you?
Mori: Ah, of course. I’m done with my work here, so let’s head back to my place and have a chat.
Rin: Sure, thank you so much!
When I first arrived in Tokyo, I was worried about what could go wrong, but…
(Mm, it looks like things are going in the right direction.)
Rin: Then…
Just as I was about to say goodbye to everyone—
Kido: … Please hold on.
Kido stopped me from leaving.
Rin: Yes?
Kido: Do you have a place to stay in Tokyo?
Rin: Oh…
(Actually, I haven't decided on that.)
I was a little tight on cash, so I was intending to temporarily stay in a cheap inn.
Mori: You can come to my place!
Rin: What.
Mori made a suggestion, seemingly realizing what I was thinking.
Rin: But that would be too much of a bother to you…
Mori: You can help me with some work. Moreover, your cooking is delicious, so I welcome you with open arms!
Mori said while waving his hand in an exaggerated manner, and I tilted my head in puzzlement.
Rin: How… how did you know about my cooking?
Mori: Ah, your grandmother wrote about it in her letters to me.
Mori: She wrote that you made delicious dishes in her restaurant, and was of big help to her!
Rin: My grandmother said that?
(So that’s how grandmother talked about me.)
I felt a fuzzy feeling in my heart.
(Mori has had personal contact with grandmother, and if he’s saying this…)
Rin: Can I accept your offer and stay at your place?
Mori: Of course!
Rin: But I’ll feel bad if all I do is help you with things… I’ll definitely find a proper job elsewhere.
Rin: I’m thinking of getting a job as a kitchen assistant at a restaurant.
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Kido: …
Kido was pondering about something while staring at me.
Rin: …?
I tilted my head sideways and he slowly spoke up.
Kido: … Rin. If it's alright with you, how about you work as a service staff for the Meiji Government?
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 2
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
Saito: My name is Saito Hajime. I’m the captain of the Drawn-Sword Regiment in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.
Saito: Come with me. — We’re headed for the Meiji Government.
(... The Meiji Government?)
I did as I was told and followed Saito to…
Rin: Um, this place is…
Saito: This is the Ministry of Home Affairs, also the headquarters of the Meiji Government.
Rin: Eh?
Saito: Didn’t I tell you we were headed for the Government?
(He did… . This is where the important people in the country gather, right?)
I felt small because I never imagined myself ever stepping foot into such a place.
Saito spoke, ignoring me.
Saito: I have work to do here. Wait here for me, I’ll come pick you up and guide you once I’m done.
Rin: A-Alright. Can I stay in this area?
Saito: Right…
Just as Saito was about to respond,
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???: Is that Saito?
???: Oh…?
Saito: ! Katsu, and… Kido.
The two men named Katsu and Kido approached Saito.
(Are they perhaps acquaintances?)
Katsu: Who’s this girl?
Saito: She… she lost her way. I’ll guide her once I’m done with my work here.
Rin: My name is Rin.
I introduced myself and bowed my head, Katsu smiled.
Katsu: I see. I can tell from your appearance that you came to Tokyo from the countryside.
Katsu seemed convinced and was about to leave with a wave of his hand, but Kido stayed behind and stared at me.
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Katsu: Kido?
Kido: Nothing. It’s just that it seems she has something going on.
Rin: !
His penetrating gaze made my heart jump.
Katsu: She looks like an optimistic and ordinary girl to me. Did you fall in love with her at first sight?
Kido: Of course not. But sometimes, valuable information lies in unexpected places.
Kido approached me and looked at me searchingly.
Kido: Please don't tell them about this. I’m only asking this out of curiosity.
Kido: … Can you tell me just one thing? What’s your purpose in coming to Tokyo?
I hesitated for a moment to tell him the truth.
(This isn't something I’d usually tell someone I just met, but…)
Contrary to his calm aura, Kido’s gaze was as sharp as an arrow.
Rin: …!
(... Something tells me that it won’t be easy to fool them.)
I made up my mind, took a deep breath, and spoke.
Rin: I’m here in search of my missing memories.
Afterwards, I was brought to a government office because they got interested in my situation, and I told them everything.
(Looks like this just became a pretty serious matter…)
Kido smiled when he noticed me sighing.
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Kido: I’m Kido Takayoshi. I work for the Meiji Government. Katsu Kaishu over there works together with me.
Kido: The man who brought you here is Saito Hajime, he works for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department in the Drawn-Sword Regiment.
Kido: So… is it true that you’ve lost all your memories?
I hesitated before slowly nodding in response.
Rin: … Yes. I lost my memories a few years ago.
Rin: I don’t know the exact reason, but apparently I lost my memories after sustaining a serious injury…
Rin: An old lady found me unconscious, so she took me home and raised me as her granddaughter.
She raised me like I was her real family member.
Rin: I’d be lying if I said that my memory loss had never once bothered me, but we led a happy life together.
Rin: But… my grandmother passed away not long ago due to illness.
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Saito: …
Rin: And when I was feeling lost…
Rin: I found letters that my grandmother exchanged with a doctor in Tokyo.
(That doctor treated me back when I was first discovered…)
My grandmother ran a small restaurant in the outskirts of the village, and this person was the only person she had personal contact with.
After she passed on, I spent more time alone and became curious about myself.
I thought that if I could meet this person, I might be able to find some leads to my missing memories. Therefore, I came to Tokyo.
When I finished speaking, I felt a concerned gaze on me.
Saito: … So you lost your way while looking for this person?
Katsu: Ahh… sorry for saying that you looked optimistic.
Rin: It's alright.
Rin: Moreover, I might find out something if I meet that person, so I wouldn't say my situation is pessimistic.
Saito: … In that case, we should take you to that person’s address at once.
Saito’s stiff facial expression had softened slightly.
Kido: By the way, what’s the name of the person you’re looking for?
The moment Kido asked that question—
Rin: !?
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???: — Oh, hey there.
???: I’m the person you’re looking for, right?
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archiveikemen · 9 months
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 9
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
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Rin: No way… where could I have dropped it?
(That towel was a gift from grandma…)
It was something that meant a lot to me. Even though I said that I dropped it, I won't give it up so easily.
Rin: I need to look for it carefully…
I started retracing my steps and searching all the places I’ve been to.
(If I really dropped it…)
Rin: Ah…
While walking around, I suddenly thought of something when I was near the forest.
(It might be there!)
I immediately went into the forest to search for my missing handkerchief.
Rin: Please let me find it…
There was only one of that handkerchief in the entire world, and I absolutely had to find it no matter what it took.
(I can't find it anywhere…)
I searched for it all day and to no avail.
(What should I do, grandma…)
I tightly squeezed the hem of my clothes.
???: … Oi.
Rin: !
Just then, a deep voice called out to me.
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???: Is this the item you dropped?
Rin: Oh!
The man with a unique aura was holding the handkerchief I had been looking for.
Rin: Yes, it is! My handkerchief…!
???: I see, here you go.
Rin: Thank—
When I thanked him and was about to take the handkerchief, our hands lightly touched.
Rin: Ah!
I took the handkerchief, and reflexively retracted my hand.
(His hand is so cold. … It’s practically humanly impossible for someone’s hand to be that cold.)
I couldn't help but be surprised by his body temperature that felt as if there was no blood flowing through him.
I nervously looked at the man, and he blinked in surprise before narrowing his eyes again.
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???: … Is my hand cold?
Rin: Ah…
(Did I hurt his feelings…?)
I suddenly realised that my actions were disrespectful.
(It’s not common for someone to have cold hands, but still…)
Rin: You helped me pick my item up… I’m so sorry for reacting that way!
???: … Your shocked reaction was expected.
Rin: Huh?
???: Nothing…
Even though I felt strange about the man who turned his face away from me, I spoke up again.
Rin: This item truly meant a lot to me, thank you so much for helping me find it.
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???: … Cherry blossoms, huh. This is a nice handkerchief.
The man said in a soft voice.
???: … Then you should store it well, don't lose it again.
And with that, the man walked away.
(I’m really glad I found my handkerchief. … Nevertheless, that man still gives me a strange feeling.)
He gave off a unique aura, different from anyone else I’ve met.
Rin: … But he must be a very kind person.
(Because he helped me find my handkerchief.)
The cold feeling still lingering on my hand, I tightly held my handkerchief and left the forest.
Rin: Sigh…
I was faced with another problem.
(I can’t believe I’m lost…)
I seemed to have ventured too far into the forest in search of my missing handkerchief.
It took me quite a bit of effort to find my way out of the forest, only to end up somewhere I’ve never seen before.
(What should I do…? I don't know where I am. I need to ask someone for directions…)
Rin: Excuse me, do you know the way to…
Passerby: Sorry, I’m in a rush.
I tried asking the people passing by, but perhaps they were too busy, no one stopped to help me.
(What should I do?)
It made me uneasy to be all alone in a foreign place.
I felt as if everything before my eyes was turning dark.
Like I was sensing a fragment of my lost memories—
Rin: !
I shook my head.
(This is different from back then. Right now I’ve only lost my way, nothing more.)
(Moreover… if I don't go back, Kido and Mori will get worried about me.)
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???: …
Rin: !?
— I lifted my head to see an unfamiliar man who had been standing there since who knows how long.
(W-Who are you!?)
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archiveikemen · 9 months
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 10
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
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Rin: E-Erm…?
I backed away in surprise when I saw the unfamiliar man in front of me.
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???: … Are you lost?
The atmosphere around the man felt heavy, and there was an air of tension when he spoke.
???: Going to the Ministry of Home Affairs? Follow me.
Rin: Huh?
(How did he know where I was headed to…? Could it be…)
Rin: Are you from the Ministry of Home Affairs?
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???: No.
The man responded immediately, sounding slightly displeased.
Rin: Then, how…
???: … (voice: hmph).
Without another word, he started briskly walking away.
(What on earth was that about…? But if I don't go back…)
I fixed my posture and ran after him.
— A while later.
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???: …
Rin: Oh, this place is…!
The man stopped at the exact place I wanted to go to.
(As expected, it’s better to have someone show me the way…)
However, I was still very curious about how he knew where my destination was.
Rin: … How did you know that I wanted to come to the Ministry of Home Affairs?
???: That’s because…
The man furrowed his eyebrows and spoke in an irritated tone.
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???: … I saw it. Yesterday, you walked into this place with a policeman.
Rin: Ah… so that’s why.
(He saw me with Saito yesterday. But he remembers it so clearly…)
Feeling uncomfortable, I looked away from him.
Maintaining his air of dignity, the man muttered.
???: — We will meet again.
Rin: —!
With that, he disappeared amongst the other people present.
(“We will meet again”... what does he mean by that?)
At the same time I felt suspicious of him, I realised that my hands were trembling.
Rin: ! Why…
Even though he was a strange man, all he did was show me the way to my destination. And yet, I felt oddly uneasy about him.
(He gives me the same feeling as that man I met in the forest…)
Although their physical appearances looked different, for some reason, I just thought that way.
After returning to the ministry and taking a short break, I felt calmer.
I reported on my work to Kido, and went to meet Mori for work again.
Because of Kido’s concern, he decided that it was time for me to go home.
Mori: Glad to run into you after work. Good job on your first day of work!
Rin: Thank you…!
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Mori: How was work?
Rin: I think it went smoothly. Although, I only helped to run some errands.
Mori: That’s normal when you’re just starting out. You’ll be fine once you start gradually increasing the number of things you can do.
Rin: … Got it!
Mori’s warm words naturally put a smile on my face.
Rin: In any case, Tokyo sure has a lot of people. I'm grateful I had people helping me today.
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Mori: Helping you?
Rin: Yes. On my way back to the ministry after completing an errand, I lost something by accident… and someone found it for me in the forest.
Rin: Afterwards, I lost my way and someone brought me back to the ministry. He looked a little scary…
Mori: There were people in that sort of place, huh. And the person who helped you was a scary looking man…
Mori appeared to have something on his mind.
(I’m saying weird things again, I think it’s better for me to just keep my mouth shut. I don't want to worry others…)
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Mori: … In any case, it’s alright as long as you're safe!
Mori: I got some dessert from the government building just now, let’s enjoy them together when we get home. I’m looking forward to tasting your cooking.
Rin: Fufu… okay!
(... I’ve only been in Tokyo for two days, and so much has happened already.)
(Although there's still many things I’m not familiar with… I met many kind people, and I feel that I’ll be able to keep going.)
The most important thing was for me to regain my memories.
I hardened my resolve while picturing in my head the faces of the people I’ve met.
(I’ve had many memorable encounters.)
The face of a man who particularly stood out to me appeared in my mind.
(Out of everyone, I’m most interested in that man.)
With a ticklish feeling in my heart, I slowly closed my eyes.
The kind of turbulent fate I would find myself in with him still unknown to me—.
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archiveikemen · 10 months
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 8
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
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(No way, the location of my first errand is… the prison.)
I felt intimidated for a moment.
(But I have to complete the task Kido assigned to me.)
Rin: … Alright.
I took a small breath and went inside.
Rin: Excuse me… I’m here to deliver a gift under Kido’s orders.
I showed the guard the documents I received from Kido, and I was instantly granted permission to meet the recipient of the gift.
(The person must be a prisoner if they’re in here…)
Although I felt uneasy, I remembered what Kido said to me earlier.
– Flashback Start –
Kido: Yes. The place he’s at might be a little shocking, but he’s not a bad person…
– Flashback End –
(Kido said that the person is not a bad person.)
I inwardly muttered that to myself and was led to a room.
(There’s something different about this door compared to the others… whatever it is, I have to go inside and deliver this gift.)
With my heart beating fast, I opened the door.
Inside the room—.
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???: You are…?
The man in the room was calm, he didn't look like a prisoner.
(Is this… the person the gift is for?)
Moreover, the room looked more like a laboratory than a prison cell.
???: … Erm?
I quickly introduced myself when the man gave me a slightly troubled smile.
Rin: Oh! I received instructions from Kido to deliver this to you…
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???: … I see. Thank you.
Rin: No worries, here you go.
I handed the gift to the man who wore a gentle smile.
???: He found out that I haven't been eating well due to being too engrossed in my research.
Rin: Research?
???: Yeah. … Right, I have yet to introduce myself.
Enomoto: My name is Enomoto Takeaki. I’m a prisoner.
Rin: A prisoner…
(And yet, he doesn't seem like one at all…)
Enomoto chuckled as I stared at him in bewilderment.
Enomoto: I’m called a prisoner, but I’m a little bit of a special case.
Rin: Special?
Enomoto: Yes. Unlike other prisoners, I spend all my time here conducting research.
Enomoto: Because it seems that my knowledge would be beneficial to the country.
(Um. He’s a prisoner… right?)
However, the fact that Kido instructed me to personally deliver the gift meant that this man was no ordinary prisoner.
Enomoto: … May I ask about you?
Rin: Oh, I… I’m Rin, I’m a service staff working for the Meiji Government starting today.
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Enomoto: Service staff? I wasn’t aware of this job position in the Meiji Government.
Rin: It was Kido who invited me to work in this position. From my understanding, it was because women in western countries are already entering the workforce…
Enomoto: I see, that does sound like something Kido would do. So, was this food prepared by you?
Rin: Yes. It’s nothing special, just rice balls.
Enomoto: It’s a good dish. Can I go ahead and eat it now?
Rin: Yes, please.
Enomoto’s face lit up and he took a bite of the rice ball.
Enomoto: … Mm, it’s delicious. It feels nice to eat something after a long time.
Rin: … That’s great to hear. But, how long has it been since you last ate?
Enomoto: Hmm. Approximately three days?
Rin: Three days!?
I was stunned by how casually Enomoto said that he hadn't eaten in that many days.
(I wonder if it’s one of his punishments to not be given food…)
Sensing my concern, Enomoto quickly shook his head.
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Enomoto: Ah, I do receive meals regularly. It’s just that I get so occupied by my research, I neglect them.
Rin: I- I see.
Enomoto: Mm-hmm, you can be rest assured.
Rin: …
Enomoto smiled gently at me, but my doubts only grew stronger.
(What led to Enomoto’s imprisonment?)
(No matter how I think of it, he doesn't give off the impression of a bad person at all…)
Enomoto smiled wryly, seemingly having figured out what was on my mind.
Enomoto: You’re curious about what crime I committed, aren't you? It’s a very common one. I was defeated in the Boshin War.
Rin: Oh…
– Flashback Start –
Saito: After the end of the Boshin War, I was placed under house arrest.
– Flashback End –
I was suddenly reminded of Saito.
Rin: I see, so that’s what happened…
I lowered my gaze, feeling like I had asked an insensitive question.
However, Enomoto’s tone was cheerful as he spoke to me again.
Enomoto: There’s a number of reasons. … Although I’m a prisoner now, I’ve yet to lose hope.
Enomoto: There are still many things for me to do.
Enomoto: Thank you for the delicious gift today, kind lady.
(... He’s such a cheerful person.)
I found myself feeling encouraged by him, and nodded firmly.
Rin: You’re welcome!
After parting with Enomoto and leaving the prison, I made my way back to the Ministry of Home Affairs.
But, after a short while—.
Rin: … Huh?
While walking, I noticed that I lost the hand towel I had on me when heading towards the prison earlier.
Rin: No way… where could I have dropped it?
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archiveikemen · 11 months
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 6
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
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Mori: Let’s go to my residence!
At Mori’s invitation, I went to his residence.
Rin: This is your house…
(What a luxurious western style mansion…)
Tokyo had opened itself up to other countries, so there was a lot of western architecture that could not be found in the rural areas. But amongst those buildings, this one looked especially impressive.
Mori: That’s right. Come, let's go inside!
Rin: O-Okay!
I was brought to Mori’s bedroom and before I could admire its furnishings, I bowed my head.
Rin: Please excuse my sudden intrusion!
Mori: Didn’t I personally invite you over to my house?
Rin: Oh, erm… I came to Tokyo without really contacting you.
After I saw that letter, I travelled to Tokyo on impulse.
Mori must’ve found it troublesome that I suddenly showed up in front of his house.
Mori: Nah, it’s alright.
Even so, Mori still gave a clear-cut response.
Mori: Your grandmother was very concerned about what would happen after she passed on.
Mori: Back then, I even thought of adopting you.
Rin: I-Is that so?
Mori: Yeah. So I’m not surprised that this day eventually came, and there’s no need for you to be anxious.
I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard that.
Mori: And as I had mentioned earlier, it’ll be nice if you could live here while working as a service staff and helping me out at the same time.
Mori: Ah, speaking of helping me out. I’ll only be giving you some minor tasks, so they won't be too much of a burden for you.
Mori: And besides, it was also your grandmother’s wish for you to live with someone, instead of be all alone.
My grandmother had indeed said before that being with people is happier than being alone.
(Then… since Mori also says so, I guess I can accept the offer.)
Rin: Thank you. If it’s possible, please allow me to live here.
Mori: Yup. You can live here for as long as you want. With you around, I’m sure lots of happy things will happen.
(What… does that mean?)
Mori smiled gleefully, and I cluelessly nodded my head, unsure if that was what I had been expecting.
(Mori sure is an unusual man. … Oh!)
I suddenly thought of something.
Rin: I’ve been wanting to ask you about my memories…!
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Mori: … You memories, huh.
Mori lowered his head and answered slowly.
Mori: I’m sorry to say this, but… I’m not so sure I’ll be of any help with that thing about looking for clues to your missing memories.
His response wasn't completely unexpected, but even so… it caused a heavy feeling in my heart.
Rin: I see…
(I knew it… this won’t go very smoothly.)
Mori cast me a concerned look.
Mori: You can take your time to search for them in the future. Moreover, I don't think your trip to Tokyo will be in vain.
Mori grinned and raised his index finger.
Mori: Tokyo has the most number of people in all of Japan, which means that there’s more sources of information here as compared to your home in the rural areas.
Mori: From a medical perspective, your memories can come back to you upon being triggered by an external event.
Rin: You have a point.
Mori’s words sounded very convincing.
Mori: I’ll be sure to let you know if I recall anything as well. So cheer up.
Rin: … Okay!
My mood started to get better.
(Right. I’ve only just arrived in Tokyo.)
Mori: I also think that working as a service staff for the Meiji Government will be very useful in helping you search for your memories.
Rin: Really?
Mori: You’re going to be working at the Ministry of Home Affairs. There's no place better than that to obtain information from all over the country.
Mori: I believe you’ll be coming across various types of information while working.
Rin: That’s true…
(If it’s the Ministry of Home Affairs, I might get to know about what happened that led to my injury…)
Mori: Anyway, I won’t force you either. … Come on, let me show you to your room.
Rin: … Amazing!
The room was filled with furniture that I had never seen before back home in the countryside.
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Mori: I’m glad you like it. You can use anything in this room as you wish. Well then, good night.
The moment Mori left the room, I immediately laid down on the western style bedding.
Rin: Wow, it’s so soft…
(This must be the “bed” I heard about from the customers at the restaurant…)
(Although I’m not used to sleeping on this type of bedding, it’s undoubtedly very comfortable.)
Rin: Now that I think of it, today was a really eventful day…
I met Mori, the person I had been searching for.
I also met Saito and received help from him.
And then there’s Kido and Katsu, who were important figures in the Meiji Government.
(I decided to live in Mori’s house, but…)
I was unable to get any leads from Mori — the only person I thought could help me.
(What should I do for my memories to come back…?)
As Mori had mentioned, my memories could return if triggered by an external event.
In that case, I should interact with more people and things.
(The more information I have, the easier it’ll be for me to find clues to my missing memories…)
Whenever I closed my eyes, I would think about my lost memories. It was all foggy and unclear.
(I really want to know more about myself.)
(I want to live with knowledge of my own life events.)
In order for that to happen…
– Flashback Start –
Kido: … Rin. If it’s alright with you, how about working as a service staff for the Meiji Government?
Mori: From a medical perspective, your memories can come back to you upon being triggered by an external event.
Mori: You’re going to be working at the Ministry of Home Affairs. There's no place better than that to obtain information from all over the country.
Mori: I believe you’ll be coming across various types of information while working.
– Flashback End –
(I’ve made up my mind. I—)
Unlike yesterday, Kido was working in his office.
Kido: — So, what did you want to speak to me regarding?
I bowed my head to Kido, who smiled at me.
Rin: Please let me work as a service staff for the Meiji Government!
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archiveikemen · 11 months
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 7
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
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Rin: Please let me work as a service staff for the Meiji Government!
I nervously bowed my head.
And then, I heard a seemingly pleased voice from above my head.
Kido: I didn't expect you to get back to me this soon.
Kido: Certainly, please lend your support to the Government. … As a service staff, of course.
Rin: ! Thank you very much!
I bowed my head again, and Kido laughed.
Kido: Well then, I just happen to have something I need your help with.
Rin: Sure, I’ll do anything!
Kido: Fufu, I like that response.
Kido: … I need you to help deliver a token of sympathy to a person.
Rin: A token of sympathy?
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Kido: Yes. The place he’s at might be a little shocking, but he’s not a bad person…
Kido: Although, if we're talking about trust, then…
Rin: Huh?
Kido: Nevermind, it’s nothing.
Kido: Anyway, please go to the location marked on the map.
Kido: You’re new to Tokyo, so it’s alright if you take your time to make your way there.
I got a few recommendations for places I could go to have a quick bite during my free time, and quickly went on with my delivery task.
Rin: I’ve got the gift, and… I’ve got the hand towel too!
(I wonder if I’ll successfully arrive at my destination. The map is very well-drawn, though.)
(This is my very first task, so I’ll do my best!)
Right when I was about to enthusiastically leave for work—.
???: What are you doing here?
Rin: Huh?
I turned around to see two men standing there.
The man who called out to me had a gentle facial expression, as for the other man…
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^ Left picture is the angry chihuahua in question.
???: … *angry chihuahua noises* (i suggest you play the game with your sound on)
(Is it just me? Or is he glaring at me…)
Just as I was at a loss for how to respond, the man who called out to me earlier spoke,
???: … Hm? You didn't hear me?
Rin: Huh…? Oh!
(I didn't answer his question!)
Rin: I’m working as a service staff for the government starting from today.
???: A service staff… . This sort of job exists too, I see…
The man nodded in amusement and smiled warmly at me.
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Saigo: My name is Saigo Takamori. I’m a General serving the Meiji Government.
Saigo: So you work for the government. And you're a woman… this is surprising.
(General… that must be a position in the military, right?)
And yet, Saigo’s smile made him seem friendly and approachable.
Rin: My name is Rin. It's nice to meet you.
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Saigo: Yeah, nice to m—
Saigo spoke while reaching out his hand.
(Is he going for a handshake?)
The moment I was about to reach my hand out as well—.
???: Don’t you dare touch him!
Rin: !?
The man standing next to Saigo lost his temper at me out of nowhere.
???: … *angry chihuahua noises 2.0*
He glared threateningly at me.
Saigo sighed at him.
Saigo: Don’t bite everyone you see, Toshiaki. Does this girl look threatening to you?
???: You’re too lenient, Saigo! She might look like this, but you never know if she’s actually a suspicious person!
???: I’ve never heard of such a thing as “service staff”—
He glared at me again, and I desperately tried to explain myself.
Rin: I’m not lying to any of you! I’m really a service staff working for the Meiji Government.
Rin: It was Kido who invited me to work in this position.
???: ! Kido…?
Rin: Yes. Besides… I don’t intend to harm Saigo. Therefore, please don't be so wary of me.
After I was done talking, the man blinked in surprise.
(Perhaps I got too desperate and sounded overly defensive… that was rude of me.)
Saigo: Hahaha!
Rin: !
???: !?
Saigo burst into laughter.
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Saigo: You lost, Toshiaki. You should apologise to her properly.
???: But…
Saigo: Toshiaki.
???: … Fine.
The man unwillingly turned to me.
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Kirino: I’m Lieutenant Kirino Toshiaki. … My bad.
Rin: ! It’s alright…
(... He’s like a guard dog for Saigo.)
But he might get angry again if I said that out loud.
Saigo: Sorry for holding you up. Do you still have errands to run after this?
Rin: Yes. I have to deliver a token of sympathy to someone.
Saigo: Good luck with that. Let’s go, Toshiaki.
Kirino: … Yes.
(That scared me… they’re not bad people, I think?)
Rin: … Right. I have a delivery to make.
Katsu: Oh, Rin. You’re here.
Rin: Katsu?
I ran into Katsu when I left the building.
Katsu: It looks like you accepted the job offer. Say, do you want to have some tea with me later?
Rin: Huh?
(Why is he inviting me for tea…? If it's Katsu we're talking about, he seems to be the type to have many suitors…)
I tilted my head in puzzlement, and Katsu laughed amusingly at my response.
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Katsu: Still not used to being invited out by a man? Oh well, can’t blame you for that. You’re from the countryside after all.
Katsu: Feel free to come to me whenever you're looking to have some fun.
Katsu slowly inched closer to me and said in a sweet voice.
Rin: Uh…
(What am I thinking…!?)
I was startled, and then I heard him chuckle.
Katsu: Should you be standing around and spacing out like that? Kido already assigned you your first task, didn't he? Be careful out there.
Rin: !
(He’s making fun of me…!)
My face burned from the embarrassment, and I responded with my head lowered.
Rin: I’ll get going now…!
Katsu: Haha, have a safe trip.
Katsu saw me off, and I made my way towards my destination.
Rin: Erm…
(Is this really the place?)
I couldn't mask my surprised face upon seeing the location I had arrived at.
However, according to the map that was given to me, it seemed that I was at the correct location.
(The place I’m supposed to deliver the gift to is... the prison.)
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archiveikemen · 10 months
hi niki :) I love your translations, thank you so much for sharing them with us ❤
I was wondering which of the three (ikevil, ikegen, and koibaku) you find the easiest/hardest to translate? Because I'm practising to read Japanese and so far I'm finding koibaku to be the easiest to read and ikevil a bit difficult.. I've been meaning to start ikegen but I'm worried if I'll have a hard time reading through..
hi anon :D
i can't speak for everyone but this is my personal experience – as of now i also find koibaku the easiest to read but that could be because i haven't read beyond the prologue 🤧
ikevil and ikegen are on the same "level" for me. while i can read and understand most words and phrases on my own, i'll encounter new stuff or unfamiliar ones (aka i've seen before but forgot or still don't get it) so i have to search it up a lot to learn the meaning, how it's used in different contexts etc. then try to commit them to memory.
i think the only tricky parts of ikegen for me were the terms from japanese mythology because it's not an area i'm familiar with. tho i had a lot of fun learning about those, spending hours looking at the different mythologies they have and being distracted from the story AHEM ; and for ikevil i struggle with jude's dialect ... a lot
anyway imo if you can read ikevil then ikegen shouldn't be tooooooo big of a problem. it's ok to need a dictionary by your side or do some / lotsa googling to learn and understand new things cuz that's what makes learning fun 🤭
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archiveikemen · 1 year
give me a while to do koibaku's prologue... this thing is 10 chapters long
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Tags Guide
How to get around Niki's blog fast? What if the story isn't in the master-list? Or the hyperlink isn't working? Here's a quick guide to the tags I use here! I will also link this post in my pinned.
When searching within my blog, you can use the following tags:
Ikemen Genjiden
Tumblr media
#ikegen masterlist
#ikegen prologue → acts 1 & 2 prologues
#ikegen main story / #<character name> main story
#ikegen story event
#ikegen collection event
#ikegen card story
#ikegen birthday
#ikegen misc → stories that are not in-game e.g. twitter events, special stories, collabs etc.
#ikegen_AoTP → Affinity of The Past story sales special stories
#ikegen news → official news and announcements for ikegen
Ikemen Villains
Tumblr media
#ikevil masterlist
#ikevil profile
#ikevil prologue
#ikevil main story / #<character name> main story
#ikevil story event
#ikevil collection event
#ikevil bond / #<character name> bond story → bond stories
#ikevil birthday
#ikevil news → official news and announcements for ikevil JP
#ikevil en news → for ikevil EN
#ikevil misc → pre-release content, non in-game content
Morganatic Idol
Tumblr media
#morudoru masterlist
#morudoru profile
#morudoru main story
#morudoru bond story
#morudoru misc
Ikemen Live
Tumblr media
#ikelive masterlist
#ikelive prologue
#ikelive main story / #<character name> main story
Koihana Bakumeiroku
Tumblr media
#koibaku masterlist
#koibaku profile
#koibaku pv → character and main story pvs
#koibaku misc → pre-release content, non in-game content
Other Tags
#askniki → answers to stuff i get in my ask box
#aikm guides → tutorials, guides etc.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Hi Niki! I just want to ask if you're gonna translate Koihana?
hi!! mmmm i'll have to see how i can fit it into my schedule as i'm already juggling ikegen and ikevil.
will translate the prologue for sure but as for main story.. not so soon. i want to finish liam's main story first 😅
however i'll definitely tl koibaku's event stories !!
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