#kouei116 translation
kouei116 · 4 years
IkeVam Comte's Preview Video
From the night that completely changed my world, the waxing and waning of the moon repeat. 
I thought I will continue peaceful every day life in the mansion where vampires live. 
Until that day. The forbidden chapter 2 begins here. 
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From the beginning, you were a very special existence.
Without any advanced warning, the way to return to my original world is lost. 
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I’ll always be by your side. You don’t need to force yourself to smile.
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It was Comte, the owner of the mansion who accepts my fears/worries. 
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To everybody at the mansion, no one can replace you. And to me myself as well. 
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I am attracted to his kindness, but at the same time, I catch a glimpse of the loneliness the pureblood vampire carries. 
As our distance shortens… I get to know the real him.
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*sigh* Do you understand when I’m looking at you, what kind of feelings I’m having?
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We are attacked by the connection of Comte’s past.
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Vlad: The one who wished for a flower that won’t wither, isn't it you Comte? 
Comte: I won’t let you touch her. 
When I know everything about the Comte’s past and his feelings, the decision I make is …
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Comte: In eternity, I found you. I won’t call this fate, what should I call this …? 
(Edit: Sorry, my jp listening sucked so I had got this line wrong. Now I got the actual text from the route teaser, I’ve amended it to “I won't call this fate, what should I call this...? ;u; )
Give it to me. Your body, your heart and your destiny.
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sortaotaku · 5 years
Ikerev TW Secret Message Collection Event Story: 💐💖💛Edgar💛💖💐
I finished the translation for the 380 heart story! I really loved it a lot!
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A dedication to the lovely ladies of the Edgar squad:
@edgarbright @littlelady-blackwell @kouei116 @ladyrinielbright @myotomespace @wishiwasfictionaltoo and anyone else who wishes to join!
魯冰花 代表 我 的 心情
Lupine flowers represent my feelings
在 某個 暖洋洋 、 誘人 睏倦 的 春日 午後 ~
A warm spring afternoon...
我 和 愛德華 一起 在 倉庫 中 整理 贈送 給 紅 之 軍團 的 禮物 。
Edgar and I were in the cellar/warehouse organizing the gifts that were sent to the Red Army.
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愛德華 「 請 把 種類 和 地區 一併 區分 , 挑揀 出來 。 」
E - Please sort them into the different categories.
Alice 「 好的 ! 」
A - Ok!
愛德華 「挑選 出來 的 物品 , 之後 會 送往 能夠 好好 利用 的 小 隊裡 。 」
E - After we finish picking out the goods we can send them out to the teams/squads who will make good use of them.
倉庫 之中 , 雜亂 地 擺放 著 各種各樣 的 物品。
In the cellar all sorts of goods were scattered all over.
( 服裝 、 裝飾品 、 書 跟 畫 ... 送來 了 各種各樣 的 東西 呢 。 )
(Apparel, decor, books and paintings... All sorts of things were sent.)
愛德華 「 很重 的 東西 可以 不用 勉強 搬 的 。 」
E - You really don’t need to try to handle the heavy stuff. (A/N god bless you love... I have the weakest noodle arms)
Alice 「 我 知道 了 , 我 會 盡可能 努力 !」
A - I understand, I’ll try hard to the best of my ability.
我 避開 貌似 很重 的 木箱 , 打開 了 手邊 的 紙箱 。
I disregarded the heavy wooden crates and opened the cardboard boxes.
Alice 「 這些 是 愛德華 一個 人 的 工作 嗎 ? 」
A - Is this all Edgar’s work?
( 大家 一起 做 的 話 應該 能 更快 完成 吧 )
(It would be faster if everyone worked on this right?)
愛德華 「這 平時 都是 部下 的 工作 。 」
E - Usually this is the work of subordinates.
Alice 「 那 今天 為什麼 ? 」
A - Why are you doing this today?
愛德華 「 其實 為了 能 承擔 這份 工作 , 我 稍稍 斡旋 了 一 下 。」
E - Undertaking the task, I thought about it a while.
愛德華 「 因為 我 想 和 妳 共處 。 」
E - Because I want to be together with you.
Alice 「唔…」
A - Oh...!
帶著 甜美 意味 的 聲 線 , 在 倉庫 中 響起。
A sweet voice rung in the cellar
愛德華 「最近 能 共度 時間 很少 啊 。 」
E - Recently the time we have had together has been short.
愛德華 「妳 覺得 寂寞 了 嗎 ? 」
E - Have you felt lonely?
( 其實 , 我 覺得 非常 寂寞 但 如果 這麼 説 的話 , 會讓 他 擔心 的 吧 。 )
(Truthfully I have felt really lonely but if I were to say this aloud it would worry him)
Alice 「稍稍 有點 吧 ? 」
A - A little I guess?
愛德華 「 哎呀 , 是 這樣 嗎 ? 」
E - Aiya, is that so? (A/N I never refuse to write in aiya when it’s there)
愛德華 「 我 啊 都快 要 寂寞 死 了 。 」
E - I’ve been SOO lonely. (A/N he says lonely to death or dying from the loneliness)
Alice 「欸 ? 」
A - Eh?
愛德華 「 甚至 都 到 了 思考 是否 能 以 工作 為 藉口 與 妳 見 面 的 程度 。 」
E - It was to the extent that I had to resort to using work as an excuse to see you.
( …他 總是 這麼 狡猾 。 )
(... He is so...) (A/N Sly/cunning or good at making her feel embarrassed)
愛德華 溫柔 的 語言 , 讓 我 的 心 悸動 不已 ~
Edgar’s warm words made my heart flutter. (A/N literally saying that he moved her heart)
打開 紙箱 的 手 , 已經 徹底 停 了 下來 。
The hand that was opening the cardboard box had already stopped.
愛德華 「 怎麼 了 ? 妳 的 手 完全 沒有 動作 喔 。 」
E - What’s wrong? You hands have stopped completely.
Alice 「 啊 抱 、 抱歉 ! 」
A - Aah..! Sorry!
Alice 「 我 只是 …一 想到 愛德華 覺得 寂寞 , 就很 開 心…」
A - I... I just felt so happy knowing that Edgar was feeling lonely...
Alice 「 所以 有點 發呆 。 」
A - So I blanked out a bit.
愛德華 「 是 嗎 , 能讓 妳 開心 真是 再好 不過 …」
E - Is that so? Being able to make you happy is great.
愛德華 「雖説 是 藉口 , 但 工作 也要 認真 完成 才 可以 喔。」
E - Even though this was an excuse we still have to work hard to finish this task.
Alice 「 嗯 、 嗯 ! 那就 繼續 了 。 」
A - Yeah, let’s continue shall we?
在 那 之後 , 我 認真 地 進行 挑選 工作…
After that I continued to work hard sorting...
( 雖然 知道 應該 好好 做 )
(Even though I know we should do it properly)
但 單調 的 工作 和 春日 的 暖意 , 沒過多久 就 開始 讓 我 昏昏欲睡 。
But the bland work and the warmness soon made me feel sleepy.
我 一邊 將 書本 送到 指定 的 位置 , 一邊 吞下 了 個 哈欠 。
I simultaneously put a book in its proper place and held back a yawn.
愛德華 「 很 無聊 嗎 ? 」
E - Are you feeling really bored?
Alice 「 不 、 不會 ! 只是 稍微 有些 睏 了 」
A - No, no way! I just feel a bit sleepy
愛德華 「 這 可 不行 。 」
E - This won’t do.
愛德華 把 拿著 的 箱子 放下 , 來到 了 我 的 身邊 。
Edgar put down the crate he was holding onto and came to my side.
愛德華 「 讓 我 來 喚醒 妳 吧 。 」
E - Let me help wake you up then.
修長 的 手指 伸向 了 我 的 方向 ~
His slender fingers reached out in my direction.
( 欸 …? )
接著 猛然間 , 開始 搔癢 我 的 側腹 。
Then all of the sudden he began to tickle. (A/N 😖😖😖 How evil)
Alice 「愛德華 呵呵 , 真是 坦率 的 反應 。 」
A - Edgar ahaha, what a thing to do...
我 難以 忍耐 地 扭動 身體 , 為了 逃避 搔癢 攻擊 而 遠離 愛德華 。
I tried to endure while twisting my body trying to escape the tickle assault and get away from Edgar.
愛德華 「 不會 讓 妳 逃 的 。 」
E - I won’t let you get away!
(啊 … )
聲音 從 背後 迫近 , 我 像是 被 包裹 住 一樣 被 從 身 後 抱住 。
The voice came from behind, I felt surrounded when I suddenly got back hugged. (A/N hugged from behind)
愛德華 「妳…清醒 了 嗎 ? 」
E - You feel awake now?
耳邊 的 聲音 帶著 細微 性感 意味 , 讓 我 的 內心 狂 跳 。
The sound of his voice which was entering close to my ear had an incredibly warm and sexy quality to it that made my heart leap. (A/N same tho and this wasn’t even voiced)
Alice 「 嗯 、 嗯 」
A - Ah, ah—
愛德華 「聲音 還 帶有 睏 意 喔 ? 」
E - Is the sound making you sleepy?
Alice 「沒 …這 回事… 」
A - That’s not the case...
愛德華 「 接下來 , 我 會讓 妳 清醒 過來 的 。 」
E - My next action, I will make you feel awake.
( 嗯… ? )
下 個 瞬間 柔和 的 嘴唇 輕 咬住 我 的 耳廓 。
His soft lips touched me as he nibbled on my ear. (A/N AHHH ARE YOU ALL SEEING THIS???!?)
Alice 「 呀 ! 」
A - Yahh!!!
愛德華 「 早安 。 」
E - Good morning.
我 慌忙 回應 他 裝模作樣 的 爽朗 聲音。
I hurriedly reacted to his smooth voice.
Alice 「 早 、 早 ! 已經 不要緊 了 ! 現在 生龍活虎 的 …!」
A - Morning!! It’s not a problem anymore, I’m completely awake and ready..!
愛德華 「 呵呵 , 那就 拜託 了 。 」
E - Hehe then I’ll leave you to it.
( 嚇 我 一跳 真的 清醒 過來 了… )
(Hoh... That scared/shocked me awake)
愛德華 「 如果 還 覺得 睏 的 話 , 請 隨時 告訴 我 喔 。 」
E - If you start feeling sleepy again please don’t hesitate to call for me anytime.
Alice 「 不 、 不要緊 ! 多虧 了 愛德華 我 已經 完全 清醒 了 …! 」
A - Oh no! I’m good! Thanks to Edgar I’m definitely awake!
我 用 清醒 的 腦袋 , 迅速 地 進行 挑選 工作 …
I made use of my fully alert brain while continuing to sort.
愛德華 「 …已經 大致 分清 了 呢 。 」
E - It seems we’re just about done.
Alice 「 但是 , 還 剩下 這個 。 」
A - But, we still have this left.
我 拿著 不知 如何 放置 的 花束 , 對 愛德華 説道。
I held out the unknown bouquet while speaking to Edgar.
Alice 「這 束 絹花 的 花束 , 該 怎麼 辦 呢 ? 」
A - What are we going to do about this?
紅 與 粉色 間 還 混著 紫色 魯冰花 的 花束 , 雖然 是 絹花 卻 十分 艷麗 。
The bouquet of lupins were pink and purple, they definitely were beautiful.
愛德華 「 就 送給 妳 吧 。 」
E - You should have it then.
Alice 「 欸 , 這 是 送給 軍團 的 東西… 」
A - Eh, but this was something given to the army.
愛德華 「呵呵 , 開玩笑 的 。 」
E - Hehe. That was a joke
愛德華「 送給 妳 的 禮物 , 我 會 全部 準備 的 。 」
E - A gift for you, I will have it all prepared.
Alice 「 謝 、 謝謝 , 我 也 想 從 愛德華 那裡 收到 禮物 。 」
A - T-thank you, I would love to receive a gift from you.
愛德華 「 那麼 , 這份 禮物 妳 意下 如何 ? 」
E - Then how do you feel about this gift?
愛德華 如同 魯冰花 一般 華麗 的 笑容 靠 了 過來 輕輕 落下 一 吻 。
Edgar with a smile beautiful like the lupin flower gently placed down a kiss.
Alice 「...」
A - ...
愛德華 「 哎呀 , 這樣 不足以 滿足 妳 嗎 ? 」
E - Aiya, did that not satisfy you?
愛德華 的 臉 再次 輕輕 靠近 …
Edgar’s face again began to approach...
Alice 「 嗯 …」
A - *Gulp*
在 輕觸 的 親吻 後 , 嘴唇 變換 角度 深深 重疊 在 一 起 。
After the light kiss his lips repositioned and our lips overlapped.
Alice 「 啊 …嗯 ~ 」
A - Ah-Ahh~
愛德華 的 熱度 , 從 觸碰 的 唇瓣 間 傳遞 了 過來 。
Edgar’s warmth was felt through our lips.
宛如 蘊含 著 特別 心意 地 禮物 般 , 毫無保留地 將 之 贈予 給 我。
A gift with special feelings, delivered with no hesitation.
( 愛 、 愛德華… )
貼 合 的 唇瓣 在 漫長 的 時間 中 , 最終 有些 遺憾 地 分離 , 而 夢幻 的 水 聲 便 在 此刻 輕輕 響起 。
After a while our lips parted regrettably. The pleasant sound of water was present in this moment.
愛德華 「 開心 時光 的 回禮 , 不 做到 這種 程度 可 不行 呢 。」
E - A return gift would not be acceptable if it wasn’t at least like this.
我 的 雙頰 因 甜美 的 親吻 而 沉醉 , 暫時 沒 能 收斂 擺正 表情 。
Intoxicated by his kiss my expression was temporarily frozen.
愛德華 「 話説 回來 …是 魯冰花 嗎 ? 現在 和 我 的 心情 非常 匹配 呢 。 」
E - So getting back on topic. The lupin flower is it? I matches well with my mood right now.
Alice 「 為什麼 ? 」
A - How come?
愛德華 「 保密 。 」
E - That’s a secret.
(... ? 這麼 神秘 反而 讓人 更 在意 啊... )
(...? Ah such secrecy ends up making people feel even more curious)
那一晚 , 我 在 書本 中 找尋 魯冰花 所 代表 的 涵義 ...
That night I looked up the meaning of the lupin flower in a book.
在 得知 它 的 花語 是 『 一直 都很 幸福 』 後 , 我 的 笑容 也 變得 漸漸 難以 掩飾~
I found that it’s meaning is “always being happy” and it became hard to hold back my smile.
As I mentioned I’m a bit quiet with posting because of my spending ban but hopefully this makes up for it~ ❤️❤️❤️
I didn’t proof read at all bc it reminds me of writing papers haha. Hopefully nobody minds.
Jonah’s will be next!
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myotomespace · 5 years
My Love Confession in a letter to Edgar 💛
I'm way too deep for him already, i ended up writing a letter where i confessed my love for him during my grammar class lmao.
I put this on a reblog before in responce to one of his new card's line translation by @kouei116 (thank you for your hard work!)
Dear Edgar Bright,
I may or may not have been internally screaming while writing this love letter, thinking of you and what your reaction might be when you read it. But I'll just go ahead and describe my feelings for you, bare my little heart for you freely (even though I'm blushing right now).
I love you, Edgar! Your existence is literally my life, my light, my savior, my support when I'm tired or having a bad day. Just staring at one of your pictures, one among a whole full folder, is enough to lift my spirit, energize my sleepy eyes, cure my depression…
I love you, Edgar! Everytime I stare at your smile, and oh my god your smile, i feel complete. Your smile is my happiness, my reason for existing. I would do anything to protect you and your smile.
I love you, Edgar! With all my heart and soul, with my whole being.
I literally CANNOT go one second without thinking of you. You consume my life, my time, my thoughts and I love you to beyond the whole universe and back.
I could keep screaming my love for you at my friends, they would sleep and wake up and find me not done, still screaming. You drown me in an ocean of feels and I'm really happy for that.
I love your smile, your blush, your eyes, your teasing, your…
I love you, Edgar! Forever and ever and ever and ever and…I can keep confessing my love for you for eternity and it wouldn't be enough.
In short, I just love you so goddamn much, Edgar Bright!
                                     Yours sincerely,
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kouei116 · 4 years
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IkeVam Lucky Bag 2020 will be on sale from 28/12/19-5/1/20
The hugely popular Boys Talk will return again. Tonight, in the bath, the naughty boys talk of the men will unfold. 
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Tonight, wild/reckless behaving for natural airhead Jean (sorry Jean), pure Isaac and even Napoleon. 
Jean: But, is women’s chest heavy to the extent that they have stiff shoulders … How heavy is it?
Napoleon thinking (Normally I’ll get involved, but well, it’s ok to tease them today) 
Napoleon: Let’s see…. Ah right, Isaac, can't you calculate their weight using physics? 
Isaac: …Hah? What are you talking about Napoleon? 
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Pure Vincent asked Leonardo a forbidden question….? Even Shakespeare is baffled. 
Vincent: Leonardo, you are a pureblood that lives forever right? … You won’t wither/dry up right? :3 
Leonardo: … Hah? 
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Shakespeare: Um… Vincent, is it ok to talk about withering/drying up for a man? 
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In front of Mozart and Sebastian, Comte asked a question with a serious expression. 
Comte: Hmmm, well, I wonder which one it is.
Mozart: Comte, what did you just say? 
Sebastian: Are you worrying about something? 
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Comte: It’s about Yuuki. Is she S or M, I wonder…? 
(I'm a Mnekochan :3)  
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The conversation unfolding for the two partners in crime and Dazai is suggestive remarks about Yuuki. 
Dazai: When I invite her to (share?) my umbrella, Toshiko-san will look up at me and said: Um, please let me inside under your umbrella just a bit more? 
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Arthur and Theo: STOP!!! 
And then … this time, the three dangerous vampires living in a castle also participates….! What they talk about is extraordinary dangerous bloodsucking situations. 
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Vlad: I wonder why, I want to try bite Yuuki only. It’d be good if she hasn’t been bitten by anyone yet. I want to see the face she makes when her blood is being taken away for the first time. 
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Charles: I want to try bite Yuuki too. I want to sink so deeply and make her feel so good that she becomes adorable and improper. 
Faust: That girl has a very good frame (skeleton structure)… she intrigues me. 
Vlad: Well, it’s probably fine if we three bite her. (yes please tyvm :3)
Only tonight, girls are absolutely absolutely forbidden.
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kouei116 · 4 years
Happy New Year 2020 from IkeVam suitors (2)
Happy New Year 2020!
Congrats Vlad on getting (3) in the mid-ranking result of the New year romance collection event. Although not very likely, I still hope with this level of popularity, Cybird will feed us Mr. Impaler's route soon-ish (✧≖‿ゝ≖) With Comte (2) and Leonardo (4) also in the top 5, IkeVam players really are loving the 3 purebloods eh (♡´艸`)
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A new year has begun. This year will be a special year for sure...Why do I have that premonition? Because fate started moving significantly.... I have met you. 
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What is my aspiration for this year? I found a very interesting experimental guinea pig, I will tame it thoroughly, don’t you agree? … It’s you. If you understand, prepare yourself. 
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This year I want to spend more time together with you. The more I know about you, the more I can pleasure your body and heart… You also want to know more about me right? I’m happy. 
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Happy New Year. I’m happy to be able to see your face at the beginning of the new year. This year, I’ll also only look at you. So don’t look away from me. 
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I’m happy to welcome the new year together with you again, cara mia. Being by your side, I really won’t ever be bored no matter how many years… Tsk. Why are you looking me blankly like that, say you love me. 
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Happy new year... It seems cold. I will hug you, so come closer. If I can warm you up even a little bit with my body temperature, it’d be good. 
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It’s most important to be able to welcome the new year peacefully. By the way, you appeared in my first dream last year. I want to have the same dream this year as well, so I request we sleep together tonight... How about that, Toshiko-san? 
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Happy new year. We see off the old year and enter the new year together like this, it has become so natural. Next year, and the year after, I hope I will also be able to welcome the new year by your side.
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kouei116 · 4 years
Happy New Year 2020 from IkeVam suitors (1)
Happy New Year 2020! 
Also congrats to Arthur (1), Comte (2), Vlad (3), Leonardo (4), Mozart (5) in the mid ranking result of the New year Romance collection event. Will Papa SugarDaddy GlucoseGuardian take over Arthur's long-time top spot?ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬ 
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I never thought the day that I welcome the new year with this much happiness will come. Just you being by my side, the world I see is shining more brightly with love. It is not me (who taught you) ... it’s you who taught me the happiness of living together with the person I love. 
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Happy New Year. My new year’s goal is … to spend more time together with you than last year. And to hear you tell me :”It was a very happy year”.
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Another year has begun again. I’ll be happy if you also stay by my side this year… Why blushing this much? I’m just telling you my honest feelings.
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It seems a new year has come. Shall we have a happy new year (*) kiss? … You can’t say it will end with just kissing? Hee, I will drive you wild with desire at once. Now, look deep into my eyes.  (* ~please take good care of me this year, best wishes for this year kiss)
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Happy new year. I will treasure the time I spend with you this year. Hence... please always stay by my side. Saying this is embarrassing, but it’s important so I want to tell you properly. 
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It’s strange, I’m looking at the same scenery like last year, but … just the shining sun is now this beautiful to me. Really, how much will you repaint my world until you’re satisfied?
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Hey Hondje, it’s noisy to yelp at the beginning of the year.  Even if you don’t yelp so loud, this year I will also pet (~also means love, cherish, caress) you to my heart content, so don’t worry … Or do you want me to discipline/train you? 
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kouei116 · 4 years
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IkeVam Comte's route teaser
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Fate started moving from the moment I met you that day. A month after the new moon night when I got lost into 19th century Paris. I was supposed to return to my original time but a situation that I didn’t expect suddenly happened.
Comte: The passage to cross over space and time is disrupted… Yuuki, I’ll definitely do something about the door. I’ll take the responsibility… and I’ll protect you. 
Losing my way to return home, I put on a brave front and hid my fear/worry. The one who supports me is the mansion’s owner - Comte de Saint Germain. And my everyday life at the mansion started again like that. During that time, Comte leads me by the hand, I have new encounters and get to know a new world.
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Yuuki: Comte, why did you ask me to be your partner? 
Comte: I think your world shouldn’t be closed to be the inside of this mansion only. 
Yuuki: My… world?
I am touched by Comte(*)'s sincere feelings, but on the other hand… (*Comte - whose everyday is filled with sparkling and shining~)
Comte: I just wanted some company that will get close to vampires who live forever… That was probably all (that I wanted). 
(I wonder why do you look so lonely just now) I catch a glimpse of the loneliness that he - a vampire who lives forever - carries, and while I don't realize myself, my feelings towards Comte becomes stronger. However …
Yuuki: I… am I fit to be your partner, Comte? Not just a partner in name only, a real one …
Comte: ...Yuuki, you are mistaken. 
No matter how much I love him, there is still a boundary line between me and him that I cannot cross. When I was disheartened, an event that changes the distance between us will occur …
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Comte: You… you’re safe… I’m so glad…
Yuuki: Com..Comte
Comte: I don’t want to lose … anyone anymore…
(I don’t know … what Comte is afraid of, or why he is desperate like this. But now… I want to hold him tight… I want to accept … all of him) I want to know more about Comte, to touch his heart, to finally reach him … Our love accelerates once more … 
On the other hand, a connection from Comte’s past is approaching and we are about to get caught up in...
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Vlad: It’s a beautiful moonlit night, isn’t it Comte? How long since we last met here? I thought if I give Yuuki a rose from this hill, you definitely will come here.
Comte: … You approached Yuuki in order to summon me?
Comte’s old friend, a pureblood vampire … Vlad. Due to his interference, Comte’s hidden past will be revealed.
Comte: Hey, If there was a flower that doesn't wither, do you think it’d be beautiful?
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Vlad: Well, I don’t know. What do you think, Comte?
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Comte: To me, a flower is beautiful because it withers. However, we -  who live on forever -  are like the flower that doesn’t wither...
The history of heartbreaking conflict, a moment of love is dissolved into the fire of war. The pureblood vampires that love human and therefore disagree with each other. When I discovered what they have been through and the wishes they carry, I was shaken greatly… 
(The vampire who lives eternally, for a long long time … Comte has been living like that) The more I know about his past and feelings, I feel more and more lost... I’m paralyzed with fear of the endless eternity in front of me. However, the answer I finally reach is …
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Comte: In eternity, I found you. I won’t call this fate, what should I call this …? (sorry, my jp listening sucked so I got this line wrong in the preview video translation post. I’ve amended that post ;u;)
If we have an unchanging love that can be called “eternal”, I want to be by your side... that is all.
Comte’s Preview Video (edited) Comte's Absolute obedience contract collection event story
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kouei116 · 4 years
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IkeVam Sweet aphrodisiac and melty chocolate collection event from 1-14/2/20. This year Valentine, aphrodisiac chocolate will bring out his desire/lust.
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Napoleon licks the chocolate (that was in the middle of being made) and wants you passionately. (Ts… if going on like this, my body is going to lose all its strength)
Napoleon: Haaa….isn’t this chocolate sweeter than usual? 
When you visit the piano room, it seems like Mozart has been waiting impatiently…
Mozart: The chocolate you gave me, my body gets hot after eating them. What is your intention, giving them to me? 
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After eating a bite, Arthur smiles suggestively… 
Arthur: Hey Yuuki … inside my mouth is hotter than usual. Is this special chocolate to blame…? 
There is an unexpected development after Isaac tastes the chocolate.
Isaac: Haaa…Do you know? This chocolate is too delicious. So delicious that I’m getting addicted…
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Vincent doesn’t like sweet food so you give him less-sugar chocolate.
Vincent: Nnn… I don’t know why ... somehow I want more sweetness now.
After Theo eats the especially sweet chocolate you made..
Theo: How did you get the nerve to… I can’t hold back. 
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After eating the chocolate, it’s as if Leonardo notices something…? 
Yuuki: Wait, Leonardo.. 
Leonardo: Haa….you can’t stir me up then tell me to wait, cara mia. 
At midnight of Valentine, Shakespeare smiles mysteriously. 
Yuuki: … Will? 
Shakespeare: … The aphrodisiac is probably still effective (~the effect still continues) 
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After kissing you intensely, Jean said.. 
Jean: … Yuuki, stop me. It doesn’t seem like I (myself) can stop this urge to touch you.   
Comte smiled gently after eating the chocolate, but… 
Yuuki: If it’s done by Comte, I’m happy with anything (ehhh they didn’t specify what is ‘it’ that Comte is doing T3T )
Comte: ...Saying such a cute thing, you shouldn’t toy with adults too much.
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Even the cool and composed Sebastian has a different facial expression from usual. 
Yuuki: Nnnnn….!! 
Sebastian: … You’re making a very cute face.
When you give the chocolate to Dazai, suddenly he pulls your body closer 
Dazai: There is a very sweet scent from you as well.
Yuuki: Da…Dazai? 
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In addition, the 3 new suitors’ desire/lust will also be revealed. After eating the strawberry chocolate, Vlad brings his lips closer. 
Vlad: Your lips are also red like strawberries. Yuuki, you look delicious...even more than real strawberries. 
Faust noticed the aphrodisiac and took an unexpected action. 
Faust: Haaaa… Kuku (~evil laugh), it’s interesting, this sensation of my own body changing. Come now, you should try experience this too, Yuuki. 
Charles’ eyes become drowsy and he (**) the chocolate you are eating. 
Charles: Nnn… I wonder why … the chocolate you're eating looks more delicious, Yuuki:…
(At this rate our lips…)
(** the jp sentence in the teaser didn’t have a verb.  My curiosity got the better of me so I have to get Charles’ story so I can translate this sentence properly haha. Turns out Charles eats the other side of the chocolate (that MC is eating), hence MC is worried at this rate their lips will touch. This is your birthday month, you gooo Charlesヽ(*゚∀゚)ノアヒャヒャ 
The temptation of the sweet and dangerous chocolate. You and him will drown in overflowing passion...
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kouei116 · 4 years
IkeVam Sweet aphrodisiac and melty chocolate event - Vlad
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Happy Valentine's day! My plan for Valentine day is to marathon-play otome games while munching Lindt's Strawberry and Cream truffle (the people I recommended it to said it's too sweet but I absolutely love it!) Kudos to Vlad for being a strawberry fan so I translated his story from the Sweet aphrodisiac and melty chocolate event ٩( ᐛ )و
IkeRev Aphrodisiac stories that I translated: Dean ; Seth ; Harr
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On Valentine day, I went to town to visit Vlad - the florist. 
Vlad: Eh, in your country, people give chocolate to the ones they love on Valentine day right? 
Yuuki: That’s right. But it isn’t only the one we love, we also give to friends, family and close ones too. 
Sitting side by side on a bench in the park, I gave Vlad the wrapped gift box. 
Yuuki: Here you are. This chocolate is for you, Vlad. 
Vlad: For me? Thank you, Yuuki… Hmm, it’s pink-coloured chocolate. 
Yuuki: Because you said you like strawberries, I tried to make strawberry chocolate. 
Vlad: Strawberries? I’m happy. I’m extremely happy that you remember what I like. 
(Fufu, he’s that happy. Unexpectedly, Vlad has a childlike side) When I saw his carefree smile, deep in my heart became warm. Vlad promptly picked up one piece of chocolate and brought it to his mouth. 
Vlad: ….Uhmmm, the sweetness is just right, very delicious. 
Yuuki: That’s great….! 
When he put another piece of chocolate into his mouth, suddenly he tilted his head. 
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Vlad: Hey…Yuuki. This chocolate has alcohol in it… 
Yuuki: Ehh, I didn’t put alcohol in? (Because Vlad said he isn’t good with alcohol) 
Vlad: Really? … It’s strange, my body becomes hot like when I drink alcohol. 
(His cheeks are a bit red…?) I was wondering what was going on… Vlad took off his apron, his fingers held his shirt’s collar and started fanning (sorwy I can’t English here ;u; it’s like Vlad holds his shirt collar and shakes it to get some air into his shirt to cool down) 
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Vlad: Haaa…. 
(…Ts, somehow my heart is beating fast) The sound of his hot breath/sigh reached my ears and peeking at the skin on his chest was extremely sexy, even my cheeks were getting hot. Unintentionally I looked away. 
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Vlad: Yuuki, are you hot too? Your cheeks are red. 
Yuuki: Eh…. 
His hand gently cupped my cheeks and pulled me towards facing him. The deep crimson eyes became slightly clouded and as my gaze met his, my heart pounded loudly. 
Vlad: It’s not just your cheeks… 
Yuuki: V..Vlad 
Vlad: Your lips are also red like strawberries. Yuuki, you look more delicious … than strawberries. 
I couldn’t move, it was as if I was pinned down, and his lips came nearer…Something soft touched right on the side of my lips.
Yuuki: Ahh…. 
His lips gently nib at my skin. Surprised at this sensation, my body jumped. When I came to my sense, I barely pushed his shoulder away. 
Vlad: Tt… Yuuki? 
Yuuki: Ah...Uhm… I was surprised. 
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Vlad: Ahaha, I’m sorry. I wanted to have a taste. 
(Taste...?) Vlad released me, he spoke while re-wrapping the chocolate. 
Vlad: I will continue this again next time. I want to savour this slowly. 
(Savour… he means the chocolate right? But I thought he already ate some just now...) 
It was like a kiss, but still different from a kiss, I wondered what that was. Unable to calm down my loudly throbbing heart, I kept gazing at his lips... 
The End. 
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kouei116 · 4 years
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IkeVam Charles 1st bday story and card gacha is from 11-25/2/20
I found out Charles’ bday to be 15th Feb and was looking for a present… Charles is a doctor in Paris and very friendly. And then… Ah? Surprisingly I don’t know much abt Charles. I’m at a loss at what present to give him.
Yuuki: Can you (might as well) tell me what you like, Charles? 
Charles: Now you ask me that, I wonder? Hmmm... Ah, right. If we walk around town together, I may know. Shall we go? 
Charles pulled my arm heading to town and I come to know a lot abt him. 
Yuuki: You have so many things you like, Charles.
Charles: Uhm, it’s more fun that way, don’t you agree? 
During that time, there is something at the general store that catches my eyes and I decide to choose it as the present. 
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Charles: Yuuki, you thought of me and chose this right? … I like it, of course I like it. 
When I tell him the reason why I choose that present, Charles is delighted and takes my hand. 
Yuuki: Are there anything else you like, Charles? 
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Charles: You don’t know? ...It’s you. Yuuki, I want your feelings to turn towards me. I want to monopolize your “like” more. 
In addition, if you buy the DX set, there is a story from his POV. 
(There are lots of things I like, but now, what I want the most is…) When I experience Yuuki’s kindness, I greedily ask for more and more. So, (you) please become greedier too. 
What he truly wants, hidden in his eyes... 
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kouei116 · 4 years
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IkeVam My (and mine alone) Cinderella collection event from 17-23/1/20
By a magic spell, I became a (~noble) young lady for only one night and met the prince of my destiny… 
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The prince with a smile like an angel gently puts the glass shoes on me. 
Prince Vincent: You are enough, hence … 
The prince who is a musician with icy beauty shows me a facial expression (~that he only shows to me) 
Prince Mozart: You probably don’t know, but I want to meet you so much it was unbearable. I only have one thing to tell you… 
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The magic spell is broken in front of the strong/confident prince.
Prince Theo: You trick me? If so, you must be punished. You will stay in this castle.   
Kneeling in front of me is the prince with strong determination in his emerald eyes. 
Prince Napoleon: I’m sorry I was late (~late for coming to meet you) … With me
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Turn towards me with cherry blossom colour eyes, the prince tells me his sincere/earnest feelings. 
Prince Isaac: I have no choice but to find you. This time, don’t run away… 
The unreachable adult/mature prince shows his unexpected side in front of me.
Prince Leonardo: I’m sorry for tricking you. Nevertheless, I… 
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The prince laughs mischievously and holds out the glass shoes. 
Prince Arthur: ...Founddd you. It’s you, Yuuki. I came to take you out (~ask out/invite out) 
In addition, this time I will meet new princes of destiny. The magic spell is broken, and the prince looks at me gently with his night colour eyes. 
Prince Jean: The one I’ve been looking for is you, just as you are. I don’t want this dream to end... will you come with me? 
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The man that helped me at the ball is the prince of this country. 
Prince Sebastian: I fell in love with your beauty at first sight.  Appearances can’t hide away your beauty.   
The prince with a calm smile has a secret. 
Prince Dazai: The wizard that casted the spell on you must have said the spell will be broken at midnight. I came to tell you there is no escape.   
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I was captured by his two colour eyes (~those eyes are as if they understand everything) and the prince took me by the hand once more. 
Prince Shakespeare: I’ll fix the magic spell for you. I can give you a better role, a better stage, everything… 
The time (that is like like a dream that won’t ever come again) is put together again by the prince’s hand. 
Prince Saint Germain: I want you to stay by my side. Will you take my hand, and become my (and mine alone) princess? 
It is the miracle that the glass shoes bring. Even if the bell rings at midnight, the magic of love won’t be broken, forever ...
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kouei116 · 4 years
IkeVam Absolute obedience contract - Comte's story
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This is my favourite Comte collection event story, I decided to translate it to celebrate his upcoming route release on 26/12/19. 18 more days til we can actually be his wife, not just a 24-hour contract wife like this event yay _(:3」∠)_
IkeVam Comte's Preview Video
IkeVam Absolute obedience contract collection event teaser
On a warm day full of sunlight… 
Yuuki: Eh? Comte, just now… 
I put the tea set on the table and looked at Comte, he smiled cooly. 
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Comte: Yuuki, will you be my wife? That’s what I said. 
Yuuki: …. (As soon as I understood I didn’t mishear him, I got flustered) Wife … what are you talking about, Comte? 
Comte: I’m serious Yuuki, although I didn’t say we’ll get married. 
When I breathed out, Comte looked at me again. 
Comte: I’ll probably call it “New wife experience contract” 
Yuuki: New wife experience contract? 
Comte: When I look at you working diligently everyday, I think you definitely will become a good wife, Yuuki. Hence, I want to try this experience in practice. 
Yuuki: Because of that, “New wife experience contract”… 
Comte: That’s right. Yuuki, will you have this contract with me? 
I was surprised, and Comte smiled at me as if in anticipation. It was a crazy proposition, but I wanted to make Comte "the mansion’s papa” happy. If this can help him relax even just a little bit … 
Yuuki: I understood, I will have the contract with you. 
Comte: I did think you’ll accept it, Yuuki. You won’t regret it, I won’t do anything unrefined/thoughtless… 
(I wonder if I should have stopped it after all…?) Comte raised the corners of his mouth suggestively, I was startled. 
Yuuki: … But what should a new wife do? I usually do housework… 
I tilted my head thinking but nothing came to mind. After Comte thought for a little while, he pointed at the rusk (a snack served with tea, made from baguette). 
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Comte: Will you feed me from your hand? 
He looked at me with a tender smile, my cheeks slowly became hot. While my heart flustered, I took the rusk and brought it to Comte’s mouth. 
Yuuki: Ahhh (~as in say ahhh so Comte opens his mouth wide to eat the rusk) 
Comte: …Hmmm, as expected, it’s delicious when my wife feeds me. Can I have another one, please? 
Yuuki: Y..Yes 
(… My cheeks are so hot) Afterwards, Comte went out, I was alone trying to finish the mansion’s work. The reason my cheeks got this hot was because I was made to feed Comte the rusk, but no doubt, it was also because of “that incident” when he was about to leave the mansion. 
Comte: Well then, I’m going. 
Yuuki: Please take care. 
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Comte: …Aren’t you forgetting something, Yuuki? 
Yuuki: …? What is it? 
Comte: I can’t go until I receive a “Please take care kiss” from my wife (~an itterasshai kiss before Comte leaves the house, to wish him a safe trip) 
Yuuki:….!! (What to do… But if I don’t kiss him, Comte will be late…) Well, could you please bend down? 
Comte: Hmm, go ahead 
Yuuki: P…please take care, Comte … *kiss him* 
I kissed his cheek, but Comte was having too much fun…! As I recalled this memory, my head was burning up, I shook my head trying to shake it off… 
Comte: I’m home, Yuuki. 
Yuuki: …! Welcome home, Comte. 
I saw Comte and ran up to him. He gazed at me with golden eyes, as if anticipating something. (Err… I wonder is it “Welcome home kiss” this time…?) However, the words Comte said exceeded my expectation. 
Comte: Before I heard from Sebastian, in your world, there is a speech to greet the husband, right? 
Yuuki: Eh…. 
(That...no way…!?) As the speech came to mind, my face became hot again. Comte didn’t force me, I was encouraged by his smile, I could only resolve myself. 
Yuuki: Would you like dinner? Would you like a bath? Or would you like ...m..me? (this is a three-choice question for newly-weds in Japan) 
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Comte: Of course I’d like you, Yuuki. 
Yuuki: …! Kyaa…
In that moment, Comte held me up in his arm. No sooner than we entered his room, Comte laid me down on his bed. 
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Comte: Yuuki...
Yuuki: Ah….
Comte immediately hovered over me, unfastened the buttons on my blouse. He was dropping kisses from my ears to the nape of my neck, his sigh brushed against my skin. (Eh…. he is joking… right?) There was fleeting water sound from Comte’s lip as it trailed down my skin. As the aching heat spread, my heart beat was echoing violently deep inside my ears. 
Yuuki: Hmm, Comte…
Our sighs mingled when I called out to him, the clock bell rang, as if it chose this timing. 
Comte: … At this time, our contract is up right? I’m sorry for making you follow my suggestion.
Yuuki: N..not at all.
The moment the bell chime stopped, Comte got off me and smiled like nothing happened. (I thought my heart was going to break. I wondered, if the clock hadn’t rung, what would have happened…) I was thinking that while Comte was acting completely like usual in front me, but only the heat lit up in my body didn’t go away...
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kouei116 · 4 years
Jakou no Lyla - Trap of musk: European night
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Come, look at me. In return, I'll show you the most wonderful dream.
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Well, I'm supposed to study for an exam, I thought I'll only procrastinate & play for a litttle bit, but... Welcome to the newest hell I'm currently stuck in - Jakou no Lyla (人´ω`*)♡
It is originally a 3 part PC otome game but has been ported to the Switch. This game is one out of 3 games from triAngle project, so... there is a Spy Ending where MC will be with both guys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Longer details under cut. 
Part 1 European Night - Vince Lugan (seiyuu Taniyama Kishou, e.g. Amnesia Memories Ikki) on the left hand side of the above photo - Rolan Crydelle (seiyuu Tachibana Shinnosuke e.g. MidCin Louis) on the right hand side of the above photo, my 2nd fav
Part 2 Asian Night - Korei Rin (seiyuu Okitsu Kazuyuki, e.g. Brothers Conflict Masaomi) the white hair guy sniffing MC's shoulder in 1st photo, my fav :3 - Kirei Rin (seiyuu Sato Takuya) the black hair guy at top right corner in the 1st photo
Part 3 Arabian Night - Lizaru Shanasa (seiyuu Morikawa Toshiyuki, e.g. DL Carla) the tan-skin guy with a whip in 1st photo - Jemiru (seiyuu Murase Ayumu) the guy with upside-down net bra(?lol) over his eyes in 1st photo 
The popular ranking (voted in Oct 2019) result is Lizaru (1), Jemiru (2), Kirei (3), Korei (4), Vince (5), Rolan (6). 
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Vince: ... I want you
MC uses her special tattoo to seduce Vince, it is working... kinda. But Vince is a tough cookie, he realizes something isn't right with himself, grasps his short sword and squeezes his right hand on the sharp blade in front of the  speechless MC. He wants the pain to pull him away from the desire for MC.
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V: Come in... Hey, turn this way. Look at me, Y...
During the Conference break, V saw MC talking with Rolan on the way to the market. He got very grumpy aweee. At the market, R fell down, MC helped R get up and her clothes got muddy too. When she returns to the palace, grumpy Vince saw her muddy clothes and told her to take a bath with him. He tried to kiss her but she pushed him away, poor V :’(
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Y: Rolan-sama, please sto..
The special tattoo doesn't last long so the salon master comes to the palace to help her refresh. I thought she only has one on her chest, but apparently there is one on her back too :/ She has to keep it uncovered for 2 hours to dry. R came by and accidentally was affected by the tattoo. He started touching and kissing her back. She knows she has to push him away but she doesn't want to because she already knows abt his tragic past. She’s afraid pushing him will hurt his feeling (I'll explain his past in his route summary). She tried very hard to grab the veil, cover her tattoo and R turned back to normal, frantically apologized to her. 
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R: You don't need to think about anything. Surrender everything to me...
MC (name is Shirien) is a dancer at show salon Kamal. Her parents were killed, the village was destroyed. The salon master took care of her and her best friend Aisha so she wants to do everything to repay him. The master also helped another kid (who arrived heavily injured) named Jermiru and asked MC to look after J as his older sister. MC and J works as secret spies for the master. MC has a special henna tattoo (made from teromeana mixed with medicine herbs) that can seduce men to the point they lose all reasoning. Then she uses a sleeping needle on them to make them sleep & dream that they are ichaicha-ing with her but in reality, she tries to find materials/info in their rooms for her spy mission. In addition, she collects blood of young healthy ‘excited' men to help research a cure for the salon master's sickness. The master also prohibits her to kiss the men targets because it can sway her heart (hence she pushed Vince away in the bath when he tried to kiss her). 
In part 1 European night, her clients are Theo (Vince's best friend) and Rolan Crydelle. Her mission is to seduce Vince to find out the whereabout of Pamela - Rolan’s younger sister - who they think was kidnapped by Vince when V destroyed the Crydelle kingdom. Theo will pretend to lose the drinking game and gives MC to V as a winning trophy.
V is a tough cookie to crack though, he pays 100% attention on his country/work, doesn't want to waste any time with women. In his country Lugan, women are not allowed to speak unless they are given permission. This is because in their history, a king lost part of the territory bc he spent too much time on women. That territory becomes the Crydelle kingdom. In contrast, Crydelle is led/dominated by women, while men only stays inside the house and cannot go out unless given permission by women. Rolan is a shy and naive because he is indoors all his life, he cares deeply about his younger sister Pamela, he carries a doll that looks exactly like her.
I only know a little bit about V from the common route and his appearance in Rolan's route, but he isn't as cruel as the rumour says. The more time MC spends with him for her spy mission, she realizes he (and his touch on her) are gentle and kind. Everything he does is for the benefit of his country. He did destroy the Crydelle kingdom, killed the royal family (except Rolan who was living in a secret room) so other princes at the Conference sneer at Vince during the policy discussion. Personally, I think the choices Vince suggests are actually effective and to the point, not wasting time trying to be merciful. In Rolan's good end, he even helps Rolan save MC. He gives me the IkeSen Nobunaga and MLQC Victor's vibes. 
The last Rolan photo above the cut is after the confrontation with Eleanor (who looks exactly like his sister Pamela but said she is not Pamela), R is very sad and ran to the old harem area to be alone. MC chased after him and tried to comfort him. He hugged her and started kissing near her chest, offered to make her feel good and begged her to not leave him (poor bb ;u;) MC stopped him, tried to calm him down asking him to tell her everything. In short, due to his past, R always wants to keep people happy, he thinks pleasing people is the only thing he can do to make his life has some values, the only way to keep people staying with him. MC told him none of these are true. Even after hearing his past, MC didn't look down on/feel disgusted abt him, and told him from now on, he will learn many other ways to make people happy. This makes him very happy, he asked to hug her for a bit longer 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。
Tbh, when I first looked at the suitors, I thought I'd go with Vince, but oughhh Rolan stole my heart during the common route. I guess not likely many people will like Rolan (he actually ranks 6th out of 6 suitors, my poor bb ;u;). It’s okay, I luv Rolan. I love his character growth throughout the route, desperately trying to grow stronger to protect MC. And his yandere doll-carrying creepy vibe. His 2nd bad end broke my heart badly ~ like CxM Shiraishi's bad end 4 level of heartbreak(iДi)I will write his route summary after I (hopefully) pass my exam.
I enjoy this game much more than I expected: kisses sound yayyy (not DL’s level of kissing & blood sucking but enough to burn my ears huehue), nice arts and BGM (melancholy music to stab on my heart even more while reading bad ends, nice!). I prefer the bad ends, they are more haunting and memorable to me; good ends everything get solved quite easily, but overall the story is fine so far. I get completely sucked into this game and finished all 6 ends for Rolan and Korei in 4 days (what is sleep, what is exam :3) Normally I only play the routes of the guys I’m interested in then move on to next game, unless I want to collect PS Vita trophies and autoplay. But I have high hope that since this game can surprisingly change my favourite from Rolan to Korei (still very close, I luv both of them lotsss) from the route story, I should read everybody’s routes properly and see who my favourite are in the end. My 2020 otome game year is off to a wonderful start already ahhh~ (*´╰╯`๓)♬
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kouei116 · 4 years
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IkeVam Jean's 3rd birthday story will be on sale from 3-17/1/20
It’s the first birthday since you and Jean became lovers. You are energetic thinking about the celebration…
Jean: If you’re going shopping, I’m free now, I’ll help you. It’s starting to rain, it’s better if we go together than you go alone.
Yuuki: It’s fine Jean! Look, it isn’t heavy rain.
Jean: But…
You are preparing in secret so you head to town alone. However…
Comte: It seems that there was a (horse carriage) accident in town. 
Jean: … ! An accident..?
Comte: Luckily, I heard that no one was injured. Perhaps, because of this, there is a possibility that she can’t hail a carriage to return… Huh? Jean? (Jean already gone while Comte is still speaking)
Jean’s feeling for you is so strong that no one can measure… The feeling cannot be stopped and when it overflows, his lip touches yours…  (What to do, my heart is beating so fast my chest hurts…) 
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Jean: Yuuki. Your love gave me the ability to enjoy life, and everything else. For this reason, will you let me love you? With this body, this heart... with all of me.
When you buy the DX set, you’ll get the story from his POV. 
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It’s just a light touch kiss but love is filing up my heart, the inside my body is becoming hot. I don’t know how to express this feeling. Hence….I want to touch you more and more. I want to love you back with my body and soul.   
Like a gentle warm rain, endless happiness will pour on you two...
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kouei116 · 4 years
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I was wondering if you’d come and prepared these strawberries. Now, come here, let’s eat them together. 
Tell me what happened (is there anything wrong) today, and of course while you’re in my arms.  
You’re such a mysterious person. Just looking at your face and my heart lights up so brightly.
… I said… I can’t drink alcohol … I’m very sleepy now…Good…nig…ght…. 
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kouei116 · 5 years
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IkeVam's Forbidden XX story set with kiss sound will be on sale from 16/10-13/11/19.
Earphone is necessary! The story set with kiss sound is renewed. You can experience the story of forbidden relationship with him, the first part is “adultery”. 
As the daughter of the royal family, I had a marriage of convenience, but appearing in front of me was … him - the most beloved person I have had feelings for since I was very young. This is our forbidden love story. 
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Napoleon: During the time I can’t meet you, I always think about if I could hold you in my arms … 
Pinning me down on the large table, Napoleon’s tongue traced my bare chest.
Yuuki: Ahh….
Napoleon: I don’t want to be apart from you yet, you know. 
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Arthur’s hand cupped my bare chest … and pinched the sensitive part.
Arthur: Haa… my heart is pounding. Is this scary? Or … does it feel good
Yuuki: … Both.
Arthur: Nnn… Me too. I have always wanted to touch you like this…
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Yuuki: Ahhh…. Vincent.
Vincent: I know I must not do this to you. I’m sorry … 
Pressing me against the wall, Vincent whispered his apology.
Vincent: … Please, Yuuki, let me touch you more. 
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Leonardo: … Fall down on me. 
His fingers entered below my clothes as he whispered in low and deep voice … Naturally my body trembled. 
Yuuki: Nnnn, ahhh…..
Leonardo: You can blame me for everything. 
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Mozart: There is no going back. Accept that. 
As his tongue was entwining deeply, Mozart’s beautiful fingers traced my body. 
Mozart: Haa… it’s already become like this. 
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Theo: Tsk…Ha….
From my chest to my waist, his hand traced down my body and buried in to my sensitive part. 
Yuuki: A…Aa aah.
Theo: From the beginning, you should have obediently chosen me.
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Jeanne: … Let me steal you away right here, right now. 
His hot tongue was tracing my inner thigh … the sweet numbness ran through my body.
Yuuki: Nnnn…..aaah, Jeanne …
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Isaac: Haaa…
The hand that was gently caressing my body rubbed my sensitive part. The loud water sound was noticeably echoing. 
(What should I do …. I can’t stop, I want him to touch more)
Isaac: Give yourself to me. Your heart, your body, everything …
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Shakespeare: Yuuki, shall we try open the forbidden door together?
His different colour eyes were gazing at me, my body writhed in the melting/enchanting pleasure. 
Yuuki: ….A,aaahh…
Shakespeare: Haa…. You’re making such an inviting face, you don’t hate this right? 
You will drown endlessly in this love with no turning back ...
354 notes · View notes