akuma-tenshi · 3 months
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i would like to introduce you all to the family my friend and i have created through sheer love of these characters
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akuma-tenshi · 4 months
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i'm so normal about them i swear
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akuma-tenshi · 6 months
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i love making memes that appeal only to my incredibly small circle of friends and me
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akuma-tenshi · 1 month
absolutely crazy liking a popular ship for once. i've been living off making my own emilerick and gandrew and demizelle and kurtvin crumbs and then i get into florias and it's just WOAH i can consume CONTENT
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akuma-tenshi · 3 years
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made something
canon can suck it, i will only be okay with eda / emil if they’re healthy
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akuma-tenshi · 3 years
some interesting things that have happened while playing idv over vc
voice chat is one of the only ways i’m willing to talk to others, mainly because my anxious ass hates talking face-to-face.  and playing idv with friends when we’re actually talking is one of the best ways to get some absolute gems, like
- about my nickname, “ceo of kurtvin”: “nice name!!  i don’t know who vin is, but i know kurt”
- a full team of freddy riley with different skins (space black, reporter, sapphire, and mr. bunny).  we got a tie
- a full team of chiaki nanami.  we got a tie then, too
- a match where i kited a dream witch almost the entire time as kurt
- fifteen minutes of four people singing the mii theme completely out of sync
- watching two kreacher piersons, both with the deputy skin, come barreling towards me to rescue me, one doing his dance and the other screaming the whole way
- playing tarot as two kreachers and repeatedly stunning the axe boy who tried to pick up our king (we lost in the end but it was still amazing)
- a team of three gardeners in the commander skin and an enchantress in the reservist skin up against a mary with the bloodbath skin.  the enchantress was on the balloons, but my friend and i kept destroying the chair right in front of her, distracting mary long enough for the enchantress to struggle free.  we got a win, with the only person to be eliminated being the enchantress
- me, playing as freddy: *gets flung through the air by mad eyes’ fence* my friend: “FREDDY RILEY HOW THE FUCK DID YOU MANAGE THAT”
- my friend and me talking about freddy being on straight tiktok (don’t ask how we got on that subject because i don’t know either) and me saying “freddy riley has a career on tiktok where he grabs his junk and licks his lips”.  my mom came down at that exact moment and stared at me for a second before saying “he has a promising career ahead of him”, getting what she came down for, and leaving.  my friend and i couldn’t stop laughing for the entirety of the match, and our faces were sore by the end
- getting a geisha to go friendly because my friend and i were flirting as luca and norton
- making friends with a seer and a postman just because my friend was kevin
- friendly duo hunter matches as antonio and wu chang where we just fight each other the whole time
- being mean to each other in post-match chat
- an undead match where i kited the longest, healed the most, and was the only person who escaped, only to be told by the hunter that i didn’t deserve it and the merc or prisoner should’ve gotten out instead
- going off on long rambling sessions about certain characters
- doing a match as four freddys and charging directly at the hunter (who had switched to leo for the occasion).  we got downed immediately and he bled us out, but we didn’t surrender, chanting “FREDDY NEVER SURRENDERS” both in the call and in post-match chat
- an afk bloody queen who i just sat next to while tiny, only for her to come back and immediately down me with her detention
- “oh it’s the umbrella gays” every.  single.  fucking time we get wu chang
- a match with a friendly geisha where my friend carried my other friend around as kevin and i kept destroying a chair as emma and the geisha kept fixing it
- group therapy
- repeatedly chanting “flesh” whenever someone new joins the call
- my friend using this creepy-ass “i can see you~” voice when he plays as yidhra
- “ruining our friendship” with custom matches
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