#l'manberg independance war
cdreambur · 10 months
time for little headcanons before i start writing the next long au :D
dream calls wilbur sweetheart and wilbur calls dream darling
dream is a loud sleeper, like he moves around all the time, snores, talks in his sleep, etc. wilbur thinks it's funny and teases him about it all the time
they have like ten cats
both of them love cuddles
they hate cleaning so they only do it like once a month
dream is better at cooking while wilbur is better at baking
wilbur always gets super dramatic when something goes wrong and even though dream rolls his eyes at him, he helps him anyway
they're both very creative. outside of music, wilbur has a passion for drawing, and dream starts embroidering. there's a whole wall in their living room dedicated to both of their artworks
dream loves kissing wilbur's nose
wilbur has a small collection of cacti and succulents
in the summer, they often lie down in the garden to watch the stars
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error-sonder · 1 year
NO WAY we finally have the full vod of eret's perspective of the l'manberg independence war
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Can I request different Wilbur variety’s with a reader who is very peaceful and dislikes violence?
Ooooh...pascifist reader. Ultimate innocence against our unhinged lover boy? Don't. Mind. If. I. Do.
Warnings: Does not follow the Dream SMP Season 1 Timeline very well
Now Wilbur in the beginning wishes he could've done this without violence.
And then y'know...things escalated and that changed drastically.
You had been an adoring face for ages to the General and imagine his surprise when the one he loved nearly vomited at the sight of a gash along his cheek
"Darling?! Darling are you okay?! Is it the blood? I can go wash it off really quickly!"
No it wasn't the blood you would confess
It was that you couldn't stand the thought of him going out and fighting for his life and passion.
You would explain and things would twist.
Wilbur would turn to more negotiating terms much to Tommy's dismay
An agreement would be reached on shaky terms and bows and swords would be at the ready.
An unsteady treaty with fine lines and disagreeable terms on the L'manberg side but it kept things at ease for a long while. A while enough that Wilbur could figure out a way to finish this cold war quickly.
Needless to say the word ‘war’ is used and war always means violence, which you did not like.
Wilbur was careful in his attacks and being the clever fellow he is was able to manage independence under the guise of many many zombie, creeper, and even skeleton “accidents”
Wilbur would go to any lengths for those and that of which he loves, and if that means hiding a few bombs and traps behind unknowing enemy lines then so be it.
Alivebur (AKA Vil!bur)
He loves you no doubt
And he hates it when you despair and worry and fret and blah blah blah
It makes his gut turn and his head pound
He knows there’s no other way to finish this. No other way to “save” L’manberg
He’s ready to give it all up with whatever it takes
Wilbur wishes you weren’t like this
He wishes you didn’t choke on air when you smelled gunpowder and blood on his clothes
“I know baby, I’m sorry, please forgive me.”
He tells you this so much it might as well be tattooed on his tongue.
Then he finally blows it all up and he does it right to your face.
You don’t grieve for him very long as the reminder of his violence drowned away and built over.
Ghostbur (Follows Vilbur)
Ghostbur doesn’t like violence much either and is constantly agreeing with you
It’s strange and wonderful how different Ghostbur is from the Wilbur you knew
“Let’s look away okay? Here come play with Friend for a bit and I’ll come get you when it’s all over!”
You followed him to Logstedshire (I hope I spelt that right) and endured the days and nights that Dream visited while you and Ghostbur did as well
You helped him forge the compasses and couldn’t help but think:
Maybe Wilbur dying was the best thing that could’ve happened for you.
It isn’t long before you and Ghostbur are in a relationship
One that didn’t fight but talked out their issues
One that communicated and avoided conflict, even if it meant burying it in the past.
“What’s worse, hearing BadBoyHalo say fuck or blowing up an entire nation?”
Now when THIS happens? 
“I did what?”
It isn’t long before Quackity is on your shit list. A dislike of violence isn’t a dislike of hate
It takes about a week to get Ghostbur out of that stupor and even then he’s fingering blue and apologizing for the littlest things.
Philza steps in and tries to help. 
Really in turn of Ghostbur dealing with a reader who dislikes violence it’s more of Reader helping Ghostbur with his violent past
Alright, you don’t like violence?
He invites you to play racing games and simulations
Animal Crossing on nights you don’t want to go out and flowers and take-out in the park when you do.
Simpbur knows the world is pretty violent and the fact you dislike it makes his bones tingle every time a stranger cat calls or wolf whistles at you down the street
He’s very discreet with his dealings and tends to sneak away vigilante style when he has a target pinned.
“I’ve just got to run to the bathroom love okay? I’ll be back in a bit.”
Comes back with torn knuckles and a cut across his cheek.
“I fell a bit and got a little angry. Please don’t be sad, I’m okay.”
Of course in situations like this sometimes violence is unavoidable.
...well then
How’s everyone doing? Happy New Year’s and I’m gonna go collapse with my cat before I do it here.
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dr3amofagame · 11 months
thinking about how sam built that big island to be kind of like a "peaceful retirement community" for the rest of the server, presumably under his rule (bc clearly he knows best, always) and wondering how long it would have taken, if things had played out that way, for someone to do something in that community that sam opposed. wondering how long it'd be until there would have been open rebellion, perhaps a funding of a group, a nation if you will, trying to separate from sam's rule. wondering how sam would have handled that..... (l'manberg 2.0 is what i'm saying, but probably put down much earlier and much more brutally. in some ways, dream and sam are indeed very very similar)
man they'd wish that sam was like dream lmao
but yeah, i can't imagine that sam--given that he's like, the Ultimate Authority, Ruler And Warden And Judge, Jury, and Executioner of this community of his, officially the Guy In Charge and therefore the Law--would be. Well. Lenient on people messing with his authority. See c!Bad being gaslit, not even because he was doing anything quote-unquote evil, but because c!Sam was worried about the hypothetical of him getting in the way of doing "good." See c!Ponk having a life taken and her arm cut off for stealing keycards that didn't even work. See every time people were threatened for trying to break blocks of the prison, or building something on top of the prison, or just touching the damn prison, or just asking a question Sam doesn't like about the prison, or just being someone that Sam is suspicious of so don't-you-dare-step-out-of-line-or-you'll-be-sorry. See how c!Ranboo was killed and his toddler child kidnapped as a power play. See how c!Connor was thrown into prison for the forseeable future over a fucking fast food order. And that's not even beinning to touch on what happened to c!Dream.
Like Revolution c!Dream? Revolution c!Dream was scapegoated in a conflict he wasn't even there for, accused of being responsible for the actions of individuals that were in no way even under his rule (because the server literally didn't HAVE a government at that time and c!Dream even types in server chat shortly before c!Eret joins L'manburg DEFERRING TO C!ERET AS RULER, likely just because of the fact that they have a castle) and accused of oppression for literally just. Existing. Like he hadn't even met Wilbur yet. And during the Revolution itself, he took the exact actions he thought were necessary to keep the opposition from being a significant physical threat (with the explicit aim of disarming them at the time, prior to the introduction of canon lives) and went no further, going as far as warning them of traps once the war was over and giving them their gear back. He went into the conflict itself with the intention to give them independence because he knew that they wouldn't give up.
c!Sam, on the other hand, gave himself THAT much jurisdiction over what was happening ALL OVER THE SERVER without even as much as an explicit position of rulership over anything in the server itself other than Pandora's Vault. He feels entirely entitled to everyone's lives and obedience. Like, in a c!Sam society, not only is that worldview going to remain the same way that it's remained consistent regardless of if he even has the physical power of the prison backing him anymore, but it's probably going to be further inflated by his very literally being the Ultimate Authority on the grounds of his entire faction and therefore unable to be questioned, doubted, or opposed. And as for what happens to opposers?
We all saw Pandora's Vault. In my humble opinion, if anyone were to pull a L'manburg (on c!Sam, who would actually be reasonably considered a ruler unlike c!Dream prior to the Revolution, and could likely be accused of oppression just given his track record, gestures at the number of people he's thrown into solitary just because he said so)--they'd be pretty damn lucky if all they got was the c!Connor "get silently put into prison and forgotten without anyone knowing" treatment.
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zorishy · 18 days
"What could he do? Should have been a rockstar.."
"But he didn't have the money for a guitar!"
He had the money for his own guitar, but never used it again for his own gain when he made L'manberg.
"What could he do? Should've been a politician.."
"But he never had a proper education.."
Wilson failed the election, losing everything he had dearly in the process, all because he wanted a president for his independent country.
"What could he do? Should've been a father.."
"But he never even made it into his twenties.. what a waste.. of army dreamers.."
He failed to be the father he could to Fundy, and in a way, he failed to be the caretaker of Tommy possibly after both ran from the kingdom and during the war. Encouraging Tommy in a way to become this.. child soldier. Along side Fundy.
And he never made it to twenty-five, as his body bled in his fathers arms, dying in his twenties, he lost himself however, when he went insane. A man who's mental psyche broken by war and politics, just snaps whole.
Ended with him losing his whole life in the process, even before blowing up that country, he lost his own purpose and mentality after exilement.
His eyes glowed red for the first time, a part of his past self dying with it.
I have changed a few things in my rewrite so here is how it applies to Wilson:
Wilson initially wanted to have a music career but it failed and he ended up working at a gas station and living in his van.
Wilson wanted to be the president but he never learned how to run a successful campaign (mostly because he grew up in a monarchy) causing him to lose the election.
Wilson desperately wanted to be a good father to Fundy but was forced to be absent throughout his infancy due to all the war, the election, and Pogtopia. By the time it was all over Wilson killed himself in the explosion of Lmanberg when Fundy was only 3 (Wilson was 22 when he died).
Either way, Wilson or c!Lmanbur, it fits. ✨
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flagwars · 1 year
Flag Wars Round 1: Prelims
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Welcome to the first round of the Flag Wars! I received so many submissions, and I tried to include almost all of them in the competition. The first round is the preliminaries, where there will be 16 brackets each with 8 or 9 flags. The two most voted flags in each bracket will go on to the next round. Sadly, so many amazing flags will be voted out in the first round. This competition is about which flag has the best design rather than meaning, so please vote for the flag that you think looks the best rather than voting on how meaningful the flag is to you.
Here are the brackets for Round 1:
Round 1:
Group A:
Bracket 1:
South Korea
New Zealand
Bracket 2:
Brittany, France
Northern Italy
Bracket 3:
Achterhoek, Netherlands
Fuente de Oro, Colombia
LGBT Pride
Orlando, Florida
North American Vexillological Association
Washington D.C.
Bracket 4:
Kalmykia, Russia
L'Manberg (Dream SMP)
Latvian Russians
United Kingdom
Group B:
Bracket 5:
New Mexico
Original Pride
Isle of Man
The People's Flag of Milwaukee
Denver, Colorado
Bracket 6:
Ruhnu, Estonia
Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Russia
Estelada (Catalonian Independence)
Bracket 7:
South Carolina
Cascadia (Doug Flag)
Yi People
Bavaria, Germany
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Pehuenche People
Bracket 8:
Qing Dynasty
St. Louis, Missouri
Group C:
Bracket 9:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Vatican City
Bohuslän, Sweden
European Union
Bracket 10:
Progress Pride
United Nations
American Indian Movement
Bracket 11:
Ryukyu Kingdom
Australian Aboriginal
International Federation of Vexillological Associations
Bracket 12:
Pacific Community
Turkmeneli, Iraq
Oz (The Wizard of Oz)
Zheleznogorsk, Russia
Group D:
Bracket 13:
Chicago, Illinois
Concón, Chile
Rejected EU
Racing Flag
Hong Kong
Bracket 14:
Black flag of Puerto Rico
Antarctica True South Proposal
United States
Bracket 15:
Laser Kiwi
Bracket 16:
Orca Face (People’s Flag of Seattle)
Portland, Oregon
Salem, Oregon
South Africa
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moondragon618 · 1 year
I just absolutely love the idea of c!Dream being maybe just a little bit too fixated on c!Tommy from the very start but also like. Being in denial about it. Until he's just like fuck it and then suddenly he's projecting that same exact denial onto c!Tommy.
Like this random teenager joins his server and calls him a bitch to his face and he's just like "hmm fascinating :)", and then the second things get a little chaotic after that he's like "I absolutely need to get him under control specifically :)". And then he steals Tommy's discs.
Then the disc war happens and you know, maybe it was a lot of fun actually. Sure, Dream may have dug up Tommy's entire front yard looking for the discs and he may have hid in the walls a little bit, but it was all in good fun. They're still friends, after all :) And maybe he still hides in the walls sometimes even afterward, but that's just part of the game, you know? The disc war technically isn't over just because they're in an ender chest now :)
And L'manberg happens and that definitely raises the stakes a bit, since now there's somewhat of an actual threat to Dream's power and obviously he needs to deal with that. And sure, maybe he had a little too much fun during the final control room ambush, seeing the fear in Tommy's eyes right before he sliced his throat open and the way the life faded from them as he bled out. But that was just a heat of the moment thing, just the excitement of battle getting to him, that's all :)
And maybe it was a little impulsive of him to accept Tommy's demands for a duel, but he won anyway so it's fine :) And when Tommy offered him both of the discs in exchange for L'manberg's independence, how could he turn that down? It's not like he couldn't just deal with L'manberg later anyway. Besides, if he has control over Tommy, he has some control over L'manberg as well :)
Then there's Manberg and Pogtopia and obviously Dream wants to side with Pogtopia because they're less of a threat, and Wilbur's plan to blow everything up is a great way to ensure that everyone will be weak after. And of course, having Wilbur out of the way would make it a lot easier to control Tommy :)
And he's definitely not jealous of the bond that Tommy and Wilbur have and not at all enjoying watching it grow more and more strained-
Then Dream gets the revive book and everything changes- suddenly he potentially has power over life and death itself, and he absolutely needs to test it out and study it if it works. After all, what if it holds the secrets to immortality? He could become more powerful than anyone else could ever even hope to be :)
And who better to help him than Tommy, still defiant and strong as ever even after going through so much :) But Dream no longer has the discs, so he has to plan out a way to get Tommy isolated for a bit to try and gain even more control over him.
He's definitely not excited to see just how far he can push Tommy, how the isolation will affect him, and to watch him slowly realize that he has no one except Dream-
So he starts framing Tommy for griefing until Tommy ends up giving him the perfect excuse to get him exiled anyway, and after provoking Tommy a little to make him look even more reckless and out of control to everyone, his plan works out perfectly :)
By this point, Dream has also been cutting off everything and everyone he's attached to, to ensure that nothing can be used against him. Because studying the revive book is now the most important thing, of course, and he can't trust anyone to not try and stop him or take this power for themselves. But it's not easy to do the same with Tommy when he's spending so much time trying to gain his trust.
It's fine, though :) Dream can easily keep track of one singular attachment, especially one as important as his Tommy :)
And maybe he enjoys having so much power over Tommy, gradually wearing down that defiance, making Tommy fear him while being completely and utterly dependent on him, and maybe nothing brings him quite as much joy anymore as having Tommy pleading to him for mercy-
And maybe he's absolutely delighted whenever Tommy looks at him the same way he used to look at Wilbur, maybe he enjoys being Tommy's only source of comfort, maybe he can no longer even imagine not having his Tommy around-
Eventually though, Tommy runs away from his exile which really throws things off a bit, but it's fine- Dream pretty quickly figures out exactly where he is, and is rather amused by how terrible Tommy is at hiding, constantly sabotaging himself to the point where it almost seems intentional. So maybe he has a little fun with it, curious to see if Tommy would hand himself over willingly or not. Just to test the exile conditioning, of course :)
And maybe he felt genuinely terrified at the possibility of having lost Tommy forever when he saw the tower, and maybe he already misses having Tommy around and completely dependent on him and him alone-
And of course, once Dream has both of the discs back, it's time to take care of L'manberg for good. And it also just so happens to be the perfect way to send Tommy a message about leaving him exile and continuing to defy him :)
He's not sure if Tommy understands just how much he means it when he says their story will never be over, that he's just too fun-
And sure, he probably didn't have to set up the whole attachment vault and lure Tommy there with the discs just to get himself put in the prison, but it was just so much fun to force Tommy to choose between his "best friend" and his discs, to show him how powerless he really is-
And maybe, by the time he's managed to get Tommy trapped in the prison with him, it's a little undeniable- he needs Tommy. And obviously Tommy needs him- why else would he keep visiting? Why else would he keep coming back to Dream? :)
But Tommy just refuses to accept it, and he keeps defying him, refusing to believe in his power- so he has no choice but to show him :)
And Dream is basically a god at this point anyway, so what does it matter if he enjoys having total control over Tommy's life and death, just because he can? What does it matter if he's absolutely delighted that Tommy's life belongs only to him now? :) :) :)
It doesn't matter if Tommy is his biggest weakness now, it doesn't matter if he'd join Tommy in a heartbeat if he ever lost him forever, because he never will :) :) :)
And Tommy can't ever leave him, because he needs him :) He is Tommy's everything just like Tommy is his everything, and Tommy won't be able to stay in denial about it forever :) :) :)
And they'll have forever, if Dream has anything to say about it :)
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pinkelotjeart · 6 months
Pls rant about smp lore. I only watched Techno’s pov and I don’t actually know about the rest of the lore. There was always something about discs but I didn’t know why they mattered.
that is a BIG ask fnwidan there's allot
When it comes to the discs: Tommy had two discs that he would listen to while with Tubbo and Dream stole them as a punishment to one of his pranks (I think it was the burning of Ponks lemon tree but i don't remember exactly.) Tommy's discs being stole then kind of became a way for Dream to control Tommy and his chaos. Most simplest lore is the revolution of L'manberg. Wilbur and Tommy made a van in the woods to sell drugs in, This wasn't allowed so they made their own country with their own rules. Then they had a war for their independence, they initally lost however Tommy gave one of his discs to Dream for independence. Then Wilbur decided he was president but to make it look like they had a democracy, Wilburs party was going to be the only one. Quackity didn't like that so mad a party aswel. The viewers would vote. Quackity decided to make a coalition with Schlatt and together they got 1% more votes. Schlatt announced he would exile Tommy and Wilbur. THATS when Techno came in, asking them if they needed help. Techo preparing to overthrow the goverment with Tommy and Wilbur.
I hope thats what you wanted, dream smp had like 2 years worth of story THERES ALLOT. But you know Techno stuff which is the best.
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faebriel · 10 months
and you caused it: chapter 2
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(click for more detail!)
In which Niki has a terrible secret, Puffy just wants to move on, Tommy sneaks into casino parties and Wilbur learns to deal with anger being justified. Or - the one thing they don't warn you of, when dropping nuclear warheads on old friends, is fallout.
in chapter two: arguments are had. roommates are invited to crash on an attempted murderer's metaphorical couch. more emotionally intense conversations are had over l'manberg's skeleton corpse, and niki is once again alone.
wc: 5k
Wilbur has always been a builder. Alright. Perhaps not practically. Wilbur's attempts at piecing together bases made of wood and stone leave much to be desired. But metaphorically, there's the crux of it - Wilbur builds stories, narratives, chord progressions and nations. There is something about the world, as caught in his eyes, that is always empty. Devoid of life. Wilbur simply seeks to fill it. Find empty forestland, build a camper van. Build a so-so drug empire. Build a story around the camper van - some quirk to draw them in - and then build your nation, pinning your Declaration of Independance right at eye level as one waltzes through the door. Lose a war. Lose your brother. Lose an election, and build a network of TNT beneath the earth so vast and complex that despite the months that trickle from Schlatt's inauguration to Dream's patronage to Wilbur's blissful destruction, not a single person figures out how to defuse it. (Who is they, one might ask. It's a valid question. Ask Wilbur, he might say his brother, he might say the people - if one happens to be a cop, he might tell them it's none of their fucking business and come back with a warrant if they come back at all. He won't tell you they is simply Wilbur. He won't tell you that without the story, without something to fill his mind with colour and give him direction, there is no Wilbur Soot at all.) The point of all this is: Wilbur lives in constant need of some project, something to build, something that destroys. Even ill, he cannot stand to keep his hands idle. This is, perhaps, what led to his demise. It is, in any case, what leads Wilbur to the office of one Captain Puffy. “I do appreciate you lending me your time,” he says, taking a seat in the plush, worn armchair in the corner of the room. Backed in by walls, which he supposes must feel safer for the woman sitting in front of him, pen and clipboard in hand. “I know you’re not officially practicing anymore.” He’s not sure if she was officially practicing ever, actually. There’s no certificate hanging on her wall, only tapestries and paintings - fading cloth in greens and blues, and a painting of breaking waves that stretches across the wall almost as long as his armspan. It is cluttered, lived-in despite its title as an office. Above all else, clearly marked as the captain’s territory. “It’s no trouble,” Puffy says. “I’m glad - it’s nice that you wanted to come, in the first place. I did just want to spell some things out before we start, though, yeah?” Wilbur inclines his head. “Take it away.” “Right.” Puffy resettles herself in her seat, pushing a handful of curls - these ones pearl-white, although it almost looks like the browner half is the part that’s been dyed - behind her shoulder.
puffy informs wilbur right off the bat that, well, patient confidentiality is a thing - she's not gonna tell him anything about tommy, or his recovery (recovery from what, wilbur thinks - because puffy is not as slick or as licensed as he necessarily assumes she is, and can be so dedicated to her pursuit of justice that sometimes she lets the cat out of the bag). no matter! wilbur is not here to talk about tommy. in fact, he'd rather ask puffy a couple questions about herself. and, would she be interested in attending a party in las nevadas, only a few days from now?
las nevadas is in pandemonium but for once, wilbur can't bring himself to care - he storms after tommy, racing with thoughts that tumble over themselves in their rush to make themselves heard.
he feels betrayed. he's hurt. he's always thought the world of niki, he trusted her, he cared so fucking much what she thought of him - thought she must hate him, after l'manberg, not even worth begging for her forgiveness, couldn't keep himself from crying when she dared to give it anyway - and the whole time she'd tried to kill tommy, his brother, and did nothing but smile quietly and evade questions. the thought chafes at him. it hurts. one of his closest friends, his first lady, the entire time -
(he hadn't thought to ask those questions, but wilbur is not in his precisely right mind at the moment.)
tommy, though, makes evasion into an artform - he refuses to answer wilbur's questions, parries back with his own (admittedly deserved) barbs about the casino and quackity who does not matter right now, they're talking about niki, he'd welcomed niki into their country and their stupid dinner and tommy hadn't said a fucking word to him about it. does tommy truly not trust him so much? is he so naïve, to take a raw betrayal on the chin like this?
"She tried to kill you!" "Dream did kill me!" Tommy shouts. "Dream - he, he - he killed me and you didn't even care!"
that's not true. of course wilbur cared when tommy died, but -
limbo has a way of blurring things. for instance, priorities.
and besides, this is more than murder, this is a betrayal, he insists - a crime for the innermost circle of hell. not that tommy cares. worse things have happened. wilbur has happened. dream, apparently has happened -
and tommy refuses to divulge a word more, puffy told him that he doesn't have to tell wilbur shit if he doesn't want to and wilbur's not gonna tell him not to listen to his therapist, is he? tommy rips into him - because this isn't about wilbur, wilbur wasn't even there, he was dead, and who did that, wilbur? it's none of his business, and if tommy had his way wilbur wouldn't have even found out, because tommy knew this would happen. he knew wilbur would make this about him, knew he would twist it into something that makes the word l'manberg go sour and sickly in tommy's mouth - and wilbur can harp on about betrayal all he wants. he cares about this because it affects him. and if he fucking cared, he'd know that a near-miss with a warhead is not even close to the worst thing that's happened to tommy. he'd let tommy settle his friendship (wilbur scoffs, and that only proves tommy's point, he shrieks) with niki. it's not even close to the worst things that have happened to him since wilbur died, and if wilbur cared outside of making things all about himself, he would know that, too.
it's easy for you to be all buddy-buddy with dream, tommy retorts. it's just fucking easier for you.
and this time, wilbur lets him go - watches him disappear into the smoke and rubble, and it's a sign of how close he and tommy are these days that he doesn't even know where tommy's going.
he can't stop the river-rush of his thoughts, stewing and self-critical and fuming with a sense of anger and betrayal and loss that he can't control - he'd have better luck trying to shift the tides themselves. if niki is, as it turns out, horrible terrible awful betrayer no-coming-back - what does that make someone like wilbur?
niki wakes to what feels like one of the worst mornings of her life.
the thing about this morning in particular is that for once, it's not someone else's fault that she's so miserable - there's no war, there's no fruitless bickering over countries, there's nothing but the quiet sound of her breathing in her underground city. but she still feels miserable.
she drags herself to the arctic for the syndicate meeting, hoping to cling to some semblence of normalcy. she ties wobbuffet's lead to the pens, and descends to the syndicate meeting room - and is beyond relieved to see, at least, that techno has returned.
if they know what happened last night, neither he or phil are saying anything. ranboo, to his end, gives her a briefly awkward glance, but otherwise seems happy not to unsettle the waters. thank god. the meeting opens, as planned, and the three of them welcome techno back to the main server. techno is just as happy to see them (although he still tries to hide quite how much, still a bit vulnerable about this whole having friends thing), and summarily informs them:
quackity and sam are torturing dream in the prison
he has, in fact, spent some time in the prison (thanks for the escape, phil, definitely didn't leave me hanging for a good couple weeks) and seen this with his own two eyes
and techno owes dream a favour, y'know. from l'manberg days. so the syndicate is going to break dream out of the prison.
cue mild pandemonium.
phil's heard the plan already, he has no questions. ranboo and niki, though, hearing this for the first time, have several - mostly centred around why are we breaking dream, of all people, out of prison - prison the server put him in, we were there, we were both there. niki has never liked dream, and really, was more than happy to see him put in the prison - he's a bully, he's a tyrant, and if anything his imprisonment kept her and jack from having to sort out how exactly they would well-deservedly take him down a peg after the whole. y'know. tommy thing.
(she hasn't spoken to jack in quite some time, she suddenly thinks again, spurred on by the memory of their talks. it's another thing to feel guilty about, even if jack made it clear her presence, if not productive, was not wanted.)
ranboo, on the other hand, is terrified - especially after the night before, still twitchy.
"Dream isn't - he isn't safe! He - Techno," and their voice drops, "the voices - " "You'll be fine," Techno assures him. "Besides, wasn't the point that he was messing with you to do shit that he couldn't? When he's outta prison he's not gonna mess with you anymore. Easy." "It's not - I - it's not just that, actually, anyway. I mean, he tried to kill Tubbo. In the vault, and everything." "I have also tried to kill that guy," Techno explains, as if to a young child - "many times. Water under the bridge. No big deal." Ranboo's face takes on an ill-fitting shape - stony, for a brief second cold - and says testily, "I wouldn't say that - "
ranboo tries to push their arguments further, but splutter to a stop - his head hurts suddenly, claws finding their way to press against his temple, and eventually goes quiet. niki, though, is still frustrated. she's never liked dream, not from the very first second she stepped on this server. she was perfectly happy to leave dream in prison. he's not the only bad person, sure - are there others niki has thought deserving of being locked up in her time, some more validly than others, absolutely - but he's a tyrant, and niki said her piece when it comes to playing nice with tyrants years ago. she doesn't.
(and if dream is out again, some part of her thinks - with dream comes war, and with war comes more betrayal and hurt and uncertainty and instability, and niki feels unstable enough thanks to what she's wrought with her own two hands. she already feels like she's spent the last twenty-four hours tumbling downward, and if dream is free, the ground beneath her will shake hard enough that she will never be able to get herself back up. she's safe. she was - and, she tries to remind herself, will be - happy. she doesn't want a selfish bully to ruin that because techno thinks he owes something to someone who shouldn't be owed a thing.
and, she hates to think it - she's heard tommy ramble, even when she knows he hopes she's forgotten, and she's heard him rattle off his rambling fears of dream. and she saw the vault. she saw tommy and tubbo in the vault, beaten and bruised and with a blade to tubbo's neck. and puffy always seemed to know more, barely keeping herself from spilling whatever else tommy has told her. niki has known tommy has... problems. and that's sat with her uncomfortably since that night in her cabin, baking bread, because he was far kinder to her than she deserved because he could see that she was struggling and she, well, hasn't done the same.
thinking of niki's part in all this, now that it has been dragged back into the open - of wilbur's blatant interrogation of him even as tommy practically begged him to shut the fuck up - yes, she feels like to some extent, she owes him a favour.)
techno, though, responds with unexpected ire - so niki doesn't feel like helping? it's not even a case of what if one of their friends was stuck in there, under quackity and sam's control - techno was stuck down there, and yet apparently taking down such an oppressive power isn't something niki cares about?
the ensuing argument is defensive and nasty. both techno and niki feel deeply hurt, feel that the other doesn't care about their safety, and both are stressed enough to lash out at each other about it - and phil and ranboo are both mostly unwilling to step in. for niki, though, it's not just a matter of whether she participates herself - she feels that if dream is out at all, her world will get turned on its head. and to be entirely honest, she's not in a good headspace right now. if techno is painting himself as an adversary right now then niki will fight tooth and nail, because there's that awful cloying anger crawling up her throat and god, it has to go somewhere.
so in a desperate attempt to call off the thing, niki threatens to leave the syndicate if they break dream out of the prison.
...it's a respectable attempt at a trump card. unfortunately, three-fourths of the decision has already been made. techno, feeling defensive and angry and above all else betrayed by niki's apparent lack of care for what could have been his plight, informs her promptly of where the door is. ranboo, struggling to hold onto his waking self, has nothing to add. phil makes an attempt to soften the blows between them, to keep the bridge from being burnt - but niki is furious and embarrassed that it didn't work, and techno is just incensed enough to let her leave.
niki storms out, retreats to her little cottage. she stands in the centre of the small space, passively taking in all these small details - her weapons rack, her baking nook, her winter quilts and her flowerboxes. so many of them from techno, phil and ranboo, and now she can hardly stand to look at them.
she rips through the cottage like a hurricane gone loose. every plate and dagger and glass bottle goes crashing to the floor, blanketing its surface in a snowbed of ceramic and glass. pillows are thrown at walls. a bag of flour is ripped, and spills across the floor like even more snowdrift. and then niki stands in the centre of it - some part of her hoping to god that the others are still deep in the syndicate room, though most of her just doesn't give a fuck anymore - and wails.
she did the right thing. she did the good thing. she knew the villain was imprisoned for a reason, she believes in that imprisonment, she was right there when he was sentenced and every drop of her blood sang for revenge as he was silenced. and now she's thought about the hurt she's caused people, and for once, she stood up for him instead. she's lost the final tethers she had. she's unmoored. adrift. nowhere to go but beneath the earth. it's one thing to lose the syndicate, another to lose wilbur - to lose both, all in the span of a day, is a blow that niki isn't sure she can handle.
and it didn't even fucking matter, because they're going to break dream out anyway.
Each shard of glass is a face in the vault, discarded against the wooden floor.
niki is furious. furious at techno, furious at phil and ranboo for doing nothing, furious at herself - guilt is not something she has had to reckon with before, and the feeling chafes at her like an ill-fitting glove. there's always been a sense of discomfort that comes with being wrong, that moment sent off-kilter, when her perception of reality shifts and what is and what is not change like water. she remembers when tommy died, when ripples cast across the water and her grudge was revealed as just as stupid and petty as it always had been, that the source of her fury was wilbur - and even then, how left me became died became suicide and fury sunk back into its forgotten twin, grief. but even then, it wasn't like this. it wasn't her fault. this, undoubtably, is. she thought she had gotten over it. perhaps that's an exaggeration - she thought she was getting over it, making amends, even if slowly. even if she couldn't quite say the words, admit she was wrong, make herself vulnerable again.
god. has she always been so selfish? so cowardly? when l'manberg burned, did niki even pull herself from its ashes? it doesn't fucking feel like it, now. it feels like every slow step of healing has been worth nothing.
it feels like the second she stopped being either of those things, she lost everything. again.
niki thinks of how even in the depths of their planning - at her worst, at her most violent (towards tommy, sure, but towards herself the most), even when they didn't trust each other - she and jack could always agree on one thing. together, they hated dream.
niki has been a coward. not in the face of tyrants, but in the face of her own guilty conscience - putting her name next to her misdeeds. fine. if the universe, threaded into puffy's voice, calls on her to make amends - so she will. and so she'll rip tyrants to pieces, if that is what clearing the conscience means for niki nihachu.
niki walks to snowchester. tommy opens the door.
"Niki?" Tommy asks, cautious. He doesn't close the door on her, as she thought he might - doesn't even waver, although his expression goes a bit shuttered. "What d'you want?" She thought about this. She ran it over in her mind as she walked all the way here from the Arctic, alone with her thoughts - she's rehearsed the script this time, wrapped the warning in wool, made sure she's careful, because she's trying - "Techno is going to break Dream out of the prison," she blurts out. Fuck. The effect on Tommy is instantaneous, a stormcloud rolling over him - first his breathing goes, and then a hand to the chest, as if he can't believe the lack of air himself. He steadies himself against the door, although his eyes sink to the ground, unable to meet hers, and all Niki can do is stand there silent and try to think think think and, not for the first time, think oh god please don't cry. She hears Tubbo's voice faintly down the grand entrance of the place, followed by footsteps - he recognises her as he approaches, shoving Tommy out of the doorway, staring her down with sharp animosity. "Get off of my fucking property," he informs her. "Techno's breaking Dream out," she repeats, and Tubbo's face falls. "You're lying," he says immediately. "They're not that stupid. They're not that stupid - " "Techno says he owed Dream - " "The favour," Tommy gasps. "Tubbo, Tubs - Dream helped him escape, after the execution - he always said he owed him something..." Tubbo's face goes sheer, snow white.
snowchester, once again, is now considered an almost-military base of operations - niki is clearly unwelcome, but her muffins still sit on the kitchen counter and she's the one with information (ranboo hasn't come home, he hasn't been answering tubbo's comms, and out of the three of them niki is somehow the one to see him last). there isn't much they can do. they don't have the force. and, of course, it wouldn't be hard for dream to find them. even if tommy never stepped foot in his hobbit-house again, dream would find snowchester too easily.
...an idea occurs to niki.
the underground city is not the perfect hiding place. there are people who know about it, people who can't necessarily be trusted - or at the very least, not accounted for. who knows what jack or hbomb or karl are doing right now. who knows what kind of assumptions techno would make if dream were to let slip that snowchester is empty.
but the two of them can't go on the run. tubbo has michael, for god's sake, and he's not putting that kid in harm's way for anything. it will have to be secure enough - shrouded, perhaps, by the fact that of all the people he's crossed, dream has never really given niki the time of day. and thank fucking god for that. tommy's been in better straits, and tubbo is still extremely suspicious of niki (he's pieced together how jack and niki would have pulled off this whole scheme of theirs, and his place in it, and he is not fucking impressed), but under the cover of night - on the eve of the prison break - they escape to the city.
niki watches as the three of them settle in. her underground city was meant to be a place for refugees once, away from the horrors of war - although that was before the nuke, and doomsday, and tommy burning that stupid house down. before even the detonation of november 16th. it has been a long time since refugees stayed here.
she supposes she should feel some kind of fulfilment, seeing it live out its purpose again. perhaps she does. mostly, she feels a bit awkward and uncomfortable. too vulnerable. maybe that's half the point.
it's a first step.
niki can't sleep.
is her pointless turmoil any surprise, at this point? after all that time alone in her city, somehow the thought of people actually inhabiting those empty rooms is just as distracting. she decides to go for a walk to clear her mind, and where should she end up but sitting at the edge of l'manberg's crater - feet tracing the old path to her bakery, before she burned it down with her own two hands - and who should she run into, but wilbur.
"O mighty Nemesis, amid the ruins of what she reaps," a voice drawls from behind her - and the sound of it is like ice water down her back, a harsh tug on the fragile threads barely holding her together, but she can't still bring herself to turn. Can't bring herself to see the look on his face - betrayal, fury, hatred. She lets her eyes sink onto the wreckage instead, every bitter angle of it. "I never really asked why that was your little codename, you know," he continues. "Seems a bit on the nose, don't you think?" Niki lets her forehead sink onto her knees. "Fuck off, Wilbur."
wilbur is not being his kindest. niki ponders whether she deserves it. fucking probably, right. she did try to kill his little brother. forget everything she's done since, because wilbur's always kept his allies close to his heart, and betrayal is one of those things that hurts him more than any blade would. she doesn't rise to his remarks. she sees absolutely no point in it. wilbur is stubborn as a bull when he wants to be, and after all these years niki's finally learned when to stop wasting her energy reining him in.
doesn't make her feel any better that his current rampage is directed at her, though.
he's stressed, you see - not that you would care is a halfhearted barb, and niki almost rolls her eyes at it - because he needs to find tommy. he needs to speak with tommy, but his base is empty and snowchester is empty and he's not replying to his comm and phil mentioned that he saw niki heading towards snowchester that afternoon. he doesn't suppose niki has seen tommy at all, has she?
she tries to keep her face even. but here's the thing -
niki could barely lie about committing a murder while actively leading the victim-to-be into a trap, and wilbur - who, if you think about it, never really retired from politics - sees through her attempts to evade immediately.
you know, wilbur says, and then - haven't you done enough? don't tell me you're causing trouble for him again. where is he? where is he?
she could tell him. probably, she should tell him. tommy is his brother, after all, and for all that wilbur's anger burns, she knows how much he cares about tommy. hell, once upon a time that was the entire point of her own... episode. but.
"I can't trust you," she says, pretends it sounds as definitive as she wants it to. "I can't - I don't think I can trust you to say. Not while Dream is out." Wilbur's eyebrows raise - his shoulders do too, lined with tension. "Dream is out?" "He will be. Tomorrow." Niki nods in the direction of the Arctic. "The Syndicate will be breaking him out tomorrow - not me, I'm not... with them anymore, but - didn't someone tell you?"
no, no one did. not phil, not techno, not ranboo. wilbur lives in phil's attic half the time now (more than half, she supposes, if she guesses how quackity would respond to the casino's destruction) and they hadn't said a word.
despite wilbur's apprehension over that, he has greater issues to deal with right now - incredulous that of everyone, niki doesn't trust him because of dream. (after, he reminds her - he keeps reminding her - after what she did.)
"I told you - I told you about limbo," he says, voice fraught. Even now, when they're fighting, some part of Niki hurts at the fragility in his voice. She steels her resolve. "I told you what it was like, about Dream - and you still don't trust me?" "I don't know," she says, and finds that to be, for once, the honest answer. "You said you were sorry about destroying L'Manberg too - you said you were done with all of that - and then, then Las Nevadas, Wilbur! How could you go back to that?" Even he has the shame to look abashed. "So many people could have gotten hurt. We were lucky - we were lucky - Ranboo warned us, and even then, it was close. It was too close, Wilbur. I don't - I don't know what else you'll do. I don't know anymore."
what else can niki say? yes, he told her about limbo. it sounds horrifying. it sounds heartbreaking. he also told her he was sorry for blowing up l'manberg, for forgetting the people betwixt the grand thing that was their country, and that he would try. and yet las nevadas' casino is in ruins, half the server barely escaping with a life intact. and even that was only thanks to ranboo, in the end.
more people would have died unknowing, entirely unaware of the danger until the ground lit up beneath them and they all woke up in their beds, sparkling with burns and regen effect - and tubbo has only one life left, and who even knows how lives work after revival? who knows how many other people in that casino would have one life left too?
he told her he didn't want to fuck it up again. and she told him you left me, you said you'd come back for me and you looked for the button first, and he did the entire fucking thing again.
niki could have died. again. because wilbur was silent.
this - this is the killing blow.
(for as hurt and disgusted and fucking confused as wilbur is, there is still a part of him - bone-deep and steeped in habit - that holds niki's words in high esteem. her response is perfectly predictable, in the midst of his own fury and feelings of betrayal in her direction, and yet the vulnerability of it all stings something fierce anyway.)
they splutter arguments at each other for a few more minutes, running hot with anger, but they achieve nothing. ultimately, both have said their piece - it is not long before even wilbur gives up on the conversation, retreating to the arctic.
niki is done with haunting l'manberg for the night, and returns to the underground city with an eye cast over her shoulder, just in case she's followed. wilbur is far from the type to stalk someone through the woods, but of every possible person on the server, it's his brown coat that she keeps subconsciously looking out for between the trees.
tommy is awake when she comes back, fidgeting with his comm as he sits in what was once planned to be a common area. he tries to call her over for conversation, but she brushes him off as she storms towards her bedroom, resigning herself to another night of staring eyes-wide at the grey, emotionless stone of her ceiling.
she doesn't see the frustrated kind of grief in his expression as she goes.
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moonlitmosss · 3 months
Crazy to think that. I'm an og dsmp fan like. My first dsmp stream was I think?? WS second stream of it??? It was when L'manberg was born officially. My first dsmp stream and I didn't even mean for that I just found his yt videos and I was like oh I wanna watch his streams and then [vine boom] dsmp [vine boom] nation [vine boom] black and yellow concrete BAM tommy and tubbo singing to the plants [vine boom] declaration of independance [vine boom] declaration of war [vine boom] August 3rd 2020 [vine boom] watched tommyinnit for the first time [vine boom] I have permanent brain worms I will never be free
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catpcgames · 2 years
Since Wilbur was in Utah at the time of "The Incident" that means he'll still have all of his memories, so when Wilbur finds Tommy he'll be freaked our by the fact that he's living with Dream of all people.
It would probably go something like this: "Wilbur spots his younger brother across the field and dashes towards him and gives the kid a hug. "Tommy, I- I've really missed you man." The kid proceeds to try and push Wilbur off of him, which Wilbur found, strange, to say the least.
Wilbur's confusion grew into panic when Tommy screamed "Dream! Dream help! This old man is attacking me!"
Wilbur released his grip on Tommy in shock, and gets a good look at this kid for the first time since coming here.
Tommy's eyes are back to the bright blue they were in the L'manberg days, all of his scars were gone, he didn't have the green bandana he got from Tubbo, his coat was now red rather than blue, and he now had demon horns and a tail.
However, he still has the unnatural white streak he got from his revival.
"Tommy, what is he doing to you?"
"'What is he doing to you' what the fuck are you doing to me?"
"Look, I'm just trying to help, but if you don't tell me what's going on and can't help you"
"Who the fuck even are you? How the fuck do you know my name?"
This broke Wilbur. His own little brother, his sunshine, not regonizing him? What had happened to this kid?
Wilbur was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't realize that tears had begun to stream down his face.
Tommy put a hand on Wilbur's shoulder "Hey, I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, I just, I don't know what to say."
At that moment, Dream came running towards the duo.
The man lacked the mask he used to use to hide his face, his hair was entirely white with the exception of a single streak of his natural hair colour. He wore the green sweater that Wilbur hasn't seen since the war for independence.
"Tommy are you okay?" Dream asked, "I heard you screaming my name."
"I think I'm fine, I just- he knows me" he points towards Wilbur, "and I've never seen him in my life."
Wilbur winced slightly.
"I don't think he'll be causing us much trouble, I just- I just panicked."
Dream nods in agreement, "that is strange, the fact that he knows you."
"Yeah, but I'd rather not think about it too much, don't wanna have an 'existential crisis' or something"
"Alright fair" Dream laughed, "wanna go home now?"
"Yeah, I think I've had enough adventure for today"
Tommy and Dream leave, leaving Wilbur on his own.
What the fuck had happened to his sunshine?"
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tjodity · 1 year
Dream SMP Star Wars AU musings
-L'manberg was a Separatist medical+farming colony turned Imperial outpost (Manberg). It later becomes semi-independent but Remnant puppeted (New L'manberg.) Both Puffy and Sam are Republic era officers now under the Empire. Bad and Skeppy are crime lords who would and do die for each other. Dream and Tommy are escaped Jedi padawans who arrive together, Dream abandoning his training in pursuit of power while Tommy holds on in a more spiritual capacity. Tubbo is a mechanic. Nihachu is an ex-separatist freedom fighter. Technoblade is an inquisitor accompanied by a bounty hunter, Phil
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I started to type up some super poetic and eloquent post about L'manberg The Community vs. L'Manberg The Institution, but then I couldn't finish it because I realized that it's just not possible to fully separate them.
Do you think the war for independence would have panned out the way it did if the members didn't mean so much to each other - from the lowest betrayals to the highest sacrifices? Do you think c!Wilbur would have tried to run a single-party election if he weren't an insecure wreck, desperate for validation? Do you think c!Quackity would have challenged him if he didn't crave and envy the home they built for each other? Do you think c!Fundy would have campaigned and become a spy if he didn't want his father to acknowledge him? Do you think c!Schlatt would have died in disgrace if he hadn't pushed away everyone closest to him? Do you think c!Tubbo would have exiled c!Tommy if he weren't frightened for the future of every other citizen, for what he and c!Tommy both sacrificed so much for? Do you think the Butcher Army would have hunted c!Techno if they were not terrified for each other's safety? Do you think they would have stayed and fought on Doomsday if they weren't ready to take on an explosion for each other? Do you think c!Niki would have burned that tree if she didn't feel alone and abandoned by everything she truly loved? Do you think that all these people's loneliness and disconnection and downward spirals now are all merely from the loss of a system or a symbol, and not the loss of friendship and support?
These were a bunch of idiotic kids who never meant any harm at the start, but ended up way in over their heads. They built a pillow fort to hide their toys and share their snacks in, but had to frantically build over it with stone when the first cannons were fired. The community became the institution, they hardened their shells to protect themselves, and once their home became rigid, it became brittle - and so did they. The cracks in one were cracks in the other. They loved each other, but that love wasn't enough.
L'manberg - the community, the institution, the physical home, or the abstract ideology - whatever you want to call it. It wasn't good. It wasn't evil. It was a fucking tragedy.
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monsterritory · 1 year
AU Anon here! XD
I have a random prompt.
“What if Dream asked for Tommy for L’Manburg’s independence instead?”
Also, historical inspired if you wanna do that! XD
You got me, Anon. I grew up on the soap operas about medieval times and forced marriages for the sake of political benefit.
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While I would usually go for the "forced marriage, really sad, Tommy isn't happy at all, Dream does evil things to him" path to this AU, I want to try something different this time, so I propose to you...
Wilbur has tried to speak Tommy out of it and promised to find a different way to get their independence. Tommy ended up having to run away to fulfil his promise to Dream and assure the country's independence.
He expected the worst from Dream. He knew he was signing up to be locked up in a house somewhere, forced to cook for Dream or take care of the kids or whatever it is the gatherer husband does for the hunter.
But once the papers were signed, Dream just kinda... walked away.
"Aren't you gonna force me to follow you, or like... what about the whole "kiss the groom" part?" Tommy inquires.
Dream just shrugs at him.
Tommy goes back to L'Manberg. Things ensue... strangely normally. No war follows. Dream visits the town a few times, but never sparing Tommy any more attention than to the rest of the residents living there.
(Insert comedic scene of Dream buying some fruits on their bazaar or whatever and Wilbur is yelling "You won't lay a hand on Tommy if I can help it!" in the distance. Dream doesn't notice.)
Like, damn, at this point Tommy is frustrated that nothing is happening! Why is Dream completely ignoring him? Isn't he supposed to be a war trophy to him, or something? What's his plan?
Eventually, Tommy decides to... [hands you the microphone]
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springatito-moved · 2 years
Best Early SMP/Pre-L'manburg Analyst: @judgehangman
Best L'manburg Independence War Analyst: @overthinkingfandom and @call-me-apple vote pool win
Best Pet Wars Analyzer: @sapnaplore
Best Election Arc Analyzer: @dreamsclock
Best Manberg Analyzer: @lasnevadaslaborunion
Best Pogtopia Analyzer: @inniter
Best New L'manburg Analyzer: @ranvtuber
Best Exile Analyzer: @cupsmp
Best Mexican L'manberg/El Rapids Analyzer: @gogtopia
Best Bedrock Bros Analyzer: @inniter
Best Doomsday Analyzer: @simplepotatofarmer
Best Hotel Arc Analyzer: @farfran
Best Tommy Prison Visit Arc Analyzer: @theenderwalker
Best Kinoko Kingdom Analyzer: @aetherknit
Best Las Nevadas Analyzer: @viceduo
Best Snowchester Analyzer: @transfissionduoswag
Best Outpost Arc Analyzer: @ranvtuber
Best Burger War Arc Analyzer: @ranvtuber
Best Eggpire Arc Analyzer: @eggpires
Best Sam Bucket Arc Analyzer: @bigboobyhalo
Best Prison Break Analyzer: @theminecraftbox
Best TFTSMP Analyzer: @snaxle
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
Sorry for the wall of text but during math class I started thinking and writing after reading an article of the ONU, so have this if you would like it:
Most of the crimes committed by dsmp members do not fullfill the requirements to be trialed as war crimes and instead would be just crimes or crimes against humanity considered that most of the crimes did not in fact occur in an armed conflict as defined by the ONU, conflicts that can qualify as an armed conflict include l'manberg war for independence, the re-taking of manberg and if you maybe squint just right the doomsday war, many of the other conflicts thouigh defined as wars by the fandom were not in fact armed conflict in the capacity provided by the ONU given that those that fought in them did so as individuals and not part of a militia or in representation of their countries; that's why you have to squint for the doomsday war to count as so, Were doomsday trio acting as an armed force given that techno and phil do not belong to a country and dream was not acting in representation of 'The Greater Dream SMP'? Or were they acting on an individual capacity and thus doomsday war would count as a terrorist attack? They were after all just three people but, given that there were fights between the trio and the remains of new l'manberg & affiliated individuals during the execution of the attack, does it then count as an armed conflict? These questions keep me up at night.
yeah this is always always such a fascinating topic to me!
not just the 'what is a war crime' question, but the weight of crimes on the dsmp in general.
if hitting another player is very standard minecraft body language, when does it become an actual attack, yeah? then there's the issue of tone and how these actions are perceived.
i mean, you have people that are very generally considered 'good' people but have technically committed really terrible crimes! c!ranboo and all his actual, literal treason and other various crimes or c!tommy and the torture he committed.
so already crime on the dsmp is like.... wild because if you tried to apply a one-to-one from the real world, you'd be stuck with the worst of the worst. but obviously it's minecraft so that's not how it works, yeah? those things are all still awful but it's this weird scale.
anyway, i agree that most things aren't war crimes.
i would say, in my opinion, doomsday counts a little more as a war crime than most because it was a coalition against a country and there were rules agreed to in advance. now, they weren't necessarily concrete or written down but they were given and agreed to so i'll say that c!doomsday trio showing up early could be counted as a war crime.
to me, that's really the only 'war crime' that stands out. mostly i'd consider it as terrorism but there's arguments to be made that certain aspects do meet the requirements for an actual war.
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