#labrynth rp
bro im so bored so uhhhh
if anyone wants to rp, just dm me
i do most fandoms
and even if i dont know a fandom i can read up on it
ill write the starter too
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Hey it’s Spencer (he/him, 30, CST) and I forgot a few characters I’d love to write with:
Jareth (Labrynth)
Christian (Moulin Rouge)
Romeo (Romeo & Juliet)
Young Sam Carmichael (Mama Mia)
continuation of last post!
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spogo1 · 5 years
Bored and open for rp
I like to rp phan, Heathers, Harry Potter, and anything Jim Henson or Tim Burton. Hmu, my kik is spogo13 ☺
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⚗️ :3c curse my bitch (for Lucas, probably) (@tazmily-family)
T̷h̸i̵s̸ ̷w̶a̵s̶ ̶w̴r̵o̷n̵g̴. 
The withering soul tried reaching out to a boy that lost his way. This should’ve been an easy task. It’s done this many times. It no longer needs to utilize death.
But it couldn’t do it. When it reached, he only became a mirror. An icon of the infection that endlessly gnawed at it with as much persistence as when it first took over.
I̷ ̴'̷ ̷ ̵m̷
s̴ ̵ ̷ ̶o̴ ̶ ̷ ̸ ̴r̷ ̶ ̷ ̴ ̸ ̷r̴ ̸ ̸ ̵ ̶ ̴ ̴y̷ ̸ ̸ ̶ ̵ ̷ ̸.̷
Seeking help in this way was no longer an option.
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cryptoidantagonist · 3 years
is this a new fae type or have you just become a concrete entity ~@betweenlands
i dont know what youre talking about i just want to eat concrete. i am not a fae. probably.
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the-nerd-up-north · 7 years
Just a little Planned out RP
@iamthegoblinking @lorana-burnor
You would think Early Spring would be A nice sight in chicago, But with the nippy 23 Degrees it’s been keeping to throughout the day and the downtown Exhaust from Everyone wanting to get to places quicker than others In their stead. It was Almost hypnotic the way the exhaust would float so far up the city’s buildings before disappearing, It was something Elizabeth found to be Tragically beautiful, though now a days this is how she felt about most things.
Who is Elizabeth might you ask? Well, she’s that small blonde girl in the crowd of pedestrians over there, blinding everyone out with her earphones and keeping her bare hands in her Olive colored jacket she wrapped around her for warmth. Warm Hazel Doe eyes scanning back ahead as she clutched her bookbag near her, hands seeming to want to reach for her bookbag yet she knew she shouldn’t, so kept them in her jacket as she stared down to her feet and legs where she wore her work shoes and Dress pants.
Just another day and another dollar to make, so it’s best to hurry and not be late. Termination isn’t an option and nor is giving in, so best run along and get that paycheck finished.
Then it hit her, like a solid rock, That feeling again. one that rushed towards her quickly and diligently, The feeling of eyes on her. For the past few weeks it’s been the same, no matter what she does it always comes along like a routine.
The feeling as if someone was watching her from someplace, no matter the place she was in, her brother chalked it up to Anxiety, So Elizabeth followed suit but she couldn’t help but stiffen as This sensation reached back towards her. Just like this cold afternoon that had decided to cloud her head, and break her train of thought, her pace slowly quickening as her senses return to her. Hoping as to not find out who was peering at her, feet making pace across the street and looking forward.
Ears blinded out again with the sound of Ryuichi sakamoto’s Three album, Faint and melancholic tones that she allowed to take her over. If not to blind her mind out of this ‘Anxiety’ She was feeling.
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crime-bot · 4 years
You said to ask abourt Subcon Desert?
Yes I did, and sorry I took a while but I have an entire doc about it so you can read up in your free time-
The summary:
Subcon Desert is basically just Subcon Forest. But it’s a desert now.
From a glance, that’s it. BUT!
There’s lot of chances to the characters, history, and what’s presently happening. I’ll start with the most important characters–
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Snatcher is a ghost crocodile called The Hunter now! He's a ghost of The Prince who patrols a river from the sea that runs through the kingdom's remains, looks out for his minions, and also makes intruders/trespassers do tasks for him via contract before he eats them whole. 
Standard stuff. 
I should also mention that he controls water instead of fire, though, and is,,, /much/ more prone to violence-
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Next up is Sunjumper! He,,, just really wants peace. After splitting with The Hunter after The Prince died, he took The Prince's body, grabbed a sword he was ceremonially granted when we was alive, and eventually made a home for himself on the horizon. That's. His home is just so far away from the kingdom that it's literally on the horizon, so everybody calls it that. I feel like he had to deal with The Real Horizon sometime, but I'm not sure how that comes into play exactly.
That monster at the bottom right corner is Cereus, Subcon Desert's Vanessa, and yup she's still bad. She's able to control sand, and, to an extent, stone, and built an entire labrynth to keep The Prince in. Unfortunately, her intensr greed, among other things, turned her into a monster. She left the ruins and caused the kingdom to fall into destruction, taking almost every life in the process, and the labrynth colapsed with The Prince inside it. Now she stays inside the labrynth ruins, save for nights of the new moon, when she leaves to tries to get Sunjumper to return for eternity. Don't worry Hunter helps him out-
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A lot of the minions look like this! Snatcher made the fake mummy bodies himself for their souls to inhabit. They act a lot like the canonical subconites, but they /do/ have some more responsibility with things such as building houses and selling things. Regardless of this, they're still carefree for the most part and always down to clown.
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There's also scorpions instead of spiders, and many of the dwellers wear animal skulls and other things in place of masks. I'm not sure sure what to do with the fire spirits :/
iiiiiis what I WOULD say if it wasn't for the help of tumblr user catcrazies-midnight! They proposed the idea of the fire spirits instead being molten glass spirits, and I RAN with it!
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These beautiful walking glass puddles are basically a bunch of melted down and stuck together glass, courtesy of a soul/essense that's really, really hot. Their bodies can be made brittle and more easy to shatter if they're exposed to intense cold or submerged into cold water, which is usually what they want to do anyways… buuuuuut, if one wished to continue to collect and melt down sand to become bigger,,, :}
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Hat Kid gets sent to deal with them. Oop-
The kingdom is largely ruined, but inside of broken houses and other buildings, there's quite a bit of creative decorations in the form of feathers, cloth, bone, and really anything that catches the minion's eyes. The river from the sea runs through most of it, too.
At the very end of the main branch of the river lies the destroyed castle, and there's a part of the river that branches off to a place where the entrance of the labrynth's ruins are.
Oh! And here's what Sunjumper's home and surrounding oasis looks like!
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The minions like to call it The Horizon because it's juuuuuust in the horizon from the kingdom, and Sunjumper decided to agree with them because, firstly, that's actually a smart idea, and secondly, he'd /really/ hate to rain on their parade ._.
... oh, wait, you're wondering about how Sunjumper looks the way he does, too aren't you--
W E L L,
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Don't worry, they're not all over the place; Æfrelewk's actually pretty contained. They can't leave their "personal fashion space" after the sea in that area dried up a loooooong time ago, so they just stay in the pocket dimension left behind by their meteor that crashed into what was once the sea.
... look I said that they'd be contained, not that they'd not be absolutely bonkers in more ways than one.
Ever since they weren't able to leave their pocket dimension without getting beached, they just stay and wait... trying to lure in anything that breathes to trap forever and transform into shapes that they find more appealing. Too bad their fashion sense is incurably fishy.
After escaping the labrynth and trying to get far, /far/ away from the kingdom, Sunjumper was convinced by Æfrelewk to hop into their pocket dimension, named the Mesozone by Æfrelewk, and be made into something "MUCH more practical. I mean, come on, LEGS?! Puh-LEASE, only people trying to be trendy think they need THOSE." And badda bing badda boom Sunjunper regretted his decision wholeheartedly.
I'm not sure about the specifics, but I'm pretty sure that /maybe/ The Hunter fished him out. 
And I am /definitely/ certain that Sunjumper tries to make sure nobody else risks going through what he had to by marking the whole impact site with signs and various warnings along the lines of, "do NOT enter or come closer at ANY cost!!! ... please :("
And! Now that some time has passed and some RPs have called for further description, here's a map of Subcon Desert and a diagram-thing of The Mesozone!
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(This… needs to he redone…)
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ironmaneki-neko · 7 years
♬ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music?
Yet Another Munday Meme 
Send me a symbol and I’ll answer ooc
Not for RP, it interferes too much with Ibiki’s voice since he doesn’t like modern music or any of the types of music I listen to for that matter. For fanfic, it depends. Some fics I have actually based on what I was listening to at the time (for G.I Joe fic, it hasn’t come up for Naruto fics), sometimes I need to drown out the world, and sometimes I just can’t concentrate on more than one thing at a time (this is the most common).
I have a Bleach fic I’m working on based on the Labrynth. ‘Dance, Magic, Dance’ keeps going through my head as I do so.
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