#lady llewellyn
theeclipse · 1 year
"Being around you makes me really happy..."
Truth be told that was how he felt being around El. So hearing that was how she felt just made all the difference to him. “Truthfully? That’s how I feel being around you.”
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vischys · 1 year
Starter for @lady-llewellyn
He recalled the female monarch as an acquaintance of his brother, and had once called upon their home bearing a gift with her presence. Naturally, he was curious whether there was more to her than she had presented herself as, given his understanding that Dante was not one give his stamp of friendship lightly.
In the interest of his brother aside howbeit, the first scion of Sparda too harbored his own unaffiliated curiosity toward her, recalling the title accompanying her name which bespoke her unearthly origin; 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒂𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒎.
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“Lady Ellyn,” he greeted her politely with neutral demeanor belying his internal curiosity.
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itstheomen · 3 months
( auto ) - our muses have sex in a car
“Could you really not wait until we got home?” The mercenary questioned aloud, his gaze now resting solely upon Ellyn. He hadn’t the slightest idea why but knowing Ellyn’s sheer power and what she could do, only made Jason more attracted to her. “Such a shame because now I can’t drag this out..” he mumbled reaching up to take let his fingers trace one side of her neck. And leaning in Jason’s lips connected with ellyn’s neck.
“Because I literally wanted to do everything imaginable with you.”
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walkitoffrogers · 9 months
half goddess, half hell | steve & ellyn
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It was a little over a year since the battle of Wakanda, a year of settling into the power he’d accepted to stop half a universe from being wiped out, a year since he’d moved back to New York City and started a finance company. The city had always been home, and Shield & Helm was already making headlines even in its infancy, some speculating that its success was based purely on his former Avengers fame and it would fall just as quickly as it had risen. Steve hadn’t read the gossip about himself as Captain America, and he certainly didn't read it now. The company's towering skyscraper was half-built, not yet a home, but on its way there.
Somehow, he didn’t think it was the building that he was missing. He’d expected to feel more complete upon accepting his power, and he did, a part of himself he’d always only been half-aware of clicking into place. But it wasn’t the same as being whole. He knew the stories, had read every iteration he could find when he was looking for answers about this darkness that had haunted him all his life, but if the solution was to find his Persephone incarnate, Steve thought he might as well give up now. He'd never had much luck when it came to love. His lifestyle didn't lend itself to long-term relationships when he was moving from one battle to the next.
He didn't think it was his imagination that he felt better when he was surrounded by life though, and he was a frequent visitor at the city's parks, often passing through in the middle of the day or taking walks at night when sleep eluded him. The botanical gardens were his favorite though. He took long strolls through the archways of flowers and the sparkling fountains, and sometimes had a working lunch at the outdoor café. He didn’t draw anymore, hadn't picked up a pencil in years as the fight chipped away at more and more of his personal life, but the artist in him could still admire them. It was the closest he ever felt to being inspired again.
His power wasn't so dramatic that plants withered under his touch (unless he wanted them to, but who went around killing plants?), but Steve couldn't grow a thing by himself. The few he'd tried to brighten his apartment with had simply never sprouted, and he'd resigned himself to its cool Manhattan aesthetic, all sharp lines and monochrome. Pre-war Steve would have cringed at living anywhere but Brooklyn, but the attachment to it had faded under the god's power. The scent of flowers was heady inside one of the greenhouses, orchids dripping from the archways overhead, and just being there was easing some of the tension of his day.
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cigarettesandcoffee · 14 days
"what if i kissed you right now?" (For Meurig)
"In front of this entire gala?" Meurig mused, bringing his glass of whiskey up to his lips to take a sip before shrugging his shoulders and raising a brow at his beloved. "Depends on what kind of kiss were talkin' about, sugar. I'm not liable for the results of that action, should you take it." He teased with a mischievous grin curling on his face.
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dmnkng · 1 month
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thuganomxcs · 2 months
━━   ❝   𝐔𝐡..𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧..   ❞   He tried his best to communicate that the enchantment cuffs..did not work like your standard 𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙚 cuffs. Why was it difficult to communicate it? Well that was only because his mind now rotted with thoughts of her being bound, whilst Yusuke himself hated being constricted from any freedom of movement there wasn’t a problem if she has a fondness for it. And that alone kept him temporarily distracted.
“I see the idea you’re goin’ with babe..believe me.” His mind had already contacted over twenty spicy scenarios. “But the enchantment cuffs don’t work that way exactly..I mean they call ‘em cuffs but they’re more like weights if anythin’.” Now when it came to her own biology of what race she was..that alone could have been made into a book itself because Yusuke never kept up with all of that but he does KNOW at some point she’s angelic sooo that alone would make the cuffs obsolete upon her.
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“Tell ya what El, I’ll just buy cuff toys..and then you’ll try not t’ break ‘em yeah?” There was a smile on his face now, granted it still felt like he was sweating under his close because of the imagery she allowed him to cast in the back of his mind.
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 | @lady-llewellyn
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jonvandernoorde · 9 months
"I put the ring on your finger, you're married to me now. No take backs!!!"
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onlybonesleft · 1 year
"promise i won't bite... unless you want me to."
"Biting really doesn't do it for me, sweetheart."
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manbehindtheshield · 1 year
"You can kiss me, you know." @lady-llewellyn
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Steve's heart skipped a beat when Ellyn said he could kiss her. He had wanted to all evening but was too afraid to ask thinking it was too soon. Taking a step closer, he lifted his hand to cup the side of her face and bent down to gently press his lips against hers. He didn't linger too much and pulled away gently. "I was hoping I would get to kiss you."
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cybernetic-asset · 10 months
Send 🛁to help my muse clean blood / grime off up after a fight / injury / etc !
Well, that couldn’t have gone worse. James cringed internally as he looked over the mess slowly seeping across the tile, blood escaping from the man he'd just put a hand through. In his defense, he didn't mean to. He didn't make it out so clean, either. There was a cut to his jaw, nothing that wouldn't heal on its own, but the blood spray down his shirt and up his neck was a different story altogether. He shook his left hand hard, more drops of blood flitting to the floor. "Ellyn, you okay?" He asked, turning towards the brunette. <Tagging: @lady-llewellyn>
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theeclipse · 5 months
[☕] our muses make hot chocolate together
“You know I don’t think I started liking hot chocolate until we started doing this together.”
Eliasz added smiling at Ellyn before turning his attention back to why they were doing. That could be said for a lot of things because Ellyn clearly had that effect, she just made things better without ever trying.
“You clearly have a special effect on me.”
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vvolfstare · 8 months
[dance] - Sender and receiver have to dance together.
Bucky wouldn't have expected a night spent stuck in the mechanic's shop without power to be one of his favorites in recent memory, but it pretty much began and ended with the company. Maybe it was the circumstances, actually having the opportunity to help someone for a change, that made the difference, but he felt more at ease with her than he did with most people, a little of that 40s charmer coming out now and then.
If he hadn't expected a night stuck with a stranger to be enjoyable, he certainly hadn't expected anything more to come from it, but he'd accepted when she asked him to dinner. It didn't stop him from second-guessing himself every moment leading up to it, but when it came right down to it, he didn't want to make up some excuse and cancel. He wanted to see her again.
Dinner had been pleasant so far, the only anxiety the one that came from sort of liking someone and being wildly out of practice at it. The place was elegant in a way that wasn't off-putting, the food good. She was easy to talk to, and like the other night seemed to just take his occasional awkwardness in stride. He couldn't help noticing the way she reacted to the music most of the night, either humming or tapping her foot to some of the songs. "Do you want to dance?" There was a brief hesitation before he asked, the words almost shy, although Bucky Barnes had never once been accused of shyness. It had just been almost a century since he'd asked.
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thechaoticcform · 9 months
"I couldn't sleep, so, I followed a feeling.."
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The Winter King was surprised when he opened the door. "Ellyn, what do I owe the pleasure?" The King wore his furs, even in his bedroom, and the fire cackled in the grate.`
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cigarettesandcoffee · 3 months
👀 (For Fen or Meurig.)
Stood in the mirror, the Maleficar was pulling his button up shirt over his shoulders, adjusting it to fit his form better. He stopped to lean forward and check his beard, which he had already groomed and applied balm to, but better safe than sorry when it came to putting up appearances.
However, he paused when noticing a peeping Tom eyeing him up from the bed. A soft chuckle rumbled up from his chest as he stood back up straight and made eye contact with her from the mirror. "Enjoyin' the show, darlin'?"
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orcristwielder · 11 months
‘ i am what i am, and i'm not ashamed. ’
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• 𝐢 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢 𝐚𝐦 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝. • currently accepting.
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The brunette's gaze shifted to the woman, arms folded across his chest. It was his firm belief that not one person should ever be ashamed of who/what they were. He had done his job in raising his nephews with that belief, he would continue to say this to others. Why would he ever expect anyone to feel ashamed, other than for stupidity but that was it. "I wouldn't expect you to." Came the gruff response, a huff taken as his head turned, visibly, to focus his attention on her "Dwarves have always believe one should never be ashamed of being themselves."
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