#late night thoughts with Oxygenpdf
oxygenpdf · 1 month
Late night thoughts with Oxygenpdf no. 2
Topic of the night: Max Verstappen’s dominance in formula one
@flyingcakeee you’re being tagged because you deal with my yap seshes 24/7
Max hate got so bad across platforms, had to specify that I indeed support his dominance in this sport. And will not be participating in the; “praying on his downfall” day.
Thank you.
No but in all seriousness. I get WHY people say “it’s getting boring” and to some extent I do agree, being able to anticipate who’s gonna win takes away some fun. However, it only adds to the enjoyment of NOT knowing another outcome. When Max dominates, majority of you guys don’t think of other possibilities. “What if Charles gets the lead?” “What if this is Landos first win” Max’s dominance allows us as fans to not only enjoy his progression in the sport, but also the anticipation of not knowing what else can happen.
of course, never would I pray on a drivers downfall. Every driver has their ins and outs. Max has been a personal new grid favourite of mine for a while. As has Lando () however, when he wins I get excited. Not for Redbull, but for him [or checo] individually.
Claiming that the sport is getting boring purely BECAUSE he’s winning is so ridiculous, at least in my opinion it is. I won’t fight you on it, that’s not what these yap seshes are for. I can come to terms with different opinions and thoughts. Hell if you don’t like Max, that’s totally fine. No one can truly bash your ideal driver lineup. But purely placing the blame onto him, as if he has a choice, is funny. He’s given a damn good car, and he’s a damn good driver who can control said car. Of course he’s going to take it home every race. He’s talent, skill, and ability mashed into one. It’s not “the car” it’s him.
here’s what I say; if you give a driver a good and fast car, said driver needs to be able to control it.
Redbull has given Max a very good car, as they should, and he’s been able to control it. THATS what the sport is about, good driver = good car, good car = needs a driver that can control it. It’s not about him reducing his wins because fans think his dominance is wasted or repetitive.
Even if Redbull didn’t give him a worthy car, yall think Max wouldn’t haul its dusty ass to 1st still? He proved way back in his early years that even when the car is absolutely shit, that he’s able to control it well enough in the points.
Rounding back. I can see why the sports getting boring. I too find it a bit boring, but that’s not because of his dominance, but because everything is really happening off-track more than on-track. And unfortunately the times good shit happens, it spirals out of control and things happen [AHEM Daniel AHEM Lance AHEM] also because I’ve watched this sport for so long, sometimes the excitement doesn’t catch up to me in time. I’ve always found Indy more entertaining, but F1 comes a damn close second along with WEC.
Anyways this is my propaganda against Max hate.
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oxygenpdf · 1 month
Late night thoughts with Oxygenpdf no.1
F1 2000-2013 friendships: Mark and Alonso, Seb and Kimi.
I should make this a mini series with the way I ramble.
There’s something about the way F1 drivers hug each other sometimes. Like Nando and Mark. Anytime Fernando hugged Mark, he actually hugged him. Held his racing suit tightly, or wrapped his arms around his neck. But it’s like, I dunno, I feel like when friends hug and it looks as securing as it did for them. It does show how safe that friendship was in the end.
Which at the time, a lot of the drivers were, in their respects, close but also extremely competitive. Possibly even more than now. So getting those moments where Redbull drivers like Mark and Sebastian, would find a friendship within a Ferrari driver like Fernando or Kimi. Just highlights how tight knit the grid was.
Same can be said now, truly, but back then it was entirely different. Or just felt different. I dunno, maybe I’m tired or some shit. But I live for those friendships where they can hug within their respects and really show that they’re friends.
Unlike now where Fans jump at the chance to call it “PR” just cause it isn’t their favourite duo.
Not to say Seb and Mark didn’t get on with the rest of the grid. Of course they did. But there’s always that one particular duo that just stands out along the crowd. I myself witnessed nearly the tail end of majority of this. I was also fairly young, practically a child, however growing up and rewatching the races I always spotted how close some driver pairs or trios were. In a very modest and respectful way.
Not to mention the clear and genuine fun a lot of drivers had on the podiums back then. While there was some awkward moments like Lewis and Nico, for brief moments. There was never a shy away moments between Mark, Seb, and Alonso. (And Kimi).
Unless you count the podium where Mark told Alonso he wasn’t going to Ferrari. (I mean what-)
But anyways. Late night thoughts. Late night thoughts. Maybe next one I’ll go into depth on a certain f1 season I enjoyed. Possibly 2023 and possibly 2022. Maybe even a in-depth thought at the 2006 (my birth year) season. Who knows.
Anyways, goodnight.
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