#lc jester x gn reader
centipede-gutzz · 4 months
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A/N: sorry, you're going through the horrors this time.
SUMMARY: The Cold Court of Dine is cold and unforgiving, and the Jester is no different. Yet, it could be different for you.
WARNINGS: scenes containing death and violence.
TYPE: fic, gn reader, platonic, angst with comfort from the thing that literally killed your teammates not too long ago.
"Alright, that should be the last of it."
You nod in agreement as your teammate puts down the rubix cubes one of them found in the loot pile. Said teammate, or Orange, sighs in relief. Another successful job in the cold planet, Dine.
Your crew managed to save up a decent amount of money to land here, in hopes of better loot to reach the next quota more efficiently. And for once, it was a mansion! A nice break from the steamy pipes and creaking metal of the railings. And surprisely enough, no casualties were to be had.
The previous run didn't end well. You recall losing one of your mates to a Coil-Head. He didn't react in time when the sound of scattering footsteps quickly approache them from behind, catching him off guard as his head was ejected from his body. Blood stained your suit as you stared down at his corpse, the spring sticking out where his neck once was wobbling around.
It was a gruesome sight to behold. You're lucky the others were there to help you, handing you the loot to escape while they took care of watching the Coil-Head. They managed to escape with you soon after, but you can't stop the guilt from invading your mind. You could've saved him, perhaps if you were faster. It's too late now. As quick as he was gone, a new employee arrived to replace him. The newbie seemed to do just fine, despite being a nervous wreck (you all nicknamed her Yellow, due to her suit color). You can't blame her, this job isn't exactly an everyday choice. This time, you hope that things will turn out differently.
"Woah hey, what the hell is that?!"
Orange's voice breaks you out of your thoughts as you turn your head towards him. He seems on edge, taking a step back as he points to the doorway on the other side of the room. You open your mouth to speak and turn to look at whatever he saw. Before you can even speak, you let out a startled noise at the sight.
It's a jack-in-the-box. The thing is huge, more bigger than any other one you've seen. It has legs too, with a singular arm on its left right below the crank. You quickly activate your scanner to figure out what the weird toy was. A "jester", the words read from your scanner. It certainly didn't look like one, no funny hat or ringing bells to accompany its design.
It just stands there...menacingly. The box slightly moves up and down in an idle manner, as if waiting for something. Your teammates quickly scramble to grab whatever loot they can hold.
"I don't what the hell that is, but I don't think we should stick around to find out," Orange rambles out. You quickly nod, your grip on your items tightening.
As soon as you were all about to leave, the Jester raises its arm to reach for its crank. It begins to crank itself with a steady pace, the song "Pop Goes the Weasel" coming from the box. Dread washes over you as you take a few steps around the box towards the door it came from. The exit shouldn't be too far from here, if your memory serves you correctly.
You call out for your teammates to leave, one of them already making a run for it. You soon follow but quickly turn around to see Yellow staring at the Jester.
Your voices rings through the air as you call out to her, pleading for her to move away from the box. She doesn't move as she responds, "But...what if it's fine? I used to have one of these as a kid, and the most it would do was scare me! Surely it won't be any different, right?"
"IT VERY MUCH COULD BE! We can't stand here forever and risk everything, we gotta move," Orange yells out. He lets out a noise of frustration when she doesn't budge and he puts all of his loot into your hands. He looks at you with a serious, yet sorry look.
"Hey bud, I'm sorry you have to be put in this situation again but we can't lose our stuff. I'm gonna try to get her out of here, but you gotta get this stuff back to the ship. Blue's still there, they should be starting the ship by the time you get there," he says. You shake your head in response. You can't lose another one again! What if something happens again? They've gotten this far, it doesn't have to be this way.
It feels like he can read your thoughts or perhaps noticed your quivering body and panicked breathing as he continues, "I know things shouldn't be like this again, but who knows what happens if we miss quota? Just run, we'll be right behind you!"
He pushes you out of the room and runs to Yellow, tugging at her arm and yelling at her to leave. The song never stops, the speed increasing as time goes on.
It's the same thing again. You feel helpless, once again the last resort. Your grip on the loot falters for a second before turning to run towards where the exit should be. The sound of Pop Goes the Weasel and your teammates voices echo through the halls of the mansion as you run as fast as you can.
What if something happens? Your thoughts quickly begin to swirl, making you come to a halt. The glass of your helmet's visor fogs up as you begin to hyperventilate. You can't be a coward again. There's a reason why you lost your teammate, and maybe even these ones if you just run away. You argue with yourself back and forth, undecided if you should continue to the exit or go back to your mates. Your mind seems to go with the latter, your shaking legs quickly turning around to go back.
As you take a step forward, you feel that something is off. You can barely make out the distant sound of screams, both human and not. Fast and heavy footsteps are heard muffled beyond the hard walls of the mansion, and whatever is causing them doesn't sound friendly. It's too late now, it was always too late for you.
You choke back a sob as you turn to run away from the horrible noises. It doesn't last long, seeing how whatever caused your teammates' deaths is quickly approaching. You go around a few corners that you swear were ones that could lead you out, but you were only met with an empty room. You fall to the floor with tears filling your eyes, items clattering to the side as you clench your fists.
Perhaps this job was never meant for you. Maybe it was all just twisted luck that got you this far. Fate is cruel, and she had much more in store for you. There's no time to play the blame game, the Court Jester is waiting. You face the doorway, face to face with the one who's responsible for your end. The wall touches your back as you make a poor attempt to delay your death and scoot away from the Jester.
It's screaming. Not out loud, nor in pain, but it sounds faint. What was once just a box is now flesh and bone, empty eye sockets staring into your soul. Broken sobs and pleas leave your mouth, wishing for another outcome than this. You and your teammates were nothing but thieves, commoners that trespassed this Cold Court. Perhaps this is for the best. You close your eyes shut and fearfully accept this fate given to you. It's cold and relentless, the fear never-ending. Exhale, and await your shortcoming.
...the screaming doesn't stop. Even with your eyes shut, you can feel the Jester looming over you. Somehow, boldness finds its way in your mind as you open your eyes to peer above you. The sight isn't pretty.
It's way too close for comfort, bloody teeth and gore filling your sights. It's surprising that you didn't faint yet. Despite this situation, you can't help but smile weakly. Nervous laughter meets faint screaming as you mumble out a simple greeting. Maybe you truly lost it.
The Jester opens its jaw, blood dripping and landing on your helmet. You wince and extend your arms to protect yourself, whatever that could do. It's probably just toying with its food at this point, how cruel can this thing get?
Apparently, it has other things in mind. You feel yourself being lifted up from the ground. Teeth bites at your suit as the Jester settles you in its mouth, dangling like a bear would catch a fish. One bite, and it's all over. You can't stop shaking in fear, even with the Jester walking out of the room. Its gentle with its hold on you, footsteps thudding against the wood flooring.
How the hell did you end up here? This is not something you ever imagined happening to you. The feeling of flesh squishing against your sides makes you cringe. You bite your lip to stop a noise of complaint, no doubt it could kill you in an instant if you insult it.
It walks through the dark halls perfectly, like it knew the entire layout by heart. You recoil at the sudden bright lights attacking your eyes as you both end up in the main room. It stops nearby the door and settles you down as gentle as it could.
Both of you stare at each other silently, waiting for the other to make a move. This thing killed your friends not a while ago, so why can't you move? Despite the obvious danger levels of the Jester, you find yourself muttering a quiet "thank you".
The Jester twitches, seemingly pleased at your thanks. It lowers its skull towards you and exposes the top, nudging at you against the door. You make a noise of confusion before cautiously raising you hand to pat it softly. You don't feel like testing how sturdy it is compared to your human skull. It quickly raises itself up, bouncing in excitement like a puppy who's horrors is beyond your comprehension. Bits of gore fall from the box from its movement and you try your best not to show your disgust. You wave a small goodbye towards the Jester and quickly exit out the door.
You've never been more excited to hear the crunch of snow beneath your boots. It becomes red from the blood on your suit, but you don't seem to notice. Luck seems to be on your side again, with the Jester being kind enough to let you go. It doesn't feel like the best of fate, but you decide to accept it.
The Cold Court is unrelenting, the snow never stopping for a moment. A kingdom with no king or queen, instead a Jester to take their place. You were blessed to be spared by the faux ruler, the gift of horrible memories containing your teammates screams and cries forever following.
It's cold, and unforgiving.
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