#leading manufacturer and exporter of delicious baby cereals
titushealthtech · 2 years
Importance of iron fortified food during pregnancy
Iron deficiency is among the most common nutritional deficiencies globally, and it affects more than 20% of the world’s population, as iron imparts an important role in the formation of blood.
Titus Health Tech Pvt Ltd is one of the leading names when it comes to manufacturing of world class, technologically advanced infant milk formula and other nutritional supplements.
Our ProShake Mom, a nutrition drink for pregnant women by Titus health tech is a simple solution to meet the increased nutritional needs of pregnant or nursing (lactating) mothers. A perfect complement to your healthy diet with its complete balanced nutrition packed with protein, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. It also helps provide the extra nutrition and energy to help you care for your new-born. It provides the energy, protein and calcium needs of a pregnant or breast-feeding mother.
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titushealthtech · 2 years
Titus Health Tech Pvt Ltd is one of the leading names when it comes to manufacturing of world class, technologically advanced infant milk formula and other nutritional supplements. We support and promote mother’s milk. We believe that most babies should have only breast milk for the first 6 months of life and should be breastfed for at least 12 months. Keeping in mind, the nutritional requirements of nursing mothers, ProShake Mom, a nutrition drink for pregnant and lactating women by Titus health tech is a simple solution to meet the increased nutritional needs of pregnant or nursing (lactating) mothers. The perfect addition to a healthy diet, it provides a complete, balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. It also helps provide the extra nutrition and energy needed by mother to care for a new born.
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titushealthtech · 2 years
Titus Health Tech Pvt Ltd , Popularly known as Titus, offers a complete range of nutrition solution from new born to geriatric population.
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titushealthtech · 2 years
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titushealthtech · 2 years
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titushealthtech · 2 years
Weaning Food – Titus Health Tech
Weaning is the transition of an infant’s diet from breast milk or formula to other solids and liquids. In most cases,  when to wean is a personal choice. This may be influenced by the state of occupation of the mother, maternal and child health, or simply a sense that the timing is right.
Weaning an infant is a gradual process. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life. The AAP recommends a combination of solid foods and breast milk for infants from 6 months of age until they are at least one year old. The Academy does not recommend cow’s milk to infants under one year of age.
What are the signs your baby is ready to be weaned?
Some children are content with unlimited breastfeeding. Others, however, give mothers clues that they are ready to begin the weaning process.
Appears indifferent or picky about breastfeeding
Care in less time than ever before
Easily distracted while breastfeeding
Breast “play”, such as constant tugging, tugging, and biting
Approaches to weaning food
Weaning should take place over time for both mother and baby to adjust physically and emotionally to the changes. One way is to skip one feeding session a week until your child is eating all its meals from a bottle or cup. When weaning a child from breast milk, slow weaning helps prevent breast engorgement.
Some mothers let their children decide when to stop breastfeeding. Children who eat three solid meals a day tend to breastfeed less frequently. When this happens, the mother’s milk is depleted due to lack of demand and must be pumped to maintain milk flow.
If your baby is weaned before she is one year old, or if you find that you are not producing enough milk, you should give your baby formula. Consult your doctor to determine the right prescription for your child.
Types of weaning
There are two basic approaches to weaning. Baby-led weaning and the more traditional method of pureeing with a spoon. These approaches can be used individually or combined as a mixed method approach.
Traditional method
Traditional spoon feeding is in which you begin the weaning adventure via way of means of imparting purees off a spoon and steadily growing the feel and the creation of finger foods.
Advantages of Traditional method
Easy to understand how many babies ate
Keeping track of what your baby eats is much easier. Because you can see how many spoonful you gave your baby and how much is left.
Reduce ceilings and food waste
   Spoon-feeding is much less messy, and less food wasted than baby-led weaning.
Disadvantages of the traditional method
   Preparing separate purees can be time-consuming and buying purees can be expensive.
It is difficult for the family to eat
Enjoying meals together becomes more difficult when you have to spoon-feed your baby at    mealtimes.
Difficulty reading the fullness of the baby
Even when the baby is full, parents may be tempted to sneak in an extra spoon. If you do this often, your baby will learn to eat more than it needs.
Baby-Led Weaning (BLW)
Baby-led weaning is a feeding method that allows babies to skip traditional purees and instead provide prepared foods in sizes and shapes that babies can easily handle. Only babies put food in their mouths. Infants should be 6 months old before starting BLW and should be able to sit without support (or with little support) and lift their heads.
Advantages of BLW
Save time
Your baby will be provided with the same food as you, so you won’t have to cook or puree extra dishes and spend less time washing dishes.
Family mealtime
You can eat it with your baby because you don’t need to spoon-feed it. Babies learn by watching other people eat.
Discover flavours and textures with your baby’s steps
   The babies can feel the colours and textures of the food while eating.
Encourages the development of fine motor skills
   As babies learn to control their food, so will their fine motor skills.
Helps babies learn self-regulation
A baby who feeds himself cannot be tricked into eating more than he needs to. Developing this self-regulation is critical to building a healthy relationship with food.
Disadvantages of BLW
Messy mealtime
   Baby-led weaning can be very messy, and food can be found everywhere.
Food waste
It takes time for babies to acquire self-sufficiency skills, and they must be given opportunities to explore, especially in the beginning. As a result, a lot of food can be wasted.
Uncertainty about how much your baby will eat
Food tends to end up everywhere, so it can be difficult to know exactly how much your baby has eaten.
Choking concerns
Babies put lumps of food in their mouths, so there is a risk of choking. Meals should always be prepared safely, and the baby should be supervised at all times.
How can I make weaning easier?
Weaning is easier if the child also receives milk from another source. Therefore, once breastfeeding is well established, be sure to give your baby a bottle of breast milk from time to time. It also allows other family members to feed the baby and leave the child with a caregiver.
Remember that babies over 6 months should eat solids in addition to breast milk. After a year, breast milk alone cannot provide all the nutrients your growing child needs. Therefore, solid foods should become an integral part of your diet.
Remember that when weaning, it takes time for your child to get used to drinking from a cup. Be patient while your little one begins exploring the world of food. There are some ways to make it easier for the kids:
Engage your child in fun playtime and outings during normal feeding times.
Avoid sitting in your normal nursing area or wearing your normal nursing clothes.
Delay weaning if your child is adjusting to another change. It may not be a good idea to wean your baby when he is new to parenting or teething.
If your baby is less than 1 year old, try introducing a bottle or cup when breastfeeding normally.
Ask your partner for help in providing distractions during the typical breastfeeding period.
Don’t be discouraged when your child develops comfortable habits (such as thumb sucking) or clings to a comfy blanket. Your child may be adjusting to the emotional changes that come with weaning.
Titus Health Tech Pvt Ltd, commonly known as Titus, offers a full range of nutritional solutions for new-borns to the elderly. A group of people with strong research backgrounds and highly scientific approaches have come together on one platform to create this quality-conscious organization.
Trusted by over 40 private label companies and 10 international partners Titus is India’s largest 3rd party (own brand) infant formula manufacturer with over 96% customer retention. They have four divisions concentrating on the following areas: DUGDHA – A wide variety of infant formula products, SATVA – Delicious satvic (healthy) baby cereals, SFURTI – Protein Supplement for All Ages and SHAKTI – Sports and Fitness Nutrition.
Titus Health Tech Pvt Ltd, a leading manufacturer and exporter of delicious baby cereals and it is first choice for Indian mothers who are searching for nutritious weaning food options for their little angels. Triolac designed by Titus Health Tech Pvt Ltd is a specially curated cereal range catering to the nutritional needs of growing infants. A lack of diversity in the diet of picky eaters impairs the absorption of fibre and essential micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).
The early development of a kid’s mental and physical strength entirely depends on the nutrition intake. Triolac cereal range provides your kids with both taste and essential micronutrients. It available in different variants like Wheat, Rice, Wheat Apple, multi-grain and multi- fruits.
Many mothers decide to wean with mixed feelings. Weaning brings more freedom and flexibility and a proud recognition that the child has reached a milestone. However, breastfeeding is an intimate activity that fosters a strong bond between mother and child, some women find it difficult to let go. So expect a wide range of emotions and understand that your child may have them too. And be sure to try a mixed proportionate diet that fosters your child’s development according to age and growth.
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