#ler!tetsuya 2
italeean · 1 year
The afterparty
After his birthday party, Kuroko sleeps at Kagami's place, however there's an uninvited guest who makes things a little... animated
A/N: Surprise surprise!! A fic coming out during my break time?! 🙀 Well... my break is NOT over yet, this is something I started working on a couple of months ago for a very special someone's birthday. Yes, @wertzunge I'm talking about you 💙 I hope you enjoy the gift that @mai-mei (who contributed with this amazing artwork) and I have prepared!! Buon compleanno 💚🤍❤️ (Happy birthday)
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste I don't suggest you read it
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"Kuroko! Otanjoubi omedetou!!" Everyone yelled cheerfully while Kuroko smiled widely at them. That birthday couldn't have been better, a big party with his friends from both middle and high school, but alas, the fun had to end.
It was pretty late when the guys left Kagami's place, not before cleaning up a little, and now there were only three people in the house.
"Kuroko, does he have to stay as well?" Kagami asked pointing at Tetsuya 2, not bothering to hide his annoyance. He had started to warm up to the little puppy, but having him inside his home was an entirely different story.
"Yes, it's my turn to keep him today and it's too hot to make him stay outside." Kuroko replied calmly, ignoring his friend's annoyed tone. The redhead, on the other hand, was still glaring at the furball, following his every move to prevent him to lay his paws (or worse, his teeth) on his precious basket magazines.
He wasn't really happy about the situation, but it wasn't so bad after all. Plus, it was Kuroko's birthday so he decided to let it happen as a birthday wish. All he had to do was put his magazines on a higher shelf and the risk of them getting ruined would be nullified.
He did exactly that, and joined Kuroko in the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "Nice party, huh?" He asked to the blue-haired boy, watching him nod eagerly. Obviously he shared that opinion. Thanks to everyone's contribution, the evening had been splendid and the house was left clean. The only thing left to do was throw away the plastic cutlery, plates and glasses and put the bottles of water and juice in the fridge.
It wasn't midnight yet, and some noises could still be heard from outside, but the atmosphere was extremely peaceful and relaxed. Kagami couldn't wait to finish cleaning up and settle on the couch with his friend. Hopefully they'd find a good basket match to watch together before bed.
He went to the living room to finish tidying up, and he wished he'd stayed in the kitchen, because as soon as he entered the room, he witnessed to the disaster.
A sliding noise could be heard, and the one of things falling to the ground right after. Tetsuya 2 had decided to pull the tablecloth, and it resulted in everything falling down. Luckily, there wasn't anything made of glass so nothing broke, but a bottle of water and one of juice didn't have their cap on, so all their content was spilled on the ground.
"WHAT THE- WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!!" Kagami roared in a sudden fit of anger, "Look what he's done!" He scoffed to Kuroko, who had rushed to the living room after hearing that noise.
After cleaning up everything, the ace looked less mad, but he still glaring daggers at the culprit, who was curled up on the birthday boy's lap on the couch enjoying some affectionate cuddles.
"He's feeling guilty, you know?" The blue-eyed teen asked without taking his eyes off of the puppy. "Yeah... he looks so sorry..." the taller guy commented sarcastically. "Can't you just forgive him?" Kuroko asked him while lifting up the little companion, who was displaying his best pleading puppy eyes.
The redhead glanced at the clock, it was still 15 minutes until midnight, then he looked at his two friends with an evil expression and cracked his knuckles. "Oh sure, I can forgive him, but someone still has to pay for it." He declared while getting closer to the couch.
As if he had understood what was going to happen, Tetsuya 2 jumped off Kuroko's lap, which made it much easier for the ace to drag his friend to the ground. He straddled him without pinning down his hands, he knew he was stronger and didn't need to do that.
"I'm sure that tomorrow we'll get a good laugh out of that mess, but for today the only one to laugh is gonna be you!!" Kagami chuckled while his hands found the hollow of Kuroko's arms.
"Kagahahami nohohoho..! I-i didn't dohoho anything ehehehe" the birthday boy immediately dissolved himself into a puddle of giggles, knowing it would be counterproductive to keep his laughter in. It would've only riled Kagami up more.
"I know you didn't, but you're responsible for whatever that thing does here, so you'll be the one to pay." The redhead stated while his fingers wormed their way down towards the shorter guy' ribs and sides, "But since it's your birthday, I'll let you off with a little punishment, so don't worry too much. It will only tickle a little."
As Kagami's hands went lower, Kuroko's laughter became louder. It was really rare for him to let out his belly laughter, and the ace was in love with that sound... although he'd never say that out loud. "Thihihis ihis stihihihill nahahat fahahai- EEK!" The blue-eyed guy's complaint got interrupted by his own squeak, caused by the very own little one who had caused the mess he was paying for.
Tetsuya 2 had decided to join the party, so he approached the shorter guy and licked his ears, neck and face, making him squeal and scrunch his shoulders in a futile attempt to protect at least the neck and the ears.
"See? He agrees with me so it's decided. I'll tickle you for the whole duration of your birthday." The ace proclaimed his sentence, which actually consisted of another five minutes of tickles, since the midnight was close.
Kuroko would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it, it reminded him of the times at Teiko and of all the goofy memories he'd made at Serin, especially with Teppei whenever the senpai thought everyone needed a little cheer-up treatment. However, he was pretty close to the limit and didn't know how much more he'd last.
As if he'd read his thoughts, Kagami said "There's only one minute left, ready for the grand finale?" The blue-eyed boy knew what he was talking about and got ready for it as he felt his friend shifting closer to his feet.
Without even the slightest warning, he skittered his fingers all over Kuroko's poor soles, from the heels to the toes, without even bothering to take off his socks. Luckily for him, his friend's feet were just that sensitive.
"EEHEHEHP KAHAHAGAHAMIEHEH WAHAHAHAIT NOHOHOHO!!" The poor birthday boy yelled, going crazy from the tickly feeling. "Come on, it's just a minute... don't tell me you can't handle it..." the ace teased, knowing very well how unbearable it was. The little puppy was still contributing with his playful licks and barking happily at the cheerful scene in front of him.
For Kuroko, that minute seemed to last forever until it eventually came to an end. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1... happy birthday!" The taller guy exclaimed as the last second of his friend's birthday ticked away.
After some breathing and a much needed glass of water, the three of them settled on the couch and were lucky enough to find an NBA match on tv. The game was really catching and the two friends were really satisfied, but when the interviews to the players began, Kagami felt a soft snoring sound and a weight dropping on his shoulder.
He slowly turned around to see the blue-haired boy asleep with his head on his shoulder. He chuckled, imagining how tired he could've been after the party and the "after-party".
Kuroko, on the other hand, smiled as he softly drifted off to dreamland with the puppy cuddled up close to him.
His birthday couldn't have ended better.
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rpgyc-blog · 7 years
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Quem não conhece TETSUYA? ELE vive em MOMOIRO e trabalha no LUCKY PLAZA. As más línguas dizem que ele se parece com TSUZUKU, mas os bons olhos dizem que não. Ficou curioso? Siga-o no twitter e tumblr.
Shinohara Tetsuya ou Shiro.
Nascido em Yokohama, Japão.
Buzen, Momoiro.
Prédio Shimemeguro, Apt. 101 (1º andar)
Tatuador no Lucky Plaza.
Acabou de se mudar de Yokohama para a cidade.
1. Shiro gosta do número 13. 2. Já esteve em uma banda. 3. Gosta de ler e escrever como hobby. 4. Coleciona pedras pequenas e selos de carta. 5. É aficionado por filmes de terror e suspense.
Perfeccionista e obcecado. Sincero e cruel. No fundo, ainda havia um quê de gentileza que ele podia caçar dentro de si. O perfeccionismo não o permitia agir de qualquer maneira. Tudo que fazia era com muito cuidado e muito calculadamente, friamente pensado antes de ser executado. Da mesma maneira que era caprichoso, era obcecado pelos mínimos detalhes. E não só por aquilo.
Enfiava-se em tudo quanto era buraco para ir atrás de algo que lhe interessasse. Não, não dava a mínima se era uma pessoa ou simplesmente um desenho. Era aquele tipo de homem que ia atrás, tirava fotos, tinha praticamente um altar sobre algumas pessoas em sua casa, junto de uma pasta com fotos diversas de diversos dias. Shiro buscava manter toda uma organização, afinal, não era fácil se manter atualizado sobre o paradeiro de duas ou três pessoas ao mesmo tempo.
Nunca desenvolveu o senso do que era certo ou errado, portanto, não podia analisar o que era definido por cruel ou não. Sabia o que a sociedade julgava ser incorreto, mas aquilo não se encaixava em seus parâmetros, devido ao desvio psicológico que possuía. Suas ações podiam ser caracterizadas como cruéis, quando, na cabeça dele, apenas eram coisas normais. Agia pela vontade, apesar de pensar muito bem antes de agir. Não pensava, diretamente, se deveria ou não fazer. Pensava em como fazer.
Desde sempre Shiro foi sincero. Quando criança e seus tios lhe perguntavam se ele gostava dos primos, a resposta era um “não” bem frio. Nunca se importou com os sentimentos dos outros porque ele próprio não os sentia na mesma frequência e qualidade que um ser humano comum, sem nenhum problema psicológico.
Nascido e criado em Yokohama, Japão, seu nome era Shinohara Tetsuya. O mais velho de uma família de três irmãos, sendo ele o primogênito. E ele sempre fora o mais problemático. Desde sempre, era desligado dos pais. Sempre foi o mais solitário. Passava horas brincando sozinho e aquilo nunca fora problema. Enquanto isso, os irmãos mais novos estavam sempre grudados. Não era fácil arranjar amizades ou conversar com outras pessoas. Desenvolveu uma certa barreira contra o mundo e a família pensava ser algo comum. Os pais não eram aqueles famosos, ricos, bem-sucedidos: a mãe dava seguimento à cultura das geiko ou geishas e fora adquirida num leilão assim que fez dezenove anos. O pai, encaixava-se nos casos raros de hoje em dia: era danna dela, ou seja: ele fora casado com outra mulher, mas, na verdade, sustentava e bancava a geiko  (que era mãe de seus filhos). Ele fazia parte de um dos clãs secundários da yakuza, atuando em Yokohama. A tradição fora passada de pai para filho e esperava que ao menos um de seus filhos desse seguimento à tradição.
Em adição ao tratamento recebido em casa, frio e sem muito carinho, ele tinha um desvio psicológico seríssimo: a psicopatia. Falta de emoções profundas, mentira patológica, falta de remorso e culpa, falta de controle emocional (em relação à fúria e raiva), comportamento sexual precoce e promíscuo, entre outros sintomas ilustravam o quadro comportamental do garoto. Parecia estar sempre envolto por uma aura negra. Onde ia, todos ao seu redor se afastavam com medo do garoto. Tinha pouquíssimos amigos, senão um só. Cresceu sem um diagnóstico, o que lhe permitia desenvolver mais e mais a doença. Se algo lhe faltava em emoções, ele extravasava em coisas “erradas”. Formou uma banda de metal, ele cantava. Até que um dia fizeram um show para um amigo do pai e os “amigos” da banda descobriram o envolvimento com a yakuza, assim, desistindo de ficarem perto de Tetsuya. Durante o colégio todo o que mais ouviu foram reclamações dos pais por conta da escola sempre ligar para chamá-los.
“Senhores Shinohara, o Tetsuya-san novamente decidiu dissecar outros animais durante aulas incorretas. Peço encarecidamente que se encaminhem para a diretoria da escola. É o último ano dele aqui e não queremos ter que convidá-lo a se retirar.”  — Havia decorado quantas vezes seus pais lhe recitaram aquelas palavras em reprimenda a seu comportamento. Não tinha como interpretar aquilo de forma boa, nem ruim. Não ligava. E fora expulso, por fim. No último ano escolar. Fora expulso de casa também, sem ter para onde ir. Não iria cursar a faculdade, não tão cedo. Juntou o resto de dinheiro que tinha e pagou para si um curso de desenho. Arrumou um bico num estúdio de tatuagem próximo da antiga casa e morava no próprio estúdio, com autorização do dono. Era manipulador, conseguia muito bem se fingir de vítima quando precisava. Anos e mais anos se passaram naquela mesma situação. Morava no andar de cima do estúdio e trabalhava durante o dia e noite no mesmo. Teve alguns relacionamentos ao passar do tempo, nada duradouro. Entupiu-se de tatuagens e estava prestes a fazer 30 anos, vivendo na mesma vidinha monótona.
Foi quando o dono do estúdio lhe ofereceu uma nova vida. O dinheiro que recebia em Yokohama seria quadruplicado para que ele se mudasse para Gumyoji. Já havia ouvido falar do local, pelas histórias peculiares e misteriosas. Não hesitou em aceitar a oferta, afinal, nada melhor do que um recomeço numa cidade onde não conhecia ninguém.
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italeean · 1 year
Good boy... GOOD BOY?!
Kuroko is trying his best to convince Kagami that Tetsuya #2 is harmless and really sweet, but nothing seems to work. The puppy decides to take the matter in his own... paws
A/N: Good evening guys!! How are you? 🍡 Today's fic is a request from @wertzunge and it's my first Kuroko no Basket work, as I told you yesterday. Thanks Max for making a second request and for always giving me such wholesome prompts 🥺 I hope you all will enjoy this fic, suggestions and support are always appreciated. Buona lettura 💚🤍❤️ (Have a nice reading)
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste I don't suggest you read it
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The basketball gym at Serin High School wasn't exactly a quiet place. Actually, it was anything but quiet between the noise of everyone steps, balls bouncing and the coach's whistling and loud voice. But that day it was noisier than usual.
"KUROKO!! I TOLD YOU TO KEEP THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!" Kagami's voice was so loud that it created an echo in the room. "He's not a thing," the blue-haired boy quickly corrected him "and he's harmless. He's at least twenty times smaller than you." The dog barked in response and jumped into Kuroko's arms eager to get some scritches.
"I don't care how big or small he is," the ace of the basketball team replied with an irritated and subtly scared tone "he's a dog! He can bite!!" He backed away while his best friend followed him. The sixth man's face was expressionless, but it was more than clear that he was having fun.
Their chasing and bickering went on for a while, and they were lucky that the coach had left earlier or they would've been scolded for sure. "Oh sorry the ball slipped from my ha- watch out Kagami!" Shinji's voice resonated through the place, but the red-haired guy didn't hear the warning in time and tripped on the ball, falling on his butt.
After making sure he was alright, everyone started snickering and replaying the scene in their mind, and even Kagami was smiling. He knew it was funny and it could've happened to everyone. What he wasn't expecting at all was a surprise attack from a certain furball, now that his guard was down.
Tetsuya #2 was getting restless in Kuroko's embrace, so the guy put him down to let him run. However, the puppy ran straight towards Kagami and jumped on him in sign of affection. He was more than determined to show to the tall human that he was a good boy, and not someone to be afraid of! To prove that to him, the dog nuzzled and licked his face and neck, anywhere he could reach, not realizing that he was getting the opposite effect.
"K-KUROKO!! GET THIS THING OFF OF ME ALREADYEHE-" The red-haired player covered his mouth with his hand, hoping that no one had noticed what had just happened. Luckily no one did, and Kuroko picked up the mascot eventually, although he vehemently reminded him that he wasn't a thing.
When practice was over everyone went home, but Kagami and Kuroko decided to stay some more to improve their speed and coordination. After another slam dunk, the redhead wiped the sweat off his forehead and grinned "We're getting faster, right Kuroko?" He turned around perplexed "Kuroko? Where are y-AAAHH" He suddenly jumped while shielding his sides with his hands.
The blue-eyed guy had used his "secret ability" to disappear for a second and reappear behind his friend and give a firm jab to his sides. He just wanted to test something he'd noticed when Tetsuya #2 was "assaulting" the taller player, and he was pretty satisfied with the results.
Sensing the playful mood, the dog rushed towards them and barked happily. "THAT THING AGAIN!!" The ace exclaimed in fear and exasperation. Kuroko approached the two of them to take the mascot away, but then he had a mischievous idea. At the last moment, he latched his hands on his friend's hips and squeezed and poked the bones.
"WHAT THE- nohohot yohohohou ahagahahain!" The poor guy broke into a fit of laughter, unable to hold back. "He's not a thing, admit it." The blue-haired boy used his short stature and speed to his advantage to not get caught by the redhead, who was turning around over and over in an attempt to stop him.
"I told you to admit he's not a thing. Say it or I won't stop." The smaller guy replied with a hint of amusement in his tone, while poking all over his teammate's torso, spidering his fingers on his toned belly, worming his index fingers into his underarms and drilling his thumbs into his hips. "Shuhuhut uhuhup and stohohop ihit alreheheahahady!!" Kagami knew that the smartest choice was to just say it and put an end to his friend's shenanigans, but seeing (better yet, hearing, since he was using his invisibility powers) Kuroko amused was such a rare sight that he wanted to carry on a little more.
And maybe he wasn't exactly distressed or uncomfortable with the situation...
Not knowing what to do to escape the tickles, the ace decided to drop to the floor and have his chances in a wrestling match on the ground. As expected, Tetsuya was quick to follow him, and Kagami's plan would've succeeded if it weren't for the unfair intervention of the certain furball.
Having a dog right next to him made the taller player yelp, and that distraction was all Kuroko needed to effectively pin him down. The blue-haired boy knew he had no chance of beating the other when it came to strength, so he pinned his hands above his head with his knees, instead of straddling him and using only one hand to keep him still.
The tickle attack resumed almost immediately with the sixth man sliding his fingers up and down the ribcage and underarms, randomly digging in just to enjoy the startled increase in pitch of Kagami's laughter. "Kurohohokohooo stahAHAHAhap ihihit WAHAHA!!" The red-eyed guy was still too stubborn to let him go just yet, so Kuroko just carried on, watching him squirm and struggle to get away.
With all that movement, the tank top of his uniform had rolled up a little, and the puppy noticed it with excitement. He immediately climbed on top of Kagami, who was too busy laughing to even notice, and started licking the exposed skin. No one knows if he did it to show affection, or to mimic what the shorter guy was doing to get the same happy reaction, or both but the roaring laughter that echoed in the gym was priceless.
"GEHEHET THAHAHAHAHAT THIHIHING AHAHAWAHAHAYEHEHEHE" The redhead didn't even know he was so sensitive on his belly, maybe it was the different touch... but it wasn't the right time to think about that. He still had to break free. He didn't even know that a puppy could tickle that much, even the fluffy paws trying their best to not fall felt tingly on his skin. He really was in quite the predicament.
Luckily for him, Kuroko thought it wasn't safe to let Tetsuya #2 stay on the taller guy when he was squirming so much so he got up and quickly straddled him before getting tge dog off. Kagami instantly covered his torso with his hands, but his friend simply gave him a tiny smug smirk and turned around before getting off.
He proceeded to lay the redhead's shins on his lap, not without an intense struggle, and crossed his legs to trap them. Then he scribbled under his knees with one hand while squeezing right above the kneecaps with the other.
If he thought that the previous laughter was loud, it was nothing compared to the one that broke out the second his fingertips touched Kagami's knees. It was boisterous, just like him; Kuroko thought it suited him perfectly.
However, the fun came soon to an end. It turned out that, despite being so strong, tough and cool, even the ace was weak to being tickled in his most sensitive spot. "YOHOHOU WIHIHIHIN!! HEHEHEHE'S NOHOHOHOHOHOHOT AHAHA THIHIHIHING!" As soon as the red-eyed guy admitted it, the tickling stopped and he found himself free from the blue-haired player's clutches.
After Kagami had calmed down from the residual giggles, Tetsuya #2 started headbutting Kuroko, who was still sitting on the ground, because he felt left out and wanted attention. The shorter guy laughed a little and turned around to give him some tummy rubs. The puppy panted happily with his tongue sticking out and the sixth man awed internally at that sight. "See? He's a good boy..."
"Good boy..." Kuroko could almost see his teammate's furious aura building up around him "GOOD BOY?! IF I HAD TO GO THROUGH ALL OF THAT, IT WAS BECAUSE OF H-"
"Don't you wanna pet him..?"
Kagami could've said no to that request, but something in his friend's wide, expectant eyes and his hopeful tone made it impossible for him to refuse. He scooted closer and tentatively put his hand on the puppy's stomach, astonished at its softness, then he wiggled his fingers to give some scritches to the little rascal.
Maybe Tetsuya #2 was a good boy, who knows...
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