Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ruki Dark [02]
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ー The scene starts in the guest room at Eden
Yui: ( This tea smells wonderful. I’m glad I brought it with me. )
( I believe that adding some jam on top will alter the fragrance even more. Now where did I put the jar...? )
Yui: Ah!
Yui: Hot...
( I poured hot tea on my foot! I better cool the area quickly...! )
ー The scene shifts to the bathroom
Yui: Cold water, cold water...
( It’s starting to hurt more and more... )
Yui: ( Phew...Still, it doesn’t take the pain away. The skin looks quite red as well. What if it leaves permanent scars? )
Ruki: What are you doing over there?
Yui: Ah...
ー Ruki approaches her
Ruki: Your foot...Did you burn yourself?
Yui: Yeah. I spilled a little tea...Ah, I promise I’ll clean the floor laーー
Ruki: That doesn’t matter. However, don’t go scarring something which belongs to me. 
Yui: Eh...?
( What does he mean...? )
Ruki: You are mine, remember? So I can’t allow you to get hurt, not even at your own hands.
Yui: ...
→ I’m sorry. (M)
Yui: I-I’m sorry...
( I’d also be incredibly worried if Ruki-kun were to burn himself. It’s the same thing, isn’t it? )
Ruki: If you feel that way, then be a little more careful. 
Yui: Yeah...I truly am sorry.
Ruki: Yes. I should also apologize for not giving you a chance to explain. ...Come on, show me.
→ I am my own woman. (S)
Yui: My body belongs to me. So, you know...
( It’s not like I don’t want him to show concern, but his phrasing kind of shocked me... )
Ruki: It’s rather troublesome how you don’t seem aware of your own position. Very well. I shall teach your body directly then. 
Who you belong to, that isーー 
Ruki: It’s swollen rather badly...At this rate, it might leave a scar.
Yui: I see...
( But it’s my own fault. I guess it can’t be helpedーー )
Ruki: You’re giving up?
Yui: I mean, there’s nothing I can do about it.
Ruki: I do not want to just watch in silence as my possession is being harmed.
...I actually know a great solution.
Yui: Eh?
Ruki: A Vampire’s saliva is known to have a healing effect...Let us put that to the test.
ー Ruki moves closer
Ruki: ...
Yui: !? Y-You can’t!
( Did he just try to lick my foot...!? I’d die from embarrassment! )
Well...I-I’ll see if applying the cold water did any good first, so don’t worry. Thank you for coming butーー
( I better turn off the faucet and go to the kitchen...! )
Ruki: Oh? 
Yui: ( Ah! My hand slipped and I pointed the shower head at Ruki-kun instead...! )
I-I’m so sorry! I’ll grab something to dry you offーー
Ruki: It’s fine. ...Don’t try to move in your current state. 
Yui: But...
Ruki: I don’t need a towel or anything. I can simply do this after all.
Yui: Eh...?
ー Ruki takes off his shirt
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Eh? Ruki-kun...!
( I can’t look at him directly... )
Ruki: It feels icky to walk around in wet clothes after all.
Yui: R-Right. Then, I should probably get going soon...
Ruki: Wait. Continue to apply cold to the burnt area until I give you permission to stop. 
Yui: But...
Ruki: ...I’ll do it. Give me the shower head.
Yui: Eh?
Ruki: ...
Yui: ( Uu...I can’t watch him from the side. )
Ruki: I don’t understand why you’re so insistent on looking away.
Yui: I-I mean!
Ruki: ...It’s a little disheartening to see you act in such a way. This is nothing you haven’t seen before, is it?
...Right. Perhaps we should just take a bath?
Yui: Eeeh!?
Ruki: I’m sure it wouldn’t be easy with your burnt foot? I’ll help you.
Yui: I-It’s fine. I’ll manage. I can take a bath alone...!
Ruki: No need to be modest. ...So, do you usually take baths while fully clothed? 
Yui: ...!
( I don’t think I can keep up with his teasing any longer...! )
I-I swear I’m alright now! I’ll step out first, okay? ...Take your time!
ー Yui leaves the bathroom
Yui: ( That gave me a scare...This is bad for my heart. )
( I wonder if he seriously meant everything he said? )
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