#libra profection month
erintaj1 · 1 month
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alchemylight · 3 months
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lilithgreye · 4 months
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Predictive Astrology: How it works
Predictive astrology is a form of astrology that can help you predict things in your future. There are many different methods, but the most popular ones I will be discussing today are transits, planetary and luminary returns, solar return charts, lunar return charts, chart progressions, house rulers, and annual profections. Here is an explanation of what they all are along with some examples to help you have a deeper understanding:
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Transits are aspects from the current chart to your natal chart which show how the current chart’s energy is effecting us. They can be used to predict events days, weeks, months, or even years ahead of time. Transits show predictions for the emotions, challenges, or events of an individual day
⋆ ★ | A Moon square Saturn transit can indicate having a challenging time emotionally that day
⋆ ★ | Venus transiting your 7th house can indicate a good day for romance or a new long term relationship beginning that day
⋆ ★ | A Venus opposite Neptune transit can indicate lies being told in a relationship that day
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Your progressed chart/chart progressions, also known as secondary progressions, equate one day after birth to one year of life. It is believed that they reflect the evolution of your personality over time. This is the best method for predicting what your emotions will be like during certain time periods and the internal emotions you will go through
⋆ ★ | I personally have noticed during the time my progressed moon is in Cancer I’ve been extremely emotional and cried a lot more than usual
⋆ ★ | Your Progressed Moon in the 2nd house can indicate your soul having an extreme focus on material things and money
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Annual profections are one of the oldest predictive astrology techniques used and personally one of my faves. Everyone has the same houses in the same years but different planetary rulers in each house depending on their rising sign
⋆ ★ | During your 1st house years there can be a major changes in your appearance
⋆ ★ | During a Mars, 5th house, or 8th house profection year you are more likely to have an active sex life or lose your virginity if you haven’t already
⋆ ★ | During 10th house years, Jupiter years, or Venus years you can gain a lot more success and wealth
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Luminary/planetary returns calculate the exact moment, when a particular planet returns on the same birth position and can show energies/events that will occur during that time
⋆ ★ | Your Saturn returns are typically the most challenging times in your life. Some people say if you are Saturn dominant then it won’t have as strong of an effect though since you’re already used to the energy
⋆ ★ | Your Jupiter returns can indicate time periods you’ll have/gain lots of success and abundance in life
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Solar return charts are one of my fave methods in astrology for predicting the main themes and events that happen in your year. Everyone has annual solar return chart’s each year — src tut
⋆ ★ | A Leo rising can indicate gaining fame or being very popular where you live this year
⋆ ★ | Jupiter in the 10th house in solar return can indicate getting a promotion, gaining career success, or gaining wealth from your career this year
⋆ ★ | A Libra/Taurus rising can indicate getting into a new relationship or a main theme of your year involving romance/love this year
⋆ ★ | An Aquarius/Libra stellium can mean you’ll make lots of friends this year
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Lunar return charts are monthly charts similar to solar return charts except they show monthly themes rather than yearly ones
⋆ ★ | Capricorn/Aquarius stelliums may indicate isolating yourself during the month
⋆ ★ | Uranus in the 1st or 11th house can indicate making new friends during the month
⋆ ★ | Venus in Pisces can indicate having a good love life during the month
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House rulers can be found in your natal chart and give deeper insight on a houses topics than the planets/sign in the house itself — hr tut
⋆ ★ | The house your 10th house ruler is in gives future insight on your long term career
⋆ ★ | The house your 7th house ruler is in can tell about your future spouse and how you’ll meet them — here is my post about it
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barbaralunar · 9 months
twice's brief chart reading
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so i made a video (in portuguese) interpreting a few points on twice's debut chart and decided to transform the script in a proper text here.
a quick look at twice's history and you will discover that they became viral a few months after they debuted and since that the group has huge numbers in plays, awards, popularity, profit and everything. it's even considered the sucessors of SNSD.
with no surprise we see, then, Venus, Jupiter and Mars all in Virgo in the 2nd house. althought, Venus and Jupiter are in debility, they're still benefics and are conjuct and applying to Mars, giving it strenght and expanding its action in the map.
2nd house is everything money related, profit being one of them. for a k-pop group being popular = making money, especially if the company behind them do a good management. and that is the case of twice.
Venus in this placement reinforces the gaining from arts and women, and it rules (by exaltation) the 8th in pisces, also ruled by Jupiter. so we can see another indication of profit gaining whereas the 8th also represents money that came from others.
the applying conjuction of Jupiter to Mars by only a degree of diference expande Mars action, the money making. it rules the 4th in scorpio and the mid heaven in the 9th in aries. 4th represents your roots and your home, converting in the popularity of the group at its origin country.
3 of the members are japanese, and it contributed heavely in the sucess of the group in japan. they have full albums in japonese, media strategies and content all aimed to the japonese audience. the 9th can signify foreing matters and the the mid heaven there reinforce the popularity and money making in other countries.
(note: next 10/20 the group will enter their 9h profection and seems the company is planning on invest in the foreing market, besides japan. also, i know its commum for kpop groups to dedicate themselves to japanese music maket, but the thing is twice is really huge there.)
Venus is the ruler the 10th in taurus and the 3rd house in libra. in libra we have the Sun and Mercury. Venus and Mercury are in a mutual reception, and it mitigates a bit of Venus fall in virgo. but it also translates the popularity throught their talents, voice and looks, let us be honest here.
and they all sing well, for real! truth be told, that's a rare thing in a group, we all know this. Mercury is one the represents of voice and its being supported by Venus sign, 3rd is a house of comunication also and media (shy shy shy viral). 10th is a house of sucess also.
but not everything is flowers. the group's Moon is also debilitated in the the 6th house in capricorn. the 6th is fucking hard work as hell, health and rotine. and the Moon trines all the planets in the 2nd. so they work very very much and very very hard: an album per year, mv's, ententerneiment content, media content, tours, side and solo projects, singles, ost's, promotion and more, everything at the same time, non stoping.
all this work contributes on making money? yes! but also contributes to health questions. few years back, 2 members had to be in a hiatus because of mental and physical issues. this 6th house moon rules the 12th where we can see the struggle with mental issues and may be the reason of the collapse of the group if not continued to be cared off over time.
we know for a company to allowing a member to take a hiatus like this and be open about why is kind excepcional. and it seems the group is being taken cared of and i hope it's for real, you know?
so i hope you guys like it! sorry for any mistakes and nonsense sentences, english it's not my first language. feel free to add more interpretations as this is a deeper text derived from a short script. if you are a fan, i'd love your feedback too. thanks a lot!
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astromancy-divinare · 7 months
Hello, I edited my solar map and sent it again. Thank you very much, it is the best gift 🤗💗💜💖💙💚
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Thank you for your patience and for DMing me your sidereal solar return! 💖
The ascendant in your tropical solar return is in Capricorn, which is a Cardinal sign, indicating that this solar return year will be filled with new beginnings and activity. I pulled your natal tropical chart and you have Capricorn in the 2nd house, which means you'll be focusing on 2nd and 10th house themes throughout this solar return year:
Your finances and income
Your home/beautifying your home
Striving for balance and stability
Your career
Striving for structure
The ascendant in your sidereal solar return is in Taurus, which is a Fixed sign, indicating that you'll continue to work on projects that have already been started and will focus on completing them during this solar return year. I pulled your natal sidereal chart and you have Taurus in the 7th house, which means you'll be focusing on 7th and 2nd house themes throughout this solar return year:
Relationships (friends, business, and/or romantic)
Compromising with others for the sake of maintaining harmony and balance in all of your relationships
Utilizing your creativity in order to facilitate more income
Your finances and income
Your home/beautifying your home
You turned 21 earlier this month (happy belated birthday! 🥳), which means your annual profection is in the 10th house this year. This makes perfect sense for why your tropical and sidereal solar return ascendants are in Capricorn and Taurus, emphasizing your focus on your career, income, finances and responsibilities.
In your natal tropical chart, Virgo rules the 10th house and in it you have Mercury, Mars and the Moon. Therefore, during this 10th house annual profection year Mercury, Mars and the Moon will all be activated in both your natal chart and in your solar return.
Mercury is in Virgo in the 9th house in your tropical solar return. You may find yourself attending university, applying to enter university or spending a lot of time doing research on your own on whatever subject has caught your interest this year. You could also possibly do some long distance traveling, either within your own country or abroad to foreign lands. Maybe you start searching for and applying to jobs in other countries!
Mars is in Libra in the 10th house in your tropical solar return. This placement emphasizes the focus of your solar return year being on 10th house themes (career, responsibilities) and 7th house themes (business partnerships, collaborations, platonic and romantic relationships, creativity, fashion, beauty). You will be focusing your mental energy into taking action to further your career or career path with the help of others via collaborations.
The Moon is in Gemini in the 6th house in your tropical solar return. Again, this beautifully comes full circle with the focus of your solar return year being on your career, work and responsibilities. Virgo is the traditional ruler of the 6th house and you already have one of your annual profection planets activated in Virgo in your tropical solar return. You'll find throughout this year that your emotional focus, needs and concerns will be on your daily routine, daily habits and your work.
In your natal sidereal chart, the 10th house is in Leo and in it you have the planets Mars and Moon. These two planets will be activated in your sidereal natal chart and solar return.
Mars is in Libra in the 6th house in your sidereal solar return, meaning that you'll be focusing your energy on incorporating collaboration into your daily routine and how you work.
The Moon is in Taurus in the 1st house in your sidereal solar return, meaning that your emotional focus throughout the year will be on you, your physical appearance and seeking balance and stability in your life.
Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn in the 1st house in your tropical solar return, is in the 3rd house of Pisces. That means your focus throughout the year will be on Saturnian and 3rd house themes:
Working hard to earn just rewards
Short distance travel
Your siblings and neighbors (if you have any)
Venus, the ruler of Taurus in the 1st house in your sidereal solar return, is in the 4th house of Leo. That means your focus throughout the year will be on Venusian and 4th house themes:
Beautifying your home
Self expression by utilizing your creativity
Striving for harmony, balance and stability at home
Making your surroundings uniquely yours
☀️ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 ☀️
The Sun is in the 10th house of Libra in your tropical solar return, which means you will experience the most activity, productivity and change during the first 4 months of this solar return year: October, November, December 2023, January 2024.
The Sun is in the 5th house of Virgo in your sidereal solar return, which means you will experience the most activity, productivity and change during the middle part of this solar return year: February, March, April, May 2024.
Therefore, the themes that will be highlighted during this solar return year will be:
Your career
Your public persona
Self expression
The Vertex is a portal of fate and involves events and circumstances that are outside of our control that other people bring into our lives. Vertex is in the 8th house of Leo in your tropical solar return. When activated by transits (like from the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury), you can expect fated events to occur that involve:
Death and rebirth
Other people's money (receiving money from others that doesn't involve working for it)
Self expression
Vertex is in the 6th house of Libra in your sidereal solar return. When activated by transits (like from the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury), you can expect fated events to occur that involve:
Your job/work
Your daily routine
Your daily habits
Your health (mental and physical)
Business partnerships
Platonic and romantic relationships
The Part of Fortune is located in the 9th house of Virgo in your tropical solar return, which is great since your natal 10th house profection planet Mercury is being activated in the 9th house as well.
The Part of Fortune is located in the 5th house of Virgo in your sidereal solar return. You'll experience good luck with matters dealing with your creativity, hobbies, and perhaps even in romance.
You have a few indicators of potentially meeting a romantic partner this year.
In your tropical solar return:
Venus conjunct Juno
Venus is 26°
Jupiter is at 14° (a Venusian degree)
In your sidereal solar return:
Sun in the 5th house
Venus is 2°
Venus conjunct Juno
Jupiter is at 19° (a Venusian degree)
These placements don't scream meeting my lifetime romantic partner but I think you will definitely find yourself dating this year!
I want to take the exam this year and study fashion design. Can I get a new job?
I just searched for your questions in the DM you sent me after I wrote everything above and I think it's amazing that you are asking specifically about taking an exam, wanting to study fashion design and inquiring about whether you'll get a new job because everything I've written for this reading confirms the answer is YES! 😂
You have Mercury in Virgo in the 9th house in your tropical solar return. Mercury not only rules Virgo but is also exalted in Virgo, meaning Mercury performs the absolute BEST in Virgo out of the 12 zodiac signs. And it's in the 9th house of higher education. Plus you have the Part of Fortune in the 9th house! I think you're going to do great on your exam and that you will absolutely be able to study fashion design. Especially since you have Mars in Libra in the 10th house in your tropical solar return and in the 6th house in your sidereal solar return. Libra rules beauty, fashion and aesthetics so YES, YES, YES, I think this will be a great year for you to begin studying fashion design!
And I do believe you will be able to easily attain a job this year. You'll likely find one through networking at school!
I hope this reading has been helpful! Thank you again for your patience! Please leave a comment or DM me with any questions or comments you might have 🥰
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astroismypassion · 1 year
i’ll be entering my 12th house profection year next month. my 12th house is ruled by libra and it’s empty. my venus is placed in the 3rd house and taurus in the 7th. i’ve heard venus is easier to deal with for a 12th house profection so i’m not overly worried. i don’t know if it will affect anything but i’m also very plutonic so i’m comfortable with transformation (my 8th house profection was the best year of my life). what should i expect from the next year? thankee
I am so sorry, because you wrote that so beautifully with all info provided and detailed. But I don't know about profection year enough to comment.
But I think maybe one of my readers can help you here?
Anyway, I wish you a lucky year and take care,
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reverielix · 3 years
Hello! Love your posts. Very insightful.
I have a question to ask. I'm turning 23 next month and I'm anxious with all the talk about the 12H profection year. This has been a shitty year for me so I can't believe things are possibly gonna be shittier even more. I wanna ask if how may it impact me and what are the themes that I should look out for.
It's gonna be in Virgo with my Mercury in my natal 11H (Leo).
Thank you so much.
Hi, and thanks!
Tbf I haven't looked into that before as it belongs to a part of astrology that I don't know a lot about or don't "specify" in but it sounds interesting so I'll give it a shot and see what I can add to this.
The 12th in Virgo is a placement that indicates there is something in the back of your mind always criticizing you. You strive to be perfect, and pick yourself apart over everything that you do. It also suggests a fear of judgment that you want to walk away from by utilizing the Libra 1st house and appealing to other people so you can come off as nice and likable (+so that you can seek approval to prove yourself things). Your hidden enemies constantly view you under a magnifying glass which makes you cautiously think through especially what you say.
This year might be patternized with a theme of you seeking out for your friends for support, who may be busy with their own things and don't give you enough time to reassure you. You might lose friends (or recognize that the friends you have aren't the right friends) or, in the course of the year, withdraw from the people you used to be close with because now you're preparing for change.
The 12th year profection isn't only loss and grief, though. Maybe the communication with your friends stops, but maybe that's for the better. You're preparing for change: the 1st house profection year. You need to get your mind in order, sort it out, write down what you feel, help yourself out and find joy in the little things this year. Virgo can bring routine in your life and give you stability in a time where you might lose a lot of contact with friends or other things that might prepare you for next year. This year is about learning to let go.
The 12th house gifts you with a new sensitivity for other people's feelings, and with Virgo it's likely that this year is also focused on others in your life that need your help.
In this time, though, it is crucial to take care of your health and never lose sight of your own wellbeing, especially mentally. The 12th house profection gives you an opportunity to learn about how to deal with changes out of your control, how to deal with worries and vulnerability as to build an armor for yourself and protect your peace of mind.
You need to dig deep within yourself and let yourself feel, and learn how to deal with these feelings/occurrences in your life. This is all going to teach you about how to better take care of yourself, (maybe you start a healthy and consistent sleeping pattern, journaling,...) and also how to better take care of others. A source of wisdom will be communication with others as you find that the friends that do stick around and do help you out/new friends you've made are a big help. Because they might talk about themselves and their experiences, you can learn a lot by helping them and also exchanging advice/helpful techniques for better wellbeing with them.
Hope that was interesting and understandable. As said, this is my first time dealing with profections, but thanks for telling me they exist lol
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itsmeanyango · 3 years
I hope what I share actually helps someone who is getting into astrology. I have a website where you can book a natal chart reading, a dream analysis or business coaching sessions. On my website there is a Patreon button as well, so please join my Patreon. My first 5 Patrons get 50% off any item on my website shop. My Patreon is 4 dollars a month.
So today we are looking at the planets ruling signs! We are going to look at the traditional rulers and the modern rulers. We are doing both because I use both traditional and modern rulership in my practice as an astrologist and every astrologist needs to know them because profection years use traditional rulership.
In the order of the planets we start with the Sun🌞
The sun is bright, sunny, beautiful and the Sun makes things seen. The sun also wants to be seen. The sun rules Leo. The sign of creativity, dramatic gestures and presentation and the sign that does everything like a God.
The Moon is emotions. The moon rules cancer. The moon is also seen as the mother and so is Cancer. This is why Cancers have a lot of love to give, but dare you scorn them.
Mercury is all forms of communication and transport. Mercury rules two signs. Gemini and Virgo. The myth that Geminis are liars, two faced and many other negative things is wrong. Geminis are actually very objective and good writers so their words can move you. In their head they are two and they tend to refer to themselves as more than one person. Virgo is also a dual sign, the Maiden and the fish. Many communication and transport companies make their releases during critical Mercury transits. I.e its mercury retrograde shadow so all forms of transport and communication will be affected until around the 2nd of November. I go in depth on Mercury retrograde on my Patreon. So if you want to know how it will affect you, join my Patreon.
Venus is aesthetics, what or who is attractive to you. It rules the two most beautiful signs. Taurus and Libra. Have you ever seen the work of a Taurus or Libra? What about how they present themselves? Everything they do is just aesthetic. They even have features that you cannot help, but be mesmerized by.
Mars is aggression and speed. Mars is the God of war. Anger is fast. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio and modern ruler of Mars. Aries is a Ram, Scorpio is a Scorpion. Have you ever seen the speed of an agitated ram or Scorpion? That is Mars.
Jupiter is luck and the bigger picture. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces and modern ruler of Sagittarius. People who can ‘wish’ things easily are said to be lucky, Pisces can do that. Education is the Key to success does not necessarily traditional education, there are many ways to be educated. That is the bigger Picture. Sagittarius are the sign of learning as they are really fast intellectuals and also like travelling. They would travel all over the world just to increase their knowledge.
Saturn is the sign of rewards and punishments. Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius and modern ruler of Capricorn. Saturn expects every single person especially Capricorns and Aquariuses to always take personal responsibility and never step out of line. Also, Saturn protects Capricorn and Aquariuses by seeking out revenge for them. If you are mean to a Capricorn, Aquarius or native with Saturn Retrograde in their chart, you are going to get got by Saturn. You may also not know that you were mean to a Saturn or Aquarius placement because people who are not an Aquarius or Capricorn sign tend to have a lot of Aquarius or Saturn influence on their chart. Or you picked the wrong year to be mean to them such as a Saturn ruled profection year.
Uranus is innovation and progress in technology, sudden changes, shocks, surprises. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius. Aquarius is the humanitarian sign. Technology is created to make humans life easier, every progress in technology surprises people. Aquarius placements tend to surprise people by what they do or can do.
Neptune is spirituality. It is also dreams and delusions. Neptune rules Pisces, the self sacrificing water sign. This is the last sign and it represents endings.
Pluto is transformation and rebirth. Pluto rules Scorpio. Pluto can be seen as the planet of character development. What you think will destroy you ends up making you knew. Like the phoenix that burns and is reborn. Or like how a Scorpion looks like it may sting itself to death but turns out it is immune to its own poison. Your dark side, faults and weaknesses are important. Do not act like an angel or be ashamed that you have a dark side.
You can watch a similar video on this here:
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
an actual astro observation: transits edition
So if you’ve been reading some of my stuff, you probably noticed I’m really into rulerships and I like to look beyond the general meanings of the planets... Especially since I discovered profections.
Well my 18-year old niece is going through her 7th house profection year. After not-so-long thought process I assigned her rising to Pisces (her hour of birth is 4:45pm, which gives her an Aqua rising BUT make it 4:46pm and it’s already in Pisces. And she’s a walking talking Pisces rising... also I guess what I’m about to say kind of rectifies her as such), so she has her Virgo descendant active this year. She just passed her driving licence a few days ago when Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter were trining her Mercury. The Saturn aspect was the most exact out of 3 of them & applying. Now, her Mercury is in Libra in the 8th, that’s not necessary in the theme of geting a licence. But it’s still Mercury, which rules transportation. And the 7th house? Well, it got legalised. So there’s that. 
Another thing I’ve observed in the last few weeks... I was about to get myself a MIDI keyboard for my birthday so I thought I ask for advice none other than Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park. He’s on Twitch now & was answering submitted questions regularly until... I asked mine. I swear I send out my question and he took a week off because of Thanksgiving... And then he just wasn’t answering them for some reason. Then he finally did it A MONTH LATER when Venus just moved into Sagittarius and transiting Sun was conjunct my natal Mercury. So I quickly ordered the gear and got it on December 24 (bday present turned Christmas present lol) when I was slowly approaching my Venus return. Then I was busy on Christmas Eve and had to first update my PC to Windows 10 and had to install all the stuff needed to play the keys. I finally got them running on December 26 on my Venus return day.
So what’s my conclusion???
EVERYTHING COMES AT THE RIGHT TIME. So don’t fight it. Things like that are wayyy too coincidental to be an actual coincidences.
I have other few similar stories but I find it interesting that everytime my Venus/Sun/Jupiter combo is majorly active, I’m getting a new music gear. I got my first guitar on my 18th birthday (transit Mars conjunct Venus so also trine Jupiter, Sun conj Sun); decided to get a ukulele in January 2019 during my Venus return, accompanied by Jupiter in Sag. Now this. Question is: is it because it’s Venus or because it’s connected to the fact that it trines Leo Jupiter? Or both? 
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free-martin · 3 years
i need to explain this shit i just found
i analyzed my mom's chart using the lot of children yesterday and i was able to find her first child who was aborted, its father, myself AND my dad
very long
the first child was signified by saturn in taurus the 1st house, night chart, mars in aquarius applying within 2 min to exact overcoming square. saturn is weak by sect+sign and recieves mars from his domicile, while mars is strong by sect, overcoming and does not recieve saturn who is in mars' sign of exile. so mars is poised to easily kill saturn in the chart. this configuration shows that the first child, saturn, is seen as a harmful restriction/invasion (essentially undignified saturn) of the native's body (in the 1st) and is at cross purposes with the native's attitude toward childbearing (square to mars, ruler of lot of children) and is killed (mars overcoming). the abortion is felt as grievous and harmful to the native's body (since saturn is in the 1st of the body). saturn's ruler venus is in scorpio, which signified the father of the child, and the father of this first child had the same birthday in the following year as my mother who has the sun in scorpio. he was in a longstanding primary relationship with her (7th house) and agreed with her on the decision to abort (ruled by mars). this was all exactly the case, they planted a tree in memory of the child because they both felt bad about it.
the second child, me, was signified by the moon in sagittarius (which is my ascendant sign) applying within 3 degrees to an overcoming sextile to mars from the 8th, ruled by jupiter in libra the 6th. since it is a night chart, the moon signifies the native's body, so this second child is integrated (sextile) into the native's concept of bodily integrity (moon in night chart) and changes the native's attitude toward childbearing (moon overcoming) and comes by surprise (8th does not aspect the ascendant) as a result of deceit (8th).
the ruler of the moon, jupiter, is in libra (my dad's sun sign) and is the 6th of slaves and subordinates which would suggest an individual of lower class who similarly comes out of the blue and who lies/has a lifestyle that he doesn't let on to the native (6th does not aspect ascendant). libra is ruled by the same venus in scorpio, ultimately by mars in aquarius, and that caused my dad to implicitly suggest an abortion and mistrust his paternity of me, which he got tested. this all tracks really exactly: my mom met my dad randomly in a bar, he was hustling and dealing at the time, she didn't initially trust that he and his friend were who they said they were (his friend's name was literally joe smith and his name was similarly plain) developed an exclusively sexual relationship with him and concieved me 2 months later because my dad lied and told her he had had a vasectomy. i was concieved and born during the year when her lot of children was activated by profection at 30 years old.
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lot of children is the distance from saturn to jupiter projected from the ascendant, so it's 7 degrees scorpio
the pattern i'm seeing here is that the number of signs between the lot of children and its ruler signifies the number of conceptions or potential conceptions, while planetary aspects to the ruler of the lot show actual pregnancies/children, and the rulers of those planets will show the father of the child and his relation to the native by house, angular showing an explicit relationship, averted houses showing a sudden/short relationship. the closeness by degree of the aspects to the lot ruler will show chronological order of the children, with the closest being first and the rest following later. this probably breaks down in cases where the native has 5+ children, i'd like to see how it plays out in a scenario like that. so if youre female and want to know how many kids you're going to have, in what order, with whom and how dm me lol
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neoclassicalangel · 3 years
Next month starts my 1st house profection year with ruler in the 2H and sr libra rising .. pretty and beautiful
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December 2019 looms. I'm so intrigued with the fact that I am going to enter Virgo on L2 for the first time in my life. My natal Virgo contains the benefic of sect and the out of sect malefic in it. The out of sect malefic happens to be lord of the L1 peak period I am currently in (fourth from the lot of fortune) and the coming lord of the year through annual profection. My fourth house will be activated through zodiacal releasing on L1 and annual profection simultaneously. Additionally, the fourth house will be subject to some really heavy transits in 2020. The fourth house disposites into the twelveth. Maybe I'll start living abroad for some reason? Best case scenario I suppose. Whatever happens, it's going to be a major, life-changing, year for me. From my birthday in July, when the lord of the year shifts, onward until I hit Virgo on L2 through ZR and things really start ramping up, 2019-2020 is going to be one to remember. And it's only the beginning. The Virgo period is the build-up period to a Libra peak period which contains the lot of fortune, lot of spirit, and the of sect malefic in it. Libra squares the current L1 peak period I am in. It will also be the first time I experience Libra on L2. That said, I don't hit Libra until late summer of 2021. I'll deal with that as it comes. Virgo is just a few months away and I'm already feeling a bit anxious about it since it does contain the lord of the year and more importantly, the lord of the peak period in it. Did I mention Virgo rules my twelfth house? Jupiter is there which is nice, but he is in detriment, he does form a sextile to my predominator and chart master on the Midheaven in the 10th, which is really helpful, but, he's still in Virgo which limits him a bit. I'm just super grateful the universe gifted me with that awesome mitigating factor involving the moon in domicile no less, ruler of Jupiter's sign of exaltation. Venus is also in that quadruplicity, forming an overcoming square to my Virgo placements, which is also really nice, so there is potential for some good things to come out of this period. But, it's definitely, without a doubt, going to alter my life significantly. And some of those alterations may be a bit heavy. I'm not quite sure I'm ready for the augured changes. Granted, they are the kinds of things one can never fully be ready for. I just hope I deal with them as constructively as possible. I think I will. I know I keep ruminating on these points, but, if you could clearly see a massive shift in your life coming months ahead, you would be a little obsessed as well. Again, I have that amazing loosing of the bond in 2024 and annual profection in 2025 during that loosing of the bond. I just have to get through the coming changes first which again, appear to be significant.
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