#lifeplan for the ghost
bringmefoxgloves · 10 months
very long vent stuff about life under cut. it’s a road map for what is going wrong in my life and setting out what i have to do. don’t feel like you need to read it at all lmao, this more for my own reference and reflection.
i’m looking at my future and how i could ever afford to move out and live my best, healthy and accomplished life. i’m looking down some hard numbers and facts.
this is all more for my own sake, seeing everything laid out for myself and what i need to accomplish and what i need to pay, what i should do in what order.
my school financial aid offer finally came back. my program’s estimated cost is $13,693, and i was offered $7,745 in aid. $4,245 of that is a pell grant (i don’t have to pay that back), while $3,500 of that is a federal direct stafford loan-sub (which i will have to pay back) and it leaves $5,948 that i have to make up somehow. and this is estimated, not actual.
i still need a laptop because i need the ability to study not in my room for various reasons such as ability to study anywhere if i need to get out of the house, so i don’t feel ashamed of the view of my messy room and feel like i won’t want to log on, and so i can do schoolwork while laying down or at a bigger table/desk than my very small desk in my room.
for a laptop that will last me my entire school time, i would be looking at $250 to $650 for a laptop, on the budget end, i think.
so in total for school, i think, i need somewhere around $5,500.
i need to visit student financial aid on monday and explore the options and opportunities of possible grants or scholarships to help cover the gap.
i would also have to add on 8 months to my two year (or more) bachelor’s degree in health information management for medical coding if it isn’t included in my program. also the field could be changing fast and i may have to pivot in what i am pursuing in my education.
as for my health issues, and the possibility of diagnosis, that depends.
i need to do some personal reckoning, getting myself on a schedule and routine. i do have to admit i have let my own personal hygiene and habits slip. that is my personal responsibility.
i need to make sure i go to bed on time, rather than stay up on my phone. i need to take my nighttime medication, wake up in the morning and shower and take my morning medicines, including my testosterone, on a normal daily basis. i also need to drink more water, way more.
however i know that will take away spoons from my already low amount of spoons available. i need to balance my life schedule and activity load, pacing myself. i should do anything my doctor recommends for me to do to help control what i can.
in the area of diagnosis, i am already diagnosed with adhd (inattentive) and long covid.
i’m working on getting a diagnosis for my chronic fatigue, racing heart and pre-syncope (which i believe is pots, which is connected to long covid). however, i also have joint instability, chronic pain, weakness my limbs, trouble walking without mobility aids (however most days using a cane makes my wrist, elbow and should joints hurt), and making sure my legs/spine are supporting myself as my legs and spine feel extremely unstable (i believe this is EDS or one of its related diagnoses).
all these health conditions are ones that immediately impact my health and functioning levels. i need to get these conditions supported and reduced in severity as none of them are curable conditions (if these things are from the conditions i suspect).
i may have more serious conditions or complications of these conditions that i have not noticed or are not diagnosed and may further disable me. that too is a reality i should keep in mind going forward.
i need to continue with the doctor i’m working with to try and get diagnosed or find the condition that is causing my decreased functioning. this will take time, as i just today finished and sent off my heart monitor to be analyzed. this will take a while.
however i will soon be having a follow up with my doctor for my wellbutrin prescription, which currently doesn’t feel like it is affecting me much, though that might be because my chronic fatigue and pain make my brain fog and anxiety mask any benefits of the medication. i might have to increase my dosage or switch up my medication. i need to discuss this with my doctor.
another thing i might look into, is getting a tilt table test as it seems my doctor is amenable to it, and that would help me reach my pots diagnosis faster. that means i would have to drive up to portland. also, i need to bring up my joint pain and instability to them, and my desire for mobility supports.
as for these mobility supports and other care needs, which i think would contribute to my comfort and wellbeing, they are but not limited to: a cane, a wheelchair, shower stool, finger splint rings, wrist supports, joint wraps, compression socks, heart monitoring watch, kt tape, and a weighted blanket. some of these are able to be covered by my health insurance as long as i get diagnosed, but others might not. i will need to research costs and plan ahead.
a further diagnosis i might need to push for is my autism diagnosis. i have been resistant to receiving one, as it would limit some aspects of my life to be labeled as such (i have heard horror stories of discrimination in healthcare settings, workplaces and it limits which countries would take me if i decide to leave the us as my home) but i think, overall, it would be helpful to me in the long run.
i think my autism has a much bigger impact on my entire life, since childhood, than i had previously wished to acknowledge. it impacts my life skills, social interactions, ability to create relationships, daily activities (such as showering and eating), schooling (i’ve failed out of college multiple times, which i think can also be contributed to adhd), and my ability to work (i have never been able to hold onto a job for longer than a couple of years).
in my current situation i don’t feel comfortable to do behaviors that will mitigate meltdowns or shutdowns, and burnout. i don’t want to stim in any highly noticeable way and i mask constantly, even at home, because i was trained out of that through schooling and the ignorance of my family.
the stiming i do feel fine doing are more self injurious than helpful, such as skin picking, scratching and peeling my lips. i know it is resulting from higher stress levels that i engage in these behaviors more.
i also don’t discuss my special interests or feel like i have the support or space to pursue them. my family regards my special interests as failed hobbies and strange obsessions, and find my info dumps tiring or annoying to deal with, especially my step father and younger brother.
they don’t seem to care about learning more about my autism and how it affects me, if not they don’t want to learn about the spectrum of autism as i think i live in an under diagnosed home and they would have to confront their own issues.
if i was diagnosed, i could get far more support and accommodations for my behaviors and needs. future work would be easier if i could wear headphones and have other needs met. schooling would be easier as well. and i could potentially get more benefits, if i was able to be granted some form of disability payment, or have lower income housing open to me applying.
one fear i have about getting an autism diagnosis is that my gender identity would be invalidated and ignored and medical care would be denied to me. i don’t think that my current pcp doctor would limit my care if i had a diagnosis. i also need to get back into therapy to support me through this process. and getting a diagnosis might make it possible for me to access supported but independent housing i need for my own health.
i truly believe that moving out would be my best option at this point. i want to live on my own so i can take control of my life. ideally i would like to live in a one bedroom apartment at this point, working towards buying my own home. at the very least i want to have some sort of rental assistance, if available. i would even be willing to move into a trailer park.
ultimately i just want my own space. it will help with my mental state and grant me the ability to make my own decisions about every aspect of my life, something i need to relieve my anxiety and depression. i don’t feel fully supported or safe in my home.
if i lived on my own i can improve my nutrition by being able to cook and eat what i want when i want, and receive snap benefits because my family wouldn’t be contributing as much to my food. i would control what would be in my fridge and cupboards, how many dishes i produce.
i also wouldn’t have my mother judging what i ate or make or telling me to go on fad diets, complaining that she is overweight (so i am too by extension because i have her same body size and type), seek out alternative medicine that has no proven benefits, or try to get me to take unproven supplements as magical cure alls. her issues with her health wouldn’t be projected onto me.
if i lived on my own, i could potentially live in a more accessible environment, where i could use my mobility aids or lay on the floor as needed, do my own gentle exercise (yoga, strength training), and have a bathroom to myself. i wouldn’t have to explain and justify my pain levels or ability to accomplish tasks, or be called lazy or weak for relying on mobility aids.
i could limit triggers (slamming doors, raised voices, loud laughter, strangers randomly appearing inside my home because they were invited in by someone i love with, being watched over my shoulder) that leave me stressed and tense and grinding my teeth, scared to leave my bedroom.
i could also reduce sensory overload by controlling my environment, such as controlling temperature and times appliances are running or fan use. i would be able to control my environment, how it looks and how it feels to my body and sensitivities.
i would be able able to control my own schedule. i would have access to public transportation and not have to coordinate my transportation with others who dominate the car usage of the household. i could go out on my own, without having to explain why or where i’m going, i could go to see friends or invite them over.
while i would be responsible for controlling my own finances and paying my own bills, cooking my own food and cleaning my environment, i don’t find those as hard as long as i can do it my way, with my system. i would actually look forward to it, to give myself a chance to be able to do hard things and survive them.
if i lived in town, i would be able to have wider job opportunities available to me and i could really start up my own business and work. being able to access an area with a better social fabric and community involvement would support me and help me make connections.
at current moment, my finances are dire. i have less than $1 in my bank account. i need to avail myself of mutual aid and fundraising. i will ask my parents for money tomorrow and lay out this life plan to them, with some adjustment to not insult or implicate them in my self neglect and worsening mental and physical health.
i still need to remain with them for a while longer, as it might take a long time for me to line all this up. i have my top surgery consult in 2025, and hopefully it will happen that same year, if not sooner. i need their assistance to care for me during my recovery period, if not i need to have friends or avail myself of the local trans community support group to find a temporary caretaker to support me.
this limits me a bit in terms of finding independence sooner rather than later but this is a long process, that i have set out for myself. it may take years for my diagnosis to all be found. it may take multiple attempts to get approved for disability. it may take years to get into an affordable apartment and set up my own place, find my own groove and system.
i need to have patience but i can’t just sit back and throw up my hands.
so what i need to do is clear. i need to work on my personal health, find out if i can get on disability and if not, part time work, and see if i could move out. all during this i need to apply myself to my studies and get my degree.
there is a long hard road ahead of me but i need to find my way to it. i can’t stay stagnant and continue to suffer in silence and pain and isolation.
i want to live my best, most healthy life i can.
i deserve to.
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In her 40-year career, Gayle has been a legal proofreader, promotional writer, medical copy editor, self-published author, ghost writer, life coach, dating coach, and motivational speaker. “Variety is the spice of life!” has always been Gayle’s philosophy—and she follows it in her work, stretching herself in new ways to try things that help her make a difference in the world. https://ift.tt/2Stly7F #legalproofreader #proofreader #promotionalwriter #writer #medicalcopyeditor #copyeditor #selfpublishedauthor #author #ghostwriter #lifecoach #datingcoach #motivationalspeaker #DatingSuccessCoach #DatingCoach #HealthyLifePlanning #LifePlanning #Dating #Life #BucksCounty — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2QwriQU
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