#like I know that hfth is released on wednesdays
its-your-mind · 2 years
hey @hellofromthehallowoods is there a particular reason you chose T O D A Y to release your bonus live ep featuring an archivist with markings he doesn’t understand who works at a supernatural knowledge-collecting institution and is in the process of recording his thoughts onto a tape recorder that he doesn’t remember acquiring, it was just there one day?
Any reason in particular, Mx. Wellman? Or is this just the universe playing a practical joke on queer podcast enjoyers everywhere
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choicesenthusiast · 4 years
how did you first learn about choices and what made you get it?
ohhhhh boy, let me tell you. i dont think ive actually told anyone about this before.
it was a dull afternoon, sometime in the autumn of 2016, when i was absentmindedly spamming through 2016-edition snapchat stories. lo and behold, i saw it- a dastardly ad belonging to none other than choices: stories you play
now this was not the first of the ads i’ve seen, but this was one of the weirder ones i’ve come across since i first saw them. i don’t remember much of it, but it pretty much had the same format as modern day choices ads- a very, very weird scenario, “which will you choose” clickbait option, as you do. i was tired of seeing these ads, but the absurd scenario entranced me, so i decided to check it out on the app store
i’ve seen the app on the store before, but choose-your-own-adventure games weren’t really my thing, so i usually ignored them. not this time though. this time i actually read through the description and- you’d never have guessed it- downloaded the app
you see, newcomers, choices in it’s early days had a... questionable user interface, as well as only smattering of stories in the fall of 2016, those being the original The Freshman, Most Wanted, and The Crown and The Flame. i think that Rules of Engagement was up there too when i downloaded it, but we don’t talk about that...
naturally, my fantasy nerd brain drew me towards TCaTF first. i was hooked. it might have been the ads that drew me in, but it was badass queen reclaiming her kingdom kenna rys that kept me here.
of course, i had a tumblr, and have been floating around the community since the dawn of the era. however, it was not until june of 2019 that i realized: “holy shit! i could review these little pixelated fuckers’ stories!”. and thus, @choicesenthusiast was born.
so i have been through it all since the beginning. the Glory Wednesdays, as i like to call them, when ACOR, PM, and i think it was ITITW or ILB, all released on the same day. i was there when Hero first came out. i saw the beginning of the end, when HFtH released, and slowly but surely, the quality of choices declined. and now i stand sit here today, in front of a computer, humbled, grateful for all the love you’ve given me over the past year or so, taking the effort to tell you my hellish origin story. and now you know.
God, i sound so old.
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