#like bro any sensation would be so wack
time-woods · 7 months
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i imagine they had a few learning moments when first sharing the cube
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fuckingthefictional · 4 years
One more hour
Pairing: Philip Hamilton x Reader
AN: yoooo I highly recommend listening to Anthony Ramos- ‘One more hour’ while reading this. I gave up half way through but enjoy anyway!
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Philip, what happened to you last night?”
“My man, It's crazy”
“Bro, you disappeared, did you leave with Y/N?”
“Yeah man, we were just hanging out man, and then we just kept goin' from one spot to another and-“
“What time did y'all get in?”
“like five or six or something like that, the sun was definitely coming up”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, let me tell you about it”
Here's how it happened- Downtown Manhattan, Chillin' with everybody in the cast and Pregame of swiftin' After work sippin'
Before moving to a big city, Y/N could never have possibly anticipated the sound of traffic being even remotely calming.
However, the longer she lived in a busy city, the more she learned to appreciate the sound of people in their cars.
It was oddly calming, the idea of hundreds of thousands of different people going about their lives.
The idea never ceased to get her creativity flowing, she could just listen for hours to the soft hum of engines for hours on end.
“Hey Y/N.”
Y/N felt her body jump in surprise as she heard someone speak in front of her, looking up from her work , she turned to find Philip Hamilton stood by her.
They’d both worked together at the New York Post for a couple of years now- ever since the pair had both been interns, fresh out of college.
It was fair to say that Y/N had a crush on Philip since the first time they met
“A bunch of us are going to Montero’s after work, d’you fancy coming with?”
Y/N swore she could feel her heart stop in her chest.
“M-me?” The woman stuttered in shock, her eyes wide and brows high.
Philip chuckled nervously, as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I mean yeah, I’d really like it if you came- o-only if you want to, of course”
Y/N found herself giggling at the curly haired boys nervousness, “I’d love to,” she smiled in response,” what time are we all leaving?”
“Planning on leaving at around 6, and then staying out for however long we feel like.” He flashed his pearly whites in her direction, making Y/N’s heart flutter once again.
“Okay,” looking down at her outfit she sighed in frustration. It was very... professional, “I wish I’d brought something to change into now.”
“You really don’t need a change of clothes Y/N,” Philip skimmed his eyes up and down her outfit, before clearing his throat, “You look good in everything...”
You could feel your face turn pink, as you became flustered.
“...Especially when you blush like that.”
One drink to two 'til we on the train trippin'. Four four and A, Let's take the A. We gettin' lit 'cause we had a long day- Spot ain't too far, Big crew to start. But now we alone talkin' shit at the bar
Y/N found herself sipping a last gulp of her glass of wine, she savouring the taste in her mouth as she listened to her coworker, Theo chatter on about her engagement.
It was hard to keep focused on the other woman though, as Y/N kept catching Philip’s gaze from across the bar.
It wasn’t long at all before Philip strolled over with a few more of Y/N’s coworkers in tow. In his hands he held an additional glass of wine in his hands, which he slid towards her as he sat down in the both beside her.
“Is this for me?” Y/N questioned the curly haired boy.
“Only if you want it,” Philip shrugged, “Just thought you deserved another round, especially after the day we’ve had.”
Y/N giggled softly as she bumped his shoulder against hers, “thank you, I really appreciate it.”
Hours ticked by as fellow Coworkers began to pack up their things and say their farewells.
And it wasn’t long until it was just Philip and herself sat alone talking at the bar together.
It was strange, how comfortable Y/N felt with Philip. Obviously they knew each Other well, but around him it felt like time moved quickly without her knowledge.
“Holy crap, do you remember George Eaker?” Y/N laughed into her wine glass, as she remembered what a stupid situation she had been placed into.
“Oh God- he was an asshole.” Philip grumbled.
“He wasn’t that bad!”
“He flirted with you non-stop for a month- it was horrible.”
The young woman smiled cheekily at the guy in front of her, “Aw is lil Pip jealous?” She ruffled his soft head of hair, watching as he flushed red in response.
Then we held eyes way too long, started feeling something more- always been just friends before. Now I don't really wanna go!
“Well maybe I was.” He muttered under a bated breath.
Y/N swore she felt her body freeze up, since when did Philip like her like this? I mean she wasn’t complaining but- they’d always been “just friends”.
They held eye contact for a few moments, something that had to be too long to be considered a normal friend thing.
As she looked into Philip’s eyes, she noticed a gnawing feeling in her stomach, one that told her: ‘she didn’t want to be just friends with Pip- she wanted something more.’
Now this place is closin', they callin' last round, I got another spot around the corner if you down. Tomorrow we ain't workin', so maybe one more? But homie, no pressure, we can call it if you want
“It’s probably time we go,” Y/N spoke softly, “they’re calling last rounds.” She downed the rest of the wine in her glass as she started working on gathering up her things.
The bar was slowly becoming more and more desolate, as the customers began to filter out of the exit and into the streets.
A select few of the patrons were working on getting a last order in, before the bar shut for the night.
Philip cleared his throat, “Y’know, I know another place around the corner if you’re down to go?” He took a few seconds to rethink his words, as a moment later he added on a panicked, “But no pressure, we can call it a night if you want?”
She said, "Nah, let's make a move, and I'ma trust you. But if this place is wack you gon' be callin’ my- Ooh
Y/N mulled over the decision in her mind for a minute. She really wanted to.
“Oh what the hell!” The young woman declared, “we’re not working tomorrow, but I swear to God Pip if this place is whack you’ll be the one having to call my parents”
Philip chuckled in response, as he hopped off of the bar stool and held his hand out for her to take.
Without even a second thought, she took his larger hand in hers.
Philip’s palms were warm (but not sweaty or clammy) Which played a huge contrast in comparison to Y/N’s own freezing cold hands, And whenever he squeezed her hand in excitement- Y/N could feel the butterflies erupt in her belly.
It was small things like this, that never failed to make Y/N fall more in love with Philip Hamilton.
5 minutes of walking later, Philip finally halted in front of a rather rustic looking bar- that maybe was beginning to border i on scrappy looking.
The neon sign above the entrance read ‘Valentinos’ in a glowing red font.
Y/N would be lying if she said that she wasn’t nervous about entering the building.
“My dad and his friends used to frequent here back in college,” Philip explained, before continuing on “it’s usually quite quiet and it stays open late.”
Y/N could feel her heart hammering inside her chest- she didn’t know what to make of this place.
Her anxiety was obviously noticed by the young man holding her hand, as seconds later he took her face in his hands.
Philip gently caressed her cheeks as he spoke softly in a soothing manner, “I don’t want to force you into anything that you’re not comfortable with- But I promise it’ll be safe inside.”
Y/N found herself listening to his words.
Philip wouldn’t put her in any immediate danger- she could feel it.
Inside the bar was better than Y/N had expected, it was clean and there were plenty of spare tables to sit at.
So they sat, sipping their new sounds of drinks, at the back of the bar.
Slowly letting time slip in between their fingertips.
Never mind, never mind, ‘cause soon as we arrive, got a spot up in the back, back to losing track of time.
Hours later, both Philip and Y/N stumbled out of Valentino’s- slightly tipsy and high on life.
Outside was dark, and it was obvious how late the night had gotten.
Y/N wasn’t even overly surprised when she looked at her phone, And found that the time was half past 3 in the morning.
the dim glow of the street lights lit up the strips of sidewalk, And the bustle had for the most part stopped.
But she could still hear the sound of the trains below their feet, as the transport continued to set off and arrive to and from the subway platform.
And other than that, the only thing Y/N could hear was the steady breathing coming from Philip.
“It's been a good night, I mean, I hope we can do this again for real,” he pulled Y/N closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. But Y/N didn’t mind one bit, “but We should probably head out ‘Cause, you know- There's nowhere else to go, ‘should probably head on home.”
Y/N watched Philip take his phone out of his pocket, as he pressed on the Uber app. Ready to call Y/N a cab back home.
“Stop!” Y/N didn’t know what urged her to take Philip’s face into her hands, but she followed through as she followed on, “Let's go one more hour! Usually I'm gone now- I'm not ready, I don't really wanna go.”
A split second later Philip’s mouth was on hers, as the pair met in a hot, passionate kiss.
It was everything that Y/N could’ve imagined, as the young man tugged at her Y/H/C locks on her head.
She let out a pleasured groan at the sensation, and she could feel Philip’s smile pressing up against her lips.
“One more hour huh?” Philip mumbled, “Does that include being at my apartment?”
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