#like do they think that i'm just... making myself sick for funsies?
pathogenic · 1 month
🤒🤩 and 🔮 for you and Laios ^__^
🤒 What does it look like when you or your f/o get sick? Do either of you dote, or does the sick one try and play it off like they’re fine/ not that sick?
For me, I know I tend to try and work through it since it isn't unusual for me to get a little sick here and there, which worries Laios a bit, but he doesn't necessarily intervene unless I am very clearly overdoing it. He doesn't really know or understand what stomach issues like mine are like, so he lets me be the judge of my state.
If I'm more seriously ill though, he's pretty honest about wanting me to relax. He's got things! Just sit back and rest! He won't buy me saying I'm fine.
I feel like Laios is someone that rarely, if ever gets sick, but when he does, he gets sick. At that point I usually just give him the boot back to bed. I'll look after him and make sure he doesn't get worse, but that means actually resting. He's usually not in a state to argue.
🤩 Any little quirks/ habits you notice about your f/o that you think are really cute/ charming?
I'm not sure if we can really call it a quirk with Laios, but the way he cares for monsters is so good. He has the ability to understand them and their behaviors, but he is also the first to tell you that a monster is a monster. He doesn't go to the point of anthropomorphization. It's part of the reason why I had to make a self insert that was also heavily involved with monsters because I love this side of him and I want to meet him partway here. He's someone I could see myself sitting back with and talking for hours about this sort of thing!
Beyond that, I love how much of a troublemaker he can be while also being a really bad liar. King of obfuscation, but if you ask him about it, he's glancing to the side and saying that he would never ever do such a thing. (He did do that thing).
🔮 Are you or your f/o superstitious/ into astrology/ tarot readings/ believe in cryptids etc? If it’s not something you mutually believe in, what does the other think of it?
I wouldn't say either one of us is really superstitious and being into cryptids is a very funny things when it comes to the world of Dungeon Meshi as they certainly could exist (I mean, why not? Jackalopes and flying pigs exist at one point).
I do enjoy things like tarot, but mostly use them as a means to help with my decision making. It's like flipping a coin - if you're not happy with your result, chances are you really actually wanted the other result. I know what I want and how I feel about something, it's just a fun way to knock it loose. Laios will entertain a read or two here and there for funsies.
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apoptoses · 11 months
Hi! I hope this isn’t a silly question but I was wondering if you have any advice for getting over the fear of mischaracterizing/having characters be ooc in fic? I want to write for vc, i have a few ideas but haven’t started any yet because I’m so nervous about getting it wrong
I do, in fact! So when I was first thinking of writing some VC stuff I made it really low pressure for myself. Like if I got an idea I would write it out in my notes app on my phone, and if it didn't go anywhere then whatever, it didn't matter because I didn't intend to post it to begin with. I messed around like that for a good month and ended up with like fifteen little snippets of nothing that were just me figuring out who the characters of Armand and Daniel were and how they sounded. Which I think was really important because that gave me room to practice writing without the concern about getting it 'correct' on that very first go. Then when I felt like okay, maybe I have something with this concept I'm playing with, I knew I had to have someone do a sanity check lol I just put it out there that I wanted a beta reader and thank god @cup-of-lixx responded. And now this is the key- you have to be open to suggestion. Tell your beta reader buddy you're worried about characterization and hopefully they'll have some kindly worded suggestions for you. The truth is, what is 'in character' really comes down to two things: character voice, and knowing your basic facts. Everything beyond that is subjective and relies on the writer's ability to build a case for why this character wants to do this thing. Say, for example, you want Marius to ride a carousel. On paper that looks out of character, right? That serious old Roman on a carousel? lol But the thing is, if you can nail his voice (he doesn't talk like a valley girl, he's not going to use contractions like 'gonna' and 'wanna', he's probably going to make some references to history in his internal dialogue) and nail the basic facts (he's a vampire, he's got blond hair, he can only come out at night) then…you're halfway there. The rest is all about building up why he's doing this. Would he hop on for funsies all alone? Maybe not. Could you make up some back story about the first time he saw a carousel and thought about all the innovations man had to make since he was a youth in order to create such a thing? And that maybe he first saw one with Pandora and was feeling nostalgic? Sure! Your job as a writer is to convince your audience that this isn't out of character and you do that by building up the character's desires and motivations. The other thing you gotta remember is, there's a difference between canon and fanon. Sometimes in fandom some writer does a really good fic where Character X loves popsicles even though in the books character X never eats a popsicle, but people love the idea so much they repeat it in their fics and headcanons until that act is part of the Fan Lore and people confuse it for canon. And going against Fan Lore can be intimidating, and make you feel like you're doing something 'ooc' for the character but like…if it's not in the source material then it's not Fact and you can do whatever you want. But essentially if you're reading fic and notice a trend where Lestat always wears boxers even though in the books he never puts on a pair, and you don't agree that he would wear boxers? Don't worry about it, it's fan lore, do your own thing. I assure you, there's plenty of people out there reading fic who also don't think Lestat would wear boxers and will be relieved you wrote it. Basically. All of this to say- care about characterization, but don't worry yourself sick over it. Get someone to check your work and then, at the end of the day, go wild. They're fictional people, they're little barbie dolls you as a writer can play with, and as long as you nail their voice and stay true to the basic facts you're free to do whatever else you want. Writing is supposed to be fun, we're not getting graded here. And you can't get it 'right' until you churn out some rough drafts wherein you get it 'wrong' first.
Have fun ♥ I hope that helps.
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berrymeter · 2 years
Tell me about the pope??? I am intrigued
looks off into the distance ... the pope... okay let me switch my music maybe there's better fitting music for this. freak music works better. oh btw this is exceedingly long sorry it took me like a year to respond i had to fact check every other word bc imagine understanding this & retaining it
ok so .
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she! um. ok there is a lot going on here but the way i can simplify it is that she was a human who got merged with the univ.ersal will (an entity from the source code of the universe created by some guy to try & aid humanity to thrive but it misinterpreted shit & wants to erase humanity now), & then the some guy i just mentioned ended up Also ended up being absorbed by her except at this point he was fucked up & sick & twisted not necessarily evil but he causes problems on purpose for funsies. btw he's not just "some guy" he's one of the... three? smartest humans ever recorded but like that doesn't matter rn we're talking abt ar.iels. ummm anyway she fucking hates humanity & wants to destroy it ofc thanks unive.rsal will very cool. it's also fun bc she's the pope so she does evil shit & everyone's kinda like "oh yeah let's go along i mean she's the pope we can't argue". well until she gets her ass fucking kicked i guess. she's currently in jail & we don't know what's up w the unive.rsal will BUT the "some guy" is not with her anymore as of rn maybe he took it with him? who knows. hold up where even is cha.os *goes to check* oh right he was just sitting on a beach last we know ok cool. feel free to ask about cha.os as well ........ if i can explain
anyway so now that u haven't understood any of this bc believe me i'm barely keeping up with this myself at any point in time ari.els manipulates a lot of ppl into doing awful shit making them believe she's doing it ~for humanity~ or for their personal goals. like
contacting bedm.an to enlist his services as a hitman bc "oh don't worry we're gonna create an ideal world where you can bring your sister back to life & also every person you kill too! i just need you to kill these ppl & follow my orders first teehee!" then, as he's about to die, tells him she's been using him the entire time & he almost killed her in response but died right before he could do so. ask me about bed.man for more detail . he's one of the most ...... characters ...
getting the conclave to revive jus.tice because uhghgghh shaping the world however they want. idk i don't think wanting to ahve the power to reshape the world is like Good so yea the con.clave were kept in the dark on some things but also like... they were not good ...
she started replacing the vaccines the japanese colony were getting with placebo vaccines. um. the whole deal with this is certainly something too but basically japan is gone from the surface of the earth & the survivors were put in colonies "for their protection" a century ago (it was really a quarantine bc genetic modification was being observed so the UN were like ohhhh that's kinda fucked up stay away). japan vanished due to a mutation a bunch of them were afflicted with that turned them into living bombs & also they were in a lot of pain & as a result That Man (that's what they called him) just fucking. blew up japan. a.. ask me about... detail........
uhhh the val.entines. basically she's creating ppl based on like... Another Girl Who Is Also The Mc's Dead But Not Anymore Girlfriend. they're created to run her errands basically but also even if they're created as emotionless they always end up developing them anyway? ram.lethal is a valentine! her & her sister el.phelt! though they're technically all sisters kinda, ram & el were created at the same time & both given emotions but kinda went in opposite directions w them. anyway they're also to be used in the plan to reshape the world bc ar.iels wants to merge either el or ram with ju.stice to 'create the first True Real Perfect Human' & go from there with the whole reshaping the world thing. uhhh btw jus.tice is? a gear... um... ask me about her too if u want ....... there is a lot going on here but i swear it all makes sense somehow ......
i can't think of anything else to add except that she cosplayed gam.zee when she revealed that she's actually trying to fuck everyone up lmao um. dont miss it! juggalo pope!
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dirty-bosmer · 2 years
OOoooh, thank you bori. Sorry I'm getting to it so late 😩
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Calibri — the default microsoft word font, usually at size 11 or 12 with 6 point spacing after every paragraph.
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
In a bad way - utilize. My academic advisors have ruined this word for me 😩 every time they see it they scratch out its eyes and now It's just no longer in my vocab.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I wrote really shitty poetry in middle school because I was hormonal and sad and thought I was deep lol. It was probably not very good, but I'm too scared to confirm that, and in high school I had zero interest in writing until my senior year. Actually, I did start write Syl's story as part of a companions fic but dropped it like three chapters in (again, not very goof). The turning point for me was the end of the year project for AP Language and Composition. My teacher was super enthusiastic and engaging so I decided "hey let me give this a try." Turns out I was pretty okay!
I did some creative writing in college, but didn't start writing fanfic again until my sophomore year, just for funsies. It was a creative outlet amidst hours and hours in the lab and banging my head against my phsyics book. Now it's something I do almost daily, if not weekly in some form, and I can tell all the practice and the love for reading that I've rekindled is paying off!
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
Oh gee, like no time at all 😭 With Nim, I just started writing and followed the Mages Guild and Thieves Guild questlines for direction, then had to find fun ways to tie them together. I had a vague idea where I wanted to take it for part two, but it has been such A MESS and the lack of planning really shows.
I'm definitely spending a lot more time thinking about it for Syl. In talking with some writing friends, I think I'm going to at least want an outline for each chapter, and I'll try to post updates only when when I have the next two or three chapters written out already. I hope I enjoy it! Honestly, it might be less work for me in the end.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know?
I saw your answer to this cause I creeped through your blog heehee but it is very much the same. Biology and it's many branches and the toil of academia. Also being an awkward bisexual.
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
Hmmm, I don't know if it's all that uncommon, but I am so uncomfortable by my characters sometimes. Mostly Lucien tbh, but every time I re-read his scenes, I'm like wtf Sonny. Why are you writing this, and then I get so sick of myself I look away lol There are scenes like that with Nim too, where I get so upset with her even though I AM THE ONE MAKING HER DO THIS, but I've come to learn that I must enjoy how horrifying it all is, cause why else would I put them through it? It's like reading that horrible book I was telling you about the other day. It was so frustrating and disturbing and even though it was straight up unbearable at times, I still enjoyed reading it 😂 Is writing supposed to be torturous? because it was for me and I like it because I am 40% masochist.
Lmao I can't believe I put those thoughts out into the world.
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charbunnies · 1 month
top 5 final fantasy xiv characters and why. go 🎤
okay some of this is hard and some of this is really easy. i'm sorry that most of these won't be super detailed but to be fair my memory is rusty on xiv and my favoritism in xiv tends to be based on vibes and how they relate to vett so 👍 i'm also gonna slap gposes in here if i have relevant ones. for funsies :)
1. elidibus
EASY CHOICE. extremely easy choice. i normally don't pick favorites based on how i relate to them, but he's kind of an exception. i started paying attention to him at around the same time that i was really struggling with losing my memory, and i got SO attached to him that it helped me work through/come to terms with that. so he's really important to me. but, aside from that, i want to put him under a microscope, and i think he's funny, and the TRAGEDY of it all makes me insane, and my own headcanon stuff about him (plus the stuff i've done with him and vett and/or anteros) just makes it worse. he's just so interesting, there's so much going on and every bit of it makes me feel sick in the head. i will think about him holding those crystals in his little hands for the rest of my life i think. changed me permanently. i miss pandaemonium. i love you themis my scrinkly. that's my baby. have a gpose
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2. alphinaud and alisaie (do not separate them.)
MY KIDS!!! MY LITTLE GUYS!!! they were the reason i actually started taking xiv seriously, so, also easy choice. izzy showed me the twins before i started playing and i got invested. i am very easily moved by teenage protagonists and also twin characters so alphinaud and alisaie were like catnip to me. i was waiting through all of ARR with bated breath for every moment that i could get of those little freaks and got attached to alphy so fucking fast. i've never understood the people who didn't like alphinaud through ARR because i always thought his spoiled-brat-ness was so fucking endearing. i was worried that i wouldn't like alisaie as much because she properly joins the party late, and alphinaud was my Favorite Favorite up until that point, but GOD i was proven so wrong. i love her so so much. that scene with her and ga bu on the cliff in post-heavensward is so vivid in my mind. like, branded there forever. both of the twins are just so so good, so determined to help people, so differently headstrong but they love each other SO MUCH... i have so many feelings about the twins. and don't get me started on their relationships with vett. alphivett makes me crazy but honestly alisaie and vett may make me even crazier (though how do you even quantify that?). THEY'RE FOILS!!! THEY'RE BEST FRIENDS!!! THEY CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT EACH OTHER!!! AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! THROWING MYSELF ON THE FLOOR!!! have some gposes :)
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3. meteion
hard for me to put her third tbh, but i can't tie all of them LOL. oh meteion, my dearest little bird. i cried so so much over her. the fact that she was an endwalker original character and yet she's up here at 3rd is crazy. there's so much i could say about her, but i don't even know where to start. she and vett are just so much alike, it was impossible for her not to get a death grip on me. the instant i saw her i knew she was going to wreck me and i was so, so right. admittedly a lot of the reason why i love her has to do with vett (because everything in xiv is colored by him to me) but that doesn't mean i don't love her just as she is. she's just so little, and she meant so well, and she suffered so much for a cause she didn't even understand. i love her dynamic with hermes so much (AND I LOVE HERMES!!! SO SO MUCH!!!!) and i love her kindness and i love her curiosity. my itty bitty sweetheart 🥺💙 AND she's vett's best friend!!! i will be talking about her a lot in one of the other asks i got for my birthday so i will end this here but look at these anyway :')
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4. estinien
yknow i was thinking about this list really hard. because after 3rd it starts getting muddy because i love so many of these characters so much. but estinien was a standout i think, so he gets 4th. i am enthralled by his autistic nature. i love him i think he's silly but also i started bawling over him in garlemald when he showed up to save the twins and he made me cry the hardest in ultima thule (aside from the twins but that's Different that was a whole different thing). he's comforting to me. he's vett's big brother. i love the ways he expresses his love + care for things (awkwardly). i love thinking about how he's changed since ARR. i give him identity issues and chronic pain and dragon traits because it's correct. i just love estinien so much. my stinky dragon. also one of my favorite gposes i've ever done was this one of him and vett so like Yeag. no one gets them like i do (sobbing into my hands)
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5. g'raha
i agonized over this spot for so long you have no idea. however! grandpa tia won out in the end. he makes me feel the agonies extremely badly. yet another character with weird identity issues and chronic pain YAYYYYYY. also funny thing, g'raha is the only one here without a huge amount of baggage with vett! lol. (count yourself lucky that i didn't put hades 5th because then there'd be a whole ramble about THAT unusual baggage) instead i smush him and vincent together like barbie dolls and put them in the long-lost-childhood-friends-to-lovers blender and torment them. but yeah. i love g'raha very much. i think about the crystal exarch for a little too long and feel like crumbling into nothingness. also, fun fact, he's my mom's favorite character :) so that's fun. anyway look at my vinraha boy
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but the TRUTH is. my favorite xiv characters. are my wols <3
i love you y'vett bhell. i love you vincent fowler. you will always be famous to me
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septemberbells · 2 years
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captainsigge · 3 years
18th century stay: Part 1 - Materials
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Yup it is happening!😉
My eternal gratitude to @montmartre-parapluie @tockamybeloved and @oenothera5 who have already given me a lot of good advice and tips! It has helped me immensely.❤️
The pattern that I'm going to do is the Butterick 4254 A (thank you for the recommendation @montmartre-parapluie ), with a closed front and open back because I want to make lacing myself as difficult as possible :) for funsies. :))) I've already ordered the pattern but I haven't ordered the fabrics yet. However, I think I have finally figured out the look and found the best materials to bring it to life.
My first plan was to keep everything quite low-key and plain since I love the simplicity of natural linen, but then I got sick and had no energy to do anything but look at fabrics 😂 So that idea went out of the window quite quickly when I found this G. O. R. G. E. O. U. S. brocade (189gsm) at Sartor.cz.😍
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I'm not really a pink type of person, I usually prefer burgundy red. But we can't always choose what we fall in love with and this reminds me of the whimsicality of fairytales. I mean is it just me who's seeing dragons and mermaids in the pattern? I don't even care if the colours of the fabric won't suit me because LOOK AT IT!!😍🤤 It's so beautiful that my complexion won't matter.
Did someone say...?
✨Mermaid Stay✨
My idea is to use this brocade in the front panel piece so that it's kind of like a "stomacher" but wider. (We aren't really going for historical accuracy here anyways). I guess I could also sew on a piece of the brocade in a stomacher shape to create a "fake stomacher kind of effect"?🤔 I will have to think on it.
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On the sides of the corset I'm putting this lovely light coral linen (198gsm).🧜‍♀️💗 (Complete coincidence but clearly the Norns want this corset too) Some corset coutil (280gsm) as interlining and natural coloured linen (116gsm) as lining.
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Noooowwww for decorations...
Some pink cotton bias tape, double-faced 16mm cream satin ribbon (614), double-faced 3mm pink satin ribbon, a light gold 3mm cord and a rose pink 6mm flat cord.
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If the cream ribbon is too large to tie the shoulder straps properly, I will fake it and add them above the "real shoulder strap ribbon" which would be the 3mm pink ribbon. The light gold cord is for lacing the stay and the flat cord is for strengthening the places where I've put the stay together. Also adds a bit of decoration.☺️
I think that was all.🤔 This will either work or be a complete mess but I've tried my best to match and contrast the colours with what I have. :)
Gonna order the fabrics tomorrow when my brain works. I want to go through everything again in my mind to ensure that I have everything. (I have not shown all materials here, e.g. 6mm boning, just the interesting ones.)
Until next time,
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