#like okay if his mom isn’t a war bride then his mom hooked up with a water tribesman
purrincesskittens · 3 years
Star Eyes, Zuko is mistaken as Water Tribe.
Gift for @muffinlance based off this post and this one
It was night when they found him. A quick examination showed blood on the back of his head. As they pounded on his back someone noted his eyes. “Gold eyes.” They called. “Are you fire nation?” The boy lifted his head and the light of the lantern caught his eyes reflecting back at them. “Of course I am.” The kid snarls. “Star Eyes.” Someone breathed. Shit this kid was one of theirs. “Could be the child of a war bride.” Was suggested by someone. “At least he’s not a fire bender.” There was a laugh that was quickly interrupted by the star eyed boy himself. “Yes I am.” “Well that was.... honest.” 
Star eyes were only something seen in the water tribes though. Even if this kid was a fire bender he had to be water tribe. More then likely the result of a woman stolen from her tribe during a raid and raised as Fire Nation since he looked enough of the part. But he was young, probably just recruited or practically forced into joining the military. There was a easy way to figure out how dangerous this kid was or rather how much more dangerous he was considering he was a fire bender. 
“Have you ever killed someone?” Hakoda asks crouching before the boy lifting his chin in one hand so the boy had to look him in the eye with those gold colored star eyes. “What? No ... I don’t think.... No.”  The kid seemed confused the blood on the back of his head suggested a head wound but this kid was young probably just assigned to a ship only to get knocked overboard by either by a storm or by another soldier. Those eyes probably didn’t make him popular or the fact that this kid’s eyes kept sliding away from Hakoda’s own suggested he may be a fey child. 
“What do we do with him?” Somebody asks as they watch the kid cough up water, curling and uncurling his fingers against the wood of the deck his eyes cast down. “We keep him for now. His mother is probably Water Tribe war bride if he is star eyed. Have Kustaa check him over and if he survives we figure out what to do from there." Hakoda announces to the crew. They took care of their own and until they figured out who his mother was and could turn him over to her family if she had any left the crew of the Akhult would take care of him for now. Half Water Tribe and the child of a war bride was still Water Tribe and like hell were they going to turn him over to the Fire Nation to continue using as a weapon.
Kustaa later informed him the boy had hypothermia as well as potentially severe head trauma it was hard to tell right now. The kid mistook him for his uncle. Which uncle they weren't sure. It's possible the boy's mother had a picture of her family she either managed to take with her or she drew herself or he could be thinking Kustaa was his father's brother. The escape attempts didn't help some of the crews opinions on keeping the kid but considering he was raised as Fire Nation and was in a strange place so its expected that he would try to escape although climbing the mast was something Hakoda really wished he didn't do along with scaling the side of the ship.
Kustaa had mentioned the boy called for his mother while delirious along with begging his father for forgiveness pledging his loyalty to him and pleading no to the man which didn't paint a pretty picture of the man or gain much favor of the fire nation in the crews opinions. "Tell me about your mother." Hakoda suggests sitting up on the mast beside the boy. Glowing gold eyes blinked at him. "I remember trailing robes. She favored long sleeved robes with delicate embroidery. She had long hair I remember her brushing mine when I was little. I would sit in her lap and she would brush my hair talking to me about theater or turtleducks or plants. Different things she liked. I think I would sometimes tell her about my day or what I had done recently I don't remember clearly its... faded almost. Fuzzy. I barely remember what she looked like."
Hakoda frowned the boy was water tribe he had to be with those star eyes of his but why wouldn't his mother tell him about her people, her home. Maybe she couldn't? Maybe the boys father was so controlling he made sure she never spoke of home to their son? Then the boy said something that made him rethink everything he knew about the kid. "Uncle said my hair is alot like hers. Or it was. I don't even remember why I shaved it." The kid frowned obviously struggling to remember rubbing his head with one hand. The head wound had left him confused he didn't rember his name or much of anything recent but he remembered he had been burned for cowardice supposedly or partially for that but what did the fire nation consider to be cowardly? Kustaa suspected the boy's own father burned him based off what they gleaned from fever dreams and night terrors.
“What did she look like?” Hakoda questions softly holding his breath hoping he was wrong with the hunch he had. “Elegant, beautiful, she had long straight black hair that was so soft and amber eyes with flecks of true gold in them she wore long sleeved red robes with elegant embroidery. The sleeves would bellow and she would hide me in them when I was little.” The boy continued to talk about his mother someone he remembered fondly although all the details suggested the hugs, the turtle duck kisses and every else stopped when the boy was small. Something happened to his mother and Hakoda was beginning to suspect it may have something to do with the boys true parentage. But how to suggest it to the kid without breaking the poor things mind? The whole crew already suspected he was spirit touched as the water tribe liked to call those who were different mentally the earth kingdom called them fey and not all of the earth kingdom where kind to them. 
“If I promise no one on this ship will hurt you and we won’t turn you over to the Earth Kingdom will you stop with the escape attempts?”Hakoda asks when the boy falls silent picking at the grain of the wood under his hands not meeting Hakoda’s eyes. The kid blinked up at him startled. “Okay.” Getting the kid down the mast was surprisingly easy after that and a few more rules were hashed out before the kid was sent to see Kustaa again and the crew was gathered. “The boy’s mother was fire nation. He remembers her more clearly then anything else.” This drew murmurs from the crew some wanted to toss him over board then since he wasn’t the child of a war bride. “But he’s star eyed he has to be Water Tribe.” Toklo says tilting his head in confusion. “Exactly. We know he seemed to have issues regarding his father and Kustaa suspects he may have been the one to burn the kid. I learned his mother also disappeared or may possibly have been killed when he was young.” This gained more murmurs from the crew. 
Panuk pulled in a sharp audible breath. He had figured out what Hakoda was getting at. “Does any one here know where they were about 16 to 17 years ago? If they were around the Earth Kingdom or the colonies anywhere?” Their chief had to ask if none of the men on this ship was the boys father he would have to send messages out to all the others in the fleet see if anyone remembered if maybe had met a pretty woman in the Earth Kingdom or in the colonies and spent a night with her. If the kids mother was Fire Nation and he was star eyed that meant his real father had to be Water Tribe. His mother had to have married or started a new relationship soon after and the boy looked fire nation enough to pass him off as her husband’s but the husband probably suspected what with the star eyes. There was silence followed by an uproar. “You can’t be serious?!” Aake shouted in outrage. “I’m not judging anyone but the boy is water tribe and with his mother gone we most definitely are not giving him back to the Fire Nation so we need to figure out whose he is. We take care of our own.” Hakoda soothed the crews ruffled feathers listening as the men scrambled to remember where they were and what they were doing all those years ago.
Slowly they managed to clear the majority of the crew those who couldn’t remember were left struggling valiantly to justify why they couldn’t possibly be the boys father while their youngest two crew members watched with glee obviously in the clear themselves due to their age. Once Kustaa cleared the boy Hakoda set him to work and had to add no breathing fire to the list of rules. Toklo and Panuk made friends with their newest crew member over laundry and the boy was very shouty about women’s work. And then the issue over the kid not having a name he remembered came up. Names like Siqinq, Kallik, Cupun, Tulok, Yuka and Tulugaq were tossed around. He is pretty sure they settled on Tulok simply because they already have a Tuluk and Toklo on board and that name is almost a combination of the two plus it had a star meaning behind it. The boy just wanted to fit in.
Reds were changed for Toklo’s blues and the boys hair shaved to regrow properly after Kustaa managed to break it to the kid that a real father wouldn’t abuse his son, biological or not. They picked up Bato who sympathized with them for wanting to keep the star eyed child, teach him his real culture, and find his real father but the kid was still a fire bender. A fire bender on a WOODEN SHIP!! The boy, Toluk looked like a kicked polar puppy being denied sleep in the hammock he was used to and his usual snacks when ever he wanted. They still had a lot of work cut out for them when the kid thought he would be killed over a bending accident because he didn’t fully remember he needed to mediate to control his fire. His memories were still patchy at best. So Hakoda ended up with his temporary foster star eyed child sitting in his cabin breathing with a lantern holding a dog.  
The kid liked sea prunes proving he was Water Tribe at heart. He was good at using his fire bending for non evil purposes even if he protested it. He proved he shouldn’t be left alone in port either by himself or with his friends. He gained a piercing, two rusted swords, a theater scroll and a cabbage? No one seems to know about the cabbage. He can cook as it’s proven despite how spicy his cooking is and nearly gets kidnapped by prostitutes. Sex workers were not on the list of people Hakoda thought he would have to fight for custody of Tulok with. He nearly gets himself kidnapped by a Earth Kingdom solider they are allied with who seemed sure their boy was then dead prince of the Fire Nation. Never mind that the prince was dead and their boy was star eyed. The solider was surprisingly unfazed by the heat of the kids cooking. He didn't end up kidnapped despite his best efforts.. The kid really needed to stop climbing the mast. “Prince Zuko?!” Hakoda’s kids seemed to also mistake Tulok for the dead prince. 
“That’s the Prince of the Fire Nation, dad he chased us all over and tried to capture the avatar numerous times. His sister did capture Aang.” His kids argued trying to convince him that their new foster brother was some evil prince. The kid in question for his part had more headaches then usual and just seemed more confused and angry. He remembered something. A little sister named LaLa. It takes a while but after watching their new brother and listening to the crew, “His name is Zuko, he is the prince of the Fire Nation, his father is Fire Lord Ozai does no one care about that?!” Sokka asks in outrage staring as the kid in question does laundry like its a perfectly normal thing for a prince to do. “His mother may be fire nation but his father sure isn’t.” Panuk comments dodging a wet shirt thrown by their resident fire bender.  This earned laughter and calls of “Good for her!!” And “She could do a lot better!” Followed by “At least a water tribesman would treat her right!!”. Sokka groaned in frustration and confusion. 
“Why is my nephew wearing blue, convinced Ozai isn’t his biological father and that he is water tribe?” General Iroh the Dragon of the West questions calmly. Tulok seemed to recognize Iroh and even called him Uncle and recognized some of the crew but he still didn’t have complete clear memories although his headaches grew worse until Kustaa told him it didn’t matter if he remembered or not he was water tribe and nothing was going to change that spirit touched or not. “He is star eyed you can’t possibly tell me the fire nation has star eyed kids that’s a water tribe thing only.” Iroh considered it briefly before dismissing it. His nephew looked similar to a young Ozai, so Ozai had to be his father even if he wasn’t much of one and his nephew deserved better then Ozai. But surely Ursa couldn’t have had an affair while married to Ozai it was impossible. Iroh tried to do the math off the top of his head of when Ursa and Ozai married vs when Zuko was born. “Look the obvious answer here is that the boys mom met with a Water Tribe beefcake and had a one night stand that lead to the boy. It’s the only thing that explains why his supposed father hated him so much and why he struggled with fire bending and is star eyed.” Bato explains grinning. “Beefcake?” Hakoda and Iroh question. 
Azula finds this all far to amusing. “That just means I’m the rightful heir after all. You can stay here with your little water tribe family and I can be the next Fire Lord after Uncle.” Somehow things get worked out that their star eyed fire bender’s fire nation sister will be staying with them along side her two scary friends and the kids supposed Uncle will become the next Fire Lord once they take down Ozai. The kid is still confused and there are still gaps in his memories but they aren’t giving him back now he is their’s and the fire nation can’t have him. They still call him Tulok since the fire nation does consider the sun to be a star after all. He seems to like it better then Zuko. He still does their laundry still wears beads in his braids in red, blue and one gold. In all that’s happened no one thought to alert the rest of the fleet about what they learned leaving them in for one heck of a surprise when they reach Chameleon Bay where the rest of the men from the fleet scramble to try to remember where they were sixteen-point-nine years ago. 
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honey-dewey · 3 years
Dye Day Disasters Part Two
Pairing: Shane ‘Dio’ Morrissey/Reader
Word Count: 1,594
Warnings: Mentions of spicy times, but nothing explicit. 
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
Three months after you and Dio dye your hair for the first time, he makes a deal with you. You can go with him when he visits his sister if he gets to pick your next hair color. I’m sure that won’t be a decision you regret, right? (Spoiler alert, it isn’t.)
A/N: This is a shameless continuation of a story I posted yesterday, Dye Day Disasters. I have no shame and apparently no self control either. Oops. 
You sighed, kicking your feet and waiting. You’d never been good at waiting, but with Dio, waiting patiently got you rewarded, so you were willing to sit by the door and simply wait.
Dio had gone out to the store for dyes and other stuff, and you and him had struck a bargain before he had left. You were both headed out to visit his sister, and he agreed that he’d take you with him for the visit if and only if he got to pick your hair color this time around. You’d relented. In the months since Dio had dyed your hair the first time, you’d gone through plenty of colors, your favorite still being the deep teal with blue streaks that made you look like a mermaid. But now, the fate of your hair was in Dio’s hands.
The door opened, and you eagerly jumped up, seeing Dio walk in with the bag of goodies. “Were you waiting on the floor for me?”
“No!” You lied, hugging Dio tightly. “C’mon, we’re gonna be late.”
Dio smiled, putting the bag down. “Calm down darling. Everly knows we’ll probably be late.”
You pouted. “We won’t be late!”
Grabbing your hands, Dio leaned in close. “Oh really? Because you do get a reward for sitting pretty while I was gone.”
So you were definitely going to be late. Dio rewarded you while you both showered, staying in until the water ran freezing. After that, you had to take care in covering the budding bruises Dio left all over your skin. Yeah, definitely going to be late.
And you were. Thankfully, not by much. Everly, who you’d only met once or twice, was eager to see you, happily hugging you and smiling when you winced at her tight embrace. “Oh honey,” she said. “Did Dio ruin you last night?”
“This morning,” you admitted sheepishly. “I’m gonna get even with him, I swear.”
Everly laughed. “Well, come in!”
You followed her through her house, Dio behind you. Everly chatted to you both, leading you into the garage, which was set up like a one man salon.
“This is where I do most of my work,” she said. “And if I’m not wrong, Dio texted me and told me we’d be using it.”
Dio nodded. “Just dyeing,” he said. “Nothing ridiculous.”
Everly groaned overdramatically. “Fine,” she said. “But, and do remind me to show off the photos, you looked so fun with bubblegum pink hair. Who’s first?”
Dio pointed to you. “They need bleach.”
You grinned. “Yeah. Learned that one the hard way. I was orange for a while when we tried to go from yellow to red.”
“That’s just basic color theory,” Everly said, pointing to the chair. “Sit. What color are we doing?”
Dio pulled Everly aside and showed her the dye, and she eagerly nodded. “Oh that’ll look so good!” She said happily, turning back to you. “But definitely bleach first, to make it pop.”
Still in the dark about your hair color, you said a silent goodbye to the slightly faded navy blue color you had now while Everly pulled a towel that was already bleach stained across your shoulders. “So,” she said, grabbing a bottle of bleach and measuring a decent amount into a bowl. “How goes it baby brother?”
Rolling his eyes at the baby brother comment, Dio began to tell Everly about life. You added bits when he missed something or said something wrong, but you mostly just listened as Everly bleached your hair.
Finally, once you were fairly certain you were going to fall asleep, Everly put the bleach bowl down and nodded. “Alrighty,” she said. “C’mon up now. I gotta fix all of that.” She gestured in Dio’s general direction and you suppressed a smile. “And it might take a while.”
You stood and Dio took your place, shedding his jacket and watching Everly in the mirror. “Have you talked to Brynn recently?”
Everly shrugged. “Yeah. She was here a few weeks ago,” she said, shaking out a cape and pulling it over Dio’s shoulders. “She’s doing well. We went dress shopping.”
Dio nodded, putting his chin to his chest when Everly pushed his head down. “That’s good,” he said.
“Yeah,” Everly agreed. “Oh, and Viv says hi. I saw her yesterday. She was disappointed she couldn’t see you.”
“She lives down the street from me,” Dio said. “She can literally walk to my apartment and visit.”
Everly laughed. “You know Viv. She won’t do it.”
Dio rolled his eyes, and you smiled. Sometimes you forgot how well Dio got along with his sisters.
“Okay baby bro,” Everly said, ruffling Dio’s hair once she was done, in her words, neatening him up. “Hop up. It ain’t your turn anymore.”
She didn’t make Dio get up, mostly because you and him didn’t need to swap places yet. Instead, she sat you in front of a sink and rinsed the bleach away, humming. “So,” she said, looking down at you. “When’s he gonna propose?”
You heard Dio drop something, and you almost knocked your head on the side of the sink in shock. “What?”
Everly laughed. “You two have been together for ages,” she said. “And when I mentioned I was seeing Dio, mom made me promise to ask when you two were getting married.”
“Everly, I will stab you with something,” Dio said, sounding strained.
“And we have not been together for ages,” you added. “It’s been two years.”
Everly rolled her eyes. “You’ve known each other for almost five though,” she said.
“Still not getting married!” You said, and Everly smiled.
“Okay, okay, I’m just the messenger,” she said, wrapping your head in a towel. “Dio. Up.”
Dio stood, sitting where you’d just been while you took his place. Everly dried your hair, asking Dio to turn some music on while she worked. He did, hooking her phone up to an aux cord and immediately flinching at her selection of music. “ABBA? Really?”
“Excuse you!” Everly said over the hair dryer. “ABBA is excellent!”
Dio said nothing, and out of the corner of your eye, you could see him tapping his foot along to the music.
“Finally, the fun part,” Everly said eagerly, turning the chair around so you couldn’t see yourself in the mirror. “Dio, wanna help?”
Dio eagerly got up, standing on your left while Everly took your right.
“Is it gonna be half-and-half again?” You asked. Dio shushed you, putting on gloves and beginning to carefully section your hair. So that was a yes.
Everly mixed the colors behind you, handing Dio a bowl and smiling. “Here we go.”
Between Everly and Dio, the process was much quicker than it was at home. Everly was done first, and began to prep Dio’s black dye while he finished up his side of your head.
Finally, when your hair was entirely coated in dye, you stood so Dio could sit. You tried to sneak a peek in the mirror exactly once, and found yourself unsuccessful and completely deterred from doing it again. Unsuccessful because Everly had put a black towel around your head and deterred because Dio pinched your thigh really hard. “No peeking.”
You pouted, making a very dignified face at Dio and humming along to ‘Killer Queen’ while Everly worked black dye into Dio’s hair.
Finally, he joined you, and you pouted in his direction.
“You pinched me!”
Dio smiled. “Would you like me to kiss it better?”
Your pout disappeared. “Can I pinch you back?”
Sighing, Dio bared his arm, and you pinched the sensitive skin on the inside of his elbow. He didn’t even flinch.
“You’re both dorks!” Everly said from across the room.
You smiled, standing up and plopping back down on Dio’s lap, leaning against his chest. He immediately accommodated for you, shifting so you’d both be comfortable.
“Yeah, dorks,” Everly decided, sitting in her chair and swinging around slowly. She held up her phone. “Say hi to Viv.”
You both waved to the phone, and Everly sent the video. “Alright. Forty five minutes. Are y’all in the mood for a movie?”
The answer was yes, mostly because Everly put on Corpse Bride. It was one of Dio’s favorites, so you two stayed cuddled up and watched the first half of the movie. When Everly’s timer went off, you reluctantly stood and stretched, sitting at the sink again and damn near falling asleep as she rinsed the excess dye out.
After a very lengthy blow dry session where Dio was adamant you still couldn’t look, you were allowed to turn around.
“Oh my god,” you breathed, finally seeing your hair. “Dio, I love it!”
Dio smiled. “I knew you would.”
Your hair, which had been navy at the start of this ordeal, was now split between baby blue and a paler pink, reminding you of cotton candy.
Everly grinned. “He picked well. I have to say, not everyone can pull these colors off.”
After that, Dio’s hair was washed and dried, and Everly made good on her promise to send you home with Polaroids of Dio with highlighter pink hair. You waved goodbye, promising to come back soon.
“Did you have fun today?” Dio asked as you two got in the car to go home.
“Yeah,” you said, yawning. “I’m exhausted though.”
Dio smiled. “Get some rest. And thank you for trusting me.”
You leaned back, cradling your head between the car seat and the door. “Wasn’t any question about it Dio,” you said softly. “I’ll always trust you.”
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
Just for Tonight: The Origin of Nathalie
Turns out I may never stop writing these.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8:
37 Years before Just for Tonight
“I don’t know if I can do this, Nathalie.” Gabriel loosened his tie and Nathalie stepped closer and tightened it again.
“It isn’t difficult, sir. You’re going to go stand in front of people you don’t really know or particularly care about and parrot some words and then it’s over.”
“No, not the ceremony,” he huffed, pushing her hands away and loosening the knot once again. “Marriage. I can’t go through this again.”
Nathalie stepped back with a sigh. “You’re deciding this a bit late.”
“I’ve been able to keep myself distant through our courtship but once Adele is here, what if I grow fond of her?”
“I would hope you do, sir. Eternity seems like a long time to be tied to someone you have no love for.”
He studied her for a moment. “Do you ever resent that I turned you?”
Nathalie pursed her lips. “Sometimes,” she nodded.
“I see.”
“But other times, not at all.” She met his eyes and something silent but sincere passed between them.
“Very well then.” Gabriel turned to look at his reflection in the mirror. “I suppose my biggest fear is losing her.”
“You aren’t sure you even care about her,” Nathalie pointed out.
“Yes, but she will be the mother of my child. I’ve seen how Felix has changed since Madeline’s death. I don’t want to see that happen again with my new heir.”
“I believe that is just a part of life.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” a voice drawled from behind them. They both turned in surprise to see Lila standing in the doorway. Her mouth stretched into a lazy smile. “I hope you don’t mind, your highness. I told your guards I wanted to offer my wedding gift in person and they let me through.”
Nathalie’s eyes narrowed. “Then they will need to be replaced since that isn’t a strong security stance.”
“What do you want?” Gabriel demanded.
Lila sauntered into the room, eyes catching the purple brooch on his lapel. She reached for it, pressing the pad of her index finger against it and Gabriel visibly relaxed. “I’m glad to see you’re still wearing this, Gabriel.”
“You said it was important.”
“I did,” she grinned fiercely. “It’s nice to see a man such as yourself so obedient.”
Nathalie stiffened, waiting for Gabriel’s angry reply but it never came. He looked back at Lila with a placid expression as if still waiting for her to speak. It left Nathalie feeling cold.
“Now, as for your wedding gift. I understand you’re afraid of losing your new bride in the manner you lost your previous one. The Fae use bonds to keep our loved ones safe. I would be willing to do that for you as a gift if you would like.”
“What does that mean, a bond?” Nathalie interjected before Gabriel could reply.
Lila looked back at her in irritation. “That’s none of your concern.” She then turned to fully face Nathalie. “Although...”
Gabriel followed Lila’s gaze but Nathalie felt as if he was looking straight through her. His blue eyes were clear but there was nothing behind them.
“A man such as yourself shouldn’t be bonded to your wife through magic. Romantic but not rational. You’re to be king. No, you would need to bond your new bride to someone else, someone you trust completely,” Lila continued, eyes on Nathalie.
Nathalie felt the sudden intense desire to run but she held her ground.
“I trust Nathalie more than anyone else,” Gabriel replied, his voice emotionless.
“Yes, I thought you might,” Lila smiled. “Nathalie, do you accept your sire’s request to be bonded to his new wife for her safety?”
“You haven’t explained what bonding is. I would like to know the details if--”
“Nathalie, you once told me you would do whatever it took to keep Felix safe,” Gabriel said.
“Yes, but--”
“And you have said that I need to remarry to keep Felix safe.”
“I did, sir, but--”
“I am marrying Adele and if you can keep her safe through a bond, you would be keeping Felix safe.”
Nathalie swallowed hard. “Sir, if we could talk alone--”
“Your highness, the ceremony is about to begin.” A servant bowed in the doorway and then disappeared. 
“I can do the bonding ritual between the ceremony and the reception,” Lila offered, voice sickly sweet. “They both may feel a little drained afterwards though. Perhaps it would be better to wait until after the reception.” She turned to Gabriel, reaching up to the brooch once more. “This isn’t something anyone else needs to know about.”
“I understand. Nathalie, please go assure that Adele is ready.”
Nathalie looked between her sire and the elf a moment longer before reluctantly leaving the room.
The ceremony had been a stuffy affair and the reception was filled with fake smiles and even faker sentiments. Adele seemed truly happy which baffled Nathalie but it made sense with the vapid facade she seemed to show the world.
Felix was as sullen as ever during the whole event. Arms crossed with plenty of glares for any haphazard member of court who attempted to talk to him. Although Nathalie was still warring with herself over the thought of slipping out and never looking back, she settled down beside the young boy with a slice of cake and a glass of blood.
“I’m not eating that,” he muttered. 
“Of course you aren’t,” Nathalie sniffed. “It’s mine. Don’t be a spoiled prince.” She saw the corner of his mouth lift slightly before it dropped again.
“You can’t eat cake.”
“I can still smell it. Now hush.” Nathalie lifted the expensive crystal glass to her lips and took a sip of blood.
“No one dares talk to me like that. Everyone here is all ‘Oh, Prince Felix, you’ve grown so much!’ and ‘Oh, your highness, you’re so handsome!’ and I want to punch them in the throat.”
“I’m going to be honest with you, Felix. I don’t find you the least bit scary.” Nathalie gathered a bite of cake onto her fork. She felt his eyes follow the cake as she held it to her nose and made a show of inhaling deeply. “Are you sure you don’t want cake?”
“Yes.” He crossed his arms. “I’m sure she picked out the flavor.” He glared in Adele’s direction as she and Gabriel stiffly danced amid a gathered crowd.
“I’m going to talk sincerely with you. Can I do that?”
He eyed her warily and straightened in his chair, folding his small hands in his lap. “Yes. I’m very smart. I can handle it.”
“I know you are.” Her expression softened and she set down her plate. “I know you’re hurting. I am too. But this is done. Adele is here to stay. I’m not saying you have to like her, but you do need to try to let go of this bitterness because it’s not going to end up hurting her as much as it hurts you.”
He balled his hands into fists, crinkling the expensive fabric of his suit pants. “I’m just so angry,” he whispered. “Father is forgetting all about Mama.”
“I promise you he isn’t,” Nathalie said softly. “He’s trying to do what he thinks is best.”
“She’s not going to be my new mom. I don’t care what anybody says.”
“She could never replace your mother. We both know that.”
Felix glanced up at her. “You know, you’re the only one who talks to me like I’m not some dumb kid.” He yanked at the sleeves of his jacket. “Hey, Nat?”
“Will you promise not to like Adele either?”
“Please? It can be our little secret.”
Nathalie sighed and watched Adele laugh and kiss Gabriel’s cheek. “Sure, I promise.”
“I don’t understand,” Adele whispered, her smile beginning to crack around the edges. “What just happened?”
Lila made a low sweeping bow that bordered too close to mocking. “You’ll be safe now, your highness. Nathalie will see to that.” She turned to Gabriel. “We’ll leave them here to rest. Sometimes the bonding can be a bit much. Let’s return to the reception, shall we?” She hooked her arm through his and both left without a backward glance, Gabriel back in his robotic state.
Nathalie felt her knees give out, the couch the only thing keeping her from falling to the floor.
“What just happened?” Adele repeated, her voice higher. The large skirt of her wedding dress crinkled as she moved, the stiff material brushing against Nathalie’s arm.
It had been an instantaneous thing. As soon as the door closed, Lila was cutting them both and chanting under her breath. With quick movements, she’d smeared their blood in each other’s cuts and Nathalie watched Adele’s heal within seconds while hers continued to ooze. 
She felt completely drained as if she hadn’t fed in days even though she’d finished off a glass of rich blood not an hour before in the ballroom. She looked down to see the blood beginning to run down her arm. A path of it splintered to the side to run toward Adele’s white dress that was pressed against her skin. With numb fascination, Nathalie watched the red soak into the bright fabric.
Adele began to shake and crumpled down to the couch beside Nathalie, her dress billowing up around her. “Gabriel?” she whispered.
“Gone,” Nathalie said quietly. “Just us.” Her voice sounded tinny in her head as if her words were coming from an old speaker. What was happening to her?
The princess was breathing too rapidly, her chest heaving against the tight bodice of her dress. “I don’t...what...”
Forcing herself to concentrate, Nathalie reached over and used all the energy she had to grasp Adele’s hand. “It’s okay.” She felt compelled to comfort this ridiculous woman and it irritated her on a level she was too tired to contemplate. “Everything will be okay.”
Before Just for Tonight Drabbles
Just for Tonight
Buy me a cherry coke?
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