#like the fact that 'civilized' whatever romans gorging themselves on doormice or whatever.
hypokeimena · 1 year
god like. yes i have a lot of opinions about the girls being presented / hallucinating / intercutting their consumption of jackie with their togas and laurel wreaths and the Classical Imagery of it all. obviously it was delightful for me a classicsposter etc.
anyway i think a lot of the Takes i have seen about this (maenads! bacchic frenzy! dionysos!) is actually... pretty profoundly missing the point / function of that staging? like, specifically it really feels what that is invoking is the Specter Of Western Civilization; what the classical imagery is doing is positioning their cannibalism as a Civilized action, not a wild one. like, this isn't doomcoming - they're all fully aware of their actions. this isn't a wild romping revel through the woods. they all know what the fuck they are doing!!!!
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