#listen i am SO HYPED FOR THIS i just want to make sure we'd have enough people to pull it off before investing more energy lol
theminecraftbee · 15 days
for anyone wondering where i've been: i got... distracted... by a potential huge project. I was considering running a mcrp project/smp project, inspired by stuff like fan life series servers, with the rest of the sexyman team! but... a different one. a very specific one, even.
now, I'm aware there are probably outstanding questions, so if you're uncertain, please read more event/server details below the cut and see if it interests you!
I don't know anything about Survivor–what would this show even be like?
so if you know nothing about survivor, it's easy to think it's a show about surviving on a deserted island. it is that, but it's not mainly that. survivor, at its heart, is a social deception game, about making close alliances, betraying people, and social dynamics under pressure–hence why i suspect it would be a great fit for mcrp.
the way the show would be structured is this: a certain number of contestants would be placed on a (slightly modified) survival server, set up to be difficult to survive on. they are placed into two "tribes", the teams for the first half of the show. every episode, they would spend time with their tribes bonding, surviving, searching for secrets, and base building. then, they would compete in challenges. the tribe that loses the immunity challenge must go to tribal council, where they vote on which member to send home. this continues with the tribes eventually merging together into one tribe and immunity becoming individual before there are only two contestants left. at that time, they go in front a jury of their former fellow contestants, who will determine who the sole survivor is.
while challenge performance is one key to winning (as it prevents you from being a target in the first place), the other, bigger key, as you can likely see, is forming alliances and voting blocks strategically to get your opponents voted out and yourself kept in. this makes a great vehicle for social emergent storytelling, where narratives emerge about who is honest, who is a liar, who is good at the social game, who is bad at it, and what people will do in order to become sole survivor.
in other words: it's kind of like what current-day mcrp is ALREADY about. except its a gameshow also, and the very construction of the thing is designed to cause tensions by its very nature.
it's great! and you wouldn't be required to know anything about survivor–our host would explain to the audience all of the mechanics as they came up, as would production staff to the players.
You keep calling it "a show"–what do you mean by that?
the result of this project would be an edited youtube series, like survivor, of likely around twelve episodes. each episode would show footage from the game, as well as a lot of "confessionals" shots of the players explaining their opinions, before ending in tribal council! unlike most mcrp series, this would not be a multiple pov affair. it would be one tightly edited project. (this editing, for the record, is the largest overhead; we expect the amount of footage to go through to end up being in the hundreds of hours combined between all the players.)
it's possible that after the show's finale releases we'll release the players to make their own highlights from any footage they take. but the product we're hoping to make is just a single TV show's worth!
what exactly does applying to be a contestant require?
if we get enough interest, once we have enough of the required plugins and builds created and have a better sense of gameplay, we will put out a casting call form. while this will ask a number of questions to help us get to know you as a potential player, you're going to be REQUIRED to have the following things: a tumblr blog that you can link us to, the ability to record an audition tape in minecraft to send to us (so that we can get an idea of what audio we'd be working with, mostly), enough free time for us to be able to schedule recording sessions into, and a willingness to agree to some rules about keeping things secret until the finale airs and about rp etiquette. that's it! there are no other requirements–you don't have to know survivor, you don't have to already do mcyt or stream, you don't have to have friends, none of it, and while we'll ask you for those details, we're going to be looking for a large blend of people from across mcyt! anyone (who can send us mostly clean audio) can be considered!
EDIT: we would ALSO REQUIRE YOU BE AT LEAST 18. sorry i forgot this before! this is for a number of reasons i don't want to get into, but will be prominent on the actual applications.
what exactly would being a production staff member entail?
we're mainly looking for two things in production staff: a willingness to run replaymod for us and act as cameramen by following contestants around getting footage on the actual recording days, and a willingness to work with us on what's likely to be a fairly intense editing and "scripting" period during and after recording, during which we're going to have to scrub through massive amounts of footage and form it into a coherent narrative. we may, depending on how bad we realize we've bitten off more than we can chew, also end up looking for build team members for the production crew. if these things sound fun to you (they sound fun to me god help me), then go ahead and select this option! just know it's mutually exclusive with playing; no one in the production staff will be considered for the contestants. this includes my friends and myself who've already agreed to help me.
these applications would come out before the casting call, since even before casting call we're going to need to do playtests and dry runs and have things mostly ready. so keep an eye out!
will this be run on your blog?
nope we're going to make a new blog (and youtube channel) (and branding!) for this eventually, just want to interest check before we go through all the branding steps. (also, i've even gotten us a specific gmail for this that we will likely end up using for certain communications.)
for now that's all the FAQ i think that is required. let me know if you have more! and i hope you all are interested in this baby of a project that's taken over my mind for the past few weeks!
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theinstagrahame · 26 days
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One of the best things about Crowdfunding is, stuff arrives even when you're cutting way back on spending. A *ton* of stuff arrived in the last month and a bit. Got a bunch of really neat projects in, and it's time to get hype about it!
Why these games rule, under the cut
The Revenant Society: Banana Chan is one of those names that immediately catches my attention when she's on a project. Actually, looking at the list again, the team for this game was stacked, it was a real All-Star Cast. But like, even without the powerhouse designers on the case, this just gets all the things I want in a game: Time loops, murder mysteries, trapped on the Underground. A PbtA game where you solve your own murder is, y'know, a pitch that'll attract my attention.
Hellwhalers: I saw this game coming up through design phases in the Plus One Exp Discord, and it sounded incredible. Using tokens and an old ship betting game, you're part of a whaling crew chasing Moby Dick into actual hell. Maybe Ahab wasn't crazy after all, and maybe we won't survive.
Xenolanguage: I might own everything Thorny Games makes now, because they make games about language. Folks who may not know me might not know that I *love* linquistics. Honestly, if I could repeat college, I'd put more of my time into Linguistics. But due to the linear nature of time, I'll settle for playing games about decoding alien language in a first contact situation. Sorta like that movie Contact. Which, I loved.
Mothership and Desert Moons of Karth: I read through the original version of Mothership a couple of years ago, and it's one I wanted to get more into. When I saw that there was a chance to pick up the full 1e boxset on KS, I jumped. I've also seen tons of people talk about Karth as a really awesome sandbox module for the system, so when I had a little cash on DTRPG from selling books, it was an easy pickup.
Inscrutable Cities: Possum Creek Games told me to back this, so I did (this is a joke, but I do love PCG a whole lot). In reality, I saw Inscrutable Cities on Itch a while ago, and the pitch grabbed me. I love reading solo journaling games (I still haven't found a way I like to play them, if I'm completely honest, but they're really neat reads). Walking through an impossible city is something I'd love to do, so, I have the book for it now.
Reap: Spencer Cambell makes bangers, and bangers only. I'm not *not* on a mission to collect all of his work, but Necromancers? Solo tactical board games, built on Rune? Sure. I'm in.
Luna: Spencer Campbell makes bangers, and bangers only. I also picked up another of his books this month. The Nova universe? Moon cultists trying to destroy the sun? Sure, I'm in.
3 Moonlight on Roseville Beach zines: I played Moonlight on Roseville Beach on my now-defunct podcast, and it's a game that I honestly think about a lot. The dice system was complicated, but in a really neat way that gave the players a ton of really interesting decisions with every roll. What part of my action succeeds? What kinds of complications am I opening myself to?
Anyway, R. Rook put together some characters, mysteries, and monsters for the game, and I really wanted to explore more.
Hiria, In the Margins, A Visit to San Sibilia: I mentioned earlier that I like the notion of exploring weird cities, right? Well, here's two games about that, and a cool bookmark RPG for reading. I listened to San Sibilia played in an episode of Friends at the Table, and it really captured my attention. The questions were fascinating, and they let the players flesh out a city we'd only heard of, but not seen prior to that game. It was a cool coda on a really fantastic and weird season, Sangfielle.
Grandmothership: The title alone had me, but Armanda Haller is a creator I keep an eye on, because she makes really rad stuff. This caught my attention because solving mysteries in a weird, Mothership-esque sci-fi setting, as nosy grandmothers, really just, gets me. I want to do that. I want to live that.
Holdfast Station: I've been watching Stonetop develop through its email updates. It's another PbtA game, but with a robust city-building and city development core loop that, is 100% my jam. (Low-key, one of my favorite games is Dragon Quest Builders 2.) This game takes that concept to space, which is 1000% my jam, in fact.
Spectres of Brocken: Aaron Lim is a designer I got into early on in my foray into games, and I do love Mech Anime. I am eager to see his take on Mech Anime, and I am really intrigued by the way this game handles playsets and worldbuilding as part of the game itself. Really can't wait to dive into this.
Lay on Hands: This is another of those games I've heard about, but never actually checked out. I know Alfred Valley better by reputation than by direct experience, but this is one of those games I hear people constantly telling people to check out. So, I'm gonna!
Penumbra City: Maybe 5 years ago, I read a novella by Margaret Killjoy about anarchists living in an abandoned city, and beset by assholes within their community, and supernatural horrors from without. The world kinda stuck with me, so when I saw she was working on an RPG not in the same world), I was curious to see what that would look like. I haven't cracked Penumbra City open yet, but I'm jazzed to do so.
These two fell off the pile for the big photo, so I forgot:
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Deathmatch Island: I enjoyed the Hunger Games and Battle Royale movies a pretty moderate amount, but what really caught my attention here was the promise that players could also break the Reality TV Parody. The use of the Paragon system also caught my attention. After hearing one AP of Agon, I really wanted to see how that would translate into this, and it didn't take me too long reading it to go "Oh, okay, this rules."
Our God is Dead: What if you were a paladin or priest of a faith, and you found out your god was dead? What if you also had like, a bunch of people who really needed that god not to be dead, like this weekend? This sounds hilarious, and I am going to insert it into conversation often to see if people want to play it. Apologies to people who know me.
Eagle eyed viewers may have noticed a second Mothership box. What's that about?
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It's a storage box for all my Mothership Zines so far... Except the two that are just slightly too big!
And, some fun comics/graphic novels:
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Good Boy Paws: A friend of mine in comics put this together, and it looked extremely cute. A sweet tale of a good boi.
Wine Ghost Goes to Hell: Picked this up because the creator had contributed to Bugsnax, which is a game I enjoyed, and the concept seemed fun. Will have to check it out and report back!
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saucymalum · 2 years
could I please request one where the reader Is the opening act for the tour and she goes on tour with them but ends up falling in love with Ashton?
Thank you!!
Opening Act A.I
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Ashton Irwin x gn!reader no pronouns or body descriptions used
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: When you find yourself falling for Ashton you originally just try to ignore it, live in the moment, and enjoy the time you get. But with two weeks left of tour you're slowly seeing that if you don't tell him now you may never see him again.
Warning: slight angst towards the end but it gets resolved
I hope you like it, if not let me know💗
I didn't try to want him. I didn't WANT to want him. But when you see someone every day and are given the rare opportunity to study them. To see them for who they are alone, with you, in a crowd, in front of a camera, and with family, you could either grow to hate them…or love them. I wish I could say I meant that in a like-a-brother way but I'd be a big liar.
I went in wanting to share my music with the world, make some friends, and maybe explore what the hidden gems of the world were. A struggling artist isn't usually the job that allows traveling the world.
He got close. Eating breakfast with me, memorizing my coffee shop order, all my predictabilities. Just as I did for him. His hands would start brushing my skin and my nerves would go crazy. He listened to me, my life, my passions. 
I found myself falling further with every lyric we wrote together and he looked more beautiful every day. He'd knock on my door every night and we'd talk until I fell asleep. I used to question if I somehow slept walked to the bed every day, despite it being a new hotel room every night, until I woke one night in his arms as he carries me to my bed. I didn't want to alert him that I woke up so I pretended to sleep but as soon as he placed me down his lips pressed onto my forehead and my chest burst so hard I couldn't help but smile. 
"Well, hello there, Sunshine. Finally decided to stop pretending, huh?" He smiled and reached for the blankets.
"What?" I said, trying to act a fool.
His eyes rolled as he placed the white comforter over me, "Did you know your breathing slows down when you're asleep?"
I did not, my stomach twisted a little from embarrassment but his smile made me feel like I didn't need to be embarrassed. H
He smiles at me, "Sleep well, Sunshine." He says and leaves for the door.
From then on I saw his eyes following me more often. He could be in a conversation with someone, anyone, and he'd look over at me. It was almost like he was making sure he didn't want me to leave, hoping I'd stay with him. 
Before I'd go on stage he'd hype me up, chanting about how amazing I am, how the audience will love me, quelling all my butterflies.
And then came the last two weeks of the tour. I spent most of my time trying to build the courage to tell him. Reassuring myself that people who are only friends wouldn't do the things we do. Trying to push down my fear. Because if he doesn't feel the same it's not like I'll have to see him again. 
Unfortunately, there was a mistake I didn't think of during this process. If I'm spending most of my time trying to build myself up, alone, I'm not with Ashton. I realized this error way too late. 
After a week, a week left of the tour, Ashton knocked on my hotel door quietly, almost timidly. I look through the peephole and my heart warms at the sight of his messy wavy hair. As soon as I pull open the door he's walking in.
He runs a hand through his hair and stands in the middle of the room leaving me with the doorknob still in my hand. I left the door to fall closed gently and step closer to him leaving a few feet between us.
His hazel eyes stared into mine and the sadness makes me want to kill whatever or whoever hurt him.
"Did I do something wrong?" He asks.
I freeze, goosebumps raising up from the tips of my fingers. Fuck, im the one who hurt him.
"What? No, why do you think you did something wrong?" I asked, twisting my fingers with my other hand.
His hand falls from his hair, "You're avoiding me."
"No, I'm not." 
"Yes, you are. When I come around the past few days to talk you make an excuse, whenever I bring you coffee you say thank you and just… leave, you don't eat breakfast with me, you're avoiding me Y/N."
"I'm not," my voice raises but I pause and try to level it, "I'm not trying to avoid you, I've had a lot on my mind and it's not exactly something I can talk about with you."
"What do you mean?" 
"Just, I can't talk about it."
"Well at least tell me it's not about me."
I took a pause, unsure if I really wanted to lie to him. 
"So it does have to do with me." He states, no longer questioning it.
I looked up at him and met his eyes, it felt almost too intimate. I hate the way he was looking at me.
"If I didn't do anything I have no clue what could be wrong. We've been going great the past few months. Please, tell me what's wrong"
His eyes scanned my face and my chest felt like my ribs were caving in. I have to tell him, I can't lie to him. My excuse wouldn't be convincing anyway.
He stepped closer and took my hand into his, "You can talk to me."
My eyes went back and forth between his eyes and a sigh escaped my lips.
"I like you. Like a fuckton. I didn't know how to tell you."
His eyebrows furrowed and I held his hand tighter, afraid he'd walk away. He held tighter.
"So you avoid me?"
I scoffed, "More like I was trying to build up the courage to tell you and I accidentally avoided you in the process."
A silence fell on us and my stomach twisted tighter by the millisecond.
"Please say something, Ash."
His eyes widened like I just snapped him out of a trance.
"I like you too."
Immediately the tension in my bones released and it felt like I could finally breathe. 
"You do?"
He let out a breathy laugh, "I have since the first month. I'm surprised you didn't notice. I was the one that picked the candies you didn't like out of the bowl."
My eyes almost pop out of their sockets, "That was you!"
"That was me."
"Oh my God, you're amazing," I said, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
His arms tighten around me, "And so are you, my love." 
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gothprentiss · 2 years
people keep talking about how avatar had no cultural impact which i think is largely just a result of how media production and consumption are weirdly stratified, so that the fact that most people don't think about avatar regularly somehow outweighs the way that avatar was surely a bellwether for groaningly long cgi-heavy blockbusters, but that's just a side point. the main point is that every time i see that claim i'm like fuck me i may truly be the person who experienced avatar the most.
let me explain.
avatar 1 is the movie i have seen the most in my life. not by choice but because my dad is the dad variant which is moth-to-flame obsessed with the Phenomenon Of Technology and had a lobe of his brain dedicated to wanting to see avatar before the movie was even a twinkle in james cameron's beady eye. so when it came out on dvd in the late spring of 2010, my dad rented it from the library and set about to watch it, with his family.
one relevant fact here is that i grew up without any tv access. cable, network, whatever-- i literally don't know what it is we didn't have. the library dvd rentals were my closest brush with new and ongoing media that wasn't an extremely paltry collection of disney videos and focus on the family style christian children's movies. so whatever we got from the library i was watching, 100%, regardless of how much it sucked or how impenetrable it was. this despite the fact that, second relevant fact here, i'd already seen avatar-- my best friend and i saw it in theaters in 3d and thought it was dope or whatever, we were 13, the bit where everyone's linking up their hair tentacles was kind of weird, the big cat was metal, everyone was roasting it for being a rip off of pocahontas but with big space dinosaurs. in other words, i was ready to be like, apparently, everyone else on this god damn planet who saw it once and was like yeah, sure, whatever, and moved on with their lives.
but i've already told you how this ends, which is not with me getting to be normal.
the central conflict of this already too long story is that my mother's sleep schedule adjusts whenever she's sat down in front of a tv-- something about the blue light sets her on a 30 minute sleep timer. obviously this was a problem for a 2.5 hour movie. over the course of a week we managed to wrangle her sleep timer so that she made it about 45 minutes to an hour, before she'd promptly fall asleep and snore at a decibel level that implied conscious maliciousness.
my dad was undaunted! we rewatched the beginning over and over, i'd say about ten times over two weeks, until finally we just gave up on her and powered through the whole thing.
now, you might be saying, that's not that many times, i've watched my favorite movie well over ten times, maybe you just lack commitment to film, and i am so glad to tell you this story does not end here. my mother was also undaunted! and my dad had hyped up the movie to such an extent-- recall, again, he's a technology dad, and this was also a welcome and blessed break in the middle of a deeply cursed phase where he listened to french electronica and LMFAO for months on end-- that she was just as determined to see it to its close as he'd been.
so we resumed our lurching progress through the movie, again kneecapped by my mother's sleep schedule. my father and i had gotten out of the human colonies on pandora into the cgi marvels of na'vi land, but we were grounded again. i had suggested, back in the aught watchcount, that we could simply make note of where we'd stopped watching and resume there the next night, but my dad's avatar hype train had a weird purism car and he insisted that the True Experience was watching it beginning to end. i considered abandoning ship at this point, but i wasn't allowed to close my door and my parents watch movies at astounding volumes, so it wasn't like i was going to not be experiencing the movie.
this went on for weeks. i believe the library charged $2/day for new movie rentals, and capped their rentals at a week, no doubt in an effort to disincentivize this precise kind of rat brained behavior. but freezing my dad's library account until he returned the dvd wasn't going to have any meaningful impact: there was no space to want other dvds or books during the great avatar consumption. i believe we genuinely had the dvd out for a whole month, and during that time had it on every night that my parents weren't working late. if you remember the post about the kid who could just close their eyes and "play shrek" because they'd seen it so much, there was a period of my middle school life where i could do that with the first half to two thirds of avatar. the bit where sigourney weaver goes "hey marine, catch!" to jake sully is actually embedded in my mind because it was typically when my mother's deviated septum kicked up a fuss.
this isn't a great story, you know, it's just something that happened. i think we genuinely watched avatar, at least the first half, over twenty times, but it never occurred to me to keep count. long-term, somehow this month-long avatar fugue state didn't work as some sort of contemporary variation on the clockwork orange ludovico technique. my dad went back to tecktonik, my mother's sleep schedule regularized, and we finally could use the library again. i'd nearly forgotten about it (the Avatar Effect) until we started getting news stories about the sequels a couple of years ago, which i naturally sent to my dad. it turns out he does not remember his brief and consuming obsession with avatar, and thought i was just a fan of the movie. he is going through life without the weird sensation of being kicked in the brain by every avatar fact he encounters, such as the fact that the giant avatar shaman animatronic at disneyworld is the most expensive animatronic they've ever done and is yet another Feat of Technology, or how na'vi is an actual created language, or how there are FOUR avatar sequels slated, ensuring that the 2020s will be marked by the consistent presence of james cameron's giant blue space kitty movie and ever-evolving heights of discourse. his memory of 2010 is smooth and serene and unmarked by the single greatest film incident of my entire life.
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kingkatsuki · 3 years
Omg Tumblr sucks, glad I copied and pasted it 🤦🏽‍♀️ Here was the ask:
Soooo my birthday is tomorrow(09/17) and since it's self ship September a lot of ✨boyfriend Bakugo✨ has been on my mind. My self ship probably isn't as good as anyone else's but I'd like to think if I had a quirk it would be something Phoenix fire related 👉🏼👈🏼 I'd purposely make myself a "rival" for bakugo but like a friendly one?
And I'd like to think he'd like me first from like before highschool and all that but when we get put into the same class and I'm borderline beating him it's give him mixed emotions. Like does he beat me or does he love my yk? Especially with my personality, I'd flirt with him or at least attempt to. I think it would be funny listening to Kiri and Denki tease Bakugo about how good I am and how we'd make a good duo and Bakugo is just sitting there all red, but is it from him being mad or is it him blushing??
I don't know how he'd ask me out but it would definitely be after the guys talked him into it and he'd be mumbling and trying to play it off as if he isn't confessing and trying to ask me on a date 🤭
That was longer than it needed to be lol but I've just been having the thoughts like what would boyfriend Bakugo do for my birthday? 🤔 Is he a gift giving person or an action person or a mix? I mean I have thoughts of what I'd like him to do but it's just more so him trying to spoil me for my day and being a personal hype person taking my pictures and stuff and making sure my day goes as smooth as possible. Just pretty much being there because that's all I'd want, just him. I'd want to wake up to him or if he wasn't there a FaceTime call from him and I'd DEFINITELY make him sing happy birthday to me because why not 😂 might as well go.. plus ultra... (IM SORRY THAT WAS CORNY)
I really don't know how boyfriend Bakugo would be for my birthday, but I just think his hidden simp sweet side would show a lot. Thoughts?
Ahhh! Happy birthday for the other day! Sorry I didn’t seem to get your original message.
Bakugou would definitely like you from the get go, and I’m certain that he would admire just how talented that you are with your quirk! Probably enjoys watching you train too, not only as an excuse to stare at you but because he loves watching your technique. When you spar together it’s probably the only time he doesn’t get flustered around you because he’s so focused on refining his quirk and there’s no way Bakugou will ever let you win!
Vehemently denies that he likes you, even though all the bots consistently tease him for it and eventually he agrees to ask you out but it’s only to shut them up! Not because he really likes you or anything— he promised himself that he wouldn’t let anything get in the way of him becoming number one but it gets to the stage where you are all he can think about when he’s not training.
I feel like for your birthday it depends how far into your relationship you are? I can imagine him quietly watching/observing from the sidelines as you go about your day. Making sure that you’re having the best day without really saying anything. I don’t think he’s flashy by any means but he’s perceptive- so if there’s something you mentioned in passing that you wanted for your birthday he would surprise you with it on the day while acting like it’s no big deal.
I don’t think he’d arrange a massive party for you or anything like that unless you really wanted one (and then he would dictate to Mina to help arrange it for him), but he would make sure that you’re surrounded by your friends for the day. Knowing that by the end of the night he will have you all to himself, those quiet moments after the ruckus that you can just cuddle with each other or sit in silence and just be comfortable with each other.
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danniyahisraelposts · 3 years
There's a song in me,
But I can't seem to get it out.
Because everytime I try and think of just a title,
I think of you and the way you used to bring it out of me.
Deep diving in my blissful sea.
Rock hard, rock steady fulfilling my every fantasy.
You told me I'd get addicted but I thought you were full of shit.
I didn't believe you when you told me if I gave you me a third time,
I'd be giving you eternal ownership.
Now here I am,
With a story to tell about surviving another narcissist.
What kind of shit is this?
I heard that life can be unfair but I guess I just wasn't prepared for the reality of the existence of counterfeits.
There's a song in me.
One where I lay out all the details of our rendezvous.
No one has heard my side yet which means no one has really even heard the truth.
King Beast is what they call you,
And a Beast you are.
You may think you're a "mighty King" but you're really just a bum ass "Scar".
Damn I hate you.
I'm sure that's evident by now.
But I can't let this shit go without getting it off my chest somehow.
Do you even truly know what you did to me?
Regardless of your concern did you ever really look into me?
Because if you did you would have learned that I'm fragile and that should have guaranteed...
That I was therefore never any real threat to you.
So you didn't have to do,
All that you did to make me fall in love with you,
Just to leave me too.
It's hard to admit to,
The fact that sometimes I miss you.
Though I don't think it's you I really miss,
It's more so that...
look in your eye whenever you'd cup my chin in your palm, pulling my face just close enough to yours to feel your breath grace my lips as you insist that I believe you when you told me how you think I'm absolutely beautiful.
the warmth of your embrace when you'd hold me in your arms with such a sensual possessiveness and tell me that's where I'm supposed to be.
Oh and let's not forget the way you'd guard me with your natural tendency towards Chivalry...
Insisting that you believe you were fearfully designed to protect me, specifically...
Do you remember how you'd never allow my hands to carry a single bag whenever your presence abounded?
And how you'd beat me opening every door that was meant for me to explore and yet...
You seriously never cared how hard my heart was pounding.
I really miss the way you would walk up behind me, ever so discreetly, then whisper in my ear...
"Baby, you're so sexy the way you cooking that steak for me, I think you deserve me making you come for me..."
And the way your hands would glide across my skin...
begging me to let you in...
oh the sweet taste of sin...
in the end.
I remember the way you'd grip me around my waist...
quickly decreasing the space, between you and I.
And how that would lead to you ever so gently yet also firmly placing your soft lips on top of mine.
Next thing I know, we're both swiftly coming up out our clothes...
You're placing sweet kisses all on my toes...
Hands gripping my thighs, as you stare into my eyes, I know you feel my temperature rising.
You get a taste of me, and you ain't gotta tell me boy I know I'm sweet.
Then slide into me.
Slow, hard, and deep.
Intimacy turns to vehemently letting me know who's name is written inside my pretty in pink.
It's like you see through me.
Looking into your eyes, I see my soul staring back at me.
How do you know me? Please tell me how do you know just what I need?
Especially, if your intent was never to invest in me with longevity?
It's a low down dirty shame you see.
I'm the one left carrying these blissful yet now painful memories with me.
Forehead kisses made me feel so safe my knees would suddenly get weak.
Love songs written just for me had me thinking I'm the only woman you see.
But boy was I wrong.
Your baritone had me in my zone but it wouldn't be for long.
Little did I know, you were seeing me, you were seeing her, and even a third boo.
I guess that's why you thought you were the King, you did have your cake and you were eating it too.
There's a song in me.
One where I address the fact that you promised me we'd make love so intense it would produce a love child only after I graduated from college.
Leading me to believe that your desire to give me your name and do right by me was indirectly being acknowledged.
And what about the music we created?
Partners in artistry our masterpieces could pave way for the world to feel elated.
Instead I find out from you that you and I...
We never dated.
But only after I call you up to give you the news about...
That night we shared two weeks ago and what it produced...
The fruit of it is a baby, doesn't this make you so happy?
Mr. All I ever wanted to do was be a "daddy".
Happiness isn't the tone that I receive.
You started shouting saying how much you hated me.
Hate me?
For carrying your seed?
You mean the one you planted inside of me?
So now I'm your enemy after spending weeks telling me how special I am to you and calling me your light?
If you ask me it seems like...
Your true colors are showing and I'm seeing who you really are in this fight.
You were never truly a friend to me.
And how dare you tell me that you love me almost as an incentive for me potentially making you responsibility free...
This shit is crazy.
How just a few days ago you were blowing up my phone saying how much I worried you...
Only because I hadn't been picking up your calls lately.
You're so fucking shady.
Tell me how did I go from being your baby,
To being just some "joint" your man's impregnated...
Like you weren't playing daddy to the children I birthed...
Like you weren't praising me for all my single mother hard work.
Like you weren't telling me your dick is what I deserved.
This shit hurts.
Every day I try to play it off like I don't miss your voice.
When the reality is I breathe without you by my side because I don't have a choice...
You brought me alive.
And even though my spirit told me something was off I tried to let it slide so I could simply enjoy the high.
Luckily for me I already survived the worse heartbreaks of my life.
So you may think you've destroyed me but...
Well.... I'll just let you enjoy the hype.
This shit is wild.
And foul.
Now you slander me so loud then place yourself upon a cloud.
But I know you're really just an insecure little boy without your cheering crowd.
And now there's this man who's trying to love me for who I am inside,
But you came along and set the bar so high
for the new men in my life
My pedestal high standards make him feel like I...
Think he's unqualified.
Listen, the bottom line is this...
I need your love even if it wasn't real,
I need the way you used to make me feel
Because if I don't have it, I'm not really living at all.
I can't wait to hate you,
More than I seem to
And I hope life humbles you,
There's a song in me.
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theminecraftbee · 7 months
why hbomb94 should be the next new hermit: no listen this isn't just me being ridiculous listen listen--
okay but like. after today i am ON THIS TRAIN. i am FULLY CONVINCED that hbomb94 would be one of the BEST POSSIBLE CANDIDATES for "new hermit for hermitcraft". and please, just listen to my case for this:
so, after today, i'm fully convinced hbomb is a perfect vibes match for many hermits. he gets along well! he's actually pretty good at staying at hermitcraft levels of pg in videos (like, not swearing--he makes like, the catmaid jokes, but that's nothing worse than whatever ren gets up to on a given day). he's also relatively chill, already friends with a lot of the hermits, and connects well with them on a content creation level. like, he's excited for them, he slots into the bits well, the bits he brings to the table are picked up easily by the other hermits.
and the thing is... okay i KNOW hbomb isn't a huge base builder. i watched vault hunters smp too. but the thing is... he doesn't have to be! you see, there's a certain hermit niche they haven't invited a new hermit into in a while, and that's the niche that someone like joe hills or zedaph (or i'd argue etho or cubfan) occupies. it's the 'weird' niche. i don't think hbomb would be a builder hermit. i don't think he'd be a redstoner either. what he'd be good at is things like... hermits helping hermits! building minigames! have you seen hbomb actually, half of what he did on dsmp or on his main youtube is building minigames and escape rooms. he'd have good vibes! he'd show up to all the events! he'd probably RUN some events!
what he'd be is a new chill, friendly niche hermit, and i think we need more of those? more of the hermits who WON'T be building megabases, but WILL be building games, helping collect resources, and inventing new strange things to do. yes, sure, once again: i know hbomb isn't a builder, and next to someone like joel, that probably puts him out of contention, but... the last two hermits they invited were builders. they need a hype guy. an event guy. another team player. the escape rooms would be ENRICHMENT. it would be wonderful.
plus, i don't think he'd ever stop being a delightful audience insert about the other hermit projects. plus plus, i think he and scar and cub would definitely do a catmaid bit we'd all regret. plus plus plus i think he could do his rant about how weird beetroot is and the hermits would appreciate him for it.
as such i actually think hbomb slots in BEST of the visitors from today as a new hermit. (this is also in part because the empires crew tends to prefer much shorter seasons on their servers than hermitcraft has if they don't want to get bored and the hermits have pretty definitively decided they don't like short seasons. it's also a vibe check. skizz for hermitcraft fans, i am shaking your hand and saluting you, my guy who can't build and your guy who can't build should be hermits who join for similar reasons, we are friends.)
anyway will this actually happen? probably not. but like. listen. for the first time since hbomb hermit adoption arc started this feels VIABLE and i feel the need to make my case for why i want him on because the moment the season rolls over and we start speculating about new hermits this is the guy who has my vote please do you understand now please he'd be so fun--
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