#listen this is my first fanfic ik its bad pls let me live !
caswellsbeck · 5 years
“I just don’t want you getting hurt”
Tyrus Oneshot
He hadn’t really throughly thought through his plan. He didn’t know what kind of state Tj was in, if he could walk back to his house in one piece.
What he did know was he was finally going to see what a high school party was like.
Tj & Cyrus’s first I love you’s
It’s not that Cyrus didn’t want to learn what it was like to go to a high school party. He had seen it plenty of times on television. The music, the dancing, teens drunkingly making out in any corner they could. He was always curious of the reality of it all.
And for one split second, he considered caving into Tj’s offer and going with him to their first high school party.
He wishes it would be Andi’s party’s in middle school, him and his friends dancing, smiling in the moment, forgetting their problems for one night and coming together to get lost in the music.
But the reality was, while Cyrus knew the beauty of a party, he also knew the side effects of a high school one.
He wouldn’t admit it, especially to Tj, but the thought of drinking, people being drunk, it terrified him.
Not the cheery, good times, just two drinks kind of occasion, that seemed just fine to him.
But the drink a whole bottle of vodka, getting into fights, puking on the bathroom tiles the next day situation did not seem appealing to him.
Nor did he want Tj in that situation.
And that’s why they were fighting, that’s why Cyrus was standing with his hands crossed, trying to look as intimidating as he could to convince Tj to stay in with him that Friday night.
But Tj was set on this party.
“Come on it will be fun, I promise”
“You can’t keep promises like that when you’re drunk, Tj.”
“I promise you we don’t have to drink, let’s just have fun, Cyrus” He said, slightly mocking him by using his name in the same manner Cyrus had used his own right before.
This back and fourth banter had been occurring for a few minutes, and neither of them were set on changing their opinion anytime soon.
“What if you get hurt, what if someone peer pressures you to drink and you end up fighting someone. What if someone else fights you? What if the cops show up and we get arrested and you can never play basketba-“
“You’re rambling, underdog.”
Cyrus softly took Tj’s hand, in an effort to persuade his boyfriend into agreeing with him, but also for comfort.
“I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
“And I won’t, which is why-“
“We will be staying in and watching ocean documentaries all night, my place?” Cyrus smiled, assuming his planned work and Tj finally listened to his cries.
“I was gonna say we should go get ready cause the party starts in an hour.” Tj said, feeling defeated.
“Why Tj, why do you want to go so bad? So you can get drunk and not remember anything? What’s so cool about that” Cyrus’s mood started to shift, yet he was nervous to show Tj any emotion that wasn’t love, affection, and support.
They couldn’t have their first big fight, Cyrus thought to himself, not over something this minuscule.
“Because it’s the party to kick off the basketball season, my first season as the only freshman on varsity” Tj stated, putting emphasis on the word ‘only’
“And what, you need to do this to fit in? Tj you already have proved your spot on the team, everyone knows how amazing you are” He slightly smiled, and if he wasn’t so angry at Tj his smile would be much wider.
“They don’t accept me cause I’m younger, I just want to fit in- god cyrus why is this so hard for you to understand” Tj didn’t mean to sound aggressive. He hated when he grew mad at Cyrus, he hated the thought of the ‘old Tj’ coming back, even for a slight second. And when he heard his voice, the way he spoke to Cyrus in that moment, he became scared of himself.
“Why don’t you just listen to me Tj, do you even know who’s house your going to, who’s gonna be there, what’s gonna be there, are parents going to be home? These are upperclassmen? We haven’t even been to a freshman part-“
“And here we go again.” Tj let out a sigh, half admiration for how cute Cyrus was when he babbled on, half anger for him not understanding his side of things.
“You’re starting to sound like my mom,” Tj quickly said, lightly laughing, before Cyrus could start talking again.
“I’m just trying to protect you!” He exclaimed, his voice filled with more anger and force than he possibly wanted.
But Tj didn’t know that. He took it as anger and force, and used it right back, while slowly taking his hand away from Cyrus’s grip.
“Well don’t. I don’t need your protection.” He said, his voice colder than he wanted it to be.
But Cyrus didn’t know that.
“Then go to the party then Tj, just don’t call when it doesn’t end up going your way” Cyrus said, walking away. He walked as fast as he could, trying to get out of the park as quickly as he could to prevent any chance of him running into Tj’s arms and immediately apologizing.
He could hear Tj yelling his name, begging for them to make amends, but he ignored every last one, even if deep down, he didn’t want to.
He was mad, really mad. But he still cared about Tj more than he has ever cared about anything. And that’s what scared him the most. Not their first big fight, not that Tj might possibly never talk to him again. No, it was the fact that he possibly might of hurt Tj, or worse, that Tj might get hurt that night, that’s what left a few tears trickling down his eyes.
11:50 p.m.
Cyrus had been checking his phone, non stop, feeling as addicted to it as Amber was.
He tried to get his mind off Tj, putting on the Tv, trying to read a book, even a documentary about Dinosaurs.
However, none of those remedies helped his pain.
All he could think about was what he said to Tj, and what Tj could possibly be doing at that moment.
‘Showering’ he thought to himself, maybe taking a shower would cure the turmoil in his thoughts, at least make his inner voice less loud in the moment.
But as he reached to check his phone one last time, he got a call from Amber.
This can’t be good.
Reluctantly, he picked it up, scared for the news that might be on the over side of the phone.
“I’m closing at the Spoon tonight and I won’t get out of work for another hour but Tj just called and I need you to pick him up from a party” Amber spoke so quickly she dared to breathe in between her words. Cyrus had never heard someone talk so fast, so worried.
“I don’t know if Tj would want that, we-“
“Had a fight, I know, but Cyrus my little brother is puking in some random kids bathroom, please do me this one favor, baby taters on me tomorrow?”
Puking. Tj. Party.
All his fears quickly became a reality. It hit him like a truck, he quickly stood up with determination to find his boyfriend and take care of him. He was furious, his whole body filled with rage, sadness. But he wasn’t going to let his emotions stop him from going to Tj and giving him all the comfort he needed.
“What if he doesn’t-“
“Cyrus. My brothers a dumbass, I think we all can agree on that. But if there’s one thing that kid knows, It’s that he cares about you. And he needs you right now, so for me, please.”
Amber continued to convince him, but Cyrus didn’t need persuasion this time.
“Send me the address, I’m there.”
And with a quick text from Amber, Cyrus began his walk to take his boyfriend home.
He hadn’t really throughly thought through his plan. He didn’t know what kind of state Tj was in, if he could walk back to his house in one piece.
What he did know was he was finally going to see what a high school party was like.
He could hear the music coming out of the house he stood in front of, shocked it hadn’t been shut down.
He was so nervous to walk in, intimidated by what may lay behind those doors, but he was suddenly there, standing in the party.
And it was not like he would imagine.
Sure, there was dancing, music, teens making out in every corner. But it wasn’t as romanticized as the films he had previously watched. There were teens talking, slurring their words, people who would clearly would be puking soon laying on the couch, laughing hysterically. But there was dancing, lots of sloppy, drunk dancing. And Cyrus admired that, how free they seemed.
But his thoughts quickly turned back to more important matters, where this bathroom was.
He was lucky everyone was drunk enough, preoccupied enough to not notice a random stranger walk in the front door. He tested his luck with that one, and didn’t dare test it again to ask someone where this bathroom was. So he searched, up and down, when he finally found his boyfriend, sitting on the floor of the bathroom, his head resting on his hands as he sat, using the toilet as a pillow.
“Hey, don’t get mad, I’m just here to see if you’re okay and bring you home” Cyrus said softly, not wanting to scare the blonde boy.
“You came! Amber told me you were on your way, I thought she was lying.” he said, before admiringly exclaiming “you’re really pretty.”
“Of course I came. But no time for compliments, time to get you home.” The anger he had for Tj increases as he saw the state he was in. He looked so pale, so sweaty, so weak. It was a side of him Cyrus never saw.
Cyrus was just relieved to see no sign of a black eye.
“I’m sorry” Tj apologized, as Cyrus helped him stand up for the first time in an hour. He felt dizziness and nausea through his whole body. He fell back down to the ground, and went right back into his previous position
“No standing up right now.” Tj crossed his arms, looking like a toddler who didn’t get their way.
“I’m sorry” those words left Tj’s mouth for a second time, another time where Cyrus refused to respond.
He didn’t know how to answer.
And when he didn’t answer, Tj repeated the words “I’m sorry” over. And over. And over.
Cyrus finally caved in.
“It’s okay, we can talk in the morning”
“I wanna talk now!” Tj insisted, as Cyrus noticed the spot of vomit covering the floor. He grimaced at the sight, but knew he had to stay strong. For Tj.
“Thelonious Jagger-“
“You don’t dare use my full name!” Cyrus laughed at how shocked he was when he used his full name, for the first time since he had told it to him.
If Tj could break a promise, he could, just this once, too.
“Thelonious. This is what I didn’t want, I didn’t want you getting drunk and puking all over a strangers bathroom! Why would you do this Tj, you know better. At least I thought you did.” Cyrus stopped his voice from getting loud and angry this time. It was silent as Cyrus reluctantly cleaned it up. ‘Only for Tj’ he thought to himself.
“I promise” he said, a wave of nausea hitting him before he could continue his next words. When he got control of himself again, he began to speak, as Cyrus stayed silent until he knew Tj was done speaking. “I promise I wasn’t going to drink at first. But then we fought and I just wanted to forget all about it. The thought of us fighting, worse- of us breaking up, I couldn’t handle it. All I could see was your cute, cute face in my mind” Cyrus could feel the emotions in Tj’s slurred words, and he couldn’t say he didn’t enjoy drunk Tj’s words about him. Even if they had been dating for months, Cyrus got butterflies everytime the other boy complimented him.
“You did this because of m-“
“ I’m not finished!” Tj would be yelling if he had it in him to. “I’m sorry Cy, I know how much you didn’t want this. I did it to forget what happened. I know me, big scary basketball guy, scared to feel actual emotions, shocking!” Tj’s little laughs, his intoxicating behavior. It was too cute for Cyrus to not admire.
“It’s okay Tj. I’m sorry I made you so upset you thought you had pull something as stupid and idiotic as this. But that doesn’t mean drinking so much you puke your brains out! I trusted you.”
“You don’t trust me anymore?” He looked up at Cyrus with the cutest puppy dog eyes, so cute that the anger inside Cyrus started to go away.
“After this? Not really” he shrugged, trying so hard not to argue with Tj.
“So you’re breaking up with me?”
“No, of course not” Tj was currently playing with Cyrus’s hair as he sat next to him on the disgusting floor. Tj definitely owed him a lifetime supply of cuddles. And Amber owed him a life time supply of baby taters.
“But you can’t do this, you can’t drink this much. You could’ve gotten more hurt, I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt.” Cyrus had to contain his emotions, as he felt himself on the verge of tears. “I forgive you Tj, I won’t forget this, but I will forgive you. Now come on let’s get you home”
Cyrus helped the taller boy up with every inch of strength he had in his body. They began to walk home, as Tj stumbled, swinging Cyrus’s hand that he held up and down dramatically and badly singing lyrics to random 80’s songs.
They finally arrived at Tj’s house, and luckily his parents were not home from their date night yet, or else Tj would of had two other people to worry about being mad at him.
Cyrus picked out pajamas for Tj to wear, shamelessly the ones he thought looked cutest on the boy, and prepared to say goodbye. As Tj began to fall asleep, Cyrus kissed his forehead, and began to walk away, being stopped as he heard three very unfamiliar words from his boyfriend’s mouth
“I love you, Underdog.”
Those words.
Those words hurt.
All the emotions of the day hit Cyrus at once, like a rollercoaster at full force.
They had never said those words before.
“I love you too, but you’re drunk, if you remember, tell me in the morning.”
And at 10:36 the next morning, Cyrus got a text from a, extremely hungover, Tj, saying
“I love you, Underdog, thank you for last night. Sorry I was such a mess.”
and Cyrus spent the whole morning with the boy he loved, googling random hangover cures and eating baby taters Amber had brought to him, as promised.
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