2aceofspades · 3 months
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bonus doodle: TW: injury
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-> Read this and you'll understand. <-
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thru-the-grapevine · 11 months
Something New (m)
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Pairing: Cho Seungyoun x fem!reader
Summary: Sometimes your boyfriend asking you blunt questions pays off for you in the end.
Word Count: 3.3k
Tags/Warnings: mature content (minors dni), pwfwp (porn with feelings without plot), oral sex (fem. receiving), established relationship, they are simps for each other, inexperienced!reader
Author’s Note: if you’ve been around on this blog at all, you’ll know this isn’t the typical sort of thing I post. I have no excuse other than the man makes me absolutely insane and I decided to be self-indulgent. Please read at your own risk.
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“Have you ever thought about letting me eat you out?”
You cough, nearly choking on your own tongue, and drop your phone against your boyfriend’s chest.
You lift your head from Seungyoun’s shoulder and look at him, incredulous. “What?”
Seungyoun glances at you, shooting you a brief little smile before continuing to scroll his phone.
“Letting me go down on you,” he clarifies, confirming you had somehow, in fact, heard him right after all.
You blink several times, brain mysteriously empty.
“I…uh,” you finally stammer.
You’ve been with Seungyoun long enough to know that he likes to be blunt and face things head-on, no beating around the bush. It does catch you by surprise, though, anytime it’s about something intimate.
The plain look on his face is indication enough that this question is par for the course with him. “Didn’t know if it was on the list of stuff you were interested in trying.”
He’s known since before you started seeing each other that you’re inexperienced, never having any real interest in sex until you met him. He’s taken this very well, been exceedingly patient and a perfect sweetheart with you. He always cheerfully answers your shy questions in a way that doesn’t embarrass you for being curious, and loves going along with your hesitant experimentation whenever you like.
You haven’t experimented far beyond heavy makeout sessions, beyond dry humping and hands under shirts, but where your timidity has stopped you in real life, your imagination has run rampant. So in all honesty, you have thought about Seungyoun eating you out. You’ve had no courage whatsoever to say anything about it, but the thought of his mouth on you has come to mind more and more often lately. Little daydreams of your hands in his hair, your thighs clamped around his head, of an unfamiliar pleasure that might possibly be better than your own fingers or shower head.
The way he’s smiling at you makes you pretty sure he knows what you’ve been thinking from your facial expressions.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you mumble, halfheartedly thumping your hand against his chest.
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Seungyoun laughs. “I’m the one who asked.”
“Why did you?” You ask, watching him closely.
He shrugs a shoulder, turning his smile back to his phone. “Because I’ve been thinking about it.”
Oh. Something funny quivers in your stomach, heat like lava pooling low. He’s been thinking about it, too. Been thinking about spreading your legs and lowering his head to—
“You—I…” You try to start a thought several times, then realize you have none.
His smile only widens. He keeps scrolling his phone, looking cool as a cucumber, which isn’t fair.
“You have?” You finally finish weakly.
He looks up from his phone to meet your gaze.
“I have,” he says.
Your brain doesn’t know what to do with this information. “You….but….”
He tilts his head slightly. “But?”
“Why—” You cut off, squirming a little. “I…why would you be thinking about it?”
“Because I want to do it?” He sounds amused and puzzled.
“I—but, like. Why would…?” You ask, looking anywhere but at him.
“Ah,” he murmurs, realization in his voice. When you look back up at him, his eyes are sparkling, gaze too fond for what comes out of his mouth.
“You make the cutest little noises when you're getting yourself off in my lap. I need to be the reason you make them, on purpose this time.”
A bolt of pure lust hits you right in the stomach, air stalling in your lungs. You shiver, toes curling.
“Ah,” you croak.
The corners of his eyes are crinkling. You look away from him, trying to remember to breathe evenly. “And that’s….good, for you?”
He snorts. “Oh, yes. A lot. Very much.”
“…I see,” you say.
He grins, his gaze landing on your mouth. “Hm? You like that?”
You swallow hard, trying to ignore the liquid heat simmering low in your belly. “A…a little.”
His gaze only makes you hotter. “Yeah? A little?”
“Okay, maybe a lot,” you say, voice raspier than usual.
“Hm.” He studies your face for a long moment, smile rather pleased. Then he winks at you and goes back to his phone. “Good.”
You blink at him in disbelief for a long moment.
“That’s…that’s all?” You ask.
He glances at you. “All?”
“I—you were just…” you flounder for a moment. “Just…asking?”
He shrugs a shoulder. “Yeah. Just asking. Good to know.”
“…Oh,” you say.
He glances at you, eyebrows raising in curiosity at your tone. Then he smiles, looking so mischievous that your face burns.
“Did you want it to be something else?” He asks, and his voice is low and silky, brushing smooth like a caress.
Well, you had. Being found out makes you ten shades of embarrassed. You suppose you weren’t exactly subtle, though.
“You are the worst,” you grumble.
Seungyoun grins, plucking your phone from your hand and setting it aside with his and gathering you close to him, until you’re curled up nose-to-nose.
“I am,” he murmurs, gleeful. He looks down at your mouth. “So you’re interested in trying it?”
You swallow hard, settling your hands on his chest. “I…I mean, yes, but…”
The little trails of warmth his fingertips are drawing along the side of your neck are distracting, as is the molten warmth of his eyes.
“But?” He prompts, patient and soft.
Your voice won’t rise above a whisper. “But maybe we, uh….work our way up to it, like. It’s just…”
The thought of diving right in immediately, no matter how interested you are in it, sets little panic bells off in your head.
“…Scary, if we just…go for it,” you breathe, face burning.
His smirk softens into a sweet smile. He nuzzles his nose against yours reassuringly.
“‘Course, love. Defeats the purpose if you’re scared,” he says, and you know by his tone he really means it.
You let out a soft little sigh, more relieved than you realized. He’s always so good about taking things at your pace; it’s wonderful.
Seungyoun gazes at your mouth, lifting a hand and running his thumb along your lower lip. “What if I showed you here what it would be like first? And we can stop there if you want.”
Oh. You glance down at his lips as he talks, mind racing. He wants to give your mouth head. That’s…hmmm. If it was possible to be any more turned on, you would be. You swallow thickly, curling your fingers into his shirt.
“Okay,” you whisper.
He looks back up into your eyes, as though gauging your confirmation. “Yeah?”
“Uh-huh,” you say, nodding a little.
He studies you for another second, then nods once, gazing back down at your mouth. “Is now a good time?”
“Well, let me check my schedule,” you deadpan, and he laughs.
The smile lingers on his lips as he leans in even closer, thumb teasing your lower lip until your mouth parts slightly.
Your hands grip tighter in his shirt when he brushes his mouth over yours, feather-light. A faint kiss at the corner of your mouth, the soft graze of his lips to the other corner, another light kiss. Careful, gentle kisses pecked across your mouth, then the fleeting drag of his tongue on your lower lip.
You gasp against his mouth at the feeling, and he leans in closer, kissing you properly. Each kiss is a long, slow draw, the pressure of his mouth firmer and firmer.
A little noise escapes the back of your throat when his tongue delves carefully into your mouth and back out. He hums, quiet and appreciative. His hands glide from your jaw into your hair as he kisses you, cupping the base of your skull, the nape of your neck, keeping you in place.
He tilts his head slightly and latches his mouth over your upper lip. A shiver wracks through you as his tongue draws along it, tracing your Cupid’s bow with the tip of his tongue before flicking over it gently, back and forth, then in tight circles. Your whole body flushes with blistering heat at the implication, a whimper lodging in your throat. You try to muffle the noise by closing your mouth over his lower lip, pulling on it with awkward suction.
A low groan resonates in his chest. He seals his mouth over yours again, licking hungrily into you. It’s a little different than when he’s used his tongue before. More curious, exploratory. Slow, purposeful strokes of his tongue deep into your mouth, in and out.
It occurs to you in an instant what he’s simulating. Your insides liquefy into boiling honey, raw want clawing through you as you moan shakily into his mouth. You lift your hands to his head, weaving your fingers into his hair and holding on for dear life. He moans at the pressure, tongue stroking along yours deliberately slowly, making you shiver.
He continues at a leisurely pace, pausing to nip and suck playfully at one lip or the other, until you lose all track of time, your mind hazy with need. If it’s anything like this, anything at all, then you want it ten thousand times more now. When he thrusts his tongue into you again, you suck at it shyly, and something like a growl vibrates in his chest. He pulls you even closer, grinding his mouth over yours, tongue probing deeper with each thrust, drawing little moans from you.
When he finally wrenches his mouth from yours, you’re both panting. You gaze at him, chest heaving.
Seungyoun looks ravenous with want. Eyes dark, locked in on you, like the rest of the world doesn’t exist. His lips are swollen from going to work on you.
“So can I try that sometime?” He asks, hoarse.
You want him to try it now. Something. Anything. You’re aching, dazed half-stupid by the kiss and what it implied. To your mortification, only a whimper leaves your throat when you try to respond.
He seems to understand, because his hands go to your hips and yank you closer, knee nudging between yours, giving you the pressure of his leg against where you ache. You sob in relief, and he swallows the sound, crushing his mouth over yours and kissing you like he won’t get the chance again.
You kiss him back desperately, moaning into his mouth when his hand tightens on your hip and drags you hard along his thigh. After so long with nothing, the sensation is exquisite. You copy the movement without assistance, and you feel the rock-solid evidence that he’s affected too against your hip.
His tongue dragging against yours reminds you why you’re this worked up in the first place.
“Please, Seungyoun, just—” you whimper against his lips. “Your mouth, I…please—”
Seungyoun immediately rolls you onto your back, kissing an urgent path down your body, his mouth hot on you even through the fabric of your shirt.
His fingers curl in the waistband of your sweatpants, backs of his knuckles brushing against your skin. He looks up at you.
“Sure?” He asks.
You nod vigorously, panting.
A couple of rushed yanks, and your sweatpants are at your ankles. You kick them off as Seungyoun braces his hands on your knees, fingers inching towards your inner thighs. He looks at you questioningly.
“Still good?”
You squirm, impatient. “Yes, just—”
He parts your legs, guiding you to rest a knee over his shoulder. He turns his head and presses a kiss just above your knee, sending a bolt like white-hot electricity over your skin.
He trails searing kisses up your thigh while his hand coasts up the other, making your hips jolt when the tip of his thumb grazes over the seat of your underwear. You whine when he draws the pad of his thumb up and down, a firm pressure on the dampening fabric.
He looks up at you, the hot drift of his mouth on your leg intoxicating as he plays with you. He pinches some of the fabric between his thumb and forefinger, pulling lightly.
You groan, wriggling your hips. “I swear, stop asking and just do it, or—”
You squeak and jerk in surprise when Seungyoun bites at your inner thigh, a little flash of pleasurable pain.
“Don’t be a brat,” he murmurs against your skin.
You swallow hard, muscles suddenly weak as jelly. “…Fine. Yes, off.”
He eases your leg from his shoulder and sits up to remove your underwear. A sudden wave of nerves hits you unbidden as the fabric slips down over your knees. You’ve never been exposed like this to anyone before. Your legs snap shut of their own accord, tucking your knees closer to you as you purse your lips, feeling timid and ashamed.
Seungyoun immediately senses the shift. “Do we need to stop?”
Panic that this could be where it ends bubbles up in you. You immediately shake your head. “No. No, I-I just…”
You wet your lips. “I’m the only one taking clothes off.”
Understanding dawns in his face, and then he gives you a Look.
“Is this your way of asking to see my tattoos?”
You blink at him innocently, shaking your head. “It’s not.”
He raises an eyebrow.
You nibble your lip. “It’s…mostly not.”
He grins, grabbing the scruff of his shirt and yanking it over his head.
You’ll never understand how you attracted someone as gorgeous as him. You bite your lip harder, admiring the contours of his muscles, the contrast of ink on his skin. The barrel of the gun tattoo disappearing into his waistband sends an acute wave of lust through you. A noise embarrassingly like a purr hums in the back of your throat before you can stop it.
He dips back down and kisses low on your stomach where your shirt has ridden up. You can feel the smile he’s hiding against your skin.
“Don’t make fun of me,” you groan.
“I’m not,” he mumbles into your skin, the scrape of his teeth dragging gently at your hip. “You’re just cute.”
You grumble a little as Seungyoun slowly eases your legs back open, kissing along your thigh.
“So fucking cute,” he whispers when you shiver at the sensation.
Your mouth is dry, every nerve in your body aching for more of his touch.
“Please,” you whisper.
There’s a burning hunger in Seungyoun’s eyes when he looks at you, lips dragging softly up your leg.
“Want my mouth on you, love?”
You whine, nodding.
His eyes are dark, glittering. “Show me where.”
“You know where,” you groan, exasperation mixing with your desperation.
A little smile crooks in the corner of his mouth. “Show me anyway?”
You scowl at him, but he merely grins and shrugs, continuing to press soft kisses into your inner thigh.
Oh, help, you’re really doing this. You take a slow, shaky breath, shutting your eyes, and move your hand between your legs. Embarrassment prickles over your skin as you part yourself with a couple of fingers.
A deep groan punches out of Seungyoun’s throat, vibrating against the crook between your leg and body. “Perfect, baby.”
And then he mouths over you slowly, a hand hooking beneath your knee, keeping you spread open. Your head drops back, mouth open in a silent moan, panting hard as he presses kisses into your aching skin.
Your hand falls away as his mouth slides up, soft and hot, to the cusp of your sex. “Oh.”
A noise rumbles in his chest, and the vibrations against your clit make you squeak. Your fingers sink into his hair, clutching desperately, as the flat of his tongue catches just beneath the throbbing spot.
Oh, my. His mouth on your mouth could never have prepared you for this. Nothing could have. Your whole body feels feverish, set aflame as his tongue drags in curious, erotic patterns over you. You look down at him in time to see his eyes rolling shut as he licks over you, his hips rocking hard into the mattress. Your stomach tightens in pleasure, the sight of him enjoying this so much affecting you. That ever-more-familiar ache grows, stoked higher and higher under the melting heat of his mouth.
His mouth slides down, tongue searching wetly, and finds the entrance into your body. You gasp out as he nuzzles into you, the velvet stroke of his tongue sinking inside.
“Oh,” you sob, fingers fisting in his hair. “Oh, please, that’s so—”
You cut off with a cry as the tip of his nose nudges against the underside of your clit. So many blissful sensations, all at once, and you feel that tension building towards a height you’ve never experienced before.
Helpless to stop, your hips rock you against his mouth. He coaxes your leg over his shoulder and slides his arm over your hips, brief glimpse of the frowning and smiling face tattoos on his wrist before he pins you back down. You whimper, pitch rising higher and higher as he continues tongue-fucking you like it’s all he’s ever wanted, his hips grinding hard in tandem with the rhythm of his mouth.
He’s moaning into you like he can’t help himself, and you squeal as his mouth slides back up and covers your clit, sucking. You feel your limbs trembling, fingers tightening in his hair, hear yourself babbling as the pleasure gathers to a pinpoint.
“Please don’t stop, don’t stop, so close, please don’t stop Seungyoun, pleasepleaseplease—”
Seungyoun groans, sucks a little harder, tongue twisting perfectly, and your vision goes white. Unfathomable euphoria bursts through you as the tension breaks in hard, pulsing waves, and you let them carry you.  You feel your hips undulating in helpless shudders against his hold, hear yourself gasping breathless moans, before you collapse back into the mattress, boneless. Seungyoun’s mouth eases you from ecstasy to relaxation, hand easing from beneath your knee and rubbing your leg soothingly.
When you look down at him, he’s gazing up at you like you’re a miracle, lips swollen and glistening in you. A corner of your mouth pulls into a weary, fond smile. You stroke your fingers through his hair gently, combing out the mess you made of it.
He moves back up and gathers you to him, mouth covering yours softly. The tang of you is odd and unfamiliar to taste in his mouth, but you love how sincerely he kisses it into you.
“That,” he mumbles against your mouth, “might be the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me.”
You lean back and burst into giggles. “To you?”
He nods, looking entirely like he means it, and you snort.
“I’ve never come like that before,” he says, the admission tingeing his ears pink.
You blink, eyes blowing wide in surprise. “I—you…?”
His whole face is on fire now. He buries his face against your shoulder, whining, “you were so cute, you sounded so hot, how was I supposed to help it?”
“Oh my god.” You can’t stop smiling, shocked. Well. There go your plans to ask about returning the favor. “…Simp.”
“Hey,” he laughs, and you chuckle.
He leans back, examining you more closely. “That was okay? No crossed lines or anything?”
You shake your head quickly. “No, no, that was….well, great.”
“Nothing bothered you? Need something else next time?”
“Oh my god,” you mutter, smiling in utter disbelief. “Next time.”
He raises an eyebrow, corner of his mouth curling. “Next time can be whenever you want. For example…”
“Wha—I—Seungyoun,” you gasp, bursting into surprised laughter as he dips his head and begins kissing down your body again.
You can feel the curve of his grin through your shirt, pressed right over your heart.
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>:《 ~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
Please don't be mad noooooo...
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