#literally its a dream city
bluejaybytes · 3 months
It's actually so fucked I had Splat1 as a kid, played hero mode once, beat it, and never touched it again. What sort of insane autistic depths would I be at had I been playing since Splat1. I wouldn't have to buy amiibo sets are resale prices
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songtwo · 2 months
most of the time i feel like im just an average person like i know im really lucky to be living my dreams working a job i love in the city i always wanted to live in like i know im a very lucky and privileged person bc most ppl don’t get any of that but most of the time i also forget it’s not just that like most ppl in my hometown never get out and don’t even go to college and like even in my family im still the only one to ever attend university and move to the city which is just crazy like it’s so crazy to me to think im not really average specially not where i come from which is idk so weird
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screw-u-vaanu · 1 month
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bruz3r · 4 months
thinking again about the insane experience of being 10 years old and being able to buy a copy of like a black mirror issue for $0.18 ( yes i converted ) of batman - my first actual batman comic - on a school trip where i only had like $10 for food at a place that was like literally 5 cities away from my hometown and having had to replicate that feeling over and over again ever since
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eorzeashan · 8 months
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Reverse City spoilers but this guy owns my Mihile's whole ass. He doesn't even have a face but he moved me in this story so much. Sad author guy who put his entire soul into his books but also needed the courage of another human being to have the will to live. Kind of boring in his own way but he was so cool-- 'we're all sad lonely pathetic outcasts who want to see our next sunset' theme got me ok
Not to mention there's something really intriguing about isekai'ing a guy from the normal world to this alien one while the PC is from a fantasy world, so you're technically both isekai protags but reversed as well
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I'll see exactly one (1) picture of fenris and hawke and be immediately overcome with the desire to play dragon age 2 again
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oatbugs · 2 years
they r soooo. anyway
#lol um anyway . i kissed them for the first time yesterday but it literally feels like a yr ago but it also feels like today#on a bridge at night against a cityscape. river looked like a painting...etc it was nice . and then. yh theres a lot to talk abt#so i dont wanna say it all rn bc im tired but yeah. they r . sooo. pretty cool etc etc. whatever im fine im just . angry that i dont get to#see them that often bc they live in a diff city etc. also took them to a spot which usually is like . relatively busy bc london is busy all#the time but it was cold and it was at night so there were like 0 people there. the view was so good but other things were better#also kissing smn w a vertical labret is actually just >>>#lol en ee way i miss them#im soo overwhelmed w life rn and theyre not rly helping but like. in a good way#i told my friend to lmk if he notices that im becomjng too engaged w romance to the point where im neglecting academics#and he immidiately said it. like according to him im thinking abt her too much when i should be thinkint abt philosophy too much#which is like. idk if that's true bc ik he has a rly skewed perspective bf he kind of swore off datint#etc but at the same time . wbat if hes right. omg. but also let me have this Moment#that was last week when i was forcefully taken to manchester by a university society . like we hadnt even kissed yet#i fell asleep bc ive been so exhausted and when i woke up i realised they briefly appeared in a dream i had#and then i started tearing up out of Fear bc like . whenever ive lost smn i loved the dreams were the worst#like . good dreams. were horrible. and now its like what if this turns out horrible ? but i dont wanna self sabotage bc i rly rly rly like#them . i gave them a rose and on the train home i could stop staring at their hands holding the rose#and i know theyve liked me for months and i know theyve been waiting for months but somehow its still like#what if it just fades. whatever happens happens ig. i took them a leaf compressed in a poetry book from#a book shop we found on our second date tgth. they gave me a necklace w a small vial and a tiny flower inside#its so pretty. thinking abt the way they put it on me + when they wrapped their arms around me when i was cooking for them etc etc#im FINE its FINE its OKAY . whatever !!!!!#[chroma blue]
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thesaintelectric · 1 year
only recently attempted to google the tv show ive had recurring dreams about only to discover its not real. my brain has just been experiencing this dream specifically in tv film angles rather than the usual third ish person, theres graphics effects even.
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Listen to Slow Down by Icon For Hire while thinking about L’Manburg. I dare you.
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my honest urge to give each family some fucked up abstract sacred symbolism bc i was obsessed over this game when i was 15
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bandofchimeras · 2 months
had a dream my philosophy degree came in handy for decoding a very specific message in an old German book while on a race against time to move to Colorado (in the dream Colorado was oceanfront) and navigate a boat without losing this girls flipflops
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
can i apply for some kind of grant or something somewhere so i can get a proper ergonomic chair and table that actually fits me and my nonstop manspreading. can i get some kind of institution to cover the cost PLEASE
#i was using a really shitty mesh chair for a few months because my old one broke and it was what was around#it was like giving me mysterious hip pain because i literally can't stop manspreading you guys. i need to sit taking up so much space HJDSK#it was a chair that was made for someone with skinny legs who keeps them perfectly straight at all times. which is not me orz#so now im using a used teknion amicus i got for really cheap and its like#kinda working. its much better than my last chairs (staples chair that was comfy but i demolished it by sitting cross legged all the time)#(and old costco mesh chair that belonged to my mom but she had to stop using because it didnt agree with her scoliosis)#(and also i had to stop using because it didnt agree with my manspreading GFKHDSFESJKD)#but this chair absolutely has too small of a seat for me. even with the seat adjusted as far out as possible#i still have to tilt the back super far to sit comfortably. im like short. im 5 foot 4. how is this supposed to be for the average person#i know im not skinny but still man. where is the thigh support#sorry im terashits per gigafarting office chairs rn. luckily i do live i a place where like#ten bajillion startup companies are birthed and killed every second. so theres a lot of like new used office furniture around for cheap#you know. a friend once responded to me half jokingly dreaming about some expensive fabrication equipment (probably a scrollsaw) by telling#me in earnest about how she got a wood lathe by doing a project for the city and applying for a grant. and now every time i need to buy#anything ever i joke to myself i need to apply for a grant so the city can pay for it because im charming and everyone love me. but this#is a joke that im not sure hits outside of the fine arts and art history scene. so i keep it to myself HJFKDSHJds. but the city should pay#for me to get a new chair. because im charming and everyone love me. this is true and real
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songtwo · 3 months
Ive been assigned to cover the patti smith press conference tomorrow 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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jckeperalta · 8 months
applied for yet another job but this time it's basically guaranteed I will get it 🫡
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ozzgin · 4 months
Omg bro yk whats been on my mind for do long?? A demon king trying to court a hero reader. Like the hero has already fought and defeated the king but somehow he comes back and he's desperately trying to get the hero to join him (in more ways than one). He wants the reader to be his spouse and leader of his army against the corrupt human race and the reader (now fallen from stardom due to the evil kings defeat) just wants him gone and to be left alone. Idk if this makes sense but I need to see SOMEONE write abt it before I lose my last marble.
This is giving me Dragon Quest vibes, haha. Not a trope I'm too familiar with, but it sounds interesting nonetheless. I shall do my best! Sorry for the delay, I hope it's close to what you imagined. :)
Yandere! Demon King x Hero! Reader
As it goes with villains, they always find a way to return. This time, the Demon King has a different plan in mind. You were prepared for anything, from evil schemes to ancient conjured weapons...except for a wedding ring cordially placed before you. Do you say yes?
Content: gender neutral reader, monster romance, 🔥proposal (literally)
[Part 2]
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You still remember everything so fondly. How you crawled out of that enormous crater, body battered and weak, as everyone watched in horror and held their breaths. Finally, you raised your fist victoriously. The Demon King had been, at last, defeated. The people cheered and cried and pulled you up under thundering waves of applause. Peace was no longer just a dream.
A sweet, innocent memory, even more so given its fleeting nature. The genuine smiles of gratitude quickly turned into crooked grins asking for favors. Before you knew it, you became some sort of political accessory to convince the masses. Posing for photos, shaking hands, being interviewed with bizarrely planned questions reeking of propaganda. You suddenly felt burdened, heavy, disappointed. This was not the kind of fame you envisioned for yourself.
Thus, you gradually vanished from the limelight, keeping your distance from everyone else and spending most days in solitude. Better than having to look into those unscrupulous, opportunistic eyes measuring up your worth. You had fulfilled your job and purpose.
This morning you're woken up by the sound of your belongings rattling in their shelves. The wooden frame of your bed is creaking, and you struggle to get up. An earthquake? A wave of nausea flushes over you. You recognize this feeling all too well, though you never expected to deal with it again. This is a disaster alright, yet the forces of nature have nothing to do with it.
You rush outside, swinging the door open and nearly tripping in your hurry to confirm your suspicions: the demonic creature is approaching your humble adobe with heavy steps, as the ground crumbles and shatters underneath. The Demon King himself, in flesh and blood. Although the blood splattering his armor is most likely not his. Same for the visceral remains threading his weapon. Regardless, your jaw tightens nervously, and you stand back, in a defensive pose. "You're a stubborn one", you say smugly, trying to maintain your composure. "Can't say I'm a fan of dying, that is correct." A ragged, monstrous voice erupts from the tall, armored figure.
"What brings you back?" You demand. The surroundings are too peaceful for him to have tampered with the city. Did he stop by to formally announce his destruction? "I have an offer that might interest you." The Dark Overlord has closed the distance between you, now looming above your much smaller body. You shiver. "I don't barter with Demons!" You conclude, turning around, prepared to leave. "Even when your precious people are on the line?" The horned beast warns with a grin. "If there's nothing better to do as a Ruler of Realms than killing petty humans..." You swiftly retort, going back into your house and slamming the door shut.
He stands for a moment, speechless. "Y-your Majesty? Should I take care of the humans, or (Y/N)?" Only now he notices his scaly butler, bowing to his side with claws resting over the weapon. The Demon King raises a hand, shooing the servant away. The annihilation of the human race can wait. There are more important matters to deal with presently. He'd expected your rejection, naturally, but not in such fashion. The indifference, the flat voice, the empty eyes devoid of emotion. Have the city dwellers tampered with his hero? He expected to see your fierce rage and in return he was met with a hollow shell.
Bright blue flames erupt from the openings of his armor, resulting in a menacing show of lights. He's known it for the longest time, of course. Humans are rotten to their very core. Vile, deceitful creatures that have slithered their way up, exuding undeserved arrogance. He's been trying to show you this very fact, yet you were blinded by naive faith. Your unwavering, honest heart that won him over has turned out to be your early demise. Not anymore. His vengefulness knows no bounds when it comes to traitors.
The sudden spike in temperature alerts you. Was it your rudeness that angered the Demon? You don't care anymore. Whatever happens to the city is out of your hands. And yet...you're buckling the straps of your old suit made for battle. Sword in hand, you gaze at your reflection. What could the Beast want? The fortified city no longer holds the value of its olden days. Just like you've left your hero days behind. Without much contemplation, you run out and head for the main gates. The path is paved with ash and rubble and your grip on the weapon tightens. Regret immediately wells up in your chest, ready to burst out. Is it too late? The entrance is engulfed in fire, charred corpses toppling against the ruins of the walls.
You reach the town hall - or rather, what remains of it - and face the Demon King. Has he gotten stronger since your last encounter? You hold your breath as the horned monster turns towards you. "I've tried to tell you, again and again. Time after time." He sighs, defeated. "Between the two of us, I'd say you were the stubborn one all along." His voice is softer than what you would've expected from someone that had just massacred an entire settlement. There's not a single scratch or sign of struggle. Was he merely holding back during your last fight? One thing is certain: you're his final obstacle. You raise your sword, determined. Hot sweat trickles down your face as the flames surround you. "Well, at least you've convinced yourself now, I hope. There's nothing left for you here." The Demon King lowers himself, extending a fist towards you. A spell? Secret weapon? Your leg muscles contract in anticipation.
His fingers open and stretch out, slowly. In his palm, a barely noticeable ring. Given the ridiculous size difference, you assume this is better fitting for a human. You stare at it in confusion, discerning the wedding vows carved in the noble metal. "What's the meaning of this?" You mutter, glancing at the Beast now resting on one knee before you. "What? Is it not your human custom?" He looks away for a moment, clicking his tongue. "That useless butler. He told me- Forget it! You are to return with me to my Kingdom. As my spouse."
Of all the things you've prepared yourself for...Your brows furrow and your mouth hangs open in shock.
What is your answer? The Demon King will not leave empty-handed.
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c28hunter · 1 year
Not me realising that Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift is kind of talking about that one situation situationship I was in
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