thatgothsamurai · 2 years
Hi there 🥺
I'd also like to know whether you'd mind if I translated and reposted your short VegasPete comics on the Facebook site (including the Facebook group when people talk nonstop about KPTS). I will definitely give you credit and provide a full link to your Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram.
I love your short stories to death and I want to share them with other fans, but I'm hesitant because it's a sensitive issue so here I am *sobbing*. I'm probably the only Tumblr user in my country lol, and I wish more people were as excited as I was reading your stories 💚💚💚
BTW you should also post on Twitter and tag the KPTS cast because I've noticed that the actors under BOC are quite involved with fans on Twitter and frequently check it. I'm sure they'll enjoy your fanart, especially Bible Sumettikul, who speaks English well and may will carefully read your cute little words 🥺😤
I forget to tell you have a nice day mafia queen 👑🙆🏻‍♀️
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Oh hello!!
First of all thank you for asking! And yes, I’m super fine with it if you want to translate and or reposting my works as long as there’s credits / link source. I also don’t use facebook so yeah you can share it there!! (I actually find it super cool if people translate my works even tho they’re quite silly) And also thank you for liking my works, I hope the people you share it with can also enjoy it🥰🥰🥰
Ah and the thing with twitter, still have this love and hate relationship. I still find it scary lol to post some art (don’t get me wrong some phrends there are nice and super cool but the app in general is uh...). Also I feel super bad because I only come to post art and then gone for a long2 time with no interaction at all (they said twitter is not for shy ppl lmao🥲🥲 and it’s the more reason for me not tagging the actors too because I might lose my shit if they notice my works) But yeah I’ll try to post on twt again! I post there only if anyone wants me to😂 ((sorry I ended up talk too much😭😭))
Have a nice day to you too!!! And the floating lil dude!!!
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