#live laugh pingas
stonerzelda · 3 months
Also: random but fun and exciting thing about finally having our own place is we can decorate HOWEVER we want now 💚💛💙🤎💜 which means i can fulfil my lifelong dream of painting all of the mario 64 portal portraits and hang them in the game room! We have a pacman carpet already, and ben just ordered a ssb melee rug 🕺 so basically i am taking suggestions for the ultimate gamer household hooray confetti🎉
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arrareai · 1 year
[world's most annoying lip smack] whiat the fuck
what is this an update for ants? anyway, i'm back.
haven't been on here in a HOT MINUTE I'll tell you that much. coming back to tumblr makes me feel really old tbh. i made this account when i was like, 13. and i'm gonna be turning 20 really soon. like REALLY soon. time is fucking scary.
i haven't missed out on any of the memes or any of that though. even while I was logged out i was checking blogs like they were the morning paper.
i'm a junior in college now. i've rekindled my interest in miis. got really into zeuhl music. moved countries. lived laughed loved, or died pingas dinnered or whatever. i have a gaggle of OCs now that i love with my life. also i was on twitter the entire time @arrareai so go on there to check out more of my antics. like, most of my antics.
anyway hi
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naggingatlas · 1 year
W H E R E is that picture of like a redbubble showcase for three live laugh love framed posters w PINGAS DINNER and some other word i dont remember what it was ITS HERE ON TUMBLR I KNOW IT WHERE IS IT
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ohworm-writes · 3 years
BNA: Brand New Animal Relationship Headcanons!
bna masterlist
‼ General Dating Headcanons ‼
Featuring: Shirou Ogami, Michiru Kagemori, Nazuna Hiwatashi, Marie Itami, Pinga
Warnings: spoilers for BNA!, some angst amongst all of them, but mainly tooth-rotting fluff :,)
a/n - thank you for reading!!! BNA doesn’t have enough fanfiction content, so here you go!! i actually adore doing headcanons, so this was nice to be able to write!!! BNA is also my favorite/comfort anime soooooo I couldn't NOT write something for it!!! if you want to see more BNA related works, i’m definitely going to be open to writing them in the future!!! my requests open up next week, so drop one then if you’d like!!! thank you for reading <3
content below the cut!
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shirou ogami
» wolf husband!!
» oh we all know he’s gonna be nervous when it comes to love
» he’s scared he can’t trust you at first
» it’s probably gonna stay that way until he gets comfortable with you
» which, albeit, takes quite a while
» but when he does?
» he’s all over you!!
» i like to think he’s a very cuddly person
» he doesn’t show it a lot though, but for you?
» he’ll let it slide
» he’s not one for extravagant gestures though
» so if you’re going on dates
» expect it to being either at his place, or something extremely simple
» i don’t think he’d be particularly for PDA
» but if someone were to flirt with you?
» he won’t be afraid to show them that you’re with him
» again, very cuddly
» he likes to be big spoon cause he wants to make you feel safe
» but he also likes to be held
» the memories of his comrades dying is a memory that’s painfully engraved into the very fibers of his being
» so please show him some love
» kisses!!!!
» oh he LOVES to smother you with kisses
» he’s very affectionate in private
» he just loves you so much!!!
» i like to think that michiru got the two of you together
» just like
» michiru: hey look at that beastman over there! they’re super pretty!!!!
» shirou: yeah, sure
» michiru: i’m going to go say hi
» shirou: w h a t
» also, going back to trauma-
» he doesn’t like to talk about it much
» it brings up bad memories
» so he won’t outwardly talk to you about it
» but if you want to console him?
» you’re one of the few people he can really trust and get vulnerable with
» he loves you, and is so scared of you leaving him
» he would never think about cheating on you (the best boy)
» maybe it ties in with him being a wolf beastman-
» shhhhhhhhhhhh
» very very very nervous to tell you that he’s the silver wolf
» he’s so scared you’re going to leave him or hate him or look at him different
» but the sweet kiss you give him when he tells you melts all of his worries away
» GIVE HIM PETS!!!!!!!!!!
» he’s embarrassed but he loves it!!!!!!!!
» his love language is quality time!!!!!!
» he just wants to spend time with you
» he’ll go out of his way to blow off unimportant things (like michiru-) just to be with you
» softie-
» but we love him <3
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michiru kagemori
» i love her oh so much
» if she likes you, it’s obvious
» painfully so-
» she gets all flustered before you start dating whenever she talks with you
» tripping over her words
» making a fool of herself
» (somehow more than usual-)
» but when you express you like her back?
» you’re stuck with her
» loves cutesy dates!!
» you wanna just watch a movie???
» she’s got a pillow fort and a ton of snacks at the ready
» you wanna go for a walk?
» you’re dancing with her under the stars in the park
» she’s a sucker for that kind of stuff
» she loves showing you off too
» michiru: everyone, this is my partner, y/n, and they are the best person in the world
» y/n: michiru i-
» she absolutely introduces you to everyone like that
» she loves you too much not to express it!!!
» that leads me to her love language…
» words of affirmation!!!
» she’s going to tell you she loves you at any chance she gets
» and if you’re ever insecure?
» she’s your girl
» she’s also big on physical touch
» loves holding your hand out in public
» hugging you and peppering your face with kisses
» the whole lot!
» she’s such a goofball-
» she’d do something stupid just to make you laugh
» when she first told you she wasn’t a real beastman, she was nervous
» but it all washes away when you hold her and tell her you love her no matter what
» she’d definitely cry at that
» she’s so grateful to have you
» and she would go to any extent just to make you happy
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nazuna hiwatashi
» she’s a very caring partner
» when you first start dating though, she’s very nervous
» will you hate her for faking the silver wolf?
» or maybe because of her slightly dismissive behavior?
» but when you decide to stay? she know’s shes in love
» her love language is touch!
» she always wants to be touching you
» she’s not the best at expressing her love or gratitude through words
» so she lets the soft caresses, forehead kisses, and cuddles do it for her!
» oh i can imagine her being a cuddle bug
» just holding you while the two of you fall asleep
» or you holding her!
» she adores just being able to be near you
» when she introduces you to michiru
» it’s chaos
» y/n: in my defense, I was left unsupervised
» nazuna: wasn't michiru with you?
» michiru: in my defense, I was also left unsupervised
» just being absolute idiots together
» back to nazuna though…
» she gets jealous easily!!!
» you can’t change my mind
» if she thinks you’re giving someone too much attention
» she won’t be afraid to just come in and hug you until you pay attention to her
» it’s adorable
» with the church of the silver wolf tho…
» you probably met AFTER that was all said and done
» she doesn’t really have followers anymore
» and a few beastman still hold a grudge against her
» she gets insecure because of it
» make sure to tell her that you love her for her
» she really needs to hear it
» oh! she loves any romantic gestures
» fancy dates? walks in the park? sign her up!
» she loves too much not to show it
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marie itami
» crime weasel
» cbhmasbbchasb okay but seriously i love her
» i like to think that she’s sly with her flirting
» but if you flirt back?
» she’s a flustered mess
» she lovesssss pet names
» she particularly likes using “baby”, “love”, “sweetheart”, and “hun”
» loves if you use some back
» her love language? acts of service
» she loves to help you with small tasks
» opening the door for you? absolutely. grabbing the remote for you? of course!
» she wants you to know she loves you, but mainly in smaller gestures
» not as much of a cuddle bug as the rest, but definitely appreciates it
» she’d never turn you down for hugs or pecks
» any time she has by herself, she wants to spend it with you
» her dates aren’t extravagant though
» cuddling on the couch and watching a movie are her specialty
» i like to think that she usually falls asleep after you
» she’ll talk with you until you eventually fall asleep
» it’s more of a protective thing if anything
» she wants to make sure that you’re okay before she rests
» she loves you so so so much
» you’re the only person she’s allowed herself to be vulnerable with
» she has her own insecurities yes, but she tends to bottle them up
» she doesn’t want to bother you
» she’s better at listening and giving advice than venting it out
» it’s not your fault, she’s just not very keen to it
» she likes to keep your relationship more private than anything
» her job is… not normal, and she doesn’t want to eventually end up making the wrong people mad and get you hurt
» so PDA is kept to a minimum
» but she’ll always make up for that in private
» telling you how much she loves and appreciates you being with her
» she doubts your relationship sometimes, thinking that you deserve better
» tell her you love her
» that you really love her
» and her heart is yours
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» your honor
» i love him
» oh my goodness his love language is totally gift giving
» 100%
» you cannot change my mind
» if you look at something in a store for more than 3 seconds
» expect it to be in your possession by the next day
» he won’t say he did it
» but he totally did it
» taking you on flights???
» yes pLEASE!!!!
» he loves showing you the world from his eyes
» and adores it if you love it as much as he does
» wing hugssssss
» imagine him just draping his wings around you while you guys cuddle
» my heart-
» wait, here me out-
» y/n: mcdonalds! mcdonalds! mcdonalds!
» pingua: mcdonalds! mcdonalds! mcdonalds!
» not afraid to get vulnerable with you
» he’ll talk about his comrades and the stupid regulations with ease
» yes, it’s a tough subject
» but you have to talk about difficult things to get through them
» he has nightmares because of it
» he wakes up in cold sweats sometimes, those images ingrained into his head
» hold him
» please
» tell him that you’re here and you’re not going anywhere
» give him kisses and help him ride it out
» aside for that, another goofball
» loves, and i mean LOVES making you smile
» also a HUGE flirt
» he’s cocky about it too
» pingua: aside from being adorable, what do you do for a living?
» y/n, dying: cjsdbivcbhshdkcjbakjcbhsadbmc
» another one who loves romantic gestures
» i like to think that he’s quite the gentleman
» restaurant dates and dancing are right up his alley
» but dear god he loves you so much
» he has no clue where he’d be without you in his life
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freakova · 4 years
I FINALLY saw the Sonic movie (Went with my bro in the end  I can finally unfilter everything Sonic related and oh man. Oh man oh man sorry folks but I need to unhinge my jaw and spew out my thoughts, spoilers under link.
It was, WAY better than I expected. WAY better. I was worried that the majority of the film was just going be “haha cheesy dumb kiddy movie but sonic is here lol” but it felt like they really got a decent grip on Sonic as a chatacter and his universe. So at it’s lowest I would say “It was a cheesy dumb kiddy movie but Sonic is here, and everything feels like Sonic.” 
All the little details were esp nice to see. I loved Sonic when he was rolling into a ball, him liking chilli dogs etc...Just the little things that made me go “hey that’s in the games/other medias haha”
Jim Carrey’s take on Eggman is a lot more...meaner? He was pretty nasty and rude to everyone and there were just a few times I thought “wow damn dude”. Not that it’s a bad thing, just something I found to be interesting. But he was silly and did a lot of quirky things as expected. 
Adored Eggman’s look at the end. Holy shit, despite being the total opposite in size/shape, they got it spot on. 
NiGHTS was in the SEGA title!!!! I see you my clown angel! 
Baby Sonic? Baby Sonic!
I thought Sonic’s backstory was interesting, esp in regards to Longclaw. But I really wish we learnt more about it. Like, why does Sonic have to hide? Who is Longclaw?? Where did they both come from??? My head hurts.
Do Mobian birds exist or is Longclaw an example of what mobian birds look like? I love my sonic birds but I wanna know--would, say, Jet look like Sonic or be more bird-like, like Longclaw? 
When Sonic got angry with Tom about wanting to move to another state, I appreciate that Sonic learnt he was in the wrong and shouldn’t stop him to doing what he wanted despite the end decision. I did like that they portrayed Sonic as an actual teenager. A bit of a emotional and “immature” brat. I liked that. I feel sometimes that gets lost in the current Sonic games a bit so it was a bit of fresh air. 
There was a lot of adult jokes.
SANIC DRAWING? SANIC DRAWING! Biggest issue with meme jokes like Sanic however is I was the only one in the theatre laughing. Whoops.
Gonna say something that might be unpopular but after seeing the film I feel my mind is made up. I prefer Movie film sonic voice over current game sonic voice. 
“Hey I wonder why they said not to show Sonic’s feet in this fi--Oh.”
“Fart joke? In my Sonic movie?”
During the final scenes, I really needed to pee and had to hold it in and imma be honest, my bladder must have gone into lockdown after that final scene because when I got home I pissed for a good 3 minutes. 
Loved the little credits segment and how it looked like the 2D games. 
No Pingas joke very dissapointed. :’-( 
All in All, I really enjoyed this movie. Ok, it’s cheesy and generic but you could tell they tried, esp after the model change crisis. I appreciate that they improved the design and changed the release day to help the animators. Though the CGI doesn’t stand out to other Live action/CGI stugg, when interacting with said live action, the improved design helped out a lot and I really appreciate the film. I know that 10 y/o me would have been crying tears of joy over this film since, 25 y/o me (now) was near tears anyway. 
Defo go check it out if you want, I’d go again if tickets weren’t expensive af and the fear of being the only one in the screening but let’s hope the sequel does get made with just as much love and let’s get this bad boi on home media, STAT! <3 
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madpanda75 · 5 years
“Fifties Fantasy”
I’ve had this idea for awhile about my favorite dirty trashcan, Trujillo. What if Nevada had a secret guilty pleasure for wholesome cheesy tv shows and the reader catches him.
Warning: NSFW Rough sex, Knife play
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You and Nevada hadn’t been together long. In fact, you were the first person in years to be given the title of “girlfriend” by the powerful drug lord. It was a whirlwind relationship and soon Trujillo was asking you to move in with him. Boundaries having been crossed, you both were able to open up to each other in a way you had never experienced before.
Living with Nevada was different than just dating him. The drug lord was more relaxed at home, his sanctuary away from his life of crime. He would dance with you in the kitchen while you were cooking and sing to himself in the shower. He would also never hang up his leather jacket, which led to a bit of a tiff between you both.
Finding out each other’s quirks was expected in a relationship, but what you didn’t expect was to come home early from work one day to find Nevada lounging on the couch, watching an episode of Leave It To Beaver. He was cracking up at a corny joke Mr. Cleaver was telling Beaver when he noticed your presence and immediately tried to change the channel. But it was too late, you had caught him red-handed.
He mumbled some excuse about channel surfing before heading out to meet with his men. After he left, you sat down and watched the wholesome show, your mind boggled over what the appeal was to your drug dealing murderous boyfriend when you had a light bulb moment.
A week after the incident, you stood in front of the mirror, tightening the strings of your apron before swiping the cherry red lipstick across your lips. Turning from side to side, you looked yourself over one final time, admiring the way the crinoline slip rustled under your polka dotted full skirt swing dress.
A timer going off in the background brought you back to reality, Nevada would be home any minute and you still had to put the finishing touches on your dinner. Your heels clacked against the floor as you ran back to the kitchen to pull the meatloaf out of the oven and scoop the potatoes into a serving dish. Placing all the food on the table, you lit some candles and turned on some 50s kitsch lounge music.
You ran to stand in the foyer when you heard movements outside the apartment and a key unlocking the door. Waiting for Nevada with a dirty martini in your hand, you let out a nervous sigh, hoping this would be a fun fantasy for your boyfriend.
“Y/N? I’m home,” Nevada announced, opening the door only to stop in his tracks when he saw you standing there dressed like a housewife from the 1950s. His jaw dropped, eyes widening as he took in your appearance. You had accomplished what many men didn’t think was possible. You shocked Nevada Ramirez. Shock soon turned into laughter and the drug lord was bent over, holding his side as he laughed harder than he had in years. “Y/N!  What the actual fuck?”
A blush formed on the apples of your cheeks. You straightened up a bit and smiled, continuing with your act. “Welcome home, my darling. How was your day at the office?” You helped Nevada shed his leather jacket and handed him the martini.
“Office?” he exclaimed. “Oye, pero estas loca? You been dipping into my stash?
“It’s a surprise! Now go wash your hands, dinner’s ready,” you replied, pushing your boyfriend to the bathroom
Nevada cleaned up for dinner and went to sit at the table just as you were slicing meatloaf to put on his plate. He scanned the room, studying the ambiance you had created. The music, the food, the outfit, it all suddenly clicked into place.
“I know what this is.” He narrowed his eyes at you. “This is about last week when you caught me watching Leave It To Beaver. Isn’t it?”
You feigned innocence, simply shrugging your shoulders. “I don’t know what you’re referring to.” He quirked his eyebrow, staring you down, knowing you would eventually crack. “Ok...yes, you caught me. It is because of the show but I just wanted to do something special for you. You’re el hombre de la casa y el rey de mi corazón. I love you so much.” You smiled at him and placed your hand in his.
“I love you too, mi reina,” he replied, bringing your hand up to his lips, placing a kiss on your fingers before digging into his meal.
Nevada leaned back in his chair, scratching his stomach when he finished his dinner. “That was delicious, baby.”
“Gracias, mi amor. I’m so glad you liked it.” You kissed his cheek, getting up from the table. “I hope you saved room for dessert. I made an apple pie.” He watched your ass as you strutted into the kitchen, your hips swaying from side to side. His cock was already half hard thinking of all the dirty, lust filled acts he wanted to do, how badly he wanted to defile you and strip you of your squeaky clean facade.
When you came back to the table, Nevada grabbed your hand, pulling you down on his lap, nearly causing you to drop the pie. “Nevada! What are you doing?”
“Forget the fucking pie,” he growled, taking the pie plate from your hands and placing it on the table. “I know what I want for dessert, Mami.” He arched his hips upward, kissing along your neck, his teeth grazing against your pulse point. The vein practically throbbing underneath your soft skin. He sucked a deep purple bruise and moved back to trace it with his finger, admiring his handiwork.
Leaning forward, he stuck his finger in the pie, gathering some of the fruit filling and dragging it across your lips. He cupped your face, kissing you hungrily, running his tongue against your own. “Mmmm, you taste so much sweeter than any pie,” he purred.
You softly moaned and grinded down against him, the rough denim from his jeans creating a delicious friction against your center. “But...what if Wally and the Beaver hear us?” You batted your lashes at him, accentuating your sensual pout.
Nevada smirked against your skin. “Let them. I want everyone to hear you scream my name when I fuck you.”
“Take me, Nevada. I’m yours,” you whispered against his lips. He cupped your ass and stood from the table. You wrapped your legs around his waist to assist him, your mouth never leaving his as he carried you into the bedroom.
He set you down on your feet near the end of the bed. His hands roaming your form until they wrapped around the pearl necklace you were wearing and tugged you closer to him. “Get on your knees,” he said, unzipping his jeans and freeing his erection. “You’re gonna suck my cock wearing your pearls.”
You didn’t hesitate to obey. Kneeling in front of him, you wrapped your delicate hand around his hard cock and began to place soft kisses along his shaft. You ran your tongue up the underside of him, tracing his vein before flicking against his weeping crown.
Nevada’s green eyes bore into yours. Just as you were about to take more of him into your mouth, he pulled away, holding his cock just out of reach. You whined, trying to wrap your lips around him as he continued to tease you. “What’s the matter, mi amor? You want my cock?” he cooed.
You eagerly nodded your head, looking up him with doe eyes and an open mouth.
He smirked. “You gotta beg for it. Tell me how much you want it.”
“Please Nevada, mi rey. Dame tu pinga. Fuck my mouth, Papi,” you whimpered, running your hands up his thighs.
“Well….since you asked so nicely.” He traced your lips with the head of his cock before guiding himself into your mouth. You moaned, his salty precum flooded your tongue. Taking him down to the base, you gagged as he pushed back past your throat.
Nevada threw his head back and groaned, threading his fingers in your hair and holding your head down for several seconds, relishing the sensation of your throat tightening around his cock. “Oh yeah. That’s it, baby. Take it all,” he growled, pulling you back up. Once you caught your breath, you eagerly took him down again, bobbing up and down.
“Oh fuck,” he moaned, watching himself disappear between your lips as he thrusted into your mouth. Tears began to pool in your eyes and drool was dribbling down your chin onto the front of your dress while you continued to deep throat him, but you didn’t care. All you could focus on was the pleasure you were giving Nevada, his grunts and groans leaving you dripping with desire.
“You love sucking my cock. Don’t you?” he panted. You whined around him in response and moved your hand up to gently massage his balls. He tightened his hold on your hair, his hips bucking forward while you swallowed him down again and again. You hummed, licking and sucking, your tongue paying close attention to the “v” on the underside of his throbbing organ, gently squeezing his balls.
“Oh fuck! I’m gonna come!” he warned in a strained voice, taking his hand off the back of your head. Feeling his cock twitch, you sank him deeper into your mouth, your nose brushing against his pubic hair. His hips stuttered forward as he came with a loud groan, shooting his ejaculate down your throat.
“Holy fuck! Oh God.” He shuddered, watching you swallow everything he gave you.
You pulled off him with a pop, your chest heaving, tears streaming down your cheeks and a smile firmly planted on your face. “I didn’t spill a single drop, Papi.”
“That’s my good little slut.” Nevada grinned and helped you up to your feet. “Now take off your dress. I’m gonna fuck you into next week.”
You gifted Nevada a passion fueled kiss, allowing him to taste himself on your tongue before stepping away to strip. Your dress fell off your body, pooling at your feet only to reveal the bondage lingerie you had purchased from Bordelle. Your breasts and throbbing wet sex were covered by black satin straps and not much else. You loved wearing the kinky undergarments underneath your modest dress.
“Like what you see,” you softly said.
Nevada smirked and gave you a look of pure sin as he walked around you, drinking you in from head to toe, humming in appreciation. He stood behind you, your back flush against his chest, licking the shell of your ear, biting on the lobe. “Mmhmm, you look good enough to eat.”
A shiver ran down your spine as he moved to stand in front of you, pulling a switchblade knife out of his pocket. He licked the blade and inched closer to you. “Do you trust me?” he asked, his face softening a bit. No matter hard you both played in the bedroom, Nevada always wanted to make sure that you felt safe and secure.
“Of course, baby.” You smiled.
As soon as he heard your confirmation, his eyes became dark again, running the tip of the blade down your sternum before circling your nipple. Your breath hitched, feeling the cold sharp metal drag to the center of your chest. With one swift movement, Nevada sliced the fabric to shreds, exposing your breasts causing you to gasp in surprise.
“I’ll buy you a new set,” he purred, inching the knife down your stomach. Tracing your bikini line, he moved over to your hip cutting the satin straps off your panties. You bit back a moan. Your juices were practically running down your leg as you stood there completely naked, wearing only your pearl necklace. Silk and lace littered the floor like confetti.
Tossing his knife to the side, Nevada’s fingers ghosted down your body. He roughly squeezed your breast. Dipping his head, he swirled his tongue around your nipple before biting down on it hard while he moved his hand to your other breast pinching and rolling the hardened bug between his fingers. You let your head fall back and whined, arching into his touch as he dragged his tongue across the valley between your breasts and repeating his actions.
“Oh God! Please! Cogeme fuerte, mi amor,” you whimpered.
Nevada moved his hand down to your cup your pussy, tracing your seam with a single digit. “Is that what you want? You want me to fuck you so hard, you forget your own name?”
“Si, Papi,” you replied, shamelessly spreading your legs wider. “Te necesito.” In one swift movement, he turned you around to face the bed, planting your hands on the mattress to brace yourself, plunging two fingers inside you without warning. You moaned loudly, pushing back against him. Having been so worked up earlier, your body already teetering towards an orgasm.
He continued to thrust into you, abruptly stopping when he felt your walls begin to flutter against his fingers. Gripping your hair tight, he tilted your head back. “Don’t you dare fucking come,” he growled in your ear. “You’re my dirty little slut and I decide when you come. Me entiendes?”
“Y-y-yes, Nevada. I’ll only come when you tell me to.” You shivered, his rough tone turning you on even more.
“Good girl.” He kissed your cheek, slowly pumping his fingers again, his lips leaving a scorching trail of kisses down your spine that set your skin on fire. Kneeling down, he removed his fingers, sucking them clean before biting down on your ass cheek. He smacked the other cheek causing you to yelp in surprise, grinning at the red handprint beginning to form.
Switching sides, he smacked you again just as hard, running his fingers up your thighs and spreading open your wet folds. The pink luscious flesh quivered under his touch. “Look at the mess you’re making. You’re dripping.”
He didn’t hesitate to bury his face in your center. Groaning at your taste, he noisily licked and sucked at your sensitive feminine parts, gently tugging your labia.
“Oh Nevada! Fuck!” you moaned as he pushed his tongue inside you as far as it would go, lapping up your sweet nectar. He thrusted into your sheath, flicking over your entrance and moving his mouth up to suck on your clit.
“Mmmm your pussy is so sweet. I’m getting hard all over again just from tasting you,” he purred, biting your inner thigh and moving back up to run his teeth over your glistening pink pearl.
You grinded down against his mouth, half sobbing, feeling a spring tighten in the pit of your stomach. He held your thighs in place, his lips smacking against your wetness as he increased his suction on your clit.
“Nevada! Please, baby!” Tears threatened your eyes, fighting back the urge to come.
Just as you were at the brink, he ceased his efforts, kissing up your back, leaving wet spots on your spine. He tilted his face towards you, running his thumb against your bottom lip. “Awwww pobrecita,” he cooed, taunting you. “Do you want to come?”
You fervently nodded your head and crawled on the bed, getting on all fours. You whimpered a bit, looking back at him with pleading eyes. “Fuck me, Papi. Let me feel that big cock pound into me.”
Nevada groaned around a smirk at the sight of your pulsating wet sex, waiting and ready for him. He was still completely dressed, only taking his cock out. There was something so erotic about him being fully clothed while you were naked, exposed, vulnerable, spread out for him to do what he pleased with. Nevada may have been a dangerous man to others, but not with you. You trusted him with all your heart.
He licked his palm and stroked himself before aligning himself with your entrance and plunging into your folds, groaning when your hips made contact. You moaned loudly, your eyes rolling back into your head, feeling a deep burn as your inner walls enclosed around him.
Grabbing your hips, he rammed into you at a bruising pace, grunting with every hard thrust. “You like being fucked hard, Mami?” he purred.
“Yes! I love how your big cock fills me up!” you cried, gripping onto the bed sheets so hard your knuckles were white.
He moaned and slapped your ass hard, continuing to piston into you causing the headboard to repeatedly strike the wall.
“Please more! Give it to me!” you practically screamed, moaning so loudly you felt like a porn star.
Your body propelled forward as he slammed into you within an inch of your life.  “Coño, I’m not going to able to sit down tomorrow,” you thought. The strong steady sound of flesh slapping against each other echoed around the room.
“Oh God! I’m going to come! Please let me come for you! Please!” you begged, tears falling down your face. Your whole body trembling, about to tumble over the edge.
Nevada leaned forward, biting into your shoulder. “Come my little slut. Come for Papi”
Your orgasm hit you like a freight train. Unable to hold your arms up any longer, you collapsed onto the bed, screaming into a pillow, coming harder than you ever had before.
He continued to stimulate you through your release before pulling out and flipping you on your back, plunging back into your sheath. You whimpered as he snapped his hips forward, your body oversensitive. “It’s too much.”
“One and done?” Nevada said in an amused tone. “I don’t think so. I want another one from you, my little slut.” He threw your legs over his shoulders, watching your breasts bounce while he pounded you into the mattress.
The pain crossed over into absolute pleasure and soon you were lifting your hips to match his movements. You were thoroughly soaked. Nevada could feel his cock getting wetter with every thrust. Another steady stream of slapping noises coming back with a vengeance.
He groaned, looking down to where he split you open, his cock coated in your arousal as it disappeared inside you. “Oh yeah. I love feeling you cream on my cock,” he growled. “Tell me who this pussy belongs to.”
“It’s yours, Papi! Take it!” you sobbed as he moved harder and faster, slamming into you. Your carnal noises became louder, the grunts and moans you both were making drowned out everything else.
Arching his hips, Nevada changed the angle of his thrusts to hit your g-spot while taking two fingers and furiously rubbing your red swollen clit.
You gasped, “Oh fuck! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!”
“I’m not gonna stop, Mami. I want you to come for me again. Come on….come for me!” he demanded.
You arched your back and nearly blacked out as he ripped another orgasm from you. Your walls clenching tight around him while you rode out wave after wave of pleasure.
“Mmmm, good girl. Let go for me, baby.” He smiled, watching you fall apart. He rolled his hips to prolong your orgasm, feeling his own quickly approaching. A sheen of sweat covered his forehead, his breath coming in short pants. Biting his bottom lip, he pulled out and stroked himself until he shot his release. Grunting and groaning as streaks of his hot cum painted your stomach and chest.
You came down from your high and looked down at your body, swirling your finger around the white sticky mess. You smiled and licked it off your finger. “Mmmm so good, Papi.”
He grinned, trying to catch his breath. “Don’t move. Let me get you a towel.” Nevada came back from the bathroom with both a wet towel and dry towel, wiping your body clean before drying you off. Tossing the soiled towels in the hamper, he shed his clothes and got into bed with you, pulling you close to him.
You hugged him tight, needing to be held after such a hard rough fuck. His fingers danced up and down your arm while he bestowed sweet, gentle kisses on your face. The two of you lay there completely sated and exhausted, until you broke the silence. “Nevada?”
“Why do you like Leave It to Beaver?” you asked while absentmindedly stroking his hair.
He let out a long sigh. “ A couple years ago, I got shot in the stomach. It was real bad. I was laid up for two months. I couldn’t leave the apartment or anything. One day, I was in bed, bored out of mind, flipping channels and I came across Leave It to Beaver.” He softly chuckled as he thought back to the memory, “I actually enjoyed it. It was like an escape, ya know? A chance to forget about my troubles. Now everytime I need to just get away or clear my head, I put on that show and stop worrying about the world. It’s stupid, I know.”
Nevada was more than just a hardened criminal, he was a man and just like everyone else, he too needed to breakaway from the harsh realities of life and you were honored to be one of the few people that got to see that side of him.
“It’s not stupid. It’s sweet.” You traced one of the healed bullet holes on his chest with your finger, kissing it gently before placing a tender kiss on his lips, resting your forehead against his. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Thank you for tonight,” he whispered. “You know, if you have any fantasies or anything, you can always let me know.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively while playfully pinching your hip.
You giggled and played with his fingers. “Well…. I’ve always had a thing for pirates. You know like Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean.”
“Oye, I love you but I don’t know how I feel about dressing up like a fucking pirate.”
“I have you, that’s fantasy enough.” You lazily kissed his chest, snuggling closer to him. “Although you would look so hot in that tricorn hat and leather boots.”
Nevada snorted a laugh and kissed the top of your head. “Good night, mi amor.”
“Good Night,” you softly said as your eyes began to close, the sound of his heartbeat lulling you to sleep.
After your “fifties housewife fantasy” evening, you had forgotten about even mentioning your pirate fantasy to Nevada until one day at work. You were typing away on your laptop when your coworker stopped by your desk with a black velvet box and rolled up note that was stuck in a glass bottle. “Hey, a messenger stopped by and left this for you while you were away at lunch.”
You knitted your eyebrows in confusion at the cryptic present. Taking the paper out of the bottle, you unscrolled it to reveal a simple message:
“Wear this when I plunder your booty” -Captain Nevada
Turning towards the box that accompanied the bottle, you opened it to find a beautiful diamond necklace staring up at you. The jewels reflected against the afternoon sunlight streaming through your office window causing tiny prisms to dance across your skin. You fingered the piece gently and shivered a bit, thinking about your boyfriend and what you would come home to this evening. Nevada truly was a man full of surprises.
@glimmerglittergirl @southern-magnolia @sweetcannolicarisi @delia26 @obfuscateyummy @sass-and-suspenders @eclecticminded @thatesqcrush @katmstanton @amirightcounsellor @beltzboys2015-blog @letty-o @sonnysdoll @lyssa1385 @sweetsummertime99 @burningsorr0ws @gibbs274 @izzythefanfreak @babypink224221 @livxrafa @esparza-army @obsessionprofessional @ottosuricato @melsquared79 @dreila03 @frenchiefoxy @tropes-and-tales @thecraziestcrayon @goodluckfindingone @scarlettsoldier @amirightcounselor @yeah-boiiiiiiiiiii @imagine-all-the-imagines @imjustreallynosy @graniairish @ashley-chi @lolacolaempath @cocomel0613​
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cashbackbeta · 3 years
This cartoon character never said a word, still we understood everything and laughed.
This cartoon character never said a word, still we understood everything and laughed.
This cartoon character never said a word, still we understood everything and laughed. OswalNoddyScoobyPingu Correct Answer is Pingu. Pingu cartoon character never said a word, still we understood everything and laughed. Pingu is a clumsy juvenile penguin who lives on a polar ice cap in Antarctica with his family. Pingu enjoys going on excursions with his sister, Pinga, and his seal pal,…
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roninhunt0987 · 5 years
a stormy sleepover
A Stormy Sleepover
by: Roninhunt0987
:D this is a story in @nekorockstarninja and mine's universe... :D this is where Jared, Tails and Kit meet Suzuki's friend Jessie as they are gonna have a sleepover specially during a thunderstorm as both parties learn Jessie is afraid of thunderstorms along with tails being afraid of the same fear like Jessie causing her not to be alone that she is not the only one who has that said fear of thunderstorms.. XD enjoy
Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners
-outside of Suzuki's house-
Jared, Kit Prower and Tails: -knocks on suzuki's door because they been invited for a sleepover and get to know jessie-
Suzuki: -opens door- hey guys
Jared: =3 hey were here for the sleepover can we come on in
Tails and Kit Prower: -has their things like their clothes, swimwear and etc-
Jared: =3 the others are out so i can watch tails and kit for a bit... =3 i even brought over the nintendo switch so we can play some smash ultimate
Suzuki: welcome guys come on in. Shoes off at the door
Jared: =3 right -takes off his shoes and socks-
Tails and Kit: -same-
-in the living room-
Jared, Tails and Kit: -sits at the couch and sees Jessie coming in-
Suzuki: perfect timing. Jared, Tails, Kit meet Jessie
Jared: ^~^ hello there
Tails: =3 heya
Kit Prower: =3 hi
Jessie: hello
Jared: =3 how ya doing
Jessie: just fine
Jared: =3 alright
Tails: -setting up the nintendo switch on the tv while kit is getting her swimsuit on because Suzuki has a pool in the backyard-
Kit Prower: -in the bathroom getting her cute two piece swimsuit on-
Jared: =3 ahh Kit is excited to swim in the pool in the backyard... =3 good thing i brought my swim trunks -looks to tails- =3 tails soon as ya finish setting up the 4 of us will be in the backyard swimming be sure to join when ya can
Tails: =3 got it
-everyone goes to the backyard-
Kit Prower: -comes out in her cute two piece swimsuit- X3 whatcha think??? -smiles-
Jared: -smiles as he is in his swimtrunks-
Suzuki: very cute
Kit Prower: X3 thank you hehe
Suzuki: wearing her two piece swimsuit while Jessie is just wearing a tank top and short
Kit Prower: X3 cute swimsuits girls hehe
Suzuki: thanks
Kit Prower: =3 no problem.. X3 hehe lets go swim -jumps- X3 Cowabunga -dives into the pool-
Jared: X3 hehe bet she learned that from Mikey
Suzuki: you did brought her over several times or my brothers came to visit
Jared: ahh.. =3 btw how they been doing btw
Suzuki: just fine
Jared: alright
Kit Prower: X3 come on guys the water's great
Jared: X3 on the way kit -runs and dives into the pool-
Tails: -comes in his swim trunks- =3 nintendo switch is all ready to play
Jessie: -sits on the edge of the pool with her legs in the water-
Suzuki: -grabs a donut floaties-
Jared: -swims to jessie- hey how come ya not swimming?? just curious and all
Jessie: I'll get to swimming soon enough I just like relaxing first
Suzuki: sits on the donut and floats around in the pool
Jared: =3 okay
Tails: -gets in the pool-
Kit: X3 hey tails -splashes tails playfully-
Tails: X3 hehehehe Splash fight
Kit and Tails: -playfully splashes each other-
Jared: ^^ hehe
Suzuki: heheheh
Jared: =3 hey Suzuki did ya ever did any splash fights when you were Tails and Kit's age
Suzuki: hmmmm I remember this one time when I was younger and my brothers and I went up to the surface we found ourselves in the middle of the Park area with no one around we had a bit of a splash fight in the lake
Jared: =3 ohh hehe
Tails and Kit: -smiles-
Jared's phone: -on the table near the lounging chairs of a weather alert-
Jared: huh?? -gets out of the pool and looks it to see theres a severe thunderstorm watch in this area and said in his mind: oh shit tails is gonna have a bad night this evening-
Kit Prower: huh?? -gets out of the pool- bro whats wrong??
Jared: -shows kit-
Kit Prower: -quietly- oh no when
Jared: -quietly- tonight when we have our game night and in our pajamas... i have a feeling were gonna have a rough ride tonight inside
Kit Prower: -nods-
Jessie: -who was closest to them heard it got up and ran inside-
Jared: huh?? jessie???
Kit Prower: huh??
Tails: -gets out- whats going on??
Jared: we got a severe thunderstorm watch... its gonna be tonight
Tails: -gulps and whimpers a lil hoping suzuki won't catch on as she doesn't know of tails's fear yet-
Suzuki: thunder? oh no -get off the donut and runs inside even if she soaking wet runs inside-
Jared, Kit and Tails: -runs inside with Suzuki-
-as night fell as they are in the living room playing smash bros ultimate in their pajamas-
Tails: -hears a faint sound of the thunder as the storm is in progress and whimpers a lil-
Jared and Kit: -focused and making sure tails is okay-
Jessie: -was tearing through her stuff looking for something- where is it!!
Suzuki: Jessie calm down
Jared: -goes upstairs and sees Jessie going through everything- Whats going on??
Suzuki: Jesse's looking for her noise cancelling earbuds
Jared: wait... Jesse... are you afraid of thunderstorms
Suzuki: she is.... she had a traumatic experience with thunder when she was a little girl
Jared: i never told you this but... my lil brother tails has the same fear... same goes with my cousin Misha
Suzuki: Oh
Jared: mmhmm -feels tails cling on him and notice-
Tails: -shaking in fear as it continues to storm outside-
Kit Prower: -walks on over-
Jessie: found them!! -put the sound cancelling earbuds in her ears-
Jared: alright lets head back to the living room
Kit Prower: -smiles as she gives tails the sound cancelling earbuds-
Tails: t-thank you sis -puts them on-
-in the living room as they are all focused on the game-
Jared: -ran out of stock lives- X3 welp i'm out
Tails and Kit Prower: -asleep in their sleeping bag-
Jared: -watching Suzuki and Jessie as they are the last two on the map-
Suzuki: dang dang dang dang! -loses-
Jessie: hehehe yay
Jared: =3 great work jessie
Tails: -smiling in his sleep-
Jared: -hears silence as its no longer storming- =3 i think its safe to remove the earbuds Jessie thunderstorm is over
Suzuki: -motions Jessie her earbuds to pull them out-
Jessie: -takes them out-
Jared: -yawns- lets get some sleep -lays down on his sleeping bag between tails and kit-
Tails and Kit: -cuddles close to Jared in their sleep-
Jared: -smiles as he fell asleep- zzzz
Suzuki and jessie: -lays down in their sleeping bags-
-the next in the backyard-
Jared, Tails and Kit Prower: -in their swimwear in the backyard swimming as today is no thunderstorms-
Tails: -swimming to Jessie- hey Jessie i think you and I gonna get along specially with misha if she was over here with us.. -smiles since he is not alone to have the same fear-
Harry The Rabbit: -getting dragged in by Raph- =w=
Raph: O.o hey Suzuki ya home i found this idiot skalking around like he was gonna do something dumb
Jared: -facepalms- oh god what did he do raph
Raph: spray painted Suzuki's wall of stupid graffiti-
Suzuki: What is- *see the graffiti
Harry: :3 oops
Graffiti: -says pingas-
Suzuki: ........anyone here hates cursing cover your ears now
everyone: -does so-
Harry: O_o uh oh
Suzuki: YOU SON OF A -BEEP- -Begins to kick his ass- YOUR SUCH A  -BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP- -Slams him in the ground several times making a hole in the ground-
Harry: -in the middle of the hole in the position yamcha is always in- uggggh
Tails: O_o welp ya could say he got yamcha'd
Harry: i hate mondays
Kit: .w. its wednesday stupid
Harry: >< WHATEVER!!!
Screen: -blacks out making a small fart noise-
TFS Nappa: .w. The end
-bonus scene-
Suzuki: watching a cast covered Harry clean the graffiti off her house
Harry: -cleaning the walls and groaning in pain til a baseball hits him from behind and drops face first- ow
Mikey: O_o whoops
Raph: -busts out laughing-
Kit and Tails: :3
Suzuki: bro be careful.... you could have hit me -throws the ball to Mikey-
Mikey: -catches ball- ^^; got it
Harry: -muffles- seriously i hate mondays
TFS Nappa: .w. the end for real this time seriously
(  @nekorockstarninja  )
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ohworm-writes · 3 years
BNA: Brand New Animal Various Relationship Headcanons
bna masterlist
‼ First Date Headcanons ‼
Featuring: Shirou Ogami, Michiru Kagemori, Nazuna Hiwatashi, Marie Itami, Pinga
Warnings: spoilers for BNA!, minor death mention in Marie’s part, anxious shirou
a/n - again, i love BNA, so i couldn’t resist! you can see which are my favorites very clearly~ enjoy!
content below the cut!
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shirou ogami
» !! walk + bookstore viewing !!
» shirou is a bit clueless when it comes to a first date
» even living a thousand years, he’s rarely had a real relationship
» he’ll search up first date ideas, i have no doubt about that
» he’s not really keen on a fancy dinner or movie or that
» he wants something relaxing, something you could do as friends too
» it’s his own insecurities coming in at full force, but it’s what makes him comfortable
» he decides for the first part of the date, he’ll take you out for a walk
» sure, it doesn’t sound all the special
» but remember, it’s Anima City we’re talking about
there’s always something to see
» something to do
» he starts right at your apartment, walking around with you
» he tries to strike up conversation, as nervous as he is about it
» he really does like you, but he’s not all that sure of how to show it
» he’s scared to even take your hand in his
» will it make you uncomfortable? will he be overstepping? what if you never want to go out with him again?!
» if you want that sort of stuff to happen, you are going to have to be the person to initiate it
» if you do initiate it, though, he’d never turn you down
» he’s the quiet type, but a fantastic listener!
» he loves to hear you talk about yourself, the things you love, everything!
» he’s awkward talking about himself
» how does he explain to you that he’s the silver wolf
» that’ll take him a while for him to tell
» maybe after a few more dates?
» anywho, your walking inevitable leads you to a small bookstore in the middle of the city
» it looks small from the outside, but the inside
» it’s a wonderland
» even if it seems like quite the find from a random stroll
» he’s had this all planned out
» he watches your face as you walk inside
» the way your eyes light up
» the way your grin reaches your eyes
» he’s enamored by it
» he’d let you pick out anything you want
» a huge book series? it’s as good as yours
» a single book? that’s no problem
» a weird snake shaped eraser you found at the front? why not!
» whatever makes you happy
» you don’t see it, but he has this smile full of adoration while he’s around you
» when you finally reach your home, and it’s late into the night, only then will he ask you for a second date
» he’s all blushy, but his words come out strong
“I enjoyed today with you, more than I could have imagined. Would you want to do this again soon?”
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michiru kagemori
» !! theme park !!
» michiru is a sweetheart, we know this
» so her bringing you to a theme park on your first date doesn’t seem all too out of character for her
» she’d probably meet you there, seeing as he doesn’t have a vehicle of her own
» and she doesn’t think you want to hang onto her for dear life as she flies the two of you over there
» so meeting up seemed like the more… plausible option
» tons of games!
» no matter what the game is, she’ll play every. single. one.
» those strength games?
» she may have won the top prize for it
» how? she’ll never tell
» loves the co-op games though, they’re her favorite
» very competitive
» it’s lighthearted, of course, but she will try and sabotage you
» she tries to win you tons of stuffed animals
» Y/n: Michiru, my arms are full, I can’t hold any more plushies-
» Michiru: wait Y/n look! that stand has a huge duck plush! i’m winning that for you
» Y/n: Michiru no-
» in all seriousness, she wants to make a lasting impression
» she goes with you on every ride that you want to go on
» the scariest roller coaster there?
» sure! just know she’ll deny you seeing her shaking like a leaf in line for it
» if you want to go on more mellow rides?
» she’s all for it! whatever you want
» towards the end of the night, she goes on the Ferris Wheel with you
» cliché? maybe so
» but it doesn’t matter to her
» she really likes you, and she wants you to know
» she won’t kiss you, she doesn’t want to force you into anything
» but she will thank you for spending your night with her
“If you want, can we do this again? I’d really really like to.”
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nazuna hiwatashi
» !! movie !!
» oh my sweet, sweet girl
» she was so lost on what to do
» 1. you accepted her date
» why? how? she’s not complaining, not in the slightest, but- you? her? why!
» 2. she has no clue what to do for a first date
» she had to search up “first date ideas”
» but in all seriousness, she’s very excited for your night together
» she didn’t want to go out to a theater, so she opted to bring you to her place to watch something
» she bought everything you could ask for
» ice-cream? check
» drinks? check
» popcorn? she’s bought the packets and the stove-top brand
» she’s going all out for your night together
» she has quite the collection, so she’d let you pick out whatever you like
» once the movie is picked, it’s time to get comfy!
» she has so many pillows and blankets
» she not only are some of them placed meticulously around the area in front of the TV, giving you both a comfy space to watch
» but she also has extras in case you get cold or want more comfort! 
» she’s very adamant about giving you your needed space
» she doesn’t want to overstep
» butttt, if she can, she’ll lean up against you and watch the said movie with you
» you both give commentary on the movie as well
» critiquing it, the actors, the scenes, all of it
» it adds for some playful banter between the two of you
» Nazuna: i think the actor could have shown more emotion during the scene, you know?
» Y/n: Nazuna, he was playing a dead man. i don’t think he’d be able to show emotion
» Nazuna: well- still!
» when your night of watching films is over, she’ll bring you home
» it’s a lot more comfortable, especially when you tell her how good of a time you had
“Thank you for being with me tonight, Y/n. If it’s okay, maybe we can do this again?”
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marie itami
» !! haunted location + ice cream !!
» cocky little thing, she is
» while she was surprised you actually accepted her offer, she doesn’t seem like it whatsoever
» she’s very confident, dripping with it
» so, why not impress you with something scary
» she’d found out this warehouse by the docks was actually the death site of several people
» and she also heard there had been ghost sightings, so she took to first chance to take you there
» she may seem all cocky and full of herself, but if something even mildly scary happens
» she’s out of there
» you don’t know that though
» she uses her phone’s flashlight to look around, you by her side
» if you’re scared, she’ll tease you oh-so much about it
» in a loving way
» honestly, no matter what you think of the situation, she’ll tease you
» Y/n, unfazed by the whole situation: are you alright Marie?
» Marie: are you asking me because you’re scared? come on Y/n, you know i’ll protect you~
» queue a broom falling down in the background, Marie screaming and running out of there with you
» after you both leave, she still tries to play off the whole situation
» she leads you to a small ice cream stand nearby
» she sounds annoyed when she pays for you, but she thinks it’s so worth it
» you won’t see it, she’s sly, but she’s staring at you the whole time
“So, Y/n, you free to do this again Saturday?”
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» !! diner + dancing in the park !!
» pinga, the gentleman as ever, makes your first date classy
» he takes you to a small, family owned diner in the city
» the place itself is cozy, warm, welcoming
» he knows all the workers there
» he gets a booth for the two of you to sit at near a large window
» he spends a lot of the date admiring you
» the way your eyes light up as you talk about something you’re passionate about
» the way your cheeks flush when he compliments you
» the way your eyes are on him so intently when he talks
» he adores it
» speaking of…
» lots, and i mean lots of flirting and compliments from him
» he loves teasing you
» if you bite back, he’ll seem unfazed
» but he finds it awfully attractive
» his idea of a first date is really getting to know the other person
» their likes, dislikes
» the things that make them double over laughing
» the things that make them tick
» everything and anything
» of course, he pays for your food
» there’s no room for arguing with him
» Y/n: Pinga, please let me at least pay for this all
» Pinga: i’ll have no such thing. come on Y/n, dear, allow me
» he’s so nice about it, you can’t even tell him no
» once your dinner is over, he’ll hold your hand and lead you away from the diner to the park nearby
» [ a/n - i like to imagine this is the one in episode 6 where michiru and nazuna have their argument ]
» it’s late, the path is only visible from the streetlamps overhead
» he’d hold your hand tighter, not too tight, and slowly bring you into a slow dance
» the stars are barely visible in the city, but their still there
» he’s so elegant when he dances too
» light on his feet, full of passion
» he’s falling for you
“You know my dear, if you’d allow me, I’d love to do this again sometime with you.”
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