#liver disease symptoms
dratefahmed1 · 7 months
Chronic liver disease #shorts #LiverDisease #LiverHealth #Hepatitis #Cirrhosis #liverfunction
#shorts Chronic liver disease #shorts #LiverDisease #LiverHealth #Hepatitis #Cirrhosis #liverfunction #liverdisease #liverdiseaseawareness #liverdiseases #liverdiseasebedamned #liverdiseasesucks #liverdiseaseawarenes #liverdiseaseandthesugars #liverdiseaseawarenessbracelet #liverdiseaseawreness #liverdiseaseandtransplant #liverdiseaseb #liverdiseasebracelet #liverdiseaseblows #liverdiseasebabies…
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Hepatitis is a fatal liver infection brought on by many hepatotropic viral strains; specifically, Hepatitis is a fatal liver infection brought on by many hepatotropic viral strains, specifically the hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV). The persistent inflammation of liver cells causes harm to liver functioning, scarring of liver tissues, and cirrhosis. Central BioHub brings thousands of serum and plasma samples to researchers through the most reputable online marketplace for human biospecimens. Managing biospecimens at Central BioHub is tailored to biorepository best practices and complies with all ethical and CDC standards.
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ebuddynews1 · 2 years
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ebuddynews · 2 years
Liver Disease Its Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment
Liver Disease Its Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment Liver is an essential organ, but what if it is damaged? Here you will learn a few things about the symptoms, and treatment of liver disease #liver #liverdisease #liverproblem #cirrhosis #fattyliver #health #liverhealth #liverdiseasesymptoms #liverdiseasetreatment #liverdiseasesigns #liverfunctioning #fattyliverdisease
The liver is an organ that appears like a football-sized organ. It looks to be sitting just under the rib cage. Its place is on the right side of the abdominal area. The liver is an essential organ to digest food and rid your body of toxic substances. Liver disease can be inherited (genetic). Various factors can cause Liver problems. Such facets drive damaging elements such as viruses, alcohol…
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diabetesknow · 2 years
Symptoms Your Liver Is Not Performing Well - Diabetes Knowledge
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netgharblog · 2 years
यकृत या लिवर या Liver या जिगर या कलेजा क्या होता है , इसके मुख्य कार्य ,जाँच ,लिवर की बीमारी , लिवर रोग के कारण ,लक्षण ,परहेज तथा लिवर के किसी भी रोग को ठीक करने की रामबाण होम्योपैथिक दवाएं ( Homeopaithic Medicines )
यकृत या लिवर या Liver या जिगर या कलेजा क्या होता है , इसके मुख्य कार्य ,जाँच ,लिवर की बीमारी , लिवर रोग के कारण ,लक्षण ,परहेज तथा लिवर के किसी भी रोग को ठीक करने की रामबाण होम्योपैथिक दवाएं ( Homeopaithic Medicines )
यकृत या लिवर या Liver हमारे शारीर का बहुत हीं महत्वपूर्ण अंग है जो पेट के दाहिने तरफ ऊपर पसलियों के अन्दर होता है और यह हमारे शारीर की सबसे बड़ी ग्रंथि (Gland ) तथा त्वचा के बाद दूसरा सबसे बड़ा अंग है तथा  इसका रंग Dark Maroon या हल्का भूरा (Brownish) होता है | लिवर का BP साधारणतः 5 मिलीमीटर होता है | लिवर के बिना कोई भी इन्सान बिल्कुल जीवित नहीं रह सकता है | लिवर हमारे श���रीर का इकलौता ऐसा अंग है…
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oatflatwhite · 5 months
guess who's having ANOTHER surgery
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not-poignant · 2 years
Hi Pia!
How's writing Mallory and Mount and Underline the Black going?
It's not!
I mean firstly I just don't have like magical extra time to do lots of side writing. As an example this month I have written, edited and completed:
Secret Project chapter 1 Secret Project chapter 2 Falling Falling Stars 133 Falling Falling Stars 134 Falling Falling Stars 135 Falling Falling Stars 136 Falling Falling Stars 137 Falling Falling Stars 138 The Nascent Diplomat 23
To the tune of a wordcount of 43k, you know? (This also doesn't include making all the graphics for the oracle deck launching tomorrow, and making sure all the listings, advertising etc. are ready for that).
Idk where I can sort of find extra time to write or work on side projects. They really do have to completely wait until after I finish at least Falling Falling Stars.
But since I've been writing a ridiculous and borderline unhealthy amount every month for around 2 years, I'm actually taking the rest of August off from writing as a holiday once Falling Falling Stars is finished.
So I'm not actually going to be writing any of Underline the Black or Mallory & Mount, at least not in a very dedicated way, until probably September. I am...tired. And very realistically, I will be writing Underline the Black first, there's still an awful lot of worldbuilding to do for Mallory & Mount.
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thehealthofficers · 1 year
The liver is an important organ of the human body that plays out various basic capabilities like detoxification, digestion, and protein synthesis.
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hebasoffar · 2 months
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anandkhakar · 2 months
Cholestatic Liver Diseases Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - Best liver transplant surgeon in India
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Cholestasis liver disease is a condition that affects the liver. It happens when your liver's bile flow is slowed or stopped.
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pacehospitalshyd · 4 months
NAFLD and NASH - Symptoms, Causes, Differences and Treatment
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition characterized by an accumulation of fat in liver cells (hepatocytes). Excess fat in the liver can lead to significant damage over the years. There are two types of NAFLD:
Non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL)
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
NAFL (Non-alcoholic fatty liver) - It is a benign condition and in this fat is accumulated in the liver that can cause inflammation of liver but not a progressive damage or complications of the liver. This may result in abdominal discomfort or pain due to an enlarged liver (hepatomegaly).
NASH (Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) – It is a malignant condition and in this fat is accumulated in the liver can cause scarring of liver, liver fibrosis and liver damage further it can cause cirrhosis of liver (also called as end-stage liver disease), further cirrhosis of the liver may lead to liver cancer.
Many people typically develop any type of NAFLD with having no symptoms; most of the time it is diagnosed by a healthcare professional or doctors by doing investigations for abnormal laboratory results or imaging test of the abdomen for unrelated problems.
In order to help people with this condition, doctor identify people those who all are at risk and offers advice on how to manage the condition before significant liver damage occurs. NAFLD is a condition that can be treated and often managed with lifestyle changes.
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - NAFLD causes :
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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is not a condition that can be passed on (i.e., it does not spread from person to person). In fact, it occurs most often in people who have one or more of the following risk factors:
Diabetes or prediabetes
High cholesterol
Arterial hypertension
Sedentary lifestyle
Use of certain drugs
The medical researchers still do not know the exact reason why NAFLD affects some people with the conditions listed above, but not others.
It is also poorly understood why in some people fat accumulates in the liver without causing significant damage (benign steatosis), while in other people it causes significant damage (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis - NASH).
Since the prevalence of this condition is increasing in INDIA, if you have one or more of the risk factors for the disease, it may be reasonable to discuss with your Hepatologist (Liver Specialist Doctor) whether you need evaluation or not. However, there are no specific-accepted guidelines for who should be further investigated for this condition, other than those with unexplained abnormalities in liver enzymes.
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - NAFLD Symptoms:
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Many people with NAFLD do not have any symptoms, but in those who do, these are usually non-specific such as:
Mild fatigue
Discomfort or pain in upper right abdomen
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis – NASH Symptoms
Over the years, the presence of fat can trigger inflammation of the liver, which can lead to the formation of scar tissue. In an advanced state, the amount of scar tissue in the liver can reach a level called cirrhosis of the liver, which refers to the precise appearance of the scar tissue, liver fibrosis and its degree. In patients with NASH and cirrhosis of the liver can eventually lead to the appearance of signs and symptoms such as:
Increased fatigue
Buildup of fluid in the abdomen (ascites)
Confusion (encephalopathy)
A decreased or loss of appetite
Bleeding easily or bruising (Ecchymosis)
Nausea (an uneasiness of the stomach)
Edema (Swelling in your feet, ankles or feet)
Unexplained weight loss
Yellow discoloration in the skin and eyes (jaundice)
Esophageal varices - enlarged or swollen veins in the esophagus that can cause vomiting of blood, bloody or black tar-like stool
The goal of screening for NAFLD is to ensure adequate surveillance, offer treatment advice and decrease the chances of complications such as cryptogenic cirrhosis, hepatic transaminases, and cryptogenic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC - common type of primary liver cancer).
Fatty liver disease, encompassing Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and its more severe form, Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), silently affects millions in India. At PACE Hospitals, we're shining a light on this often-overlooked condition, empowering you to take control of your liver health.
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90th1k1k0m0r1 · 4 months
skin’s geting worse
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gastroenterologist · 5 months
Explore the comprehensive guide on Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), covering symptoms, causes, and effective treatments. Discover valuable insights from Dr. Vatsal Mehta at Alfa Gastro and Liver Care, Ahmedabad.
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harmeet-saggi · 6 months
Liver Disease: How To Identify Liver Problems?
Are you aware of the vital role your liver plays in keeping your body in harmony? What is liver disease, and how can you identify potential problems early on? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of liver health, exploring the stages, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of liver disease. Discover proactive measures to prevent liver issues and learn when it's crucial to consult a doctor, all within the comfort of your online space.
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drpraveenkammar · 10 months
Hepatic Carcinoma What You Need to Know
Hepatic carcinoma, also known as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is the most common type of liver cancer. It is a serious illness that can be life-threatening, but it is often treatable if it is caught early.
HCC is often caused by chronic liver diseases, such as hepatitis B or C infection, cirrhosis, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Other risk factors for HCC include alcohol abuse, smoking, and exposure to aflatoxin, a cancer-causing toxin found in moldy food.
The symptoms of HCC can be vague and may not appear until the cancer is advanced. Some common symptoms include:
Abdominal pain
Weight loss
Nausea and vomiting
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)
Enlarged liver
Ascites (fluid buildup in the abdomen)
If you notice any of the symptoms, you must visit a Liver cancer specialist in Mumbai Dr. Praveen Kammar, at the earliest. Early diagnosis and treatment of HCC can improve your chances of survival.
The approach to treating HCC varies according to the cancer's stage. For localized HCC, surgery to remove the tumor may be an option. Other treatments for localized HCC include radiofrequency ablation (RFA), microwave ablation, and cryoablation. These treatments use heat or cold to destroy the tumor.
For advanced HCC, treatment may include chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy. These treatments can help to shrink the tumor and relieve symptoms.
Here are some things you can do to reduce your risk of hepatic carcinoma:
Get vaccinated against hepatitis B and C.
Avoid alcohol abuse.
Don't smoke.
Consume a nutritious diet and sustain healthy body weight.
Get regular screening tests if you are at high risk for HCC.
By taking these steps, you can help to protect yourself from this serious disease.
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