#loki would rather not disrespect tea by 'spilling' it
worstloki · 4 years
thor: I like to think I was a cute child
loki to peter: he's got NOTHING on baby Yoda
peter taking notes: oh? go on...
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fraeulein-elster · 6 years
For the ask thing: all of em (if you want)
omg okay challenge accepted:1. What is you middle name?Ann2. How old are you?273. When is your birthday?the 6th of september4. What is your zodiac sign?Virgo5.What is your favorite color?blue and pastel pink
6.What’s your lucky number?3
7.Do you have any pets?not anymore, no :(
8.Where are you from?good ol’ Germany. Northern Germany
9.How tall are you?5′8′’
10.What shoe size are you?european 41 (US 7)
11.How many pairs of shoes do you own?honestly I have no idea. I have at least 3 or 4 different kinds of black high heels, 2 or 3 pairs of other high heels, I have my ranger boots, my pastel pink winter boots, my normal black boots, I have 2 pairs of black boots that I bought for cosplay.. don’t make me count them all :D
12.What was your last dream about?it was something absolutely random and I remember my mom being in it. but I have no idea what it was about.
13.What talents do you have?my talents include overthinking, being depressed and lonely and isolating myself and also hating myself, I’m really good at this.
14.Are you psychic in any way?not that I know of. I have a pretty good intuition most of the time though.
15.Favorite song?atm it’s “Kætteren” by Myrkur
16.Favorite movie?Spirited Away
17.Who would be your ideal partner?I don’t think about that too much. I’d be happy with someone equally weird as me, nice and considerate, respectful and open minded. I tend to fall for unusual people.
18.Do you want children?yes and no. I love children and would love to have kids of my own but I also don’t want them to experience this fucked up world. I would just feel guilty and the need to protect them from everything.
19.Do you want a church wedding?fuck no. what am I supposed to do in a church?
20.Are you religious?kinda. I am what the kids call a filthy heathen.
21.Have you ever been to the hospital?nope. only to visit others. and for my own birth of course, lol.
22.Have you ever got in trouble with the law?no. I’m a good noodle.
23.Have you ever met any celebrities?sadly not.
24.Baths or showers?well if I had a proper bath tub I would take a bath more often but I only have a shower so yeah.
25.What color socks are you wearing?beige
26.Have you ever been famous?hahaha what no. well there was a time back in 2012 when everyone and their mom lost their shit about some pictures featuring me and my dearest friend @fahrlight in our Natasha Romanoff + Loki cosplays. that was wild. but people quickly lost interest in me (and I don’t blame them, I’m not a frequent cosplayer and also a potato face)
27.Would you like to be a big celebrity?nah not really. I would like to be a good actress though.so anyone wanna hire me for their film projects? I’m not a trained actress but I’m very passionate about it xD
28.What type of music do you like?metal. heck yeah.
29.Have you ever been skinny dipping?nope.
30. how many pillows do you sleep with?only one and that one’s pretty flat because I get headaches when my head is too high up while sleeping and I have problems breathing when my face is buried in fabric and fluffiness.
31. What position do you usually sleep in?fetal probably xD or on my belly (my boobs hate me for that but I like it too much to stop)
32.How big is your house?my apartment is about 60 square meters.
33.What do you typically have for breakfast?an apple and 3-4 slices of bread mostly (when I’m at work)on the weekends I’ll have anything that’s close enough to grab without moving too much.
34.Have you ever fired a gun?not a gun but a crossbow.
35.Have you ever tried archery?not really no. but I’d love to.
36.Favorite clean word?crunchy
37.Favorite swear word?I say fuck a lot. like, a LOT!
38.What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?I like sleep too much so I think about 20 - 24 hours?
39.Do you have any scars?yup.
40.Have you ever had a secret admirer?hahahahaha no I don’t think so. I’m disgusting.
41.Are you a good liar?I think so? maybe??
42.Are you a good judge of character?most of the time, yes.
43.Can you do any other accents other than your own?nah, sometimes I like to switch between germany dialects but that’s all. anything else besides our northern german dialect sounds stupid anyway ;) kidding, you guys are okay.
44.Do you have a strong accent?hahaha apparently I do. one friend (who is from another state in germany) told me “you really sound like a northern german” and I never really realized that before :D
45.What is your favorite accent?wtf’s up with accents anyway? I don’t have a favorite besides our own of course xD but I do like listening to foreigners speaking german.
46.What is your personality type?INFP (if this is what the question is about)
47.What is your most expensive piece of clothing?I have no idea, I try not to waste too much money on one piece of clothing.
48.Can you curl your tongue?yes I can.
49.Are you an innie or an outie?both actually :D
50.Left or right handed?right.
51.Are you scared of spiders?ugh, yes I am. they’re disgusting.
52.Favorite food?pasta, fish, tomatos, kale, coleslaw (!)
53.Favorite foreign food?sushi
54.Are you a clean or messy person?kinda both
55.Most used phrased?in german I say “das ist ja nicht so knusprig” a lot, which translates to “that’s not very crunchy” and I say that to everything. I’m fucking weird.
56.Most used word?probably “fuck”
57.How long does it take for you to get ready?on work days about 45 minutes for showering, brushing teeth, preparing my breakfast for work, putting on make up and getting dressed.
58.Do you have much of an ego?I’m pretty positive I lost it somewhere.
59.Do you suck or bite lollipops?I only bite them when they’re almost gone.
60.Do you talk to yourself?all the fucking time. every day. I also talk to my dolls and call them my children.
61.Do you sing to yourself?yes
62.Are you a good singer?nah, not really. but also not super bad.
63.Biggest Fear?fire, strangers, spiders
64.Are you a gossip?not really but I sure do like listening to people spilling some tea sometimes.
65.Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?I don’t really pay attention to the genre when I’m watching a movie.
66.Do you like long or short hair?depends on the person but I do have a preference for long hair, also on myself.
67.Can you name all 50 states of America?of course not, I’m from germany. the last time I was in school learning about that was at least 10 years ago.
68.Favorite school subject?english, in which I had even better grades than in german, don’t ask me why.
69.Extrovert or Introvert?I would say occasionally outgoing introvert
70.Have you ever been scuba diving?no but I’d also love to do that!
71.What makes you nervous?social interactions of any kind.
72.Are you scared of the dark?nope. to me the dark is rather calming.
73.Do you correct people when they make mistakes?depends on the situation, the person and the mistake. but I remember getting shit for being a know-it-all so I tend to bite my tongue more often.
74.Are you ticklish?yes and if anyone tries to tickle me they will have to be prepared to get their teeth kicked in.
75.Have you ever started a rumor?oh hell no.
76.Have you ever been in a position of authority?I kind of am, I work with children.
77.Have you ever drank underage?yup, I started with 14. my mom said it was okay as long as I didn’t get caught by the police. parenting done right, yeah :D
78.Have you ever done drugs?nope and I don’t want to start.
79.Who was your first real crush?oh shit I have no idea. it might be that one girl that I got introduced to by a friend. I really can’t remember, it was so long ago. I am old!
80.How many piercings do you have?2 right now, my nose and my belly button. I used to have my bottom lip pierced but I took it out a while ago because it’s hard applying lipstick with that shit.
81.Can you roll your Rs?yes!
82.How fast can you type?pretty fast but not super duper fast.
83.How fast can you run?not as fast as I could run back in my school years.
84.What color is your hair?dyed black atm. I might go back to brown.
85.What color is your eyes?blue
86.What are you allergic to?besides dust, nothing really.
87.Do you keep a journal?nope
88.What do your parents do?my mom has never finished a training because she got pregnant with my sorry self before she could. she’s currently hired as a cleaner. my dad is a post man.
89.Do you like your age?it’s okay I guess.
90.What makes you angry?everything inconvenient, disrespectful people, sheer stupidity and 274805 other things.
91.Do you like your own name?I used to hate it but it’s kinda growing on me.
92.Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?of course omg every girl I know has thought of potential baby names. I’d like Ivar but not (only) because of (historical) Ivar but also because I like the sound of it. and for a girl I’d like Idun.
93.Do you want a boy or a girl for a child?I couldn’t care less.
94.What are your strengths?I’m loyal and also I’m not an asshole so yeah..
95.What are your weaknesses?all of them. I’m impatient and angry a lot.
96.How did you get your name?my mom really liked the actress Deborah Rennard. that’s why she named me Deborah. and since my mom also has a middle name, I had to have one too. there’s not a lot that goes with Deborah, so she finally came up with Deborah Ann. the problem is that I’m from germany and everyone’s pronouncing it incorrectly. that’s why I used to hate my name so much.
97.Were your ancestors royalty?I have no idea. probably not xD
98.Do you have any scars?am I mistaken or didn’t I already answer that question? well yes I do have scars.
99.Color of your bedspread?pink atm.
100. Color of your room?all my walls are white.
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