serenosky · 1 year
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Merry Christmas to all my readers and those to be, as well as to all folks on Tumblr who express part of their life in this social media exchange. And to all loved ones, among them my lovely dog Laila, who have already departed. May we continue to give our love to all those who are still with us while we are here... Sereno Sky, author of the “Lonely Traveller” novels
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hippieseurope · 2 years
"I think life is a lot about taking the plunge, especially when the water temperature is colder than the air ", she said. "You know at first it will feel chilly for a bit, but pretty soon you will get used to it." There was certainly something in what she said. "We often try to avoid uncomfortable situations, but sometimes life just throws us into the river, and we must swim or sink. Or we manoeuvred ourselves into uncomfortable circumstances, by unwise or hasty decisions and then need to learn to be happy on the new road life has taken us.
Sereno Sky, the “Lonely Traveller” novels
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hippieseurope · 2 years
I don't like people telling me to 'just get over it'. You cannot push pain aside or it will come up and bother you later. We're all afraid of pain, but there is nothing like the feeling of loss and sorrow to make us the loving and understanding person we can become.
Sereno Sky, the “Lonely Traveller” novels
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serenosky · 3 years
Do you think we will see each other again, somewhere among the stars or in a field of flowers, or was this all just temporary, a short time of bliss in this timeless universe?" She had this look of sadness in her eyes whenever serious thougths like that would strike her mind. "I've been thinking about that too. Energy meets other energy, you can see that in nature. It always meets. Always.
Sereno Sky, the “Lonely Traveller” novels
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serenosky · 3 years
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serenosky · 3 years
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At lake Bohinj, in Slovenia, there is thick fog in October until about 10 in the morning. Then the fog starts lifting and you can see the most wonderful things... -photo by Sereno Sky
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hippieseurope · 2 years
"Bernardo, I have come to realize that bad times are good for me too." I didn't know what to say as I just found myself in the midst of some distressful and dark times. But her explanation made sense: "It's just that when the universe finally decides to send me light and relief, then I appreciate it so much more. And a few bad attitudes got burnt out as well while the fire was going on."
Sereno Sky, the “Lonely Traveller” novels
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serenosky · 3 years
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Diese Idee, dass wir in Zukunft glücklicher sein werden, nachdem dies, das und jenes erledigt oder gelöst wurde, ist menschlicher Natur, aber sie ist falsch. Ich denke, im Leben geht es darum, heute zu tun, was uns und andere glücklich macht. Wir wissen nicht einmal, ob wir den morgigen Tag haben. Photo/Text by Sereno Sky, the “Lonely Traveller” novels (auch auf Deutsch erhältlich)
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serenosky · 2 years
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To those of you who have ordered and read my “Lonely Traveller” novels: I wanted to share a photo of me in those days when the story of Anne and Bernardo happened. Much love to all of you... Sereno Sky
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hippieseurope · 3 years
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“To have time to think about life, its meaning and purpose, and about personal plans and dreams: It's a luxury these days in a world where people are so stressed out for a living, or even worse, where they are lured into getting more than what they need by the sirens of materialism.” -Sereno Sky, the “Lonely Traveller” novel
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serenosky · 3 years
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The break-out into nature is not an escape. It's a return to our roots, to our home, and to ourselves. Der Ausbruch in die Natur ist keine Flucht. Es ist ein zurück zu seinen Wurzeln, zu seiner Heimat, zu sich selbst. -Sereno Sky, the "Lonely Traveller" novels
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hippieseurope · 3 years
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Maybe you'd like to consider getting some special gifts for your friends. My novels have 5 Star recommendations and offer hope and inspiration in these difficult times...They are available in English and German and can be ordered online. Thank you! https://www.amazon.de/s?k=lonely+traveller+sereno+sky&__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&ref=nb_sb_noss
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serenosky · 3 years
My first participation in a muscial recording with my handpan. My friend Sunny plays guitar and drum and masters the track. Hope you’ll enjoy... My novels “Lonely Traveller” in English and German are available in major online bookstores.
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hippieseurope · 2 years
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Thanks to all those who have ordered my novels and for all the encouraging and inspiring feedback and photos I’ve been getting. For those who haven’t read them yet, maybe you’d like to consider including them with your next book order....They have high recommendations and are available (also in German) on all major online bookstoresn like amazon, barnes&noble, and for those in Australia they can be ordered at Abbeys. Thank you!
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serenosky · 3 years
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When you're doing something creative you should first of all like it yourself. It will be an additional joy if others will like it too. I'm therefore very thankful for all the 5-Star reviews/recommendations from my readers.
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serenosky · 4 years
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My thoughts and prayers go out to those whose loved ones were taken too early out of this world by the coronavirus...as well as to those working now in hospitals and facilities, risking their own lives and health in order to do so... Mis pensamientos y oraciones están con aquellos cuyos seres queridos fueron sacados demasiado pronto de este mundo por el coronavirus ... así como también con aquellos que trabajan ahora en hospitales e instalaciones, arriesgando sus propias vidas y su salud para hacerlo... Meus pensamentos e orações vão para aqueles cujos entes queridos foram levados muito cedo para fora do mundo pelo coronavírus ... assim como para aqueles que trabalham agora em hospitais e instalações, arriscando suas próprias vidas e saúde para fazê-lo... Meine Gedanken und Gebete richten sich an diejenigen, deren Angehörige vom Coronavirus zu früh aus dieser Welt gerissen wurden ... sowie an diejenigen, die sich jetzt in Krankenhäusern und Einrichtungen für die am Virus Erkrankten kümmern und dabei ihr eigenes Leben und ihre Gesundheit riskieren... Mes pensées et mes prières vont à ceux dont les proches ont été enlevés trop tôt de ce monde par le coronavirus ... ainsi qu'à ceux qui travaillent maintenant dans les hôpitaux et les installations, risquant leur propre vie et leur santé pour le faire...
sunset Valle Gran Rey, La Gomera Island, stone-art/photo: Sereno Sky
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