#looking back arrivals was really huge. there's still stuff we aren't fully aware of
thefirstknife · 1 year
Ok so i have to ask, i wasnt around for a lot of Arrivals, what was the Witness and the Black Fleet doing? Why did they come to the Sol system if to not conquer it? Very confuzzled
It's somewhat unknown to us as well, and was a major confusing point in-universe for characters. In Arrivals, the Black Fleet showed up and just kinda... stood there. They occupied several of our planets/moons and hovered ominously. The Witness was also unknown to us at the time.
Their major interest was the Tree of Silver Wings on Io. We are still unsure what the Tree is and what it means, but we do know a few things:
The Tree was planted by Osiris using the Seed of Silver Wings, in the Cradle on Io. He was told to plant it by Mara via Vance.
Osiris retreived the Seed from an unknown place at the edge of the solar system prior to the Fleet's arrival. He was directed by Rasputin to go to those coordinates because Rasputin detected the Fleet there. Osiris had a superbly wild experience in some strange dimension from which he retrieved the Seed. It's very unlikely he simply entered a Pyramid ship, and is far more likely that he was... in another dimension. Realm? Plane? Somewhere non-physical. It also appears that no time passed while he was in there, due to Sagira's comments. This is possibly relevant with the new hints from the devs about the Witness that I mentioned here (possible spoilers for Lightfall from a recent trailer, letting you know if you want to go in fully blind).
The Tree started as purely white, but got gradually converted into a more pyramidal hue and orange resonance effects due to the Pyramid ship beaming it from above. A Pyramid ship settled directly above the Tree.
The Tree was studied by Eris who received direct messages from the Fleet and interpreted those messages for us.
The Tree also shaped a special branch and gave us a gift in a form of a weapon: Ruinous Effigy.
Savathun used the help of her nephew, Nokris, to try and interfere with those messages and stop us from communing with the Black Fleet. This made Savathun even more of an enemy to the Black Fleet, but it was also not helpful to us because it was preventing us from understanding what the Black Fleet wants and why they are here. We had to fight her interferences every week.
At the end, the Tree was entirely consumed by the Darkness energy of the Pyramid and Io was taken away from our solar system.
The details about the relevance of the Tree, the Seed, the place Osiris took the Seed from and the full scope of what they wanted our planets for is still largely unknown. It's possible that we might get more about this stuff soon, given it's relation to the Witness and the way our planets were stolen, Witness' powers and reasons for stealing them and so on. I am also thinking that there's a possibility we will gradually get some of the planets back in a similar way to getting Mars back. Or perhaps even more expanded!
Getting Io back would be really interesting, as that would probably be a good opportunity to tell us more about what the Black Fleet and the Witness wanted with Io and with the Tree. The Tree of Silver Wings has a lot of strange connections and a lot of unexplained lore that we genuinely know nothing about. I hope we might learn more during the Lightfall year.
The Black Fleet essentially occupied the solar system in Arrivals, but it also seems like that wasn't the full bulk of the Fleet. It was a preparation, clearly aiming to take our planets away for the Witness' research on how it can come to the system as well. It feels like perhaps the Witness wasn't yet able to get here with the rest of the Fleet and the ones sent to us in Arrivals were the initial recon force meant to do something with the Tree and snatch our planets away. Savathun's interferences were most likely about Savathun doing her best to prevent us from acquiring Darkness powers or possibly even siding with the Darkness, as at this point, she was already a defector from the Witness and was actively defying them and the Hive. Merely weeks after this, Savathun snatched Osiris and infiltrated the City in disguise.
Arrivals also ended with the Traveler fully reforming itself, very likely in preparation for everything that was yet to come.
Highly recommending checking out Destiny Lore Vault's playlist with all story quests from Arrivals! Also this playlist features just the messages interpreted by Eris, Nokris' dialogues during Interference and the final quest bit where we get transported into the Pyramid. This playlist has dialogues from the seasonal activity, Contact.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
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There's a few things that are important to note these people are so stupid they don't know they should be not doing the stuff we tried to tell them what you're doing is stupid and you just smile and laugh but we are going to continue to pull them out and eventually there won't be any of them here and we know why it's because they're not letting them back in for real. Half of them are stuck no and the place cordoned off and they're doing it it in increments and it's not fully done yet like we were saying it was but it will be after a short time and these idiots can't see it coming I'm really sick of people that are so stupid. I'm putting the warrants out now I want this little stupid f****** pricks in my face in. Now tonight's invasion is supposed to be huge they left around 4:00 p.m. with fleets no it started waves at 11:00 a.m. but it takes 8 hours to get here even for big ships and if several of those but they have to hold up for the others and the first of the waves is starting to arrive it's pretty big and The fleets pretty big but we don't think it's going to do anything it's like a lot of these goofballs. So I started to tell them don't do this and don't do that and it started doing it they're out there doing it. So we're going to tear them a new one minutes. But they think they have half of their people left it's based on what we said they keep telling them how did you figure that out they're saying they heard it on the grapevine and we say good fine and you're going for like 20 minutes and then say you wouldn't fullest would you start to say this to them if you were us would you fool you? And boy are you people stupid to start yommering and we start hitting them finally they shut them off no people dogs and his swine and we did figure out they have absolutely no capacity to understand what we do to them when they bother us and our son has been saying it I don't think they understand anything about us. So you come in and we're being merciful to our son and we found out we're being merciful to ourselves too these people don't need any talks or anything for them to sit there and be unbearable. So you start going after them earlier today to shut them down turn them off forever that's what I mean and we did so there's far too many of you saying on some s*** you have no idea what your status is and I took them down 100%. Now they've been doing this attempted attack attempt to take over for a long time they don't seem to be aware they've been doing that. He lost a lot of people they lost a lot okay and they're running around as if they lost none and it is aggravating to say the least and that you don't know how many people you have and you're just sitting there being atrocious atrocious and we are not going to tolerate it you're not that big anymore your whole realm is shrunken but not by that much you talking smack to us saying mean things running around in circles saying you won and you haven't won anything kind of sick of it. Been here doing some sort of victory dance and your entire kind and your race here more luck are being killed off and you're still kind of sending freaking assholes
I guess we should be through talking to you and your value is gone he said too that they don't recover and we looked and you're not.
It's actually time for us to start going after you with gusto here. And we will.
-the max have started to do a huge number of incursions into their own territory and it was last night and tonight they're going to do twice as many
-they built a whole bunch of walls and put them around towns in Florida about 150 and cities around 20 and there aren't many more towns or cities here and they are grabbing people to go to the wall either side of it rapidly
-it also seeking anybody that has any kind of weapon especially stashes and it's labeling them terrorists and are seeking them on special warrant and they're doing that tonight you were assisting
-I finally a lot of people are bothering their son in the way that is not nice too many people and we began to weed them out and pull them in and question them and Jonathan is one of them and he looks like a real idiot he doesn't know what he's doing and doesn't know how to live and all that stuff in between cuts even in his car will be a little face to eat so I'm starting to fire him it's like after all that work I did and we're thinking what a nutcase isn't understand anything so he puts it mildly and we said you're all done. And we're going after people like him who thinks it there always doing is just sitting there and he's not being extorted and we're not giving anything to anyone and nobody else is now we're going after people who say they're getting stuff and they're making it up but we're taking the stuff they say they're getting
-this is a huge supply of people who are complete assholes to our son here and you look at almost any TV show and it's them you want to look good I know it's a show to come out good and we're finding them huge fines for their dumb TV show and we're taking tons and tons of money and we consider it to be ours because of what they're doing. This girl Lily is drinking the blood of our son's clan from the hospitals and doing commercials and things trying to say the leaders are around and inspiring foreigners to go after them because she's evil and she's stupid they're going after her race and she says how can they just scanning people for what they look like almost in every city every city block and she said oh that's not good start to test it and it's all over the place she had a good cry said what you're saying is illegal and we say we'll make a note that you're saying that stupid s***. Started getting angry I said why didn't you tell me you're going to find you for asking cuz I said a million times and every time you say something stupid afterwards we will fine you she started the only list then we're going to get you and we're going to ding you every time you say that murder you if you mean it and and start now see if you're a trainable animal. Deciding your face saying we can't be trained since we can we can't so obviously you're saying that you won't be trained so you're going to find you I'm starting dinner and find her and said this is what happens everyday and we're taking tons of stuff start weeping so we can't be strong and staring with you this is your small I know you can't but you keep doing it to me so I have to kill all of you off just to have a normal life because you're forcing it and she says we're moving off here and said no you're not you're an idiot and you're killing yourself I've said it write it down because that's what's happening from here on in it's your responsibility to try and survive we're not helping you people anymore oh yeah you retards I cut loose and if we can say we're in you and we gain you then we're digging you you say stop with your pure s*** or we take your stuff we're taking your stuff until you shut your f****** mouth you don't believe it who gives a s*** that's what f****** happening to you little retard so she keeps going on and on and waiting in the living crap out of her and taking her stuff too said she's going to be dead cuz you can't figure anything out
-the stupid as hell they don't know what's happening to them they have no idea that they're all going to die and these people and surgery kind of suck at it and they're not doing their job they saved her but they're not that good at it they have this huge hole in her and they're not working on closing it but anyways close somewhere else truthfully it's really a stupid what they do. It's not a special baby they say it though.
-there's a few things happening and they're taking down huge numbers of these idiots are dumb faces dumb lines included right now there's about 1,500 troops going into punta Gorda and 2500 into Port Charlotte you just select a neighborhoods and they're from out beyond the perimeter and they are pulling out people who are bothering our son all day today and they bothered him yesterday and ones that are still around they got about 1/3 of them yesterday and so far tonight they're getting probably 20% already they intend on collecting them all.
-after Time there won't be many left right now we're putting warrants out and a lot of people especially clones they don't shut their mouths if you pay them and we're going down town on them.
-you put special warrants out on tons of people yesterday and we brought only half of them in and we had to release lots of them but we question them it seems to think that they're winning something they're doing what they're doing and we seem to understand that they don't get what's happening we tried to show them a few things and they kept saying no no no that's not us ing the question. Sweet presented in a different way I have a question them in a way and a lot of them responded we know what's happening and can't do anything about it so we began to figure out exactly what they're doing why and what it looks like is they're trying to figure out ways to stop the max and they can't seem to figure it out and they're trying but they're really not doing well
-and we are also going after the max in a way for trying to grab our son the ones that are and they're not doing well and there's a bunch of important doing well and they know who they are and they tried last night
-is that experience with them trying to grab other people and we know what to do they think it's awesome so forth and I think they have an area and they don't do well and the foreigners go after them as well.
we have a huge number of people watching the show and they're watching this little TV baby I understand it's our songs and he says it's not and they're terrible. We don't want them doing that kind of stupid thing
-tonight of course is different the max plan on taking more action and cleaning out idiots who think that they're in the clear because they made it to the Holocaust house. And they don't want to hear it these people are nuts and they're mean and it's working I have too many idiots here and they're pulling them in
- as well as the insertions, Max her taking area over after area within punta Gorda and Port Charlotte. We're doing it too and we are pulling up on them too in traffic and doing things back that they are doing to our son and we were taking them apart. Is a lot of people around here using our son's name in vain and saying you're saying things and doing things and they're really trying to do terrorist attacks so we're going to pick them up but really the neighborhoods are being taken over and we're doing it too as well as the foreigners and it's going on now
we have an entire program that involves this and it's working and people don't see it but it is the only time to hear you people how much of crabby weirdos think you win something when they're playing rolls it's very bizarre
-we have to have some sounds in the set and we're creating a set of rules and laws for us to follow regarding this idiot crap that you're dealing out and if you start doing it we start hitting you you're not really us and you're just confusing yourself the boys you didn't know anything don't you don't understand it but you will
-there's several things that we are putting into motion and regarding Trump and Dan the real the real things and they really make a difference we're starting on them now and we are creating a huge huge Force to go after people for crimes that are trumpsters it is a giant Force now and it will be much larger in moments we already started building it up but they're going to see Trump fall and they're going to want to go in
There's some more things that are happening here I'm going to list them off real quick
-the State Assembly will be fired coming tomorrow including the legislature branch and the Senate and associated offices and the office of the offices of the governor are being dismantled he is no longer in office already but it's not formalized and people are beginning to attack them. Yeah being attacked because people want their positions because the rest of them are under attack and in Florida and those positions will be becoming open tomorrow and they will be replaced with foreigners Max and us and if you come at us we take you in and then throw you into a furnace we don't want to hear from you losers
-you're enacting our final plan for this area and we do have a method and we don't tell people and you ask a lot and we go after anybody that asks and we attack you
-they're a huge changes coming here most of it and entails you more luck leaving and that's what's going on right now most of the time you're doing it almost voluntarily because you're so weak and you just start spewing it people who are 10 times as powerful as you and you get thrown into jail having all day today tons of you were collected.
-more walls are being erected in Florida all around all sorts of towns and cities and they have them about 30% up and it's not like we said but they're going up now and there is a wall going up to the middle now but they did clear it and they did go after bugs and he's going to make it a lot easier and standing threat that's gone and they are going and plugging tunnels it's going to increase again tomorrow most people here are in the state of absolute they don't care and they're more locked because they don't see it they see troublemakers getting arrested and they do get arrested a lot more because they start ranting and raving right away and people related to them do it's going to make it easier in the long run
We're beginning our approach on the trumps and associated people and to put them away they are heinous and their jerks they extended tons of their people and they're expanding a lot more than tonight most of them are the ones attacking the United States and they really are not good at it and they're going to go down momentarily
More later but that's a recap of what's happening here and it's going on today and tonight and there's more action out in Central Florida and just be on the border here of Charlotte county there's huge numbers of tanks and these people are aware of it no they know they just assholes and they won't shut their mouths it's about 10 million tanks and 5 million of them are about 10 miles outside Charlotte county and 5 more million or 10 miles beyond that so you see what they're doing and we're doing and foreigners and it's going to be obvious you're the ones we don't like. We did ship a bunch of those motorcycles they receive them and they're testing them and they tested them all day and they have the dual battery trickle charge they go about 2,000 miles but when fully loaded they go 1,000 they're going all day long and some people put about 400 miles on and they called in and said I kind of have one of these myself and it started to buy them online and they can it's hard to get they figured that out and they have them included in the shipping to the military and they got it approved now we're making these things and we don't want idiots to have them and that's why but they're close to line and they're working it all the time and they love them and they should love them they're awesome bikes they approved 500 miles so we might get 400 but we're going to keep on doing this and after a while you might get 500 miles it's just a better bike that's why. We have a lot of stuff going on a lot of stuff is coming in and more and more every day there are a bunch of new cars around today and Garth look like a fool and he will continue to look like a fool what he's doing and saying is idiocy and the guy should learn to stupid and yeah that was s*** all over his car from this idiots and it was parsley s*** really it's really muck from the canal but it smell bad they thought it was crap some of it was but most of it's just mud and it stinks from a pond and they don't know that she did get away with it stuff they knew about it but really he's kind of a crap for our son I said realize this is stupid and if you get anywhere with anybody here in this realm you're doing better than most but Garth takes it the wrong way and seriously we need to stop him from doing things and we're going to stop him and if he keeps doing it he's just not going to make it
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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