#looking for a wife and immediately went for the unpopular girl standing off to the side fidgeting with no one else paying attention to her
dollypopup · 1 month
sorry, just had to get this off my chest but like
colin, a young and attractive guy, supposedly having a threesome and watching a sex show performed by professionals whom he pays for their service when he is single and exploring what he does and doesn't like is bad for penelope, somehow
but debling a 30+ year old man feeling all up on her waist in public when she is a teenager and he has power and privilege over her and has known her for a grand total of like a week and a half is good, somehow
like this fandom has legit called Colin, a 22 year old man with like. . .2 UNCONFIRMED sexual interactions in the past a groomer for getting with Penelope and maybe introducing her to his interests (after spending YEARS listening to her and cherishing her and thinking she's fantastic) but will root on the actual 30+ year old man with an enormous power imbalance over her via his money and title to have his way with her in a backroom somewhere after knowing her for like a month
make it make sense please
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EUROVISION 2021, personal favorites:
- Russia 🇷🇺
Manizha, Russian Woman: Absolute favorite. The sheer originality of the song! Her energy and the level of absolute badassery! She can sing, she can rap,and she's a bomb of energy. The way reggae and brass and hiphop and Slavic melodies overlap and it somehow works, the transitions between fun and "I'm bitter about the sexism and I'm mocking it unapologetically and making a stand" and the anthemic, emphatic and powerful message to Russian women; I was swelling with emotion while watching her. While to an American or a Westerner it may seem like performative feminism, I'm gonna remind you that in Russia and other Slavic countries that's very much not a thing and actually a very unpopular stand to make, and in Russia, The Balkans, and Eastern Europe in general, hundreds of women face domestic and sexual abuse on the daily, and those who do come forward rarely get support and are mostly dismissed. Let's not forget that Manizha got a huge backlash from the Russian government officials, and a big part of it was for her Tajik roots. The honesty of her message is real, and she's speaking from personal experience and the experience of women around her - nothing performative about her song, and you can tell from her delivery that the fire within her is true and she leaves her heart on the stage and pours it into the song. The staging and costumes are great as well, and symbolically well thougt-through. I would really like her to win, or at least get to the top 5. Most of all, I hope her message is heard and felt. 10000/10
- Italy 🇮🇹
Måneskin, Zitti e Buoni: definitely the closest thing to my actual music taste this year, so liking them off the bat wasn't a surprise. However, they're not just your regular Franz-Ferdinand-ish young alt rock band that wants to do rock "properly" - they have IT. The X factor, the Je ne sais quoi. I've been exposed to that particular genre, and I can confidently say that the song still manages to be refreshing and original (that bridge, those riffs!) The band has a great energy and no matter how much Damiano steals the show, they are still a unit and nobody is left in the shadows. They have the spirit of great rock bands of the previous century, and yet they don't try to copy anyone (khm,Greta Van Fleet, khm). Damiano's vocals are both powerful, seductive and provoking, and I'm still admiring the sheer amount of emotion he can pack into a single line and the nuance and yet rawness behind it. I'm not gonna state the obvious lol (the obvious being yes, I'm thirsty as well, he becomes yet another unattainable rockstar for me too,and yes they all look great) Anyway, great song, and maybe the clearest and most serious candidate for the number one spot, taking both the jury and the public into consideration. 10/10
- Iceland 🇮🇸
Daði Freyr and Gagnamagnið, 10 years:
What can I say about this masterpiece that hasn't already been said? A clear fan-favorite (hi, Valentina), but with the guns to back it up. The song is contagious, fun and campy, and unlike some other songs with said qualities, actually good from a musical perspective. Daði is incredibly charismatic and his sense of humor shines through, and even though he's the star of the show, the same can be said about the other band members. The synergy Måneskin has can be applied to Gagnamagnið as well, even though the energy is entirely different. They're serving us fun, sunshine, kitties rainbows sugar spice and everything nice, and manage to do it with zero cringe factor (plus those funky keytars). I'm one of those Eurovision fans that lament the golden age's (2004-2009) campiness (We'll never forget you, Verka), and Daði managed to bring it back, but modernised, polished and still sincere. I personally preferred the epic dad joke that slightly more commercial Think About Thing was (but that's one tough act to follow), but I'm always down for a husband adoring his wife and singing praises to their relationship. Since we're on tumblr, I feel obliged to use the term "cinnamon rolls" in describing Daði and the band. 9.5/10
- France 🇫🇷
Barbara Pravi, Voilà: She brought the theatrics, she brought the drama, and she brought the 101 in "that's how you perform". Her personality leaps through, and her voice is both beautiful and full of emotion and power. I'd hire her to star in a serious and artistic movie. Despite the fact that Voilà is from its melody to the singing style to the video to the vibe and the aesthetic hands down the most French thing I've seen since Amélie (do not come for that movie), it miraculously doesn't come across as a cliché, but rather an homage, and an individualistic one at that. It's not entirely my cup of tea, since I'm usually biased to songs that may come off as snobbish (I mean, the jury is going to lap it up), and are all about being proper and technical and oh how ~artistic~, but Barbara puts the soul into the immaculate. I'm not giving her the highest mark because I'm yet to see the performance, but I'm rooting for her. If she delivers the performance, we might have a clear winner. 9/10
- Ukraine 🇺🇦
Go_A, Shum: I'm a sucker for all things ethnic and mytological, so this was a no-brainer. I want that song played at every party. I want to go to the forest in the video and chant and summon the spring with flute and hard-bass. Kateryna Pavlenko has some unexplainable power over me, and her eyes are simply hypnotizing. The vocals are great, proper Slavic ethno right there (seriously, check out Slavic folklore and traditional music), and she has a subtle punk quality too(?). Ukraine came to save the spring and make us forget about the pandemic, and minus the Maruv fiasco (justice for her!), they always deliver and I expected nothing less. On the other hand, I loved the original version much more and couldn't help but be a bit disappointed with the revamp (yes, I know they had to), and while I personally love Shum, I think some other acts are more deserving of the higher placement. Go_A are not my winner, but definitely soon to be in my playlist. 8/10
- San Marino 🇸🇲
Adrenalina, Senhit ft. Flo Rida: You know that golden age of Eurovision I mentioned? THIS. I'm Serbian, so I can't resist a banger reminiscent of our horrible turbo-folk elements (and I say that endearingly,takes me back to 18th birthday parties (boy I'm glad that's over)). Let's just crown Senhit this year's Queen of Camp. The wild factor of Flo Rida...just?? Amazing. Can't wait to see how the performance goes (EDIT- it went great, I had a grin on my face the entire time and couldn't help but dance along). A certain refreshment after Serhat and Valentina Monetta endless loop. They didn't dial down the weird, but made it catchy af, and the vocal can rival any Balkan folk diva. While I think it's definitely the most entertaining entry this year, it's far from being the most original, and it's not really my genre of preference. Will vote for Senhit and root for her to qualify. 7.5/ 10
- Sweden 🇸🇪
Tusse, A million voices: As I mentioned before, I'm the first person that starts complaining about Sweden Superiority as soon as Eurovision season begins, and I'm with you all with being tired of Sweden qualifying just because they're Sweden and usually just bringing the same brand of MTV/Calvin Harris/American pop, or a successful and not-so-subtle imitation of the performances that did well the previous year,but listen: A million voices is a solid pop song and I'm going to die on that hill. It actually embodies the essence of pop - a catchy, pleasant melody sung by a good vocalist, with a short,sweet and uplifting message. It's not the same as previous years, it's not commercial, just good pop - good pop being something you immediately like and vibe to no matter how many common elements of the genre it checks. It relies on RnB rather than electronic sounds, auto tune or various DJ effects. Tusse is charming and charismatic af, and he's a 19yo kid doing an amazing job on a global stage. You don't have to like it, but there's no need to hate on it (ask Jendrik). Imo, Tusse deserved to qualify. Not winner material yet, but I wish him a fun time and a successful career. 7 5/10
- Switzerland 🇨🇭
G'jons Tears, Tout L'Univers: I saw the video first, and I HATED IT. It came across as a Duncan Lawrence-high-art wannabe, something technically perfect, but empty of soul or meaning, another soft boy with a sad falsetto, another jury-points bait. BUT. I changed my mind entirely after seeing him perform. Hands down, it was touching and epic. Reminding me of Hamlet aside, he DELIVERED, and made me love him, and actually enjoy the song. I still think the song is less original than Tusse's voices, but I enjoy the troubadour vibes of the pre-chours. G'jon is absolutely adorable, and I'm not gonna be mad if he wins. 8/10
shout-outs&honorable mentions:
- Serbia 🇷🇸 Yes, some national bias, but I'm proud of our girls. Ever Since we placed 2nd with Željko's Lane, we had that goddamn flute e v e r y year, and the same outdated scenography with a side of extra pathos (I'm sure that ruined Sanja's chances and her otherwise great performance back in 2016.) Finally something fun and actually representative of the music popular here. They looked flawless and the energy was off the charts. Go, Hurricane!
-Finland 🇫🇮 Yes, cheesy and corny and I cut my finger accidentally from watching the video on all the edge, but I'm biased because they're bringing emo and nu-metal back, and that's the music of my early adolescence (hello, Kaulitz brothers and Andy Biersack,hello Gerard Way and Linkin Park) Call me grandma lol
- Malta 🇲🇹 DESTINY CAN SIIIIIIIIING! I wasn't impressed with the song initially, but the performance blew my mind.
- Ireland 🇮🇪 A for effort, and so nice of her to try and give us something unique! While it wasn't good enough to qualify, it was super fun and she seems so nice. Also, we all know that she was out of breath an can sing much better than that. Still wasn't bad.
- Romania 🇷🇴, for being so young and brave enough to put on a show. The nerves got the better of her, but the song itself is good and no doubt she'll do well in the future
- Lithuania 🇱🇹, thanks for the memeries
- Croatia 🇭🇷, Not my cup of tea, but Albina gave a great performance
-Norway 🇳🇴, for embodying the spirit of Eurovision
- North Macedonia 🇲🇰, for the disco chest
- The UK 🇬🇧, for putting some effort
(Might edit later)
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viceprints · 4 years
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TITLE: Let’s Talk About Love SUMMARY: Ji and Kane answer questions about idols dating life on their podcast “Vice After Dark”. They almost let some information slip about one of the members having a relationship with their photographer... GENRE: comedy(?), friendship. PAIRING: Platonic! Kane + Ji WORD COUNT: 1.7k WARNINGS: none
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"Honey, I’m home!” Ji cheered into the air, reclining his chair back so his body angled towards the ceiling. He snapped himself forward, adjusting his headphones. “It’s been too long since our last Vice After Dark episode.”
“I’ve missed our Virtues and listeners. I felt so disconnected from them during After Dark’s hiatus.” Kane added, adjusting his microphone stand.
“But we’ve been connecting with them a lot lately, huh?” Ji grinned. “Because of our promotions, we see Virtues nearly everyday. When do you think they’ll get sick of us?”  Kane pretended to think the question over. “Hm... I give it two more days. Once they’ve seen Minho’s abs once, they’ve seen them a thousand times.”  “Yeah... I feel that...” Ji sighed, looking down at his less-chiseled abdomen. Kane laughed, clapping his hands together. 
“Anyways, I’m Ji,” Ji introduced himself to the camera. “And I’m Kane.” Kane waved. “And this is episode 31 of Vice After Dark!” Ji cheered, pressing a firecracker sound affect on his soundboard, following by clapping, a car revving, and a clip of Minho yelling ‘booyah’. 
“I forgot you had that soundboard.” Kane frowned, shaking his head slightly in disapproval.  “Oh you did? Does this setting jog your memory?” Ji smirked before pressing a button, prompting a clip of Kane saying “oh my god” with a major voice crack at the word “god”. Kane shook his head with a small smile on his face all while, giving Ji an seething look.  “No? Let me try again.” Ji pressed the button one more time. Then he pressed it again. And again. And again until Kane finally kicked his group mate under the table. 
“Ouch!” Ji scooted his chair back. While Ji was distracted, Kane took over the direction of the episode. 
“Anyways, Virtues better want to hang out for a little more, because tonight's topics are...” Kane inhaled through his teeth. “Well they’re pretty saucy.”  “Oooh, tell ‘em how saucy, Kangdae.” Ji played along. “Let’s just say... We are very lucky that this is a night-time airing, otherwise this whole episode would be censored.” Kane grinned mischievously.  “Woah, woah,” Ji put his hands up as he laughed. “It’s not that vulgar, don’t be a tease.”
“Alright, alright, it’s not that saucy, but maybe one day, who knows.” Kane shrugged. Ji shook his head and rolled his eyes.   “The day we have a saucy podcast episode, you’re getting replaced with Geonwu.” Ji said. Kane’s jaw dropped in offense. “What? Why?” The younger demanded. “Because what stories are you gonna tell? You’re gonna tell the audience about all the times you’ve made accidental eye contact with people at the airport?” Ji taunted. Kane glanced at the clock. “We’ve been recording for ten minutes and you already are causing problems...”
Ji laughed, amused at how annoyed Kane looked. “You know, I could say some really exposing things about you and your personal life.” Kane threatened, pointing a finger at Ji accusingly. “I have seen some things, Joongji.” “Nah, man, save those stories for another time. I’m not ready to be kicked out of Vice just yet.” Ji shook his head. Kane’s smile widened as he shook his head, returning to his notes. 
“Anyways, I have done some research and I managed to find a collection of questions that fans have about idols dating. I thought it would be interesting if the two of us answered them. At least, to the best of our abilities.” Kane suggested. “In other words, I’ll be the one answering the questions and you’ll pretend like you have experiences to reflect on.” Ji said. Kane pushed back his seat and stood up quickly, pretending like he was going to attack Ji. Unfortunately, Kane’s headphones were still plugged in, and his cord yanked him back towards the microphone, causing Kane’s whole set up to skew. Ji started laughing hysterically as Kane struggled to adjust his equipment. When the idol was finally settled, he sighed heavily into the microphone.  “Let’s just start the segment already.” 
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“Question 1: Is it hard to plan dates when you’re an idol?” Kane posed. 
“Yes and no.” Ji answered. Kane nodded in agreement.  “Like... If the two of us want to go out to eat somewhere, you have to be really careful. I’ve actually heard of some idols like... Renting out a part of the restaurant so they could have some privacy.”  “By ‘some idols’, do you mean yourself?” Kane teased. Ji chuckled. “Nah, I’d never dropped that much money on a date unless if she was like... my wife or something.”   “’Your wife or something’. Lovely wording.” Kane teased. “Who knew you were such a romantic?” “Shut up, you know what I meant. Like a long-term girlfriend. Someone special.” Ji defended himself. “Can I ask how much you have spent on a date?” Kane asked. “Uh...” Ji pivoted his chair back and forth, thinking deeply. “Probably almost 900,000 won?”  “Jesus.” Kane blinked in shock. “I think I’ve spent probably like... almost 300,000 won on a date.” “Wasn’t that what our bill came out to for dinner the other night?” Ji teased. Kane threw his head back and chuckled. “How many times do I have to tell you, Kangdae? Taking the group out for a meal doesn’t count as a date!” Ji slammed his fist onto the table, followed by him pressing a button that signaled a sound affect of someone yelling “Loser!”, which sent Kane into a fit of laughter. 
“We didn’t even fully answer the question,” Kane reeled the conversation back in. “My answer is it’s only hard if you want to go somewhere popular.” Ji finalized. “You have to do a little extra planning if you go that route. Otherwise, at-home dates or dates to unpopular places are pretty easy and can be really fun.”  “I think going to places like the beach or hiking is really simple and easy to plan.” Kane offered.   “Ooh, how sentimental.” Ji said in a high-pitched, teasing voice. 
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“Question 2: Do idols actually use Inkigayo sandwiches to flirt?” Ji read the question. 
“Yes.” Kane nodded. “They do.” “Gotten any sandwiches this promotional period, Kangdae?” Ji teased. Kane shook his head. “Unfortunately not.” Kane sighed in disappointment.  “There’s always next comeback. You know,” Ji smirked. “When your trims not so clapped.”  “I hate you.” Kane laughed, smoothing down his bangs. “I really do.” 
“Maybe you should be the sandwich giver.” Ji suggested. “You can be like-” He pressed a button and the sound board, which played a slow, sensual instrumental track.  “Hey girl...” Ji dropped his voice into a greasy drawl, getting close to the microphone. Kane pressed a hand over his eyes in embarrassment, letting out a whiny laugh. “It’s me...” Ji continued. “Bowlcut Boy. Just give me a chance girl, I know level 1 English, and you are, how you say.. Beautiful.”  “Okay, enough, enough! We’re moving on!” Kane said, miming closing a directors slate. 
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“Question 3: Have you ever made a move on an idol that you’ve labeled as your ideal type?” Kane read.
“See,” Ji shifted in his seat. “Idols have celebrity crushes in the way that everyone else has celebrity crushes. I think Tiffany Young is beautiful and talented, but I probably would never ask her out.”  “You’d be lucky if Tiffany even looked at you, let alone talk to you.” Kane teased, looking satisfied that he was able to drag his friend after all the heat he’s endured this episode. Ji’s tongue poked his cheek as he nodded and leaned back from the microphone, feigning offense.
“But, no, I think it’s important to highlight to fans that when an idol has an ‘ideal type’, it doesn’t mean that the person or the attributes that they list aren’t like... The be-all-end-all.” Kane stated seriously. Ji nodded in agreement, dropping his act. 
“Right. Ideal types are garbage and don’t mean jack-” Ji used a censor sound effect to punctuate his statement, looking quite pleased with himself.
“Yes, thank you for that, Joongji.” Kane shook his head, reaching for another question. 
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“Question 4: How hard is it to meet people as an idol?” Kane asked.
Ji shrugged. “I mean like... Idols meet people everywhere. ISAC is usually the time people start exchanging contact information. Or at like music shows and award ceremonies. Anywhere. Even in our own company. Like makeup artists, stylists, stage crew...” Ji gave Kane a quick, knowing glance. “Photographers-”  “Oop.” Kane’s eyes went wide.  The two of them stared at each other, their lips pressed together in thin lines to prevent themselves from laughing out loud. “Uh, anyway...” Ji tried to carry on, but Kane was laughing too hard. Across from him, the maknae removed his headphones and turned down his microphone volume so he could laugh without ruining the audio.
When Kane came back, he immediately started doing some damage control.  “Sorry, sorry, it’s an inside joke. We’re not attracted to any of our staff members,”  Now it was Ji’s turn to laugh loudly. He started flailing his feet at the huge hint that Kane just gave, knowing damn well that it would soar over their listeners heads. Woodam was going to kill the both of them if he ever played this episode back. 
“Not that we don’t think our staff members aren’t desirable!” Kane joked. “HBH has the best looking staff ever.”  “Alright, this is just getting weird.” Ji shook his hand under his chin, indicating that it was time to wrap things up. “I say we sign off for now.” 
“Vice After Dark will go back to normal airing schedule this week, so be sure to tune in next week when we invite our friend Sunmi on to talk about her upcoming album.” Kane said the usual outro, smiling at the camera.
“Until next week,” Ji raised his hand in farewell. “I’m Ji,” “And I’m Kane,”  “And this has been another episode of Vice After Dark.” Ji concluded the episode. Ji pressed play on his soundboard and their title track played through the speakers as the episode closed out. 
Once they finished recording, Kane gave Ji an anxious look.  “Do you think I should tell Woodam that I almost exposed his relationship or...?” Kane asked. Ji shook his head. “Nah dude. We covered ourselves up decently. No one’s gonna suspect a thing.” 
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hornsbeforehalos · 7 years
Hunter & Arrow: Part Five
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x OFC Warnings:  Language, the fact that I wrote it, violence, death. A/N: I do not own TWD or any of it’s characters besides the OFC’s I’ve created. Do not repost my work anywhere without my permission. Still don’t really know where I’m going with this, this was supposed to be smut and it turned into some thick ass whatever.
TAGS: @make-things-beautiful2@reigningqueenofwords@srj1990@jesbakescookies@aquivercactus@daddy-kink-confirmed@kellyn1604@reedusteinrambles@dragongirl420@addiction-survivor25@through-thesilver-lining @redm81 @srj1990​
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"Carol, can ya keep an eye on Arrow for a lil' bit fer me?" Daryl growled, hand on his friend's shoulder who was holding his baby girl.
"Yeah, pookie, no problem," she replied sweetly, looking up at him with a small encouraging smile. "Woman, come on." He grunted at Hunter, his large hand wrapping around her bicep. "I'm eating, Daryl. We'll talk later." Hunter replied, ignoring his grip and continuing to pick at her food. "I said 'come on,' didn' I?" He squeezed her arm and yanked her up out of her seat, the chair falling back ​as he made her rise. 
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The blaze in his eyes made her witty retort get stuck in her throat, becoming a dry lump she tried to swallow but failed, "Alright, Dare, I'm comin'."
He all but dragged her back to their home, throwing the door open and pushing her in before slamming it shut and forcing her against the wall, his forearm pushing against her throat dangerously.
"What he mean?" He gritted out through his clenched jaw, teeth bared in his fury.
"No-No-Nothing, Dare. Nothing like that." She stuttered, attempting to gasp for air that he was denying her. "Nuthin' like whut?" He urged, other hand coming to grip her waist and dig his nails into her sharply through the thin, blood-stained, cotton. "Daryl, please." She gasped, tears forming in her eyes at the anger she could feel him soaking her with, "Yer hurtin' me." He stared at her for a moment, eyes searching her face for answers he didn't know he really wanted to know or not. He pulled away from her in a huff, stepping away with one hand on his hip as he raked his fingers through his hair. "You fuck'd him, didn' ya?" He accused, pointing at her as her weakened knees sent her slipping down the wall to the floor. "What?" She whispered, eyes narrowing in disbelief at his accusation. "You fuck'd him, I know ya did. You's one of his wives, huh?" Daryl roared, hands shaking as he paced back and forth in front of her, "Sorry, stupid lil' whore bitch, jus' like before, huh?" More tears sprang forth from her tear ducts, but this time they were tears of her own anger. She made her self stand on shaking legs and glared at her husband, teeth gritting as she hissed, "Daryl fucking Dixon. What did you just say to me?" "Ya fuckin' heard me, girl! I ain't stutterin'!" He yelled back, stepping towards her and dominantly pushing his chest out against her's.  His hand went to her neck again at the same time her hand raised, her palm cracking him across the cheek and hitting his nose so hard it started to trickle blood.
"Get yer fuckin' hands off me now, Dixon. You 'member the last man who put his fuckin' hands on me? And I ain't even talkin' bout that fucker outside." She growled, watching as the memory of her stabbing Merle in the thigh for grabbing her ass tugged a smirk across his mouth as he licked his lips free of the blood. He relaxed his hand against her throat slightly as he returned her to her place against the wall, the way he crowded her space and hovered over her making her heart slam in her chest. 
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"He touch ya?" He questioned, free hand once again roaming against her hip and thigh. "No, Daryl. Just you." She choked out, breath hitching as she felt his hand travel under her dress and up towards her panties. "Who you belong to?" He rasped against her ear, his scruffy jaw tickling her sensitive skin. "You, husban'. Just you." She promised, relishing in the feel of his body pressed against her as his fingertips lingered over her neck and throbbing heat between her legs. "You know what I'd do if you fuck'd around on me, right?" He inquired darkly. Hunter nodded her head and swallowed, her eyes meeting his as she let a small, reassuring smile graze her face, "Same thang I'd do to you." He smirked a snort at her and nodded his head, grip around her airway increasing tenderly in agreement, "Damn right." ​She rolled her eyes at him, "Get off me, Dixon." He shook his head and walked her towards the stairway, dominate smirk still playing at his face until she pushed both her hands against his chest and made him step back, shaking her head and gaining her wits again, "No, Daryl. You don' get to say what you jus’ said to me anymore." "Look, wom'n, what was I s'posed to think? What he said? Ya'll go 'way back?' The fuck that even s'posed to mean?" He growled, brows furrowing as his irritation came forth again. She stepped out of his grasp and turned around, raking her fingers to the back of her head through her hair and scratching as she looked at him, "I was at the sanctuary when I had Arrow. ​Negan's men had found the group I was with in North Carolina, killed the men and took the women. I was 7 months pregnant," she explained nervously, watching with shaky breath as he stared back at her through the fringe of his hair, "Negan....liked me, or whatever, I guess. There was this guy, I forget his name...anyway, he tried hitting on me one night in the mess hall, grabbed my ass and told me he'd put another kid in me or something, I can't remember exactly," She stammered, beginning to pace back and forth through the living room as Daryl's eyes continued to scrutinize her, "Ne-Negan saw it, was gonna go after the guy but I didn't give him a chance. I stabbed him in the temple with my fork before Negan got anywhere close." She let out an exhale of air she'd been holding in, eyes flicking back to where her husband stood leaned up against he stair railing, arms crossed over his chest and still staring at her, "He was impressed, I guess. Asked me to marry him, 'course I said no, told him I's already married." She gave Daryl a small smile as she stopped pacing, "He...took care of me. I didn't have to work for points, got the medical treatment we needed. When my water broke, I was in labor for 16 hours, Dare, no pain medicine good enough to stop the hell that was my contractions. Do you know what that pain is like?" Her brows furrowed with her question, mentally answering herself as she shook her head and began pacing again, "He was there. The entire time, 16 hours, holding my hand." "So, lemme try an' process this, wife," Daryl interrupted, rage and jealousy and shame unraveling inside him at the thought of his pretty little wife in the pain of child birth and instead of him being there to hold her hand and coach her through it, it was basically his arch nemesis. The vision of Negan cutting his daughter's umbilical cord made bile rise in this throat, "He 'took care of you' or whatever, for nothin'. Took care of your daughter-my daughter- in exchange for a smile and a handshake? I don' think so, punkin.' I know him better'n that. Tell the damn truth." She immediately stopped pacing and turned to narrow her eyes at her husband, a growl growing in her throat that made even Daryl flinch slightly, "You should know me better'n that, husband," She gritted, her fists balling at her sides as she huffed, "Contrary to your unpopular opinion, I ain't half the whore you've been during our fuckin' marriage, now am I? And on top of that, you know I don't lie, if I fuck'd him, I'd tell ya, but I didn', and if you don't wanna believe me well then that's yer fuckin' problem, not mine." He shook his head, but looked down at the grown almost shamefully, "Jus' don't add up, Hun'er." She huffed at him again, "Look, Daryl, I don' know why he was the way he was with us at first, but he never pushed me after the first time he asked me to marry him. He jus' treated me like he did. He treated Arrow like a princess and that's what I wanted for her. Tha's what my baby deserves." Daryl looked up when her heard her voice break in time to see the tears well up in her eyes and spill over. She held a hand to her mouth to suppress the sobs, and Daryl almost couldn't stand the urge to wrap his arms around her. Something in her words make him stop though, and narrow his eyes at her again as he asked, "At first?" "Yes, at first." She repeated, dropping her hand and wrapping her arms around her a little bit more as she looked to the ground for a moment before bringing them back up to contact with the archer's. "You wanna clarify?" He suggested, eyebrows raising sarcastically and lifting a hand in the air in a rolling gesture. 
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Hunter's eyes shifted back down as she raised her hand to wipe her tears as she answered him, her voice almost a whisper, "Arrow got bit." ​"WHAT?!" Daryl exclaimed, his composure leaving him as he took as step forward and grasped his wife by the upper arms and pushed her back into the wall. Hunter placed her palms on his chest and pushed him back with all her strength as she sobbed at the man, "Daryl, please, stop." "How-How-How is she...? Wh-Wha-What?" He stammered as he let her push him away, tears welling up as grotesque image tortured his mind of his daughter decaying and dead. ​"She's immune." His eyes grew wider as he repeated, "What?" "She got bit while we were on a run with Negan and Simon to one of the communities he would loot. She'd wandered off like she does and someone hadn't closed the gate. One of the people there got to her before I could, pulled her away, but the damn thing got her foot. If it hadn't been for Paul..." Hunter trailed off, more tears spilling as she wiped her nose. "Paul?" Daryl interrupted, eyes narrowing, "Jesus?" "Yeah, you know him?" Hunter asked, sniffing at him as she nodded. "Saved me too. Got me outta the Sanctuary." he explained, Hunter nodding her head again in understanding before continuing. "She never turned. We waited for a week and she never turned." She choked out a laugh and shook her head and wiped her face more, "The wound healed normally. Hell, she was bouncing around in her bed so much she made Negan carry her around on his shoulders everywhere he went in the Sanctuary while she was still in bandages." Daryl couldn't help the snort of a laugh he let out at the idea of big, bad Negan carting around the fiery little girl on his shoulders with her directing him by pulling on his ears or hair. He shook his head at her and held a hand to his mouth to cover his smirk as he waited for her to continue. "He got this...scientist lookin' dude with a mullet to come in and start running 'tests' on her or whatever." She shook her head in disgust at the memory, "Negan figured he could find a cure." "Eugene." Daryl growled, suddenly back to seeing red. Hunter cocked her eyebrow, "One of yours too?" "Was. He don't really know shit about shit." He replied. "Yeah, we found that out." She confirmed, eyebrows raising with her reply, "Negan wouldn't give up though, kept pokin' my damn daughter and telling her it was for the best. I couldn't take it anymore." She wiped her face again, "I tol' 'em that we was leaving, and he blew up on me, started crying, the whole ten yards. He had a fuckin' mental breakdown and threatened to kill me and in the same sentence tried to tell me he loved me. I told him if he touched my daughter again I'd slit his throat. We snuck out that night. I killed 10 of his men and never looked back." Daryl felt a swell of pride take over him at the same time as relief set in that they were safe. He knew his wife was always self-efficient and capable of handling her own, Hell, he obtained quite a few of the scars on his body from her himself. The image of what she was capable of when it came to their child was a whole other heart-warming idea that he never expected to feel. 
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"I'm a lot of things, Daryl Dixon, have done a shit ton of bad shit, but I ain't never, ever laid with another man besides you since the day I said my vows, and you know that." She steeled, looking to her husband as the fever returned to her eyes, "Now fuckin' apologize." Daryl looked back to the ground, pissed off and internally kicking himself for ever even attempting to doubt his wife. He mumbled his 'sorry' as he still tried to process everything she'd told him, half way paying attention as she huffed at him and went upstairs. He heard the shower running a short time later and he let himself sink onto the couch behind him with a strained exhale of breath. He closed his eyes and scrubbed his face with his hands as the front door opened up and Rick peaked his head in. "Everythang alright?" He asked, seeing the state of his brother. "Yeah, man," Daryl huffed, wiping his eyes with his fingers before removing his hands from his face and looking to Rick, "Ya'll get everything figured out out there?" "I'm thankin' so," Rick nodded, stepping in the door and closing it behind him to lean on the back of the other sofa sitting across from Daryl, "Yer girl just opened up a whole other realm of opportunities, brother." Daryl huffed a laugh as he looked out the window to see his daughter chasing Judith around in Rick's front yard with Carol and Carl, "You got no idea, man."
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February 14th (Lin x Reader) Platonic
WC: 1092
A/N: Unpopular opinion, I actually don’t like Valentine’s Day. Wrote this out of frustration, kinda made me feel better. Enjoy!
You took a snapchat of your mug in your lap, adding the timestamp (12:43AM) and the caption ‘anxie-tea’. You smirked at your pun before sending it off to the one person you knew would be awake at this time. Immediately Lin’s face lit up your phone as your ringtone for him went off (Usnavi’s introductory rap from ‘Heights’).
“Hey,” your voice came out barely a whisper.
“What’s wrong?” Lin wasted no time.
“I have a date tomorrow… well, today I guess,” you said.
“That’s adorable,” he stated, “why’s it got you anxious?”
“I dunno, I just have a bad feeling about it. I keep thinking about all the horrible possibilities,” you were honest with your best friend. Your longstanding friendship had taught you it was useless to lie to him.
“Understandable. Who’s the guy? Or girl? You know I love you (y/n), I won’t judge, no matter which way you swing,” he quickly tacked on.
“It’s this guy I met at work. He came in with one of the school groups. Single dad, business man, seemed pretty smart. Stable too,” you mused.
“Stable is good for you,” Lin told you sincerely. You cracked a smile.
“What are you saying, Miranda? You think I’m not stable?” Lin immediately started backtracking.
“No no no! I’m just saying stable isn’t something that comes easy to you. You’ve been fighting battles as long as I’ve known you. Dating someone stable might just make it… easier.”
You mulled over his words for a moment.
“I guess you’re right,” you said.
“I know. Now, finish your tea and go to sleep. Close your eyes and count to 100 in Spanish,” he instructed. You sighed your agreement.
“Night Lin.”
“Night (y/n).”
In the time leading up to your date, you found yourself spending longer in front of the mirror than normal. You were wearing some nice pants, a pink and red sweater you only wore on Valentine’s day, and a good pair of boots. Your hair was done without a strand out of place.
You walked to the restaurant and got a table for two, sipping a glass of wine as you waited for your date to show up. You lost yourself people-watching, seeing all the couples around you and the various interactions occurring.
“Ma’am, are you sure you’re waiting for someone?” Your observations were interrupted by the waiter. You looked at your watch, noticing that you had been sitting alone for over an hour.
“I guess I’m not,” you said, throwing some cash on the table (that was quite a bit more than the price of the one glass of wine you had drank) before gathering your things and walking back out onto the city street, fighting back tears. Your phone was immediately at your ear.
“He stood me up,” you didn’t even let Lin finish his greeting.
“He what?”
“He left me waiting at the restaurant for over an hour without showing.”
You couldn’t decide if you felt anger, frustration, humiliation, or sadness.
“I’m sure he had a good reason. You said he has a kid, right? Sometimes things come up. It was a dick move to not even text you that he wasn’t coming though,” Lin said. You took a deep breath, trying to collect yourself.
“Lin, this is why I hate Valentine’s day,” you reminded him.
You and Valentine’s Day had not had a very good history. You were single for most of the ones that had occurred in your lifetime. Out of the few that you had been in a relationship for, one you were broken up with during your date, one was with a guy who ended up being abusive, one gave you extravagant gifts and made you feel guilty that the gift you gave him was hand-made. You had given up trying to make Valentine’s day a good day after the third year in a row Lin had invited you to go to dinner with him and Vanessa.
“I’m not third-wheeling.”
“Come on. We both know you’re just going to sit at home and eat ice cream. You’ve gone out with V and I before! She likes you!”
“I’ve gone out with you guys to the store, to the theater, to the park, to our favorite pizza place, but not on an actual romantic Love Day dinner date. I’ll leave the mushy gushiness outside, thanks.”
“V told me she doesn’t mind.”
“That’s not going to change my mind, Lin. I’ll be happy at home. Besides, you’ll be making sex eyes at her the whole time, which is gross in my opinion. I don’t mind being home. Go have a nice dinner with your wife and get laid after.”
Lin had ended up having sex with Vanessa that night, as you had predicted, and nine months later were blessed with a cute baby, which made your next Valentine’s Day much easier to plan for.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude on any plans.”
“When have I ever had good Valentine’s day plans? Of course I’ll babysit for you. Sebastian will be a better date than I’ve ever had anyways.”
“Can you take care of a three-month old?”
“You forget I get paid to hang out with tiny humans. You and Vanessa need a night away anyways. Seriously, with Sebastian and Hamilton, when was the last time you guys had any alone time?”
Lin paused.
“Ok you’re right. I’ll see you at 5:00 then? On the 14th?”
“You got it.”
Back at your apartment, you kicked off your shoes and dug around in your freezer until you found the tub of ice cream you had been saving for the weekend. You sat down on your couch, pulling a blanket over you as you turned on Netflix and started up the show you were currently binge watching. You were only ten minutes into the episode when your apartment door swung open and little Sebastian ran over to you, launching himself into your lap.
Lin and Vanessa were standing in your entryway, holding paper grocery bags full of who-knows-what.
“Valentine’s day isn’t just about dates. It’s about love. We love each other, but we love you too,” Lin said.
“We’re havin’ a picnic!” Sebastian said happily.
“I brought all of the pink food I could think of,” Lin grinned along with his son. You and Vanessa locked eyes, exchanging a look that mutually said “why do I love this man” (though you meant platonically).
Maybe Valentine’s day wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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