#lou jutsu/big mama
twicethetrouble · 2 years
ANOTHER ROTTMNT AU that I probably won't write
Turtles are Lou Jitsu/Big Mama's kids before turtle mutation
- b/c why the hell not
 (Everything under the cut b/c apparently this is a long one)
- Basically Big Mama decides she'd rather have Lou join the battle nexus willingly than as a captive. (She likes the thing they have going on and would rather it not end anytime soon.)
- she introduced him to the Battle Nexus.
- After the shock wares off, he's fascinated by it. (The movies were great but he was getting bored.)
- Lou joins the Battle Nexus willingly and the two stay in a relationship (not married, just together.) (Some talk about how he's her pet champion but those that talk too loud end up disappearing.)
- As a result of their continued relationship, they end up having kids. 4 boys (the middle 2 being twins, of course)
(I can't decide if they have the same names or not so we'll skip that for now.)
- Now, a quick note for this AU. Part of the reason Yokai stopped interacting with humans was b/c whenever a hybrid was produced, they tended to be more human than Yokai. (Even more if a cloaking broach is involved. It throws in extra genetic variables so the offspring can end up inheriting traits from that as well.)
- The boys are no exception. They look human except for a few... oddities.
- Raph has the fluffy mint colored hair and red eyes of Big Mama's spider form. (Not fully red eyes.) He's also exceptionally strong, having once thrown a temper tantrum that resulted in throwing his entire crib across the room. He also likes to pick up his brothers and bodily carry them for no reason. Much to his parents panic upon finding the baby just missing.
- Leo is the oldest twin (by 2 minutes). He and Donny look the most human (with Lou's black hair and dark eyes) the only odditys being from the lavender purple spots on their skin they got from Big Mama's human form (think Leo's marks except more organic looking). (Tho they seemed to both start developing extra, spider like limbs by the time they're 1). Leo likes to follow around Big Mama whenever he can, often sitting on her lap during meeting and trying to mimic her facial expressions.
- Donny is the youngest twin. Again, mostly human looking. His purple spots are different then Leo (again his turtle markings but different, tho he does also have one over his right eye as well.) He is very frustrated about not having extra limbs like Big Mama. He is constantly wearing a spider themed backpack with little bouncy spider limbs as a result and will scream whenever it's removed.
- Mikey is the baby (obviously). He has Big Mama's human form hair and eyes, tho if u lift up his hair and there's 4 spider eyes on his forehead that he hasn't figured out how to open yet.
mutation day
- On mutation day, Raph is 2, the twins are a little over 1, and Mikey is 3 months.
- Draxum sends his gargoyles to grab Lou like originally planned.
- Huggins and Muggins arrive at the room, finding only the 4 boys asleep in their beds (Lou is currently arguing with Big Mama in another room about wanting to stop fighting for the boy’s sake.)
- Huggins and Muggins thinks one of the boys is Lou so, not knowing which it would be, grab all four.
- Draxum sees the four and realizes they’re Lou’s kids (but he’s not paying attention to gossip so he doesn’t realize they’re half yokai) and decides starting with a young human base might be more beneficial than an animal base.
- He has them each interact with the turtles he was going to mutate before mutating the children instead.
- Lou shows up just in time to see his boys mutated into turtles.
- Draxum is woefully unprepared for the fury Lou fights him with. He destroys the lab and steals his sons back, getting covered in mutagen as he does.
- He’s back in the NYC before he realizes that his boys are alright, just turtles, and that he’s now mutated into a rat-man.
- (Also that the mutation has overrode their yokai dna so they no longer have those traits)
- He can’t go back to Big Mama like this. He certainly can’t fight in the Nexus like this and she made it exceptionally clear that’s the only reason why she keeps him around (a lie but he doesn’t realize that)
- so he stays in the human world, eventually finding a decent place to hide in the sewers and raises his sons alone.
- he doesn’t talk about before they were mutated, keeping the only human(ish) picture he has of them hidden deep in the do-not-touch cabinet.
- If they assume they’ve always been turtles then, well, he doesn’t correct them. It was probably for the best anyways.
post mutation
-The boys were so young, they don’t really remember a before.
-Mikey definitely doesn’t.
- Leo doesn’t really either. His only memory being sitting on someone’s lap as they sat behind a big desk and made faces at weird men, but he assumes it’s just an old dream he can’t quite shake.
- Donny knows there was..something. He knows they used to look different (but not exactly how) and has a foggy memory of being caught pulling apart a new toy and a women praising him for being so smart. (he still is very much frustrated by lack of extra limbs, hence his spider limb battle shell, which was probably the first non-standard battle shell he designed.)
- Raph, without a doubt, remembers the most. He remembers they had a mom and how pops looked different back then. He remembers being chased by an owl man after escaping his  watch. But he also remembers how mutation day felt, and is forever grateful his brothers do not.
- series doesn’t really change much
- Big Mama never knew her boys got mutated (instead thinking Lou had taken them and left after their fight) so 13 years later, when 4 turtle mutants start causing trouble for her, she is exceptionally confused as to why she immediately thinks of her lost boys.
A strong one in red, carrying his brothers without thought
A clever one in blue, who seems to see right through her tricks like his mind works just like hers.
A smart purple one with fake spider limbs.
And an smiling orange one who trust his brothers without fault.
- She tries to keep them at the hotel to figure out why, but Blue is too clever for that.
- It’s not until she meets Lou/Splinter again does she put the puzzle pieces together.
- She doesn’t quite believe it until Blue cons her in her own game.
-after that, i’m not sure what would happen. maybe she would sit back and watch them from afar? Maybe she would continue her plans for a weird “they’re my kids, i know they can handle the challenge” sort of way? Either way she knows now. And she’s not going to be able to pretend that she doesn’t.
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chuchayucca · 2 months
Big Mama and Frida headcanons
When Big Mama discovered Draxum kidnapped Lou Jitsu, she rushed to his lair and almost beat him to death
Draxum made an offer to save his life. He had two more turtles left over. He gave one of them to Big Mama and explained they have Lou Jitsu's blood
Big Mama took this turtle in only because it was the only thing she had to Lou Jistu
She named the turtle, Frida after Frida Kalo because she felt great pain after Lou Jistu's disappearances
When Frida was young she was interested in acting and painting but Big Mama's sauashed those interests
Big Mama wants Frida to be as great as her father so she put her in rigorous training her whole life.
Big Mama exposed Frida to the dark side of the Hidden City to desensitized her for future missions at a young age.
Big Mama makes Frida wear the mask so no body knows Frida's true identity
Their relationship is similar to Disney's Mother Gothel and Rapunzel
Frida has a few hidden hobbies from Big Mama. She likes to cook, draw, and play instruments.
Frida is good at Taihen-jutsu and Jutai-jatsu
The only films Frida could watch growing were Lou Jistu's films
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peanutrat20 · 7 days
What is your rottmnt warriors heart au about????
it's a separated au where big mama allows draxum to use lou jutsu to mutate the turtles as long as she can have one when he's done
she picks the red eared slider to be her champion because it has a pretty face
when the lab collapses lou is only able to save the snapping turtle and the box turtle and draxum tells him he'll take care of the other two and helps lou escape
big mama still ends up with the slider and sends him to train for the nexus with draxum starting when he's four champion enters the nexus for the first time when he's six and wins
draxum sends the softshell away to find lou jitsu after news of champions win
and champion remains with big mama and fights in the nexus until he is fourteen and is broken out
you can read the prologue here it is three parts and you do have to have an ao3 account to read it. i am working on the first not prologue chapter but it's fighting me
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aeempress · 2 years
This may be just me, but have you noticed that there are certain parallels between Donnie/April and Splinter/Big Mama?
First, how they met when they were noticeably younger (young adults for S&BM & possibly preteens or younger for D&A). As well as NOT being phased by the oddly colored skin when meeting the mutants (I honestly think that April wasn't phased by the Turtles' skin at all).
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How one (Splinter and April) can't say no to the other (Big Mama and Donnie).
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Watching a movie they like together. You can't tell me Splinter and Big Mama didn't have a favorite Lou Jutsu movie they watched together!
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As well as pictures together!
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Did you notice how there are only on screen pictures of April and Donnie on her phone, but we HAVEN'T seen her taking selfies with the other Turtles?
Donnie wonders why he's got a preference for cute and mean girls...
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It's my time to shine!
First of all - it's not only you. I also have a strong theory that Donnie and April path is pretty alike with Lou and Big Mama but a little well... easier? April is not crimanal boss with all attached consequences.
But we obviously have:
a strong bad-ass woman and self-invested guy trope;
girls with certain shape of glasses;
Donnie in many ways are Lou's son, so its6 easy to see WHY it can work with his preferences toward partner.
Splinter meet BM and he told how many time they spent dancing. Donnie DO love to dance.
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(not to mention he's Bootyyyshaker9000, and April knew about that unlike Don's bros)
He's dramatic and really artistic kid, he even has brows like Lou's one.
BM is certainly cute bad mean type considering what she's done to Lou (still srtongly believe it was her way to protect him - she's yokai and criminal boss, Lou cannot be safe with her). As well as I mentioned here that April is cute but mean type for Don.
About taking pictures:
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Mikey is not included as i could see. Donnie do like take selfies with himself only and him and April. There's only two chairs we can sit in, guys...
And may I add, not only April and Splinter couldn't resist their partners and say NO to them. Donnie is more eagle to say "Yes" to April ( purple jacket, ep with Albearto became villain, even Mystic Mayhem and Witch town, com'on).
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BM also couldn't say no to her ex-lover even tho she helped him and Leo at her own conditions and her way possible, so Donnie does everytime.
They both hepl in a strange way. Little messy, maybe even whole town will burn but they could not resist toward their partners.
And yeah - movies, ahahah
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So yeah. I really admire this parallel and
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down -
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embrose · 2 years
I got a fic idea!
It's a ROTTMNT fic, a pretty significant canon divergence.
So, the story goes like the original up until Splinter and the boys get mutated. But instead of escaping WITH the boys, Splinter fails to get them. So, he has to run away on his own. From this point on I'm not sure whether I want him to get re-captured by Mama and have him remain the champion until the boys are teens, or to have him escape to the surface and live in the sewers alone. In any case, the boys are raised as warriors, but their personalities are more or less intact (not a big fan of OOC).
And they meet Splinter by either sneaking into his locker room at Battle Nexus (they are still huge Lou Jutsu fans but dunno about him being their DNA because Draxum didn't want them having any funny ideas), or by running into him in the sewer on the surface.
I'm sure someone somewhere has already done a fic like this, but I feel like writing it. Would you guys read it?
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