#love how every single ryan gosling character somehow wears a watch
notnicky · 7 years
La La Land: Movie Review
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Here’s the quick version of my review: I can now confidently answer what my favorite film is. 
A long time ago, in the same place I’m currently sitting, I watched the very first La La Land trailer on my computer. No words, just the sweet sound of Ryan Gosling whistling paired with stunning visuals. I had no clue what this film was all about, but I knew I had to see it. As time went along, trailers dropped and the plot summary was revealed, and of course, it made me all the more excited to watch it. THEN, Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling went on some worldwide tour showing off this beautiful piece of work called La La Land and brought back every single film festival award known to mankind. As the film was released in more and more places, the ratings went UP, which seems to be quite uncommon. People were absolutely in love with it. NOW I couldn’t wait any longer. 
Walking into that theatre I was expecting a lot. I walked in having a strong gut feeling that I would walk out a changed person. I was correct. Let me just say straight off the bat that there is not a single bad thing about this film. Every word, every shot, every note, everyTHING was perfect. I have nothing but praises for this film. So let’s get to it. 
If I could frame every single shot of this film, I would. To be quite honest, I think I might. The visuals are absolutely STUNNING. Every shot is so precisely thought out to draw you in. The colour palette used throughout the film changes depending on the character and where you are in the story, and it just adds so much to the film. The vivid technicolour keeps you focused on the screen, unable to take your eyes for just a second to sneak a peek at your phone. Additionally, the camera movements are so elegant. The long takes of the film might make some people think “oh god this is boring” BUT the use of such fluid camera movements in long takes keeps you interested rather than boring you. You feel as though you’re following these characters. You’re walking with them. You’re talking with them. You’re sitting with them. You’re by their side throughout their journey. You’re a PART of that journey. I don’t think that words can accurately describe how visually beautiful this film is. This might be one of the top reasons I suggest you go and watch this film RIGHT NOW (or maybe after you finish reading this). **P.S - I love how the colours Mia wears reflects how she changes throughout the film. Truly the only time you need to pay attention to colours in any story because THIS TIME the colours actually mean something unlike all that crap English teachers tell you**
I’ll be honest, I am not the biggest fan of musicals. Yes, I enjoy them, but I tend to be skeptical about musicals. Like a lot of people, I find it strange when characters start singing anywhere else but in the shower or in the car. However, La La Land has somehow made me feel pretty okay with people breaking out into song and dance in the middle of the street. The most important fact here is that the songs in La La Land aren’t placed randomly so that when characters start singing you feel uncomfortable and wish you could skip the singing. Any time Mia and/or Seb start singing, it is for a reason. It moves the story forward and in fact, I think it helps audiences to better understand certain parts of the story. I would also like to commend Justin Hurwitz for composing such a beautiful score that not only sounds incredible, but also fits into the film so perfectly. There are times in the film where there is absolute silence and those make the moments filled with Hurwitz’s brilliant pieces all the more powerful. The score is whimsical and fantastical, yet still conveys the realism that lies at the heart of the story. I couldn’t stop tapping my feet, swaying my head or humming along, Hurwitz is a HUGE part of the beauty of this film.
I’ll get straight into it. Emma Stone is good. So is Ryan Gosling. However, Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling together are INCREDIBLE. There is no denying their chemistry. Whenever they are on screen together, there is a sense of collaboration that I don’t really know how to explain. They work so well together, building on each other’s characters and making the film even more phenomenal. All of these facts are not new, they have proven it again and again since working together on Crazy, Stupid Love and then Gangster Squad. However, I think this might be their best collaboration yet. They are perfect for the characters of Mia and Seb, and it almost feels like you’re watching their own story of how they go to where they were. The relationship that they managed to create between Mia and Seb is one that’s real and raw and will no doubt pull at your heartstrings. Generally speaking, Emma and Ryan are like Leo and Kate or Jennifer and Bradley. They are acting soulmates.
One huge thing that stuck out to me was how this film was executed. Here you have a simple story about a struggling actress and musician who find each other and fall in love. But, you’re telling that story in one of the most complex forms of storytelling - a musical. Let’s be honest, this could have gone TERRIBLY. It could have been an absolute disaster, but as you can tell, it wasn’t. I am just so incredibly impressed with how Damien Chazelle managed to pull this off. Musicals normally draw people away because it’s not realistic to have characters breaking out into song in the middle of the street. But somehow, Chazelle has managed to seamlessly tell such a realistic story through such an unrealistic medium and the result is a perfection.
Simply put, this film is a masterpiece. Damien Chazelle is a brilliant genius and I am asking right now - Mr. Chazelle, will you PLEASE take me under your wing and teach me, please? I’ll sell my organs if I have to. Justin Hurwitz has created a classic Hollywood style score that makes my heart skip a beat. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling are arguably my favorite on-screen duo. What you must know is that this film tells the tale of two love stories. One about love of another person, and one about love of your dreams. Ultimately, the end of the film will reveal to you which one will come out victorious. There have been some discussion about the ending, and I certainly enjoyed it and thought it wrapped the film up perfectly, but that’s my opinion. I’ll let you decide for yourself when you go out and watch it this weekend.
La La Land gets 5/5 tap dancing Emma Stone’s and Ryan Gosling’s
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