ivfcostnkenya · 2 months
Why choose Surrogate Mother Kenya for IVF Cost in Kenya
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IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a procedure for couples struggling with infertility issues. Nowadays, infertility is a very common issue among couples. Couples who want to experience the happiness of becoming parents and think of a baby to carry forward the generation can look for IVF procedures. Infertile couples who are not able to conceive a baby naturally can look for the best IVF clinics in Kenya, as IVF treatment helps with severe infertility issues. IVF treatment in Kenya has become the popular choice for couples due to its success rate, allowing couples to hold on to a biologically healthy baby. Kenya provides many ARTs (assisted reproductive techniques), including IVF procedures. IVF cost in Kenya is very affordable as compared to other developed or developing countries like the UK, USA, etc. Many couples all over the world find Kenya to be the IVF hub, as the best facilities and advanced technologies are offered at an affordable IVF price in Kenya. IVF treatment cost in Kenya, depend on the reputation of the hospital. A reputed hospital will offer experienced doctors, qualified medical staff, advanced equipment, and the latest devices for better IVF treatment.
Couple should always research different cities that offer affordable treatment. IVF cost in Aga Khan Nairobi are between USD 3500 and USD 4000, whereas IVF cost in Kenyatta Hospital are between USD 3200 and USD 3600. The IVF cost in Nairobi ranges between USD 3000 and USD 6000. The couples can find the cheapest IVF cost in Kenya at Surrogate Mother Kenya, with treatment starting at USD 3300. The best IVF agencies in Kenya will also provide all necessary legal agreements for a smooth and safe treatment. The Top factors influencing IVF Kenya cost:
Several major factors affect the IVF cost in Kenya. If the couple has poor quality or quantity of eggs, then the doctor will suggest using donor eggs. Donor assistance will increase the IVF price in Kenya. If a male partner has infertility issues or any other issue like poor quality or quantity of sperm, the doctor needs to perform the ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) method. In the ICSI method, a single healthy sperm will be injected into each egg, as it will increase the chances of conception with a successful fertilization result. The ICSI method is costly and will increase the IVF Kenya cost. If a couple has faced previous IVF cycle failure, then the IVF cost in Kenyatta Hospital can be increased. The cause of infertility will also affect the IVF treatment cost in Kenya. In a female partner, problems such as uterus surgery and blocked, broken, or damaged fallopian tubes can increase the IVF treatment cost in Kenya. Advanced age can affect the egg production and reproductive system of the female partner, as it affects the health of eggs, fallopian tubes, the uterus, and ovaries. Uterine problems such as abnormal growth, fibroids, polyps, and endometriosis can affect the implantation process. These issues need more advanced processes, including IVF for a successful fertilization process, which will increase the IVF Kenya cost.
Couples who are facing genetic or hereditary disorders can go for IVF treatment. The doctor will diagnose the intended parents with PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) and treat any inherited problems that may be transmitted to the baby. Couples who have had previous miscarriages can be treated with the IVF technique. Other expenses, such as travel, food, and accommodation, can also raise the IVF treatment cost.
What are the procedures involved in IVF?
There are many procedures involved in IVF. The fertility doctor will check the fertility condition of the intended parents with several tests and examinations. These check-ups will help in knowing conception possibilities, the intended parent`s gametes, health, and lifestyle. The best IVF hospitals will provide counselling to manage the stress level, anxiety, and depression of the intended parents. This counselling helps to calm down the psychological state of the intended parents, which will give the best results during IVF treatment cost in Kenya.
The doctor will provide fertility medicines to the intended female parent to increase healthy egg production. The ovaries of the female partner will release the eggs with the help of a hormonal injection inside the uterus. These eggs will be collected with the help of a catheter and a fine needle from the uterus. At the same time, the intended male parent will provide a sperm sample to get a healthy sperm for the fertilization process. The eggs and sperm will be put in a petri dish. Later, the eggs and sperm will be combined and fertilized in a laboratory. The ICSI technique can be recommended for a better outcome.
After some days, fertilized eggs or embryos will be formed. ivf cost in Kenya  These will be transferred inside the female uterus with the help of a catheter. The doctor will perform ultrasound tests and blood tests after two weeks to check the pregnancy result. The best IVF hospital will be provide advanced care during the pregnancy cycle. After nine months, the intended female parent will deliver a healthy baby either through normal vaginal delivery or a C-section.
Read More:- https://surrogatemotherkenya.com/ivf-cost-kenya/
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ivfcostinkenya · 3 months
A Comprehensive Guide to IVF Costs in Nairobi, Kenya
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How much does IVF costs in Nairobi, Kenya? This question surrounds the mind of any individual or couple who is researching the cheapest IVF cost in Kenya. A couple or any individual who wants to experience the happiness of becoming a parent can choose the IVF procedure. The surrogate mother helps the intended couple get a healthy baby. The cost of IVF in Nairobi Kenya, highly depends on several circumstances, such as the cause of infertility of the patient, past failed IVF cycles, age, etc. The IVF price in Kenya is usually between USD 35,000 and USD 40,000. The average cost of IVF in Kenya is much less than in other Western countries. They have so many better options for IVF centres. IVF treatment, surrogacy, and egg donation are some of the services offered by the Nairobi IVF centre.
So what is IVF, and how is it done in Kenya?
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is a procedure to place embryos in the uterus. Mature eggs are collected from the ovary with the help of medical and surgical processes. These eggs are then fertilized by sperm in a laboratory. These fertilized eggs are called embryos, which get implanted inside the uterus of the surrogate mother. This full IVF cycle takes almost 6–8 weeks, with a higher success rate in pregnancy results. The total IVF Cost in Nairobi, Kenya, depends on the following stages:
1. Tests and Examinations: There will be numerous tests to examine the problems of the patient, which can fluctuate the total IVF Cost in Nairobi, Kenya. Various strategies and techniques will be put together depending on the problems of the patient. Ultrasound and blood tests are the most common tests in the examination process. Doctors will also examine the quality and health of sperm and eggs. The surrogate mother`s health will also be very important before the IVF in Kenya, as she will also be examined by the doctor.
2. Contract and Agreement: Your IVF cost in Kenya will be increased because of the number of contracts and legal procedures. This contract will be formed by the lawyer with the intended parent`s rights over the baby, as it becomes valuable after the birth of the baby. The intended parent and the surrogate mother will sign this contract after all the required procedures. The average cost of IVF in Kenya will increase due to the legal bonds.
3. Counseling and Guidance: Counseling will be given by the best Nairobi IVF centre and the top counselor. During the whole process, anxiety, stress, or depression can occur, and to improve the intended parent`s mental health, counselling and guidance are necessary. This will result in the best pregnancy results. Counseling can increase the total IVF Kenya cost.
4. Fertility medication: The reproductive medications will be given to the female partner to enhance and improve ovarian function, which results in healthy, high-quality egg production. This process can enhance the possibility of fertilization by injecting hormones into the uterus. Fertility medication can increase your Nairobi IVF centre cost.
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5. Egg collection: Retrieving eggs from the uterus is the next step with the help of transvaginal ultrasound and inserting a device called a catheter into the uterus. The embryologist will then collect the eggs from the ovarian follicles. A strong and powerful sperm will be prepared for the process, which will be handled by the experts.
6. Fertilization: The embryologist will monitor the fertilization of the sperm and eggs by placing them on the petri dish. The ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) technique could be performed by the embryologist if the sperm quality is poor for the fertilization of mature eggs. This technique will fluctuate the total IVF treatment cost in Kenya. Then, the embryologist will take a single spermatozoa and inject it into the egg cytoplasm, which will fertilize the embryos.
7. Implantation: Your specialist will observe the fertilization of eggs and sperm for more than four days to monitor the growth. This makes it easier to choose the best fertilized eggs, which will help in determining the next step, which is to insert them into the uterus of the surrogate mother.
8. Transfer: Eggs will be fertilized in about two weeks. It will stick to the surrogate mother`s womb lining. The pregnancy test results will be verified after two weeks. Your specialist will perform the blood test on the surrogate mother to determine the correct results. After a positive test, a healthy baby will be conceived by the surrogate mother.
9. Outcome and Result: The best and top care should be given to the surrogate mother for the next nine months as she conceives the baby. This will help with the best pregnancy outcome while also supporting your baby`s health. It is possible that during the delivery, either a normal vaginal or C-type technique may be used. The whole procedure can fluctuate the IVF Kenya cost.
What are the factors impacting IVF cost in Kenya?
Overall, your IVF cost in Kenya depends on several factors, which can increase your pocket expenses. The age of the patient is very important, as older couples face continuous failures in their IVF cycle. Past IVF cycle failure results in an increase in the budget as the treatment will be more challenging. IVF Kenya cost will increase for older women as the odds of conceiving a child get lower. The gametes of the older couple get affected as their quantity and quality decrease compared to the younger couple. Nairobi IVF centre cost may increase with the number of check-ups and laboratory tests. The cause of infertility in the intended parent is the biggest factor affecting IVF Cost in Nairobi, Kenya. The total IVF treatment cost in Kenya will rise if the cause of infertility is difficult and challenging, as medications are expensive in fertility treatments. Donor sperm and eggs will raise IVF treatment cost in Kenya. In some cases, patients have to freeze their eggs, which can also increase the overall IVF price in Kenya. Therapies such as IMSI (Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection) and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) also increase the cost of IVF in Nairobi Kenya.
The expenditures of foreign couples who live in other countries will increase due to the travel. This will increase the overall IVF treatment cost in Kenya. The doctor`s skills, training, and abilities can increase the cost of the treatment. The reputation of the clinic is another reason for the increase in the average cost of IVF in Kenya. One should also keep in mind the previous success rate of the IVF centre, the medical staff`s qualifications, and research about the facilities and equipment that the IVF centres are providing.
Who should consider IVF in Nairobi, Kenya?
Couples who want to fulfill their dream of becoming parents can research the best IVF treatment in Nairobi Kenya. Intended parents who are not capable of conceiving a child naturally because of old age or as a result of infertility can go for IVF in Kenya. Poor egg quality or a blocked or missing fallopian tube in the female can go for IVF in Nairobi Kenya, as it bypasses fallopian tubes. If a female has had any previous surgery that involved uterus removal, it can cause various issues in pregnancy. A female cannot conceive a child as it would require a healthy and fit uterus and ovaries. Extreme health issues related to the kidneys or heart result in many problems in pregnancies. Females who have had a number of previous failed pregnancies or miscarriages can go for IVF in Nairobi Kenya, as it has the highest success rate. Male partners who have poor sperm quality can research for the best Nairobi IVF centre in Kenya. The intended parents, who have any kind of genetic or hereditary disease and don`t want to pass on their condition to the child, can go for an IVF treatment in Kenya. IVF in Nairobi Kenya, is the best choice for couples who have had past failures in ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) because of infertility issues. Apart from this, if you are a same-sex couple, then in that case, the Nairobi IVF centre is the best place to conceive a baby. Conclusion
The cost of IVF in Nairobi, Kenya, is much cheaper than in other developed countries. Nairobi IVF centre cost may depend on several things, such as age, location, travel, and expenditure, previous IVF cycle failures, contract, legal procedures, examination, and so on. The average cost of IVF in Kenya is in between USD 35,000 and USD 40,000. IVF treatment cost in Kenya also depends on the reputation of the clinic and the facilities and modern equipment they are providing. The cost of IVF in Nairobi Kenya, can also increase if the cause of infertility for the intended parents is very challenging.
Read More:- https://surrogatemotherkenya.com/ivf-cost-kenya/
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