#lowkey just knew how to brace myself for falls really well bc I was super clumsy in hs but like ๐Ÿ‘€
rextheravenous ยท 10 months
I feel like people don't realize how badass I am sometimes, especially during marching band ๐Ÿ’€ this is usually the kind of story I hide in the tags but like. I'm so proud of it I need to Spill
So today we were going over some 16-count fowards and backwards sets in our show, and the guy behind me in the backwards section (still new to marching, not his fault, it happens) was Not taking big enough steps so I stepped on his foot and tripped and fell Hard onto the pavement ๐Ÿ˜ญ BUT as I fell, I let my hands take the majority of the force and kinda tuck and rolled onto the ground safely. Fucking AWSOME if you ask me. Rolled off to the side so I didn't get trampled, grabbed my horn, and when they finished the move? Looked at the guy who made me trip and said "ok man. Take bigger steps back ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘" AND I WALKED OFF
Got damage on my horn that I'm going to see about tomorrow (the 2nd valve slide is bent up pretty bad and I can't move the valve at all so ๐Ÿง fun) but I'm ok and just got major street cred for taking that fall like a fucking beast ๐Ÿ’ช
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