#lucas beiber imagines lmao
caramelohaechan · 5 years
Benji’s ~ (W. Yukhei)
my first lucas writing hehe :)
Fandom: WayV, NCT U, SuperM
Genre: Fluff
Warning(s): gender neutral!reader // this will get you craving good hot cocoa, and can make you sad benji’s isn’t real // also i tried my best to edit it so that it’s gender neutral but I sometimes slip up so just let me know if you catch anything!
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             It was thirty degrees outside, and you were in line waiting for hot chocolate from a food truck. 
As your luck usually went, it could’ve been worse. You could have been like the lady behind you, who somehow thought that dressing cute was more important than her health, and was wearing only one layer of clothing that didn’t look like it was providing much warmth. You could also be so unlucky as to be the guy who had just reached the front of the line, only to realize he had forgotten his wallet. Fortunately, your luck was just good enough that you weren’t either of those people, because you had your money stuffed into the back of your phone case, and your boyfriends jacket was just thick enough to keep the harsh winds to a minimum. 
Unfortunately, your luck ended with that. Your body was warm, but you had forgotten gloves and a beanie, so your fingers and ears felt like they could fall off at any given moment. You had also managed to get the news about the truck late, so you had been in line for about twenty minutes already. 
You were only doing this because of aforementioned boyfriend, of course, because he had been busy beyond belief lately and today was his first day off in weeks. When you heard that Benji’s was going to be driving around the city and stopping in several areas throughout the day you had been ecstatic. Lucas never shut up about their hot cocoa since last winter, and since the truck was only every used randomly, you had taken the chance and woken up early and did your best to track down the bright red vehicle. Of course, now that you were only six people away from finally getting the hot cocoa, you were starting to regret it. Your feet were aching and a mix of cold and sweaty, and your back felt like it might crack in half from the constant standing. 
Lucas hadn’t noticed you were gone yet, you guessed, or he was still asleep. You wouldn’t blame him either way. The constant work SM was putting him under was ridiculous, what with two comebacks in the span of two months, not even including the tour that was going to be starting soon, you had wanted to do something that might make him a little less miserable. You had already planned the day, all activities that the two of you could do in the comfort of your apartment, and had even plans on making him dinner, something that Lucas loved, but the two of you never really had time to enjoy.
It took about another ten minutes for the six people in front of you to get their orders, and by the time you reached the opening in the side of the truck. you were bouncing on the balls of your heels. Benji, a chubby man with a handlebar mustache, grinned down at you as you beamed up at him. 
“What can I get for ya?” He asked, jolly despite the many customers he had been through the passed hour alone. 
You curled your fingers over the edge of the window and tried to peep inside of the truck. The smells were so glorious, like Christmas itself in a scent, and made your heart thump against your chest with excitement. “Two Deluxe Hot Chocs with extra marshmallows and whipped cream, please.” 
Benji nodded, repeating your order to the lady behind him. He turned back to you. “Anything else? Maybe some of our special peppermint cookies? They’re limited stock.” 
Benji reminded you distinctly of Santa Claus, so saying no felt like a crime. Plus, you knew that Lucas wouldn’t deny any sort of sweet. If he were there he would’ve instantly said yes. You nodded and held up two fingers. “Two then, since you bargained so well.” 
He chuckled and rang up our order. “Twelve ninety-five.” 
You pop your case off and hand him over a bill. “Wow, no wonder you guys are so popular. Your hot cocoa is the best and your prices are good. It makes the hour long wait worth it.” 
He handed you your change and you stuffed it into the pocket of your sweats without looking, your hand immediately pulling you to your tiptoes to see the magic happening inside of the truck. A warmth hit your face and you saw the cutest bag decorated with candy canes holding two very delicious looking cookies being handed to Benji.
Benji leaned out of your way to let you peep the process behind him as he tied the bag with a red and white striped string. “Business has been booming ever since last year. Apparently, a kpop idol said that our hot chocolate was the best in the country. We were ecstatic, but all the business is hard to keep up with. That’s why we make our appearances random because when we show up we have to be ready for the hoards of people. We keep a little poster of the guy now on the back of our van. It’s all thanks to him that we have all of this.” 
You tilted your head and wondered who had done all of this. You didn’t really have much time to think, as the second your mind started to wonder, Benji was handing you two very large steaming cups. There was a mountain of whipped cream covered with marshmallows peeking over the top, and the smell got stronger the closer they came to your face. Your mouth was watering from the smell alone.
“Is your journey from here long? Do you need lids?” 
Your apartment complex was fifteen minute walk, ten in a taxi, but you knew you weren’t in the mood to make the walk. “Lids, please.” 
Benji pushed the mountain down softly with a black cover and handed over the two cups along with your cute bag of cookies. “Have a wonderful day!” 
You grabbed them and your frozen fingers were instantly thawed out by the warmth seeping through the cup, and you knew that Lucas was going to be so so happy when he finally got a hold of it himself. Your fingers struggled to hold onto the two cups as well as the tiny bag, but you managed not to drop anything as you hailed a taxi. Out of curiosity you found yourself looking to the back of the truck, wondering if there really was a picture of the idol who gave Benji’s hot cocoa a boost. You were absolutely surprised to see a still image of Lucas from behind the scenes of his Yestoday music video, carrying a cup just like the one you were holding, grinning into it like he was looking at the love of his life. You were even more surprised that SM left the logo unedited and allowed it to be part of the video. However, you were happy that it was. Not only was a small business getting promoted, but so was you’re boyfriend. 
The ride back to your apartment was more tolerable, as your hands were now warm and your excitement had sky rocketed. You darted up the stairs to your door the instant you were in the building, and were out of breath by the time you managed to punch in the code.
As soon as your shoes were off and the door was shut safely behind you, a voice met your ears. “There you are! Where did you go off to? I got us a Disney plus membership, baby! It’s all everybody has been talking about!” 
Lucas was bouncing on the couch in his pajamas, but his hair was damp like he just showered. He was scrolling through the many Disney movies and turned with a slight frown when you didn’t reply. When he finally saw you, cheeks and nose tinted pink and a grin enveloping your face he frowned even more in confusion. Then his eyes landed on your hands, where you were clutching the cups tightly to keep them warm. His face lit up and he yelled, jumping over the back of the couch to reach you quicker. He ran to you and immediately grabbed your face setting a large, yet gentle, smooch on your lips. 
“Oh, my God! Baby, you did not!” He whisper yelled, looking starstruck as he reached out gingerly to grab one. “Is this why you were up so early? I thought you were probably getting breakfast, but then you took so long, but I didn’t want to bother you...” 
He trailed off as you handed him his cup. It was a deluxe, but his large hands swallowed it like it was a small, and despite this he was so gentle, like he was holding a baby. You set your own cup on the counter along with the cookies and began to shed his jacket and your scarf. You chuckled when you saw him slowly peel off the lid. His eyes got glossy as soon as the whipped cream and marshmallows appeared. 
He glanced up at you. “Did you try it yet?” 
You shook your head and smile at him fondly. “I was waiting until you finally got yours.” 
“Then come on!” He urged you to pick up your cup and take the lid off. He looked so happy you immediately did as he said. “We can try it together. It’s the best stuff on earth, I’ll promise you’ll love it.” 
Once the two of you were toe to toe he placed the edge of the cups to his lips, waiting for you to follow suit, big puppy like eyes peering at you impatiently. When the cup was placed on your lips he nodded. You took a decent gulp, your mouth instantly filling with the best hot cocoa you’ve ever tried in your entire life. The whipped cream was slightly melted and made your taste buds dance, and when the warmness traveled down your throat and to the pit of your belly a marshmallow was left in your mouth, so you began to chew it happily. 
Lucas basically yelled after he took his first sip, eyes wide and mouth satisfied. He began to do a cute little dance around you. “You are the best person in the world, and I love you so much.” 
You squinted at him playfully, watching as he took another gulp without glancing at you. “Are you sure you’re talking to me? You seem to be speaking into your cup.” 
He laughed, lifting his head to reveal a whipped cream mustache. He walked over and set his arm upon your shoulders, grinning down at you. “I’m definitely talking to you, baby. Seriously, I thought that I was going to be too busy this Winter and wouldn’t get a chance to get Benji’s. Thank you.” 
He grinned, eyes crinkled as he looked down at you with his goofy cream mustache, almost happier than he had been in the photo taped to the back of Benji’s truck. You couldn’t help the urge to kiss him, so you leaned up and planted a large one right on his lips, cleaning the cream from his upper lip. He pressed his lips into yours and squeezed your shoulders tight. 
“I love you too, goofball. I’m glad you’re happy because I nearly lost my fingers in the cold.” You chuckled, leaning into him so you could feel his warmth better. You reached a hand up to intertwine your fingers with his. “It’s a good thing I love you more than these things.” 
He pressed a kiss onto your head. “Well, you don’t really need your fingers. I’d still love you, fingerless stub and all.” 
You couldn’t hold back the snort that escaped at the image of it all, but your heart jumped too. Lucas really did love you. You turned to place another kiss on his jaw, the thoughts making your stomach go crazy with butterflies. “Thank you, I’d love you without fingers too.” 
Lucas leaned his head on top of yours as he took another sip of hot cocoa. When he swallowed a little noise of satisfaction left his nose. He pointed your intertwined hands to the counter. “What are those?” 
“Benji talked me into buying them. They’re peppermint cookies.” You said, whining when Lucas left you to go to the counter and inspect said cookies. “They are limited stock so I thought we’d try them out.” 
Lucas licked his lips and settled into a stool by the counter, which overlooked the kitchen. He tugged at the red and white striped string and glanced at you with an excited glint in his eyes. “I think I will love anything that man makes. He is my hero, so how can I not try these cookies?.” 
He took a perfectly baked cookie from the bag, which had pieces of candy cane peeking from the top, and smiled. Then he opened his mouth wide and nearly inhaled the entire cookie in one bite. As soon as he started chewing his eyes widened and loud noises began to escape his nose. He opened his mouth, and you got an unwanted view of the chewed up bits of cookie. “Woowwww, it’s so delicious! Mmmmmm, I love it!” 
Your own grin returned as you watched him eat, unable to control the giggles that followed. Lucas was just too dramatic. “It’s so funny, do you know you’re his mascot? When you made that comment in the behind the scenes of the Yestoday video, they didn’t cut his brand out. He gained a lot of love after that. He has a picture of you on the back of his truck!” 
Lucas’s eyes were so wide they took up most of his face. “Wow, really? Mark told me they went back and edited it out when they realized their mistake, but I didn’t know that people saw it in time. I’m so happy for him.” 
He took the rest of the cookie in his mouth and followed it with a sip of hot cocoa. He tilted his head and scrunched his eyes, just like he always did when he loved the taste of something so much. Your cheeks began to hurt at this point from smiling so big at your adorable boyfriend. You reached over and brushed a strand of hair from his eyes as he took another sip of chocolate, his eyes crossing as he tried to take in one of the larger marshmallows in the cup. When he succeeded he pushed it onto his front teeth and grinned at you before letting out a huge laugh, the marshmallow nearly flying from his mouth. 
“You’re too silly.” You giggled. “Anyways, what is it you said about Disney plus? I’ve been dying to watch 101 Dalmatians.” 
Lucas’s eyebrows jumped and he nearly swallowed the marshmallow whole. He tugged at your pants and pointed to the couch while attempting to chew the marshmallow quickly. “I got us a thingy! We can watch them now!” 
You gasped, grabbing your own hot cocoa and then charging to the couch. “Then what are you waiting for? Dim the lights we got some movies to watch!” 
Lucas grabbed the last cookie and sped around in his socks, running from the lick to flick it off, and then to the curtains to make the room darker, before darting to the couch to you. He settled into the corner and spread his legs so that you could settle between them before throwing your a blanket over the both of you. You grabbed the remote and picked the movie the both of you loved a lot, settling into his chest. Lucas offered you a bite of the cookie and you took it, sinking your teeth into it. 
“I love you,” He said again, wrapping his free arm around you. “Thank you again, darling.” 
You pouted, your heart beating quickly, your mouth forgetting the delicious cookie in your mouth, and craving something sweeter. You swallowed the cookie bits before turning your head, your lips searching his. He looked from the TV and smiled softly before kissing your awaiting lips. You offered the cookie to him and he took it excitedly. 
“You’re welcome, baby. I love you too.”
Then you laid your head on his chest and look to the TV, all of your previous plans forgotten. Just being in Lucas’s arms was so much better than anything you could plan. 
two reblogs and I’ll make a second part where benji and lucas meet cuz they’re the true soulmates sorry y/n
(also, you can literally hear lucas’s voice when you write out his sentences wOW)
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