icharchivist · 10 months
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Misery x CPR x Reese's puffs
Just fun summer time 🥰
Misery HAS to be Sandalphon right?
but somehow both Lucio AND Shalem could do CRP AND Reese's puff
Summer fun (the two speakers having fun while the clone 3rd removed is still having a mental breakdown)
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icharchivist · 1 year
Sooo... Why Baal fate episode is called POWER PLAY???? WHO IN CYGAMES DID THAT
Also, I read Cosmos fate episode and all I am saying that youtuber au needs revisiting with a lil bit of family drama, I don't want to spoiler too much
at least it connects him well with his boyfriend Aoidos. The guy knows what to do to stay with the Doss. remind everyone of some kinky stuff!
And oh boy omg. Hopefully i'll get her soon enough to check it out :rackam:
I just know we have to include Noa in it now, which is a win for me in particular because i adore Noa. So, i win. Anything else i might lose about is not something i lose because i'm still in ignorane. Wahoo
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icharchivist · 1 year
Hewwo, did you saw newest Granblues comic? Or however it's exactly called?
No idea what they are saying, but looks nice
I know a bit of basis of Japanese and am armed of google translation to tell you the basis: (obviously to take with a grain of salt)
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The title is something like "daily life at the coffee" and the narration box mentions that it's one of the scenario of when Lucifer is being reminisced about.
Lyria calls Sandalphon out on "you were thinking about Lucifer weren't you", which Sandalphon gets all shocked about "why would you be saying t-" before realizing he has been unconsciously doing latte art of Lucifer and mention out loud "Lucifer art????". Vyrn immediately dunks on him "you were thinking about him to the point of unconsciously doing latte art of him huh!"
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Lyria then just compliments him on the art, thinking it's pretty cool. She adds that his art is so pretty it'd be a shame to drink it.
Sandalphon agrees with her and thinks about whenever he should put the cup in his storage.
Vyrn calls him out on being sneaky about it and not sharing with others, i'm assuming implying that Sandalphon wanting to keep it for himself makes him even more suspicious than having drawn it to start with.
Sandalphon realizes Vyrn is right, but he doesn't know what to do.
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aaand on this one i'm a bit lost.
Lyria has a revelation about "here what you should do", "do another one", because like Lunalu would say, you can have one for storage and one for.... sharing with the world i expect? (google translation translated it as "missionary" and i'm just wow hold on here Belial, easy.)
to which Sandalphon replies "that's it!"
So yeah once again disclaimer that i'm not at all a professional, google translation does most of the work, i just interpret it through the lenses of what i understand to make sense of the wacky stuff.
But here it is. it's indeed extremely cute. Sandalphon you're sooo embarrassing god bless your heart.
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icharchivist · 1 year
I just want to inform that one Lucifer got 3 friends and all of them are involved with theatre, and no, there is no context, I am just tired, goodbye, have a nice day
fitting for the clone of the clone of a stage actor
that's the power of theater. It's all about friendship and inflicting emotional damage. No i don't have a skewed view of theater in my mind for some obscures reasons.
Have Lucifer on stage this is what he deserves
hope you get to rest up 🥺 have a nice day too!
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icharchivist · 10 months
Lucifer, holding Lucilius by his neck like naughty cat: So, I heard that you are planning on using fallen angel to kill Bahamut, so I brought you their creator, use him as you see fit 💖
Lu Woh, who just wake up: Thank you?
Lu Woh wants to ask Lucifer for something else, but Sandalphon is looking very angry and murderous behind Lucifer, because Lucifer promised going out for coffee after he deals with last few matters and Sandalphon is not going to wait longer than it's necessary for Lucifer to leave Lucilius with someone else
Everyone wonders how Lucifer is up to date with most notable event that happened when he was dead, but nobody dares to ask and decide to just accept that Lucifer Knows Stuff ™️ He just knows and if asked, Lucifer would probably answer with "Why shouldn't I know about that?"
Lu Woh sudden babysitting duty is weirdly easy, because Lucilius just sits here weirdly traumatized, just kicking rocks or something
dMFJDFMLFDK at least that's one gift for Lu Woh?
Sandalphon like "actually he's retired now, you're not allowed to talk to him about work or god or anything like that" and Lu Woh grumbles because oh come on that's unfair it's the only person Bahamut spoke with in centuries come ON
and HELPP.
Congratulation on the babysitting duty Lu Woh! well done! just let's hope the baby doesn't give him ideas to kill god that would be bad ideas.
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icharchivist · 10 months
Sandalphon looks like he was just catched crying, but is too tired of hiding his pain to really care about being found out and just... Stares
He really should see corrupted Lucifer who just apologizes to him for being seen in such state and when he calls his name, Lucifer will be just happy that Sandalphon still remembers him and he just wanted to see him one last time before he forgets about him, just like he forgotten about who he is and will wish to share a cup of coffee with Sandalphon, but unfortunately Lucifer didn't have enough left to buy himself enough time for that and then he gets devoured by Bahamut or Otherworldly or whatever else found him 💖
But yeah, Sandalphon looks just so... Sad and tired and resigned and maybe little broken and like he just wants to be left alone to not bother anyone with his own regrets, sins and yearning for someone, who died and will never return
I am just saying words at this point
He really just looks just like that, poor sweetheart...
I'm really not the best with corrupted Lucifer HCs so i don't know if i can say much more about it :( i'm too high on Sandy's grief at this point.
but yeah man. he just looks so sad. I feel so much for him.
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icharchivist · 10 months
I suddenly wake up and what's going on with Grimniiiiiir? And Seofon balls?
HI GOOD MORNING (?) (i'm about to go to sleep so glad we're passing each other by)
and that's the two big convos of the day huh.
Grimnir was just announced as joining the roster of GBVS!!!
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and his English VA plays a popular GI character thus it unleashed countless of discussions about appreciating Grimnir and discussing Megumi Ogata's work as the Japanese VA and how tough it will be to follow.
As for Siete, it's because of the newest Grand Blues that shows him trying to protect his balls after a threat is made against them.
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so we've been bullying him.
Those are the two big topics of the evening! And that's! what you missed on the Icha Granblue Disaster Blog!
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icharchivist · 10 months
I just want to observe what Lucilius is thinking and feeling about having that body. Body of primal beast. Lucifer's body. Body he made for Lucifer.
When he said "his most perfect creation", did he meant body or Lucifer using it? Were these two concepts even separate for him? Or was it just Lucifer? Or just that perfect primal beast he created? Is he disgusted by being primal beast partially? But he called Lucifer his equal, isn't it weird to be disgusted by something you see as equal to you? But did he called Lucifer his equal before being revived? Or before revival, Lucifer was just his most perfect creation?
That's a deep rabbit hole and I don't want to be alone here, it's cold
I would love to go along with you but i don't even know how to respond to that.
I think Lucifer as a person was supposed to be his perfect creation, considering how Lucilius is genuinely mad at Belial for having organized Lucifer's death to give him this body. And while he appreciates the power that comes with this body and how it allows him to bridge the things he wanted to be able to do to start with, Lucilius refers too much about what Lucifer would have done, how Lucifer would have handled something ect... for it to be only about the body.
It was Lucifer as a person that was really perfect for Lucilius.
And i do think Lucilius has a weird vanity thing going on with Lucifer. That he projects on Lucifer what he wanted to be, and how Lucifer's rebellion proves that Lucilius's own rebellion is righteous. That since Lucifer could rebel then Lucilius himself was right to be able to rebel, but only also because Lucifer is a reflexion of himself.
He's perfect because he is what Lucilius wanted to be, but in more than just a body way.
I don' tknow if he's disgusted by being Half Primal, i think not, because he is aware that he made Lucifer with a better body than his because Lucilius was weaker.
But i also do think that he sees this part of him as inferior to him, but also like an aid to get to his best potential, so whatever.
I think Lucifer is really in another situation than any other primal beast because he was a vanity project, more than anything. so to me that's how i'd read it.
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icharchivist · 1 year
*people screaming about Dark Lancelot in the distance*
My brain: Grimnir. Grimnir. Grimnir. Doesn't Grimnir acts as a chuuni to better fit into mortals world and make himself more approachable, because he stills feels bad from serving astrals, killings mortals and making children orphans and he absolutely don't want to destroy more childhoods?
Also, Grimnir bothered Raphael until he was adopted (now I think it was Alexiel??) or Raphael just noticed him one day and was like "Baby. My baby. Sign here". Don't remember his fe, but isn't Grimnir like a big fanboy of Raphael?
*tries to remember anniversary going on* huh
Grimnir song is really nice, but I understand nothing of that, it just sounds nice
o U T CH . Yeah that'd fit Grimnir alright but he'd need a trigger event for that. I mean. All those others timelines are defined by a butterfly effect that would change their life. what would prompt Grimnir to not be chuuni? Not meeting the mortal kid that gave him all those books and made him feel guilty about his participation to the war to start with? it's different in that case.
Also as far as i remember we don't know how Grimnir and Raphael met. Indeed, it's Alexiel who bothered Uriel until being adopted (and until Uriel just duped her on us because "Singularity!!!! take care of her!!! bc she's not leaving me the fuck alone!!!!!"). Europa had Gabriel having a big gay crush on her. I don't know for Shiva bc i didn't read his FE. But for Grimnir, his FE doesn't mention Raphael at all, or at least, not in the sense of how they met, that i recall at least? and his intro quest doesn't either, we know he's his disciple but we don't know the details of their relationship, aside that Raphael seems chill with him (as per The Prayers event) and that Grimnir does seem to admire him.
So i guess it could be either way, either Grimnir bothering Raphael into joining it or Raphael thinking the kid would use some guidance. I'd like to think of the later though if only so it's not redundant with the Uriel&Alexiel dynamic.
and oh i didn't hear Grimnir's song just yet, just the previews. I can't find it online either rip. I'll keep an eye out! baby.
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icharchivist · 11 months
Time for cursed idea
Lucifer holds Lucilius like a baby on his hip? to stop from causing troubles if he gets too rude or something, idk
Or for meme reasons Lucilius is on ship, but he just walks behind Lucifer and everyone ignore him, he ignore everyone, even if somebody wants something from him, they talk to Lucifer and Michael describes it as normal way of commutation with Lucilius, because nobody wants to talk to him
Hmm, I feel kinda weird about typing these words, hmmm
Lucifer tries to make himself a new body from Bahamut, but to get it right he ends up doing shitton of experiments by creating and destroying body, which looks like a big egg filled with thousands of smaller eggs, each one containing rapidly growing body with weird proportions and features, which then gets destroyed and new eldritch mini horrors appears.
Also Cag made him some weaker body, so he can spend time with a crew and he likes and uses as a base, because his face muscle aren't so stiff or something and he just don't feel like he needs to act as Perfect Supreme Primarch or something like that
Ah yes, little better now after a bit of sweet, sweet horrors... I feel like I should learn using Tumblr, but this way is much more interesting to my smol brain, I am sorry, I will do worse probably
DLFKJDFLKFD i could imagine that for Lucilius yeah.
i see a little "void Lucifer" section again as well.
DFLHDFLKJFDLDFKJFD well, a pleasure as always, i have nothing really to comment on it all though but. man.
horrors and funnies. just like Belial would want.
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icharchivist · 1 year
I kinda can't stop thinking about Noa finding out his older sister, meeting her children and being like happy and all
But then, by extension he meets Lucifer, which is fine and nice experience, BUT he also meets Belial, Lucilius and Beelzebub and all their drama because of that.
Unfortunately I don't remember more about Noa, I just know he is really pretty and has history with Rackam and yet I still wonder about that
Honestly, it can be both canon and youtuber au or something else
Noa is one of my fav chara and especially my fav from the Main Story plotline, i genuinely cry everytime he has content, so this was done For Me and For Me Specifically.
Honestly him being established to have been created by the same astral as Cosmos does fuck me up because from what we know of Noa, he was pretty much active during the Astral occupation. At the time he followed his duty very closely and he was made to push people to make ships, and so it translated to how he used to basically guard slaves and push them to work. Until Noa gained enough free will to realize just how fucked up the situation was, and gave the slaves a way to escape.
(we learn all of that in his Grand FE when we discovers that a group of ex-slave that had escaped got stranded in an island in the Grim Basin, and had since then created a whole religion around Noa, whom they call a firm God, who yet decided to save them all. Noa is greatly uncomfortable with all of that and tries to tell them to give up on the cult but Rackam joins in the convo to talk about all the good things Noa has brought and all. It's legit just 10mins of Rackam going "heres why Noa is amazing and you shouldn't *worship him* but if you're going to appreciate him appreciate him for who he is now rather than how his masters forced him to be at the time").
This is a huge part of why Noa keeps a low profile and doesn't meddle with humans much. He feels extremely guilty for his involvement in the Astral occupation, and now he only wants to inspire people without actually acting much on them.
Meeting Rackam changed a lot of things because Rackam immediately was taken with affection for Noa and promised him that they'll meet again and travel together and nothing could tear them apart, except he made this promise on "You're Forced To Keep All The Promises You Make Here By Magic" Island, so Noa got really affectionate with Rackam and especially want to stay by his side and support him in his dream to be a great Skyfarer, if only by making sure the Grandcypher will always be up to Rackam's standards.
If anything it tells us that Cosmos's creator, who created her at the time Lucilius's made the archangels, was also involved as a colonizer during the Astral occupation.
It's also interesting to think about that due to the fact that, by all account, Noa was up until now considered one of the first "War time Primals" who broke free from his purpose in order to carry on his own free will. now it raises the question, was he created thousands of years before and therefore it's why by the war he could break free? or would eventually his creator have affected the way he could eventually evolve from it? Would the fact Cosmos probably would have a specific relationship with him due to their shared creator means eventually she could have affected his desire to break free during the war, leading her to then meet up with Lucifer? Or is it the opposite, and Noa breaking free from his purpose because it was making him miserable, influenced Cosmos to join Lucifer after the war because she knew it was possible for the Primals to move on?
It also does bring a dynamic concerning their masters, that is different. Cosmos carried the will of the Astral who created her so much so she couldn't break free from her purpose until we "killed" her. but Noa did break free and did keep a low profile before his master even left the Skyrealm. They have a different implied relationship to the Astral who created them.
And while i don't have the details of the FE, Noa being the one who manages to influence everything in order to bring Cosmos back, this time to give her an opportunity to grow as herself away from the impulse of their Astral? feels poetic in a sense.
SO YEAH i actually feel strongly about that addition as a major Noa girly.
As to how it would influence canon or AUs, i need to think a little more about it, for now i'm gathering like, the canon infos we have and how to connect them before going into AU dynamic.
In the Youtuber AU i feel like it could eventually set Noa up as a little more distant to the core family because he's the one who rebelled hundred of years ago, and while he doesn't begrudge Cosmos for not breaking free, he can't exactly be here unless she is ready to move on as well. He's the runaway kid that probably had influence over Cosmos but mostly just had to break free and do his own thing.
Also in a modern AU i feel like Noa could work as a mechanic of some kind, especially specialized in boats, but anything can do.
But the whole thing about Noa is that he likes to keep a low profile, he doesn't want to be on the fullfront because he genuinely resents the time he was pushed to be the one giving orders. So i actually feel like Noa would not actually want to have a Youtube chanel of any kind.
I feel like he could appear in Rackam's videos once in a while though like, Rackam is doing some mechanic videos and Noa hangs out in the background, and he just smiles cryptically and doesn't specifically talk a lot, he keeps a low profile and all of that.
So for the audience it could be jarring when one day, after Cosmos and her family properly separated themselves from their creator, Noa appears quickly in one of the video. Maybe he comes to check in on Yuni, or make sure Cosmos is alright and stable. He doesn't want to stay too long, especially not in front of the camera.
But now people are just "who the FUCK is he". he's the local Youtube Cryptid.
As for how he would meet the rest of the wmtsb gang i don't know how to connect it all just yet. we'll get there. Eventually.
That's my take so far.
Anyway stan Noa.
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icharchivist · 1 year
Lucifer just looks so sweet and cute, nobody would look at this guy and go "Yeah, he definitely has enough power to beat up god for answers". But he did. And he would do it again, if necessary probably. But I feel bad for Beelzebub, not only his opponent is primal beast called Ultimate Weapon for a reason, but he is also hot and Bubs already throw himself on bed after seeing Lucifer annihilate whole army of otherworld on his own, with one attack, without exhausting himself. Life is just so hard and so is... Ekhem.
Also it's fucking scary how Lucilius make defeating or at least fighting god his whole ultimate goal and driving factor and Lucifer... Just did it. And gone on with his life like nothing happened. Does Lucilius even knows that he uses a body that fought with Bahamut? Does he has any idea?? I wonder if Lucifer would just help Lucilius if there was just destruction of the world removed from the plan, lol.
The more I think, the more I feel there's something wrong with damage/power scale and that Lucilius should be able to make a much more mess before defeat. Like he had that gigantic power, but either keeping his body required just too much of it or he didn't know how to fight and use it more efficiently or there was some sort of limiter. Or maybe power was just leaking from his body, which felt powerful, but missed precision needed to truly wreck chaos. Just, I feel there is dissonance between how much power he has, should have and destruction he brought.
Hmphf, tried to reduce talking, but guess I failed again. Guess it will take me another while to move on to another fixation *sighs*. Have a nice day.
Personally i believe only cute and sweet people are the ones who can beat up God for answer so i can't relate. Only sweetness can have God bend the knee. He's so good. Beelzebub relatable there though right.
GOD TRUE THOUGH. Lucilius you need to see the Lucifer memories too and see your creations is what could get to Bahamut. Come on!! And that's a good question on however Lucifer might have helped. Perhaps if Lucilius never put in place an apocalypse, Lucifer might have conceeded to the others elements of the plan… who knows.
I think it was implied the body couldn't withstand the power? I mean, first, he had Lucifer's body yes but it's Sandalphon who had the core of Lucifer's power, so whatever power left in the body wasn't Lucifer at his 100%. But when we run into him, Lucilius had absorbed a bit of Lucio's power and it was implied to be overflowing and damaging Lucilius from the inside. Lucilius's base body was weak too so it raises the questions of just how much this weakness might have rejected Lucifer's body as well.
I feel like, Lucilius was in a situation where he had a lot of different sources of powers alligning but they were doomed to clash rather than merge and it turned against him instead yaknow?
and Sandalphon had Lucifer's power but he was also assisted by the Singularity, The Girl in Blue and the Red Dragon, all of them who have their powers tightly tied to Bahamut to start with….
tbh we're just, too hard to fight against lmao we're so OP.
And DLKFJDLKF it's okay i'm okay with the talking i told you!! don't mind don't mind ^^ please take care! have a nice day as well!
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icharchivist · 1 year
I feel like I started something... Once again, well... Since we are already there, why do not go a little further?
Lucifer is revived, Lucilius survives and something needs to be done, but he doesn't feel like killing him. Too easy, maybe still need knowledge about fallen angels and experiments to help them. So... Lucifer just keeps Lucilius as pet. I mean, Faa said that despite Sandalphon being no longer needed, he still can be kept around as pet by Lucifer, so... Karma is s bitch. Still not sure what would be funnier: Faa fighting and screaming about it or just asking if that means Feru will be always near him and just accepting and looking suspiciously happy. Connect with dramatic Lucifer for more funsies. Belial is also taken care of, by which I mean he gets to take Faa on walk and do Belial things minus destroying the world.
For extra angst: Faa has abandonment issues (no idea how to call it exactly) and hates being away from Lucifer and was always anxious if Feru would come for him, but also knows that Feru has own life and don't need him. But now he wears some sort of magic leash or something and thanks to that, he always knows where Feru is and may tug on it slightly to get some attention or confirmation that Feru is here. Like, it's more like a red string? Even if they would be on different islands, it would still be there?
Hm. Anyway, it's midnight, hope you survive, guess I didn't joke when I decided to say that Belial is my braincell, bastard Lucio is second braincell I guess
Hm, Belial and Lucifer, sorry, only unholy things for now, but Belial joins troupe now
you. you start things and then come back like "okay, sorry. anyway, ANOTHER THING". This is glorious.
BUT HELLO?? that's such an imagery what the hell. Belial would definitely get dirty with the notion of Faa being a pet though this is. quite something.
Yeah i can see how Belial and Lucio are sharing the braincell on this headcanons, i don't even know what to say or add, it's so. so!
Congratz on the cursed braincell i guess? help.
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icharchivist · 1 year
I want anime after Lucifer revival, but he wears sleeveless turtleneck and every scene, Sandalphon is weirdly quiet and observing his boobs. Gabriel is giggling in the background, because she choose that outfit just for this purpose. Lucifer is just worried and check if everything is ok, unknowingly pushing his chest much closer to Sandalphon who tries so... Hard. To stay sane.
Also I wonder if Lucifer wants to protect Singularity or even relates to them since both were created/born with power/destiny that may be rather dangerous and so many wants to kill them, but... They are just lonely. They just want to stop being lonely and protect the world their live in, so why so many wants to kill them, destroy what they are protecting and assuming that just because they were given that power they will become a threat? And didn't even choose that. Idk how to put it better
Lucio may see Sandalphon struggle and will probably join to make it worse (haha clumsy me, not only I poured bucket of water on Lucifer, but I also dropped my vanilla ice cream on his chest hahah). He dies soon after
My stomach didn't like something and now I need to relax, welp.
So Belial's snek is extension of his core and therefore it's like his tail, I see
HELP? truly going full on with the ecchi here but just out of Lucifer's boobs huh. Gabriel would do something like that, she's so.
and 🥺 Lucifer does want to protect the Singularity and i did get the feeling he realizes that they don't have a choice and it's something that motivates Lucifer in trying to protect them (especially considering how much of wmtsb is about reclaiming your own free will outside of what duty/fate/purpose had planned for you), but the loneliness angle is one that would work so well also with his character. Even more so after meeting the Singularity and seeing how they allowed him to reunite with Sandalphon and all that, so even more so Lucifer realizing his own loneliness and realizing how important it is for the Singularity to not be alone again yaknow?
ik i'm super late answering this ask but i hope you got to rest up/will get to rest up then.
And dLFJDLKF yeah for Belial's snake! (i won't mention that the way we say "tail" in french is also a slang for "cock", i mustn't.)
Take care!!!
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icharchivist · 1 year
I cannot stop thinking about Faa showing off his neck scar
Like, look at how clearly and perfectly my beloved Lucifer cut off my head 💖 With just one move 💖 So nice and perfect as expected from my equal Lucifer 💖
Very out of character and it's more like "I was beheaded and returned stronger than ever" probably but whatever, not my first delusion
Also how Faa can relive his middle school phase when he didn't left that phase in the first place? Huh, suspicious
It's probably yeah "i was beheaded and i returned stronger than ever", but please, Belial is nearby, this is the perfect opportunity for Lucilius to go "though can we all agree this is the best death i could get? Lucifer mvp <33 he rebelled against his creator too that's so cool <333" while Belial is right here like >:(.
AND PLEASE YEAH IT'S SO SILLY. Bully of the playground, the +2K old astral edition. What a fest we're having.
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icharchivist · 10 months
Welp, my imagination says that whole fight was after Michael decapitated Lucilius and kinda forcibly revived Lucifer and Belial was going berserk, because his messiah just died before his eyes and Sandalphon and others are there and it's just emotional mess, while Lucifer wants to protect Sandalphon and crew from Belial, but he also wants to help Belial and he must fight him, but don't want to kill, but need to tire out Belial, but also he is angry at Lucilius and Belial being jealous of seemingly better treatment of Lucifer doesn't help, BECAUSE LUCILIUS DIDN'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH TRYING TO MURDER PEOPLE HE CARES ABOUT WHILE KNOWING THAT LUCIFER CARES WHAT PART OF THAT LOOKS LIKE FUCKING LOVE TO YOU, BELIAL, WE ARE BOTH JUST GETTING HURT IN DIFFERENT WAYS
Kinda like pretending that serial killer cares about somebody and won't hurt them, but then murders all their family and friends and just don't care about emotional pain, because... Physically they are fine :) so it's ok :)
Therefore, in such chaotic situation, I think Lucifer would throw Belial away from Sandalphon and crew, while also trying to talk to him and help him to realize that it's not his fault that Lucilius will never care for him and it's just how Lucilius is(was) and none of them are responsible for Lucilius actions, except Lucilius... just too much shit going on to deal with everything in calmer manner
I kind want to tug on Lucio hair just a little
Also did you saw Gojo summon call? And effect?
well it's good that it made sense in your head and everything, i just don't particularly vibe with it :sob:
i mean i'm glad you can come up with those scenarios and everything, but with the fact a lot of your scenarios relies on Lucifer snapping and becoming quite violent as a result i'm personally just taken out of it, but i'm glad you're having fun with those.
i don't really have anything to comment on this scenario as a result but that's good it's working for you.
tugging Lucio's hair is all fair though.
and i did see for Gojo's summon!! it looks incredible, and as for the effect it's honestly just impressive. Would probably be super useful in dark with how Fediel's field cannot be removed otherwise while switching to Vikala or Nier can have some of its uses midfight! Can't wait to see how people are going to play with this!
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