#luffy just hugging sabo's head.... being a crybaby again just like when he was a child... and omg....
kitswag · 8 months
Ace, Sabo remembered clearly, was not this sappy.
The ten-year-old Ace loved them plenty of course, a loving and caring big brother who protected Sabo and Luffy from any harm, that death glared anyone who dared to stare at his little brothers funny. Sabo had found that throughout the ten years they were apart, Ace had stayed the same, had still protected them from harm, but something else had bloomed in and trapped Luffy and Sabo in the middle of it, something that Sabo had missed the chance to see grow.
Ten years away had drifted Sabo distant from their usual rituals and banters and habits, when he dragged them away from Marineford the very last minute, he had seen that everything stayed the exact same. How Ace had still protected Luffy and how Luffy was still so endearingly stubborn, fighting tooth and nail for someone he loved.
After it, however, after Ace had awoken from a long sleep, after his punch was centered right to Sabo's cheek, after tears and hugs and explanations of the missing hole in his memory, after tackles from Luffy, Sabo had noticed something. This something that bloomed in his older brother.
Something that had Ace dragging them towards his embrace, Pulling them close to plant kisses on their foreheads. Soft and tight, "my brothers, " Ace had murmured as he kept them both safe and warm.
Luffy tucked himself into the fold of Ace's arms like he had practiced it thousands of times before, resting himself into a place he knew existed for him, between Ace's chest and his arms, above his lap and beneath his chin.
Sabo rested awkwardly on Ace's shoulder, slowly observing Luffy's huge, content smile. A smile so sweet and so bright it made Sabo's heart melt, his eyes trailed to Ace's as his was warm and comforting, both acted as blankets wrapping around Sabo and whispering to him; "you are here. And we are too."
Both of them were fast asleep, too tired from crying and the whole thing Marineford was.
Sabo's only working right eye observed Ace and Luffy, wrapped around each other so perfectly, a pair of brothers who had spent ten years with each others, who made a space for each other, a space they fit into, curled around one another.
The three of them had made spaces around each other years ago. A space that's still there. Still open.
Yet Ace's embrace was new, and Luffy had already made his space in it long ago, fitting right into Ace's open one.
It made Sabo wonder, would he fit into this new embrace? could he make a space, tucked inside Ace's embrace? this new embrace Ace and Luffy had created without him?
Would he fit after ten years without them? Would they mind? would-
"Sabo? aren't you joining? Ace had already pulled you, so if you don't join it's a crime, " Luffy's sudden owlish gaze struck Sabo. His little brother stuck out his bottom lip, "I want to hug you. "
Ah. It seemed like he had woken Luffy up somehow. But Luffy was like that, wasn't he? he didn't like being left alone.
(And Sabo had done just that ten years ago.)
Sabo hesitated. Luffy did not.
His little brother stretched his rubbery arms around Sabo and dragged him in until Sabo was half-laying down, the side of his head against Ace's chest, his legs sprawled on the medical bed that was a bit too small for three people.
Luffy smiled as Sabo had completely sunk in the embrace, "don't just stay in the sides, Sabo, you belong here. "
And Luffy carelessly jerked back to sleep, now his arms wrapped securely along Sabo and Ace.
Sabo felt his eyes water.
("You belong here.")
So Sabo made himself comfortable and fought the urge to cry. Slowly, he tucked himself into a space.
(A space Ace and Luffy had open for him a long time ago, he only now just realized.)
("You belong here.")
Sabo felt tears dripping from his eyes, for the ten years gone and the ten years ahead. For his space, back in their little trio he loved so much.
"Idiot. You're crying again. I thought the crybaby was supposed to be Luffy, " Ace's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Shut up, " Sabo chuckled, "you cried too," he wiped the back of his hand against his eyes, yet they kept dripping out.
"Only once, " Ace snickered, wiping his tears off with a thumb. Ace pressed another kiss on his forehead, and then on Luffy's, and then he went back to sleep.
His big brother tightened his hold on him and Luffy, and Sabo couldn't help but smile.
He wiped the tears off and settled in the space he belonged to.
("You belong here".)
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Hi may i request a one shot of ace x fem!reader where ace wokes up after the events of marineford, (au where he survives) and finds out her s/o sacrified herself for him, dying in the process. She was childhood friends with the asl brothers, so ace wakes up to a crying luffy telling him the news. I like angst im sorry😭
Hey! how are you?!. Thanks for requesting!! I wrote this little story, it's more on the short side - I usually write more words - yet for some reason I started crying on the middle of it haha, I guess I got too invested on the story 😅. I hope you like it even though it's a little short!. Thanks for reading! ~
PART 1 - Portgas D. Ace x F! Reader ~ Why isn't she here?
TW: ANGST 💔, suffering, blood 🩸.
WC: 607.
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“Ace… Ace, brother!!”, shouts Luffy. Ace is still severely injured, bedridden, tears running through his freckled cheeks. He's still asleep, perhaps having flashbacks of the… war. “L-Luffy…”, he says, opening his eyes violently, all of a sudden. “Ace… How are you? Does it hurt?”, his brother asks, desperately, also injured, but sitting next to him.
Multiple marks cover Ace’s skin. A big one over his heart it’s about to become one that skin will not ever repair… a scar, deep IN his heart. Ace tries to incorporate, but he fails. He is weaker than ever, it hurts, it hurts like hell.
“Where… where is she?” he asks, gasping for air. Luffy cries, Luffy tries to tell him, but Luffy can’t speak. He doesn’t want to be the one who hurts his brother forever, but he has to. “Luffy…where is she? Is she ok?”, he asks once again, and his voice begins to crack. Ace already knows, but he just prefers to think it was just a dream.
Luffy stops crying and remembers about Ace telling them “stop being a crybaby, I hate crybabies”, he also remembers when she used to stay with Ace when he felt alone, when he hated his father… “Ace… she… didn’t make it…”, Luffy says straight to him.
“What do you mean? What do you mean she didn’t make it? where… Where is she? you are lying… where is she?!”, Ace shouts. “She is dead, Ace… She died protecting you, if it weren’t for her, you wouldn’t be here”, Luffy tells him, trying to stop his tears from coming out.
Ace’s heart broke in a hundred pieces, and the little hope he still had seems to go away. His eyes became blurred with tears that couldn’t be stopped. He screams so loud, enough to be heard from the very opposite side of the island.
This time he stands up, pulling energy from who knows where. He runs through the little house, opens the door, and sees a big sea ahead of him. They were on the coast of Amazon Lilly. All the cables, all the bandages he had on his body fell to the floor.
He kneels, hitting his already bruised knees and hands on the ground. “Why her and not me? I couldn’t tell her how much I love her”, he shouts to the horizon. Every single injury begins to bleed, the ground receives thick red drops that won’t stop flowing… and with every single drop, Ace feels his life slowly fading away, his lover, the love of his life, his best friend, is gone. And all because of him, because of being the son of Gol D. Roger... Damn him. “She gave me back my will to leave, Luffy… it’s not fair… Luffy, Luffy, it's not fair!!!”
Luffy hugs his brother so tight, trying to calm him down, but mostly because he knows this is tearing his insides apart… “Why couldn't I protect her? Why was she there? Luffy, oi Luffy, why is she dead? Who killed her?” he asks, crying, coughing some blood. “I’m sorry brother… she... she interposed between you and Akainu… she… she received the whole fist…”. Ace looks at his brother, with fire in his eyes. He doesn’t need to speak to swear revenge… Akainu will pay... the whole Marine will.
Ace slowly closes his eyes and loses consciousness again, falling over Luffy’s arms. “I’m sorry brother, I’m really sorry…”, says Strawhat while caressing Ace’s head, hurt by the loss of his friend, but relieved to still have his brother breathing on his arms… “Don’t worry, Ace… I’m sure Sabo will take care of her up there…”
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