#lunaarcade: percy jackson dr
lunararcade Β· 1 month
Boredom striked me, so i'm going send some DR questions to shifting accounts i like (i hope it's okay) :
1 - A quote that describes your DR?
2 - What's your fondest memory from your Percy Jackson DR so far?
3 - How would you describe your DR best friend in one word?
I hope these questions are okay to ask. I want to interact more with people on here and that's why i decided to just ask random questions i would love to recieve.
stopppp!!!! it makes me so happy that you like my account. these questions are totally okay to ask!! i love answering shifting/dr questions <3 i'm going to answer each of these for a different dr since i shift to multiple (((:
1) this was difficult but i think a quote that describes my fame/youtube dr is:
"sometimes you are born into a family, and sometimes you need to go find it. sometimes it finds you. no matter how it comes together, family is what you fight for, family is what you protect." - sandra bullock
i'm in a group channel in this dr and the other members are literally like family to me and i love them all so much. missing them rn </3
2) i think my fondest memory was my first night bunking with percy lmaoooo 😭 there is no hades cabin, so i had been staying with him before we left for the quest that we are on now. he's such a loud, little, sarcastic kid but the more i get to know him the more i appreciate how nice he is and how grateful i am to be adjusting to a life i didn't know existed at the same time as someone else. we spent the whole night getting to know each other and collectively freaking the fuck out. fav cousin fr πŸ™πŸΌβ€ΌοΈ
3) i'm gonna answer this for my formula 1 dr! i would say my three closest/ my best friends are logan sargeant, oscar piastri, and charles leclerc.
i would describe logan as understanding. he is such a sweetheart and is really in tune with what people need and how to adapt to all situations. i think this makes him an amazing driver and also an amazing best friend (10 years and going strong LMAO). he's also understanding by being unbelievably patient and taking everything in stride.
i would describe oscar as observant. oscar is definetely on the quieter side which lets him take in everything around him. he notices everything and mentally records the information, which means he remembers all of the little things you tell him (he is a huge gossip/shit talker) and this also makes him a better driver cause he picks up on things quickly.
i would describe charles as passionate. charles is genuinely one of the kindest people i have ever met. he feels so deeply about the things and people he cares about (like racing and his family) which is why he is literally the human embodiment of "NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT." he dedicates himself 100% to things and it shows in every part of his life.
this was so so so much fun to answer 😭😭 so please feel free to send any dr questions you have! it makes me feel so connected to my drs when i'm here, and i've had many people tell me it is motivating to hear from people who have shifted ((: asks/inbox and messages are always open!
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