tootyde · 6 months
Poate ca oamenii care sunt foarte organizați in viata reala, in lumea lor interioară au un întreg dezastru și se simt îngroziți și haotici pentru ca nu înțeleg cum sa organizeze acel loc.
Tootyde - gânduri in trecere
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gentle--man · 11 months
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opisicaneagra13 · 1 year
Orice competiție la care participi este, în primul rând, o întrecere cu tine însuți
De când mă știu, am avut mereu o ambiție nemăsurată, mi-a plăcut să intru în competiție, mai ales cu mine însămi. Aproape tot ce mi-am pus în gând am reușit să duc la bun sfârșit. Mi-am adunat toate forțele de care eram capabilă în acel moment și m-am concentrat pe atingerea scopului. Nu mi-a ieșit de fiecare dată, că deh, viața.. Dar chiar și atunci când părea că am pierdut, am avut ceva de învățat pentru mai târziu.
De când mă știu, am avut mereu o ambiție nemăsurată, mi-a plăcut să intru în competiție, mai ales cu mine însămi. Aproape tot ce mi-am pus în gând am reușit să duc la bun sfârșit. Mi-am adunat toate forțele de care eram capabilă în acel moment și m-am concentrat pe atingerea scopului. Nu mi-a ieșit de fiecare dată, că deh, viața.. Dar chiar și atunci când părea că am pierdut, am avut ceva de…
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chloeworships · 3 months
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I hesitated GREATLY before dropping this word. I didn’t re-record it. It took all my strength from me 😪 It was that intense for me. I need a few days of rest babes.
With that said I felt soooooooooo strongly the love and your pain 🩸
I want you to know that the most important part of this message is the COVENANT aka the PROMISE God made to you… to love and restore you and to give you peace. He’s not backing down from that promise.
I forgot to mention this message is also (once again) for someone who was “trapped” aka imprisoned. You yellow canaries. See the script below:
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This love and friendship and gift of restoration is not just double but triple. Seeing Drake 3x was confirmation.
The Lord also sent me this to say that I should bless everyone who he says this message is for. I received a few names. I will tag them at the end. If your name isn’t mentioned it doesn’t mean this isn’t for you. God will confirm this PLUS I hesitated cause I saw some people are SUPER BIG MAD about your incoming triple portion. Why? Guess you’re a triple threat haha. SN. I should become a rapper 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I told my son my new rap name was going to be Drake and he bussed out laughing telling me I was plagiarizing and everyone would be mad at me 😫🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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It’s interesting the LORD showed me the gloves 🧤 AND in this message the hand ✋🏾
The colour reminded me of the jeweller Tiffany’s which is confirmation of this blessing of abundance. I do have another message regarding this so stay tuned.
I wanted to mention these ties, these bonds of love are UNBREAKABLE 🪢 It’s interesting because when the man’s hand was underneath mine near my stomach I immediately thought of this scripture below:
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It also reminded me of Adam and Isaac who both were ready for a wife 💍🩵 I know this is something someone is longing for and this promise will be kept.
I also believe a reconciliation will be taking place for someone 🔜🪢 🔜
Some may not have seen your worth and some may have tried to break you but babyyyyyyyyyy, God is about to show them why he chose you and why you’re unbreakable. What didn’t kill your trained you to be a warrior.
You deserve what’s coming next and I am THRILLED for you.
A TRIPLE portion for your shame
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Someone reading this is going to be a champion 🏆
Congratulations 🥳 and praise God.
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Now imagine seeing this man 3x standing with his hands on his pocket. It was like this.
The Love is real babes 🩵😭
PS. I also heard “Build a Super Team” 😯
PPS. I have a confession to make, everytime I see PJ I am reminded of my favourite cousin who was killed. He looks exactly like him it’s frightening 🫣🤯😅 and it hurts like hell hence why later when speaking on this, it further messed me up.
Because my cousin is not here, I will pass on the blessing and love I had for him to PJ. I can’t bless my favourite male cousin so I will bless him instead whose life was STOLEN. Jacob took both Joseph’s sons as his own and he blessed them. I have been instructed by the LORD to do the same (I got a new cousin adopted into the family) 🤣
✨May the LORD bless him (and YOU) with everything you could ever want, including a long and healthy life to see your children and grandchildren grow up to inherit your LEGACY while building theirs. It’s going to be EPIC 😎
Congratulations PJ 🏀 God’s timing is perfect. I didn’t know until last night this message included PJ 🥰😍🥰😍
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Love your ppl while they are still here.
I also heard “there will be no peace for the wicked” NONE… more on this later when I feelz better.
Oh I forgot to share these
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Here is the article about HOW SERIOUS God takes his oaths, bonds and vows. Remember this before you decide to break one.
After I wrote this I had a vision of PJ with olive oil being poured all over him from head to toe and then I heard 🏺
“A new King”
I am screaminggggggggggggggg 🥰🥰🥰 THAT WAS QUICK GOD!!! But for PJ, it’s long overdue! It is evident the LORD has anointed him as he did David, a shepherd boy, to become King 🤴🏽 This is MAJOR
Somebody coming for LeBron’s throne? Hahaha 😂
They did y’all wrong babes but God gon do you RIGHT‼️
So ummmm hold up… do I get to be apart of this Super Team? 🤔😂😂😂 I will be waiting for my contract and my signing bonus 💰🤑🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
OH MY GOSH why did I have a vision of a Father Goat dancing uphill and all his baby goats were dancing and following right behind him. If this isn’t confirmation idk what is!!! haha 😂 God is HILARIOUS yall.
PPPS: Thank you babes for your love and support. I appreciate you especially to the athletes who have been with me from the JUMP (see what I did there 😅)
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cinderedrose · 2 years
I got designs for the both of them now!!
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I'm really proud of the both of them, and now onto basic lupta info:
There are 2 types of Lupta. A common lupta on average standing about 13 feet tall, and an Inkblood lupta roughly 14-15 feet tall. Inkblood have longer wings, black eyes, and mystical powers passed through their genes. Aconite and Molokai are common luptas.
Luptas live around Crater Lake with the lake itself being the Capitol. Inkblood live separate from the tribe after being exiled years ago for misuse of their gift. Common luptas do not fly (unlike their inkblood counterpart), instead they swim around in freshwater and live among shores and stuff (most surface homes at the Capitol are on Wizard Island). Some luptas possess gills, while others can hold their breath for long periods of time. They communicate like dolphins through clicks and whistles.
Salt water burns a Lupta's skin and melts it away like acid (explaining Molokai's scar). It is illegal to weaponize it (Aconite and Molokai were self exiled lol) due to its potency. Luptas have a strong communal culture where they respect the brightest and strongest. A colorful coat gives you more persuasive leeway due to the tribe believing you are a gift. A strong build and experience in combat gains respect because your abilities can provide for and protect the tribe.
These dragons also have a strong bond to nature, almost always naming their children after plants. Once a lupta becomes an adult, they must find their plant namesake in order to be accepted as a lupta. Once a they die, Though, a lupta's body is placed in a certain valley by their closest friends and their namesake plant grows from their corpse. If you violate the tribes strong moral code or defy the ruler, you do not get to enter the valley upon death. Exiles are not common, but being exiled is the harshest punishment one can recieve.
Inkblood used to rule the tribe, but as of Aconite's drama, there has been 3 generations of common lupta rulers. Ironically, once Aconite gets their shit together and fixes things, the first inkblood in years took the crown. Her name was Rosemary, and she was the best; and worst thing to ever happen to the lupta tribe.
Anyways I wish I could say more but this is all off the top of my head and I currently have a very informative website on these guys in the work.
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ciochinaflorin · 22 days
89 I 2024. ATUNCI CÂND UN CREȘTIN NU POATE ÎNVINGE ÎNTUNERICUL [ Luca 9.46–47 I Proverbe 11.14] 29 Martie 2024
89 I 2024. ATUNCI CÂND UN CREȘTIN NU POATE ÎNVINGE ÎNTUNERICUL I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Luca 9 : 46 – 47 I Proverbe 11 : 14 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 29 Martie 2024 I Atunci când un creștin nu poate învinge întunericul. Când credinciosul sincer ori nu poate învinge ori chiar este înfrânt în lupta cu puterile întunericului (care i-au atacat viața), el trebuie să vadă unde a…
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atitudini · 7 months
Cum Îl regăsim pe Dumnezeu? Soluția Sfântului Siluan Athonitul
de monahia Fotini „Ține mintea ta în iad și nu deznădăjdui” – este mesajul transmis de poate cel mai mare dintre sfinții de pe urmă ai Bisericii, Sfântul Siluan Athonitul, către omul contemporan, căzut în abisul deznădejdii, angoasei, singurătății și părăsirii lui Dumnezeu. Dar ce este oare părăsirea lui Dumnezeu? Această ispită cu care S-a confruntat Însuși Mântuitorul și Domnul nostru Iisus…
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dianapopescu · 11 months
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5 iunie: Ziua Internațională de Luptă Împotriva Pescuitului Ilegal, Nedeclarat și Nereglementat
Ziua Internațională de Lupta Împotriva Pescuitului Ilegal, Nedeclarat și Nereglementat este marcată în fiecare an, în toată lumea, pe 5 mai. În această zi se aduce în prim plan necesitatea de a se face pescuitul sustenabil, astfel încât ecosistemul nostru să nu fie privat de variatele și minunatele sale viețuitoare. De asemeni, ne amintește să veghem asupra practicilor care amenință biodiversitatea locală și securitatea hranei în multe locuri de pe glob. https://www.diane.ro/2023/06/5-iunie-zi-lupta-pescuit-ilegal.html
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mihaicioranu · 1 year
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inprimalinie · 1 year
Maia Sandu vs Maia Sandu sau lupta contra corupției din R. Moldova VIDEO
În Republica Moldova viața bate filmul. Georgiana Arsene Președinta Republicii Moldova, Maia Sandu, care în calitate de ministru a votat pentru un parteneriat public-privat în proprietatea aeroportului din Chișinău, a anunțat solemn revenirea acestuia în administrația publică. Potrivit ei, acesta este rezultatul unei lupte eficiente împotriva corupției. Iar toți cei responsabili de…
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nandovarga · 1 year
Ciprian Apetrei: Lupta de gen a înlocuit-o pe cea de clasă și a depășit grija pentru femei
Ciprian Apetrei De Ziua drepturilor femeii, să ne gândim la suferințele femeilor din Iran, China, India, Coreea de Nord, dictaturile musulmane și lista este lungă, din păcate. Să ne gândim și că, în Occident, lupta pentru drepturile femeilor a început să își muște coada. În Scoția, doamna prim-ministru a demisionat după un scandal incredibil. Un violator de femei, bărbat, a fost condamnat la…
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tootyde · 6 months
Tu poți să rezolvi totul! Tu ai abilitatea asta, doar ai încredere în tine si încearcă.
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Trezirea la realitate. CJ Cluj se ia la trântă cu problema drogurilor
Trezirea la realitate. CJ Cluj se ia la trântă cu problema drogurilor
Președintele Consiliului Județean Cluj, Alin Tișe, inițiază un proiect de hotărâre privind aprobarea Planului de acțiune în domeniul drogurilor la nivelul județului Cluj pentru perioada 2022-2026, în scopul implementării Strategiei Naționale în Domeniul Drogurilor 2022-2026. Încă din anii precedenți, forul județean s-a implicat activ în prevenirea și combaterea acestei probleme, arătându-și…
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acumtv · 2 years
ȘTIRILE ACUM TV | 20-21.09.2022
ȘTIRILE ACUM TV | 20-21.09.2022
Știrile județului Bacău Iată care sunt cele mai importante titluri ale ediției: – Bacău- Monumentul luptei anticomuniste – Multiple proiecte pe fonduri europene la Onesti – Dărmănești – start saptamanii europene a mobilitatii
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gentle--man · 7 months
In loc sa te concentrezi pe ceea ce nu ai, mai bine incearca sa te gandesti si sa apreciezi ceea ce ai, iar altii nu au.
Viata e o lupta si fiecare clipa de iubire e o victorie.
O cale de a afla daca este un motiv intemeiat sa ne ingrijoram, este sa ne intrebam:
- Va conta acest lucru peste un an? Dar peste trei? Dar peste cinci?
Daca nu, atunci nu este niciun motiv de ingrijorare.
Indiferent cat de bine sau rau consideri ca iti este, fii recunoscator in fiecare dimineata.
Cineva, undeva, lupta cu disperare pentru soarta lui.
"Sunt două feluri de a-ți trăi viața... unul de a crede că nu există miracole, altul de a crede că totul este un miracol." Albert Einstein
via Dana Popescu
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cinderedrose · 2 years
I present to you Aconite, or in other words, Lupta Revan.
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I was patching up their story and now I have this:
(Note that I changed some names because luptas have a strict naming system and they have religious value. Changing ones name is disgraceful, remember that. )
Revan, originally named Evergreen, and their closest friend Alek/Malak trained to be hunters (very respected profession) when some Shadowdancers started attacking the neighboring wyvern species, Padure. Revan and Alek found this unjust, and the two gathered the rest of the hunter acolytes to fight them off. Queen Bouvardia forbid them from waging war on Aypa's Disciples, but they did anyways. The name Evergreen was dropped and replaced with Revan.
The two won the war, effectively defeating the rouge shadowdancers after 16 long years. The leader of the shadowdancers mentioned ancient cities and endless power. Revan and Alek sought out the ancient beacons their enemy mentioned and they abandoned Lupta customs to use the ancient artillery to invade Endless Waters (the capital). Little more than plans had occurred though, because the tension between Revan and Alek were high.
Revan had struck Alek with their claws in anger, permanently disfiguring the right side of his face. Revans actions fueled his disdain for his once closest companion. Right before Revan was going to invade the Capitol, Alek (who had renamed himself Molokai) attempted to slaughter Revan in cold blood, leaving them dying in a ditch.
A young inkblood named Crassula (Bastila) found a comatose Revan and she took them to Phaleo, a lupta exile and witch. The masked lupta nursed Revan back to health using Crassula's life force, though while doing so they peered into Revans mind and saw their plans to invade. Phaleo held little love for the common luptas of endless waters, but they feared Revan would slaughter their village to get what they want so the witch wiped their mind.
Molokai began his invasion, slaughtering countless innocent luptas. The small inkblood village feared for when Molokai would reach their homes and burn them to the ground, so they placed the renamed Revan, Aconite back into endless waters with Crassula when their travels were intercepted and Qconite goes to clean up Revan's mess.
(I'm trying to figure out a good name for Meetra and her relationship with Revqn still, but that's the au)
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