#m uncomfy :( :( but every so often theyll throw out a bone and expect ppl to suck them off for it
matoitech · 1 year
talking abt cis ppl slapping top scars on their fanart of a fictional man and calling it a day in the Trans Ally department is criticism of how cis ppl will do the bare minimum and expect ppl 2 clap for them being the biggest allies in the world (wow awesome u recognize trans ppl exist sometimes bcuz u draw an anime man with top scars 1 time so ppl would leave u alone abt never drawing trans ppl, great lol) esp while never interacting with or boosting actual trans peoples art, not as a critique of the character ‘not looking trans enough’. if u think that was the criticism then u have lost the plot cuz being pissy that someone drew a usually masculine guy with top scars and complaining abt how he ‘doesnt even look trans’ is actually just you being shitty. what i always wonder w this too is like. u rly think its actually more progressive for a cis person who has 1 way of drawing men to draw the trans man differently than they do the cis men? you think thats Progressive and Accurate bcuz trans men are a TOTALLY Different Male Species? and u want ppl to think ur not a transphobic idiot and ur actually making points? u dont even understand what the original joke and criticism was
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