#mag 44
tmascrapbook · 18 days
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Mag 44: tightrope
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a-mag-meme-a-day · 2 years
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meme for @a-mag-a-day Day 46
MAG 44 - Tightrope
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
I remember first learning that Gertrude was voiced by Johnny’s mother and immediately thinking of Gertrude yelling at a young John to do the dishes, while he’s in his room angsting over a tape recorder
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Mag 44
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Gertrude motherfucking Robinson!!
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We have good clowns. No, they're nothing like your pathetic, worthless clowns that don't deserve to lick the dirt from my boots. Our clowns tell jokes.
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Interesting that our statement-giver is definitely not afraid of the Stranger or the Vast, the two most obvious contenders for a fear associated with tightrope walking. It really seems like his fear is entirely focused on witnessing something terrible. Building from the experience in his childhood, I'd say this guy is almost definitely marked by the Eye.
If so, it could explain why he was able to get out of the Circus relatively unscathed. Being Eye-aligned can be a powerful protection against the Stranger.
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Aww look, Nikola in her awkward phase.
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I wonder if the fact that he has never seen a real tiger is why he can't tell that this one is very obviously some kind of fucked up doll.
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They just pick him up! And carry him back to his dad! These two sons of bitches were simply born to deliver. Even in the Circus, they cannot stop themsleves from delivering. Breekon and Hope have arrived with your boy delivery, sir. Sign here.
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I'm calling this more evidence that our statement-giver is Eye-aligned. He saw something fucked up and dedicated the rest of his life to academic study to try and figure out how the fucked up thing can be possible. Jonathan Sims energy.
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I'm sure this would be horrifying to witness irl, but I can't stop laughing at the mental image of two clowns just beating the absolutely shit out of each other. If I was in this crowd I probably wouldn't need to be forced to laugh by evil strange energy, I'd just be losing my shit because I'm a terrible person.
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Redemption Round 3 - Match 6
Remains to be Seen comes into RR3 with 129 Redemption votes, up against Tightrope and its 170 votes from RR2!
MAG 127 - Remains to be Seen | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Doctor Jonathan Fanshawe, regarding the months leading to the death and autopsy of Albrecht von Closen.
MAG 044 - Tightrope | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Yuri Utkin, regarding an incident in the Russian village of Algasovo in November 1952.
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abyssal-cryptid · 5 months
MAG 44 is a chilling episode. I hate the Circus of the Other so much. It terrifies me. Gertrude Robinson was perfectly cast and it is a sort of perfect irony she's voiced by John Sims' mother.
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artfulacrostic · 2 years
one wonders how gertrude managed to keep herself so much more detached despite being the archivist for so long. she could sacrifice her assistants to her cause; she read statements but didn't get sucked into nearly to the extent that jon does (evident even just from her first appearance in a recording in mag 44).
something about how she must have actively chosen not to care strikes me as a bit more monstrous that jon ever was, because at least he still chose to care all the way to the end.
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p1nk-pallas · 5 months
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Jon, in a tone of utter doom: *tells you about the worst thing you could imagine, replacing the previous worst thing you imagined from the last tape*
Gertrude: I loved the circus ✨🥰🎪
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black-nebula13 · 2 years
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!
I am on MAG 44 (Tightrope), and I am listening to Gertrude's voice for the first time!
She has an accent! I don't really recognise from where exactly but I already like it!
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oaxleaf · 2 years
mag 44 - tightrope
our first appearance of gertrude! wooo!
i don’t know if i have much to say on this episode. it’s interesting, but quite straightforward. it’s always fun when we get statements from different places around the world, and although this taking place in russia is not super relevant it is interesting
the circus obviously gets more important as time goes on. i didn’t remember this episode very well, so it was nice to get a refresher
i also really like the contrast between gertrude and jon. not only in her post-statement monologue and his supplemental, but also in general. gertrude is so much more experienced than him and the way she makes observations is very casual, like it’s not a very big deal. which i guess it’s not for her unless it’s about a ritual. it might seem harsh or ruthless, but her reaction makes sense when taken in the context that she’s been the archivist for decades and has seen things much worse
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unfortunatelyevent · 2 years
hey should I finally listen to MAG 44 even if I'm completely terrified of clowns 😶
like I've read the resume and it doesn't LOOK clowny enough but idk....
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strawberrysugasoba · 24 days
i’m just now getting into the magnus archives but why are gertrude’s statement recordings 10x creepier than jon’s? i’m clutching my pearls rn instead of cleaning my room
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
Gertrude really read Yuri Utnik's statement and went fascinating, I wanna study him with a microscope!
This circus is definitely something she seems interested in beholding
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ziggizapz · 9 months
i miss jmart so baaadd
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Round Two Part Two - Match 11
I think we can invent Grifter’s Bone style noisecore music if we haven’t already. Grifter’s Bone is up against Tightrope, which finished Round One with 171 votes.
MAG 042 - Grifter's Bone | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Jennifer Ling, regarding a live musical performance she attended in Soho.
MAG 044 - Tightrope | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Yuri Utkin, regarding an incident in the Russian village of Algasovo in November 1952.
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