#manna plays fe3h
mannatea · 3 years
edelgard is cute, a lil arrogant but not in a bad way really. so far i like her
hubert. literally looks like a fire emblem villain of olde. his pants are great. i respect him and his poofy pants.
ferdinand is fun looking but he knows he’s good looking. might need to slap him down a peg. ‘i am the legit son’ wHY do you feel the need to say that ??
linhardt is the token adhd character i see simply hard to decide anything about. sometimes FE loves to assign bleh tropes and never expands on them or bothers to make the characters more interesting but here’s hoping they bother??? idk i don’t wanna feel TOO hopeful but i screamed when he was like “linhardt... goodbye.” same, man.
caspar seems like an idiot. i like him. he’s friendly.
must protect bernadette with my life
dorothea is CUTE... and knoWS this. i respect it.
petra is good too?? seems like she could be interesting. she’s very cute
GATEKEEPER is my love interest no i will not be taking questions
dimitri didn’t tell me how to pet the cats so -10000 points for him. >:U but seriously he seems okay!
dedue is such a name but he seems neat
felix has nicer hair than me so i hate him. and also i will beat the shit out of him, guaranteed.
i will die for ashe, my new son
sylvain is dumb as hell but so far he’s not the worst or anything,,
mercedes is cuuute as heeellll “this is my bESTIE--”
annette is my child now
i like ingrid she is Good. i love her.
claude my boy...i’m onto ur game... but ur ok even if you didn’t help me pet cats
lorenz’s hair is so......something lmfoafhjghghhhh
raphael is a beefy badass?? sign me up
ignatz is a dweeb i will protect him 
lysithea is a name i’m never spell right again so don’t get used to seeing it lmao. she’s meh
marianne is cute and seems interesting
hilda is uhh...okay
leonie is the love of my life immediately thank god i found the farina 2.0 character, i would marry her if i could
NOW comes the time for me to break for an early dinner so hAH i’m leaving my choice a surprise........for now
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mannatea · 3 years
You'll probably do a big ole route sum-up at the end of GD, but if you're willing... whenever you play the Hilda+Cyril paralogue I want to read ALL YOUR THOUGHTS on the info bombs dropped about the Gonerils in that intro. Pretty pls
iiiiii think i did that paralogue already and i've also already forgotten most of it. i'm not sure what info bombs you're even referring to since i don't remember what info came about specifically from that paralogue (vs. say, supports or something).
(i've gotten a wild amount of supports and am on ch19.)
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mannatea · 3 years
aight aight aight
byleth x ingrid B is kind of depressing. it’s not like ingrid’s dad is a jackass or anything but he definitely cares more about The Family than about her personal happiness. 
anyway it’s onto the holy tomb which is gonna be super fun probably
metodey.... medoodie... whatever who the fuck are you
look fellas i’ve had like 50 revelations with sothis already i don’t need another actually
“shall i cook you?” excuse me
ok felix i believe you, dimitri’s fucking insane
cool it’s time for war, which like, fire emblem wouldn’t be fire emblem without war
fuk ashe and byleth B got me in the feels. ashe is the most wholesome character??? god
dimitri bro ur fuckin feral
they did NOT fuck around with rhea that dragon form is the most badass thing i have ever seen in my life
rip to the rest of you but fire emblem doesn’t have fall damage so i’m fine
but tIMESKip...
the monastery would rEEK with the corpses hanging around lol
dimitri, now extra feral
THE FuCK???? DEDUE?? MY BOY??? :(
felix x ingrid B bbbruh “go find a husband” FELIX BE NICE TO HER PLEASE
Ingrid x ashe B = pretty good? kinda curious about the A
ashe x annette b is pretty good too, but definitely on the cuter side of wholesome hehe
felix x mercedes B = hhhh “do i really remind you of him?” KILL ME. felix please try to learn how to use ur emotions more properly i’m beGGING you
ingrid x annette B is very cute and kind of nice.
“if you blow up the library where will we put the books?” noo fELIX gghhh he’s literally so nice to her and then such an ass to everyone else it’s wild
and that’s it for a bit... god it’s one in the morning and my dumb ass usually is asleep before 10 i’m going to be so cranky tomorrow hfghhhhhh
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mannatea · 3 years
aw seteth do u have a widdle crush on me??
wowzers a legendary weapon, we’re gettin like world of warcraft now with how many legendary weapons exist in the world
these guys are guilty of so many crimes. we got inciting a noble to rebel (which led to his death rip), unlawful entry, attempted assassination of the archbishop, the temporary deaths of multiple people in my party... bruh
these dudes out there begging for their lives and claiming they’re not part of the western church and nobody will listen to them AT ALL............. WHICH IS SUS AF
then dimitri just instantly believes rhea?? okay uhhh... great...what
seteth is actually the only one here with a full sized wrinkly brain
felix’s dAD???!!!?? 👀👀👀
me, ready to bully felix by talking about how hot his dad is all the time--
i love the bits n pieces of older fire emblem songs in this game fwiw
also wowww crest of flaaames in fIIIIRE emblem wow
jeritza......are you...................related to mercedes...........
gatekeeper x byleth = otp
manuela is nice i like her
felix is avoiding his dad for Secret Felix Reasons. does he think his dad loves dimitri more or something?
“i always thought he was a piece of garbage” FHDSAFLHJDSALFd well sylvain every family has at least one garbage dump person in it, and if you don’t know who it is it’s prolly you
“i can’t wait to see his face when he realizes i’m in the group that was sent to take him down” like...okay...you DO realize we’re going there to kill him right?
and that you might have to do that?
gilbert is cute,,,
raphael prefers muscles over a crest which i respect.
ashe ;o; you’re the realest bro. his c with dedue is so wholesome
sylvain is corrupting my boy. ashe, don’t listen to him. not that i have to warn him, he’s ready to punt sylvain himself. a good son. i’m glad i adopted him.
damn annette and mercedes’s C is like,,,, wholesome but then sad??? but still wholesome???
ingrid is tearing felix apart in their c support which i respect. thank you ingrid. you are the only badass here.
ingriD hoNEY.......what are you hiding what sadness is going on in ur life,,,
have i said i hate these tea parties yet cause...ugh
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mannatea · 3 years
some quick n dirty thoughts about Blue Lions Route (first playthrough)
i think overall the game was fun.
the story was...
the sToRy wAS...
THE STORY WAS KIND OF MUDDLED. by which i mean, so much was going on at literally every second that i felt like it fogged up the entire route to the point of it being a distraction. 
“play all the routes and then you’ll get it!” yes yes i know. shhhh. SHHHH. it breaks my immersion hardcore and is kind of depressing tbh. plus i feel like younger players would stop playing when they can’t make sense of the plot or feel like they’re lost.
i’m going to say something incredibly unpopular
prepare yourselves
deep breath!!!
this is why the old FEs with the simpler storylines and mostly linear narratives were fun to me. the story wasn’t trying to be particularly deep or insightful or interesting; they let those “deeper” things be smaller, character-centric points, and the main plot was simple enough to follow to the end. i think i prefer that just because it makes “play the game once and have a pretty solid grasp on things” a valid option.
this isn’t really a critique of 3H, because i’m just a fandom olde at this point and i don’t like change, so i recognize this is personal preference and Just Me
i felt like 9/10 was trying too hard to be deep and insightful and their allegories were fucking bad BUT the main story made plenty of sense and by the time you got to the end i think most curiosities were satisfied.
fwiw i still don’t want them to ever touch FE7 with Remake Ideals because i’ll die instantly from the rage. i prefer the older FE plots because it allows the characters to stand center stage moreso than the story, but the newer games feel like they’re going the other way more. 
and that’s okay because fe3h dragged a BUNCH of new people in, so clearly there’s a huge audience for that! which is great.
and fe3h has a fun cast of characters!
i am not a dimitri fan tho lol
but i came away liking a few characters, or at least...i was intrigued by them, and interested in reading their supports with others. so that’s a good thing. it’s not like this change  to story/plot>characters alienated me entirely. it just alienated me for a couple years hashtag adhd “can’t start a new thing yet” was the real villain here though
they repeated place names too much and/or had stupid nicknames for places that just muddied things up further for no reason. that info could have been in literally any support conversation for flavor and it wouldn’t have had to take up place in actual main dialogue. but they were constantly like [proper name], [nickname] about half the locations and/or “do you remember this location?” SHHHHHH stop that’s so boring you’re boring me to death
i am REALLY exhausted by all the dialogue and for about the middle third of the game i read it and hit A as soon as i was done and didn’t listen to the voice acting. like there’s just *so much dialogue about everything*
i think i’d be fine with the dialogue if byleth had more spoken lines and/or their lines were spoken aloud when you chose the dialogue options. the large batches of rambling followed by [choice option being clicked sound] followed by another long VERY ONE SIDED dialogue sequence was just hard to hear.
the voice acting is great though. like, it’s really good. thoroughly enjoyed that and wasn’t sure if i would or if i’d find it unnerving somehow.
i wanna be real clear: i don’t have any solid critiques or anything right now beyond the overwhelming amount of dialogue.
and maybe some side eyeing how boring the monastery stuff was lol. it was cool the first maybe...four times i did it and then i was like, my god... more story beats each month would be great. force us into paralogues or something...idk.
i think the gift-giving stuff is neat. the ability to poach students from other houses if you don’t suck like me is neat.
i like byleth actually. by which i mean. byleth is a HUGE HUGE HUGE improvement over corrin and robin. this is not my humble opinion, but rather, my annoying correct one. ;)
i still have criticisms about byleth but for now, i really like them. by which i mean her. female byleth is the only canon byleth in my head.
i’m also glad they used this opportunity to make things like classing/reclassing make more sense, though i dislike how reclassing on a whim does away with letting the class be a part of their identity. 
THAT SAID, most of the characters are pretty open-ended in that regard. it’s only really weird with characters who are well established. i was shook to find out seteth was a wyvern rider because the game never showed him on it, or talking to it, or interacting with it...which makes some sense, because he can be reclassed out of it later, but it’s still kind of weird.
if you couldn’t tell, i basically never reclass, but especially not into something that doesn’t make sense for the character. i’m here for them, after all, not the gameplay. :>
and i also love seeing characters’ classes play into their supports more, like how farina, fiora, and florina in fe7 all had names for their pegasi and we got to know them.
also, i enjoy the music/the remixes of old familiar songs. that’s great.
my brain is empty now so ... eh. new game+ or something now? maybe so
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mannatea · 3 years
back at it again with the lukewarm takes y’all
catherine is literally the best i love her
lorenz has the skinniest longest nose i’ve ever seen he’s out here looking like asmongold and i can’t unsee it now or ever
ashe x byleth C is uh... honestly most of these byleth supports are just a biiit too one-sided feeling for my taste lmao. i’m hoping that doesn’t last. i think it wouldn’t be as obvious if there wasn’t voice acting, but that makes the completely silent gaps in conversation like... awkward
ANYWAY ON WITH THE STORY. to jeritza’s room
‘the professor and i will protect you’ yeah gurl we got u
this death knight guy is nothing compared to arthas or any of the horsemen from wow so i’m like ready to punch his dick in
“one of us will die, the other will live.” okay edgelord, calm down.
“this is what a real man looks like” sylvain you’re just a baby, chill
something that i do like about the gameplay is how everyone starts out as a kind of like, mediocre/plain “class” and can be promoted from there. it’s a nice way of dealing with reclassing that actually makes sense finally. like, i don’t wanna sound like a giant baby but something that drove me nuts about reclassing was how deeply entrenched in some of these “classes” characters would have to be to pick them, let alone to excel at them, so it was super hard to imagine constant reclassing going on, particularly from a pre-trained perspective. like your heavy armor knight isn’t going to suddenly be like weeee time to become a pegasus knight!! 
but when everyone starts out as like a noble or commoner it feels more fitting that they might study/choose a path for themselves. 
fanfics were always really jarring when people reclassed entirely and you just had to roll with it lol. but this way i think it’d be easier to buy into whatever a ‘fic presented you with?
anyway...i like it.
shamir...babe...i love u
also, lol... death knight “this is a game to me” oh please...ur weak
“i am the flame emperor” lol okay we have another edgelord on the board
“i’ve never seen you look so happy before. it’s downright mesmerizing” dimitri plz... stop flirting with me. i am a god, and u aren’t even a king
“it’s probably jeritza” nah he’s too much of a child’s birthday party clown to be the culprit and also that is WAY too easy if this is the truth i will riot
flayn, dear, i will protecc u with my life. and also you need to learn some self-defense like,,, yesterday
“i have closely scrutinized everything about you” okay well hopefully not EVERythiNG
jeralt is a good egg
wyverns fly south for the winter? okay so now i’m picturing people looking skyward not because the sight is magnificent, but because the droppings would be magnificent and they need to dodge it before it lands on them
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mannatea · 3 years
okay so
opening cinematic is uhhh... unhinged?
“select a form” -> bellybutton free to breathe the air of this world or no? yes please FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AGES i am gonna play a female avatar for fire emblems
i’m picking the default name, Byleth, since it’s probably just like the other FEs and this is only an avatar in name and is actually a character LOL
birthday will be mine (7/26, blue sea moon)
this sleepy green haired girl is me after i do 10 seconds of work on any given day
jeralt is greil 2.0 but better looking
also yeah, thinking idle thoughts is gonna get me killed but having my bellybutton breathing the sweet night air isn’t? okee
dimitri u better have a good reason for bothering me
bandits??? Classique
gold u say? claude? i will be happy to help u............for 20,000 gold.
these three jackasses brought bandits into this random peaceful village? that’s kinda fucked up yall
time 2 fail at the prologue and look stupid.... pray for me
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mannatea · 3 years
now for the ~white heron cup~
lol i had flayn participate
i invited dimitri for tea only to find out he doesn’t like cats. fuck him
time to creep out to the red canyon by myself followed by disobedient students
who apparently get to be right in following me. daMMIT
felix getting along with dimitri for .01 seconds is a miracle.
“perhaps..........five years from now?” please don’t
i was totally bored with the ball. it wasn’t as cool as i was hoping it would be.
“i wanted to talk to you about something important but there’s no time” rip to you jeralt i know u gonna die soon
wowww what a surprrriiiise monica is eeevillll and jeralt is DEAD
but the rewind time thing was cool, at least there was an attempt
cool cool cool thanks for the sadness
“but the church is always watching us” yeah i picked up on that kinda just sorta u know
jeralt should be terrified of rhea she’s creepy af
love having my death faked
“implored me to save the child” ok but i don’t believe u lol
“i could never trust someone who kills without batting an eye” uh... wat. dimitri, didn’t you go fucking full ass feral a couple of chapters ago and not bat an eye? plz
goddammit with all this sad music now
anyway should i start calling sothis ma? or is sothis rhea’s mom? OR ARE WE ALL THE GODDESS REBORN? lggghhh
let’s rifle through jeralt’s things first
hanneman offering to help lighten the load for grieving times. ;o; so nice
seteth out here developing a very wrinkly brain thank god.
“you seem ok but i’m worried about leonie. she REALLY loved jeralt BITCH I WILL KILL YOU thanks for insinuating that i love my own dad less than leonie loved her training instructorrRRrjhgghfghSAJFKLDSJLFASA fuck off
mercedes and annette making me sweets to try and cheer me upppp that’s so wHoleSomE
i DO respect leonie though, at least she admits it’s probably harder for me. gurl i got ur back
ashe and dedue are so good ;o; dedue please make ashe some duscar delights jfhghgh
mercedes and cyril hghghhhhhh so wholesome mercedes should adopt a whole fleet of children
my eyeballs hurt from so much staring jfdsfls i should take a break
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mannatea · 3 years
honestly, byleth comes off as a fucking idiot if you pick some of these answers like...no way would anyone be THAT ignorant of stuff in a world they grew up in, unless they’re gonna spring some whackadoodle bullshit on me later
“who lady rhea” every child would know that lmfaoooo
i can’t believe my fucking dad abandoned me to these weirdoes
also this monastery is creepy af. what do you mean “forced” back into the knights? i HAVE to stay here? love indentured servitude it’s billy budd all over again yeehonk
hanneman has one hell of a ‘stache
manuela knows what she’s about and i respect that i wish my hair looked that good
legit question but how could byleth not know about this monastery or what the “three houses” represent since like.........the whole of fodlan is like,,, you know,,, comprised of these three,,, places...,,,...
“to think that the next emperor, king, and sovereign duke are all here...” it sure sounds like a great assassin opportunity hahahahah
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mannatea · 3 years
literally the neXT DAY OFF...
ferdinand recruited!
hanneman x dorothea C = “i threw nothing away” “by stepping away from its trappings, in my heart i feel closer than ever to the true meaning of nobility.” man my guy hanneman out here spittin FACTS.
byleth x hilda B = hilda...don’t try it on me.
catherine x byleth C = got it before.
byleth x ashe C = got before
byleth x dorothea B = she’s trying so hard but i’m a fortress >:)
byleth x annette C = got before.
ashe recruited!
dorothea recruited!
got all my kids at chapter 6. eat my dust.
lysithea x hilda B = okay, that was cute. 
byleth x claude B = this kid... i don’t want your colorless, odorless laxative. but thanks. anyway that was a decent support i think. kinda nice that he sees you as a “fellow outsider” and wants to kinda connect on that common ground.
byleth x lysithea B = “you’re the only one who’s ever praised me like that” oh shit i gotta adopt this one too. “i don’t have much time left” EXCUSE ME
byleth x shamir C = had before.
i think i actually made the mistake first playthrough of going after jeritza even though it said i would end up skipping the rest of the month... i mean, let’s be honest, that makes the most sense (like, realistically anyway!) but gameplay wise you lose out on some training and some birthdays and plant harvesting, so this time i waited until my last free day to beat down jeritza’s door.
manuela is actually the shrewdest person here, just saying.
hm. i’m curious about monica in that, i wonder if we ever learn if there was anything special about her, or if she was just a random person who was used a full year in advance for this specific plan.
marianne x leonie C = THE GIRLS AR FIGHTINGGGGGG but damn marianne’s eeyore behavior is getting on my nerves at this point. like i know there’s a reason but when people put up walls like that for everyone all the time it gets exhausting to read through.
i’m losING my MIND...there is a cAT...rolling on the grOUNd...
byleth x manuela B = got before
lorenz x leonie B = 👀👀👀 “obligation of the nobility” my ass lmao. also this man in an AU would have like, a full ass ~european shoulder bag~ full of STUFF. (it’s a purse but he won’t call it that.) also, a handkerchief?! hello??? WE’RE ALL PERIOD DRAMA SUCKERS RIGHT? WE ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.
god i’m blowing through this game i’m unstoppable...i am...a god
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mannatea · 3 years
back at it again
lysithea x byleth C = got before, it’s cute enough.
lorenz x byleth C = got before, he just needs to uh, slow down and not seem overeager.
lonato’s fury over christophe is uh, interesting. i think what weirds me out about it most is that if he’s got such a grudge against the church, why’d he send ashe to the monastery to learn anything?? am i missing something here?
i’m assuming if the game has any depth to it, christophe probably wasn’t involved directly in the tragedy of duscur but was, instead, implicated/a scapegoat for it. 
either way, it’s not THAT big of a deal that he was executed for being assumed to be involved. if the church hadn’t killed him, someone else would have. he just would have rotted in a dungeon for a while first, which isn’t really any better.
“i’d like to try cutting a mountain in half someday” same claude. same.
aight so claude’s mama madeline’d it up there...
not feeling as weird about rhea as i did the first go-around, for multiple reasons. i mean, 1) spoilers, but also, 2) when she says “blaspheme” it’s not like they just are out there talkin’ shit and we’re hunting them down. they’re coming after the church instead.
granted the church having power is scary but it’s like...real so
and all things considered the church is pretty lax here. cyril isn’t even a believer really and he’s fine. petra’s there. lots of students are meh about worship.
linhardt x byleth C = “or you could be a villain who came here to enact some evil plot” boi...watch it. why would i let him research my crest when hanneman is RIGHT THERE and also my equal. “i tend to start a project, get bored, and then leave it to be.” get outta my house with these callouts, lin.
somehow recruited petra! woo hoo
caspar also recruited already?? wild
alois x byleth C = got this before too.
ingrid x byleth C = same as above
manuela x byleth C = same
flayx x byleth C = same
lorenz x claude C = lorenz came for claude instantly and he does NOT let up. whoa.
lorenz x raphael C = “you offer me half-eaten scrAPS? the NerVe!” hgghhhh RAPHAEL FOR ALLIANCE LEADER AMIRITE? anyway i REALLY like that even though lorenz is ugh about raphel’s terrible manners, he can also admit that raphael has a great point.
lorenz x marianne B = this is so wholesome??? especially after the last support the contrast here is hilarious. oh my god. “alas, i am the only one with eyes.” damn boy, that was GOOD.
ignatz x hilda C = that was...weird. uh. ignatz, make that girl do some work.
leonie x claude C =this was pretty cute, too. it’s easy to imagine these two getting along.
caspar x linhardt C =THE HEIGHT ADVANTAGE RIP TO YOU CASPAR. also, lol “i’m going to agree with you just so i don’t have to keep talking.” we should all take this approach sometimes i s2g.
berandetta recruited!
linhardt recruited!
ingrid recruited!
byleth x lorenz B = “my family has the very highest standards for appearance, grace, temperament, and pedigree.” you know he’s actually kind of nice. i mean, he admits what he’s doing and agrees to calm tf down because it’s putting people off and he doesn’t want to be a bother. i guess i respect it because he’s at least trying to be respectful about it.
sylvain x byleth C = got already.
lorenz x leonie C = “buddy” LOL. c’mon girl stomp the frivoloties out of his mind.
marianne x hilda C = that was meh, but at least hilda did some work lol.
marianne x byleth B = “you only say that cause you don’t know the real me” wtf gurl you’re a good egg i can tell
“seteth is way too overprotective. he reminds me of my brother.” i like to pretend i achieved godliness in my last playthrough and rewound time to the start to try all possibilities and now i know Why he’s Like That. though i can’t tell poor hilda
i guess it *was* the western church, but the whole thing is done in this really suspicious way that almost makes you think it isn’t actually them behind anything.
at least now i 100% understand why seteth is so WTF over rhea letting me carry the sword of the creator around lmao. 
love that claude wishes he had the sword. boy u got bow skill, don’t even think about it.
some of the choices for dialogue really put me off. what do you mean i have to say “i don’t understand” about the crest thing. OBVIOUSLY this shit is passed down a bloodline, byleth might be a bit ignorant about the church but that has been said several times and is very clear. me having to say “i don’t understand” is just stupid. at least make it a longer sentence like, “it’s been a thousand years and nobody else has appeared before now from his bloodline?”
it’s JUDITH!!! HELLO BABE. she looks like she could be a relative of his.
byleth x bernadetta B = WHAT THE FUCK. this is another example of where the only dialogue choice just makes you look like an idiot. she basically tells you she’s dealing with abuse and you’re like “huh why did you become afraid to leave your room?” SUCH a dumb dialogue choice. it could have been ANYTHING, like “that sounds terrible.” or even a bland “that’s unfortunate.” but no. -_- “how can you be so kind to me?! i don’t deserve it...” oh god i’m on the protect bernie train right now immediately. CAN I ADOPT HER IMMEDIATELY?
byleth x ignatz C = omg he’s so wholesome... plz teach byleth to paint she needs a calm hobby.
seteth x byleth C = got already
and i have more supports to look at, but it’s late and i need to get to bed lmao.
still need to try and recruit: ferdinand, dorothea, felix, ashe, and mercedes.
wee hoo
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mannatea · 3 years
onto the chapter about remire now my fellas my guys my gals my goats
okay but the guy who gets to play “rampaging villager” had a blast recording that line of dialogue i can tell.
hey dimitri this is a really bad time for a migraine. have you ever considered just not thinking about it? lol
wait are you feeling that bloodlust boiling ur blood? tamp that shit down boy, we ain’t got time for that shit
at least felix is out here proposing we save lives
SOLoN...the sAVIOr of ALL... ok edgelord
god tho, ur disguise was good looking cause ur real form is ugly af
great so the flame emperor has...morals. sorta. kinda.
“come to my office later” is code for “i’m going to die in the plot before i can reveal any important information lawl” so i’m wary
“i came here for revenge” okay counte of monte cristo but decidedly less interesting and way more privileged lmaoo
aight so tomas was either playing the long long LONG con (40 years is a very long con), or like solon said...he ain’t tomas lol. flesh disguise.
“may the goddess sothis protect you” and you’re telling me like... this just comes up NOW and not one second before? in like, more than six months? lmfaooooo okay sure ok ok ok
i mean, it’s not like it wasn’t pretty guess-able, but i find the paltry explanation of why we haven’t heard this before kind of...hamfisted lmao.
“i wish i could fall in love too” manuela ur making me feel bad for u
“whenever i see people dancing, i think of my wife and my heart does a little waltz” WHAT THE FUCK ALOIS you’re such a romantic?? holy fuk
raphael and byleth C is cute. train that brain, boi
“unmarriagable” damn bernadetta calm down!!! it’s just singing! ask felix about singing lmfdslahfdslafd
caspar and byleth C is like...wild lol. that kid has so much energy i would kill for like... half of a percent of it
petra is so cute ;o;
lysithea is uh... special. at least she can be honest about her fears lmfao
CYRIL...accept help from ashe or perish
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mannatea · 3 years
back at it again, got out of work early, maybe used some pto to cover my hours, and i am HERE...reADY... to do whatever i was doing when i left off yesterday. i think more monastery things?
u-underground. okay. this is some weird snk shit right here
catherine is awesome so i predict she will die
“wow it’s none of m Y business but that dude had prestige aplenty why bother starting a rebellion?” lmao because the church is sus af?
manuela as a slob is the funniest shit ever to me. “stains of unknown origin” ghghhghhghhh
“three second rule” fHGHGGHHH look context is everything here are we talking like... a ham sandwich or are we talking about a tuna sammie. cause the former is probably 3 second rule safe and the latter is NOT
lord lonato gonna spring a fuckin sneakie sneake attaque or some shit is what i’m getting from hubert and edelgard. best be on my toes...which i always am because i’m wearing these stylish boots
felix, stop being sus about catherine she’s hot so therefore...trustworthy
annette are u out here looking for ur brother OR are you looking for your dad who left to get milk and never came back
“losing dimitri would be devastating for our country. i hope the church understands that” dedue honey, they Know.
this random lady knight like ohh ♥♥ catherine invited me to train with herrrr same binch
have i said that lady rhea creeps me out? because she surely does
“stop complaining and go to class” felix
ingrid’s ready to starve sylvain if he doesn’t do his fair share and i support her 100%
everyone: *attacks ingrid* // ingrid: so you have chosen...death
meanwhile ashe sucks
lmfao this is definitely not my bad tactics at play!!!
felix got obliterated by 3 mages who kept focusing him and i’m MAD because I AM the only one allowed to bully him!!!
yes i’m playing on lazy mode he’ll be fine after some rest
the true LVP (least valuable player) is sylvain tbh
everyone all huhhh wonder why this guy has something against the chuuurch and then two seconds later half the group out there gossiping about how his son was executed by the church...as if every asshole in this building wouldn’t know that?? lol
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mannatea · 3 years
back to fire emblems for a hot minute here,,
lorenz x dorothea C = OBLITERATED... i mean at least his reasoning is solid.
marianne x linhardt C = what a NERD... he wants that sweet bad luck to study
leonie x hilda B = i’m kinda pissed that’s it??? what do you mean we don’t get to see them exchange bestie bracelets or whatever? where is the fanart of them as lil kids exchanging those bracelets from the 90s with like the little cube shaped letter beads on them?? i need
linhardt x lysithea C = “testing a hypothesis” lol what a smug lil bastard.
linhardt x bernadetta C = “you look really mad!” bernadetta needs a hug IMMEDIATELY. “I’LL FIGHT YOU!” but then her “please don’t kill me” was like a punch to the face?? ?WTF
bernadetta x caspar C = “WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT?” same energy as that one vine “have you tried not thinking about it?” LOL i mean caspar is like WAY TOO MUCH... and also loving how she just,,, disassociated and i can’t tell if we’re supposed to think it was funny or not but boy do i not like it.
bernadetta x felix C = “HE’S COMING RIGHT AT ME. If I run, he’ll chase me.” thanks for that. is felix a cat?? a dog chasing a squirrel? the world may never know. LOL @ her getting the best of him though. that’s both cool of her and SAD???! and at least felix isn’t outright mean to her. kind of rude, but not mean. 
cyril x lysithea C = aight that’s really cute and nice. enjoyed this one.
cyril x hilda C = cyril is a good kid,,, hilda is prejudiced (what a shock). kinda interested to see where this goes.
raphael x caspar C = caspar is pretty cute but also, dumb as hell.
lysithea x sylvain C = one hit K.O. she’s brutal and i love it. not sure what that was about but uhhhhh...ok
hilda x caspar C = LOL GOT EM. sometimes she says smart things lmao.
hilda x sylvain C = GOT EM. this is the only time sylvain doesn’t deserve it, but you know what. he’s dumb so he deserves it anyway. get to work, boi.
dorothea x sylvain C = she went for the throat and i am LIVING for it. good gal. “she’s stone cold...i love it.” sylvain in the distance singing “that rock won’t roll” is now canon adjacent.
it’s big battle time now boiz. 
it’s SUPER funny to see randos on the opposing teams, and not very impactful at all LOL
rhea’s up there like, checking her nails, turning over her wrist 10 times to get her apple watch to turn on to check the time. she knows damn well those children acting as tacticians are never gonna outsmart me, a literal god vessel
naturally i win
claude has tiny mind bowl...confirmed
aight we’re getting into the good stuff, the connection between crests and the heroes’ relics. love how snoopy claude is LOL.
byleth x ignatz B = poor lil guy... i get it. the saddest part of this is really that like, it’s a hobby he feels like he can’t share because his family would disapprove since they sent him there to help take care of them. rip to ignatz lol.
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mannatea · 3 years
flayn has the biggest hair ever, i wanna know what her green secret is
she’s dumb as hell tho. ooohhh i’m sooo sorry to interrupt!!! btw who is this? honey please the adults are talking
anyway i picked blue lions for the first playthrough since several folks suggested it as a good first route!
annette i will die for but sylvain needs to shut up. i told annette she could treat me as a friend, NOT YOU
ingrid is so valid
felix, shut up. i will wipe the floor with ur level one ass
i just figure these buffoons are babbling and byleth is like :| the whole time
crests are bleh. i guess it’s an interesting idea? i’m annoyed that the dialogue choice here is either “do what you can to find out if i have one!” or “meh don’t look into it.” like i can’t picture byleth as being that eager either way, but a neutral choice would be nice.
hanneman is such a fucking nerd i like him
“pardon my unrestrained jubilation” i’m going to start saying this all the time
kewl, we separate the commoners from the ~nobility~ love that for us
“we try to avoid that but the nobles” oh shaddap you don’t try at all
“avoid improper conduct” seteth are u afraid i’m gonna crabwalk my way to the cafeteria or make out with manuela in front of the entire student body?
caspar.........excuse u?? SON??? i’ll wipe the floor with u too
oh?? he likes that. okay then
jeritza, i mean this kindly, but ur clown ass didn’t get the job because you’re missing the nose. honk honk
oh gOD a sauna... i’m not gonna hafta blow on my waifu am i
“i only wish i wasn’t burdened with the necessity of sleep” man lysithea slapping me in the face with real truths right out of the gate....i respect her
mercedes calls annette ANNIE... ;o; 
the king’s name was loog. kind of lions......LOOG hghghhh
this random knight is like “huh having all these royals here... better fuckin watch your step cause if anything happened to those kids...wowza it would harm the reputation of the church!” no shit
fishing is INTENSE
okay i did all the things?? idk what i’m doing lmaoo
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mannatea · 3 years
seteth is right actually i’m too much of a lil uwu bean to professor at this esteemed excellent academy that’s sooo important and Cool that i’ve never heard of it until just now
rhea i know ur unhinged already i’ll just do whatever u say for now
i hope she can hear my uwu bean thoughts. i may not emote but i can uwu internally for dayz. 
byleth voice: uWu
thanks for the cinematic of dimitri with all that sweat. he now canonically smells like BO you can’t change my mind don’t @ me
byleth wouldn’t have to strut like that if she wasn’t wearing such high heeeeels
HELLO??? A CAT??? AND I CAN’T PET IT??? let me out of this forced cinematic to pet the cat
I WANT TO PET THE CAT!!!!!!!!!!!
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