#mans needed to be bitch slapped frfr😭😭😭
sapphic-woes · 2 years
Fave characters in no order: Sithric, Finan, Sigtrygr (that's def not how you spell it), Aldheim (listen we love a smart, competent man), Aelswith , Hild and Beooca.
Least fave char: Aelfwynn (I get why she is how she is but I CANNOT stand dumb kid/young characters who go "it's my life, I don't care bout you so I'm gonna run away), pretty much all the villains (Including Athelwolds slimy ass), and Edward.
Fave Scenes: Honestly has to be in episode 9 or 10? Where Finan is all "We have the element of surprise they do not know you're here" and then you hear someone scream "Uthred!" That and any scene with Finan and/or Hild.
Least fave scene: Edwards last scene with Uthred and Thyra's last scene(Whoever wrote this scene I actually hate you)
Ooo thyra's last scene was absolutely brutal for no fucking reason. Like why on earth did they have to do it like that? It was so hard to watch.😭
AYY you have immaculate taste tho, the bois are amazing and Sigtryggr was absolutely iconic. Literally can't stand how his character spiraled, but still;; for what he was...for his scene screaming at finan that he wouldn't abandon his wife??? My man frfr. Aldheim is literally SO underrated. He was iconic!! Like especially when Edward bitches out and he's just like "ye so. FUCK U." That was amazing frfr. Also super happy to know u luv Beocca;; he has sm good moments and honestly he's such a gem of a character 😭
And naw I get you, I really couldn't feel for Aelfwynn at all cuz it felt like she could have avoided this whole thing lmao. Not blaming her ofc but like girl. :/ God I hate Athelwold sm but he rlly made that season iconic I gotta admit😭😭 like man's said if I'm gonna die it's gonna be with a stellar performance.
Edwards last scene with Uthred tho if I remember correctly, I was laughing my ass off? I think I was like "oh no no no" and cackling as Edward walked over to Uthred all triumphant only to have Uthred be like "fuck ur vision of England lmao🤪" and his face drops so fast. Like that? Comedic gold. His lil seething?? Perfection.
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